10,703 research outputs found

    Beyond the Numbers: Data Use for Continuous Improvement of Programs Serving Disconnected Youth

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    The American Youth Policy Forum (AYPF) conducted a series of in-depth case studies to examine how three programs which serve a disconnected youth population are utilizing data as a tool for continuous program improvement and ongoing accountability. The resulting publication, Beyond the Numbers: Data Use for Continuous Improvement of Programs Serving Disconnected Youth, describes data collection and use at three successful programs, and distills the key lessons learned and issues to consider both for practitioners and policymakers aiming to improve outcomes for the disconnected youth population

    Alcoa Foundation's Global Internship Program for Unemployed Youth Midterm Evaluation

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    This midterm report presents findings for the Alcoa Global Internship Program for Unemployed Youth (hereafter the Alcoa Program), a program funded by Alcoa Foundation, Inc., and implemented by the Institute of International Education (IIE). Launched in October 2013, the main purpose of the Alcoa Program is to provide workforce development opportunities to unemployed youth worldwide with the goal of increasing their employability in the manufacturing sector. The findings and results of the midterm evaluation are intended to capture the outcomes and impacts of the program thus far and provide recommendations for future program implementation

    Designing authentication with seniors in mind

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    Developers typically adopt perceived best practice, and in the case of authentication this means password security. However, given the wide range of technical solutions available and the diverse needs and limitations of older users, we suggest that the default adoption of electronic “username and password” authentication may not be 'best practice' or even good practice. This paper highlights some challenges faced by three seniors, each of whom has multiple age- related disabilities and concomitant life challenges. The result is that they cannot authenticate themselves when they need to access their devices and accounts. We conclude by suggesting a number of research directions calculated to address some of these challenges and promote inclusive design and allow for diverse user authentication

    Revisiting Local Campaign Effects: An Experiment Involving Literature Mail Drops in the 2007 Ontario Election

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    An invariant feature of constituency election campaigns is the literature mail drop, usually a one-page leaflet or card left at the door profiling the candidate and appealing for electoral support. In this article, we report on a field experiment designed to assess the effects of such mail drops. The experiment was conducted during the 2007 Ontario provincial election campaign in the constituency of Cambridge and entailed distributing literature for the Green party candidate in that constituency. After randomly assigning constituency polls to treatment and control groups, and delivering the Green candidate’s partisan literature only to the selected treatment group polls, we compared the candidate’s support levels in the treated polls with those in the control group. Our research detected a modest effect associated with the literature drop. The effect was largely limited to constituency neighbourhoods fitting at least part of the Green party’s traditional demographic, that is, those with higher than average socio-economic status

    Bioassessment of the West Fork of the White River, Northwest Arkansas

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    The West Fork-White River has been and continues to be an important water resource for northwest Arkansas. It is used recreationally for fishing and swimming, agriculturally as a source of water for livestock and irrigation of crops, it is mined for gravel, used as a receiving stream for municipal wastewater effluent, and contributes to Beaver Lake which provides water for treatment and distribution to most of northwest Arkansas. While these uses have benefited a large segment of the Arkansas population, they have also contributed to the decline in environmental quality of the river. To facilitate the development of appropriate management protocols and assess restoration potential, we provided a biological assessment of the West ForkWhite River to complement studies of its physical and chemical properties. This holistic evaluation can be used presently, and to track changes in the environmental quality of the river in the future

    The Library Consortium of New Zealand's Shared IRR Infrastructure

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    The Library Consortium of New Zealand has run an Institutional Research Repository Project for three universities and one institute of technology in New Zealand since 2006. After a brief introduction to the context in which the project operates, this document describes the Institutional Research Repositories that are part of this project and their shared infrastructure. Particular emphasis is placed on advantages and challenges created by the shared infrastructure

    No. 06: The Urban Food System of Nairobi, Kenya

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    Nairobi is a city of stark contrasts. Nearly half a million of its three million residents live in abject poverty in some of Africa