424 research outputs found

    Rhizosphere wettability decreases with root age: a problem or a strategy to increase water uptake of young roots?

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    As plant roots take up water and the soil dries, water depletion is expected to occur in the vicinity of roots, the so called rhizosphere. However, recent experiments showed that the rhizosphere of lupines was wetter than the bulk soil during the drying period. Surprisingly, the rhizosphere remained temporarily dry after irrigation. Such water dynamics in the rhizosphere can be explained by the drying/wetting dynamics of mucilage exuded by roots. The capacity of mucilage to hold large volumes of water at negative water potential may favor root water uptake. However, mucilage hydrophobicity after drying may temporarily limit the local water uptake after irrigation. The effects of such rhizosphere dynamics are not yet understood. In particular, it is not known how the rhizosphere dynamics vary along roots and as a function of soil water content. My hypothesis was that the rewetting rate of the rhizosphere is primarily function of root age. Neutron radiography was used to monitor how the rhizosphere water dynamics vary along the root systems of lupines during drying/wetting cycles of different duration. The radiographs showed a fast and almost immediate rewetting of the rhizosphere of the distal root segments, in contrast to a slow rewetting of the rhizosphere of the proximal segments. The rewetting rate of the rhizosphere was not function of the water content before irrigation, but it was function of time. It is concluded that rhizosphere hydrophobicity is not uniform along roots, but it covers only the older and proximal root segments, while the young root segments are hydraulically well-connected to the soil. I included these rhizosphere dynamics in a microscopic model of root water uptake. In the model, the relation between water content and water potential in the rhizosphere is not unique and it varies over time, and the rewetting rate of the rhizosphere decreases with time. The rhisosphere variability seems an optimal adaptation strategy to increase the water uptake of young root segments, which possibly reached new available water, and partly disconnect the old root segments from the already depleted soil.ISSN:1664-462

    Ultra-thin clay layers facilitate seismic slip in carbonate faults

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    Many earthquakes propagate up to the Earth's surface producing surface ruptures. Seismic slip propagation is facilitated by along-fault low dynamic frictional resistance, which is controlled by a number of physico-chemical lubrication mechanisms. In particular, rotary shear experiments conducted at seismic slip rates (1 ms(-1)) show that phyllosilicates can facilitate co-seismic slip along faults during earthquakes. This evidence is crucial for hazard assessment along oceanic subduction zones, where pelagic clays participate in seismic slip propagation. Conversely, the reason why, in continental domains, co-seismic slip along faults can propagate up to the Earth's surface is still poorly understood. We document the occurrence of micrometer-thick phyllosilicate-bearing layers along a carbonate-hosted seismogenic extensional fault in the central Apennines, Italy. Using friction experiments, we demonstrate that, at seismic slip rates (1 ms(-1)), similar calcite gouges with pre-existing phyllosilicate-bearing (clay content ≤3 wt.%) micro-layers weaken faster than calcite gouges or mixed calcite-phyllosilicate gouges. We thus propose that, within calcite gouge, ultra-low clay content (≤3 wt.%) localized along micrometer-thick layers can facilitate seismic slip propagation during earthquakes in continental domains, possibly enhancing surface displacement

    Non-invasive monitoring and control in silicon photonics by CMOS integrated electronics

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    As photonics breaks away from today's device level toward large scale of integration and complex systems-on-a-chip, concepts like monitoring, control and stabilization of photonic integrated circuits emerge as new paradigms. Here, we show non-invasive monitoring and feedback control of high quality factor silicon photonics resonators assisted by a transparent light detector directly integrated inside the cavity. Control operations are entirely managed by a CMOS microelectronic circuit, hosting many parallel electronic read-out channels, that is bridged to the silicon photonics chip. Advanced functionalities, such as wavelength tuning, locking, labeling and swapping are demonstrated. The non-invasive nature of the transparent monitor and the scalability of the CMOS read-out system offer a viable solution for the control of arbitrarily reconfigurable photonic integrated circuits aggregating many components on a single chip

    Automated routing and control of silicon photonic switch fabrics

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    Automatic reconfiguration and feedback controlled routing is demonstrated in an 8×8 silicon photonic switch fabric based on Mach-Zehnder interferometers. The use of non-invasive Contactless Integrated Photonic Probes (CLIPPs) enables real-time monitoring of the state of each switching element individually. Local monitoring provides direct information on the routing path, allowing an easy sequential tuning and feedback controlled stabilization of the individual switching elements, thus making the switch fabric robust against thermal crosstalk, even in the absence of a cooling system for the silicon chip. Up to 24 CLIPPs are interrogated by a multichannel integrated ASIC wire-bonded to the photonic chip. Optical routing is demonstrated on simultaneous WDM input signals that are labelled directly on-chip by suitable pilot tones without affecting the quality of the signals. Neither preliminary circuit calibration nor lookup tables are required, being the proposed control scheme inherently insensible to channels power fluctuations

    Biogenic amorphous silica as main driver for plant available water in soils

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    More frequent and longer drought periods are predicted threatening agricultural yield. The capacity of soils to hold water is a highly important factor controlling drought stress intensity for plants. Biogenic amorphous silica (bASi) pools in soils are in the range of 0–6% and are suggested to help plants to resist drought. In agricultural soils, bASi pools declined to values of ~1% or lower) due to yearly crop harvest, decreasing water holding capacity of the soils. Here, we assessed the contribution of bASi to water holding capacity (WHC) of soil. Consequently, ASi was mixed at different rates (0, 1, 5 or 15%) with different soils. Afterwards, the retention curve of the soils was determined via Hyprop method. Here we show that bASi increases the soil water holding capacity substantially, by forming silica gels with a water content at saturation higher than 700%. An increase of bASi by 1% or 5% (weight) increased the water content at any water potential and plant available water increased by up to > 40% or > 60%, respectively. Our results suggest that soil management should be modified to increase bASi content, enhancing available water in soils and potentially decreasing drought stress for plants in terrestrial ecosystems

    Quantification of hydraulic redistribution in maize roots using neutron radiography

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    Abstract Plants redistribute water from wet to dry soil layers through their roots, in the process called hydraulic redistribution. Although the relevance and occurrence of this process are well accepted, resolving the spatial distribution of hydraulic redistribution remains challenging. Here, we show how to use neutron radiography to quantify the rate of water efflux from the roots to the soil. Maize (Zea mays L.) plants were grown in a sandy substrate 40 cm deep. Deuterated water (D2O) was injected in the bottom wet compartment, and its transport through the roots to the top dry soil was imaged using neutron radiography. A diffusion–convection model was used to simulate the transport of D2O in soil and root and inversely estimate the convective fluxes. Overnight, D2O appeared in nodal and lateral roots in the top compartment. By inverse modeling, we estimated an efflux from lateral roots into the dry soil equal to jr = 2.35 × 10−7 cm−1. A significant fraction of the redistributed water flew toward the tips of nodal roots (3.85 × 10−8 cm3 s−1 per root) to sustain their growth. The efflux from nodal roots depended on the roots’ length and growth rate. In summary, neutron imaging was successfully used to quantify hydraulic redistribution. A numerical model was needed to differentiate the effects of diffusion and convection. The highly resolved images showed the spatial heterogeneity of hydraulic redistribution

    The holistic rhizosphere: integrating zones, processes, and semantics in the soil influenced by roots

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    Despite often being conceptualized as a thin layer of soil around roots, the rhizosphere is actually a dynamic system of interacting processes. Hiltner originally defined the rhizosphere as the soil influenced by plant roots. However, soil physicists, chemists, microbiologists, and plant physiologists have studied the rhizosphere independently, and therefore conceptualized the rhizosphere in different ways and using contrasting terminology. Rather than research-specific conceptions of the rhizosphere, the authors propose a holistic rhizosphere encapsulating the following components: microbial community gradients, macroorganisms, mucigel, volumes of soil structure modification, and depletion or accumulation zones of nutrients, water, root exudates, volatiles, and gases. These rhizosphere components are the result of dynamic processes and understanding the integration of these processes will be necessary for future contributions to rhizosphere science based upon interdisciplinary collaborations. In this review, current knowledge of the rhizosphere is synthesized using this holistic perspective with a focus on integrating traditionally separated rhizosphere studies. The temporal dynamics of rhizosphere activities will also be considered, from annual fine root turnover to diurnal fluctuations of water and nutrient uptake. The latest empirical and computational methods are discussed in the context of rhizosphere integration. Clarification of rhizosphere semantics, a holistic model of the rhizosphere, examples of integration of rhizosphere studies across disciplines, and review of the latest rhizosphere methods will empower rhizosphere scientists from different disciplines to engage in the interdisciplinary collaborations needed to break new ground in truly understanding the rhizosphere and to apply this knowledge for practical guidance
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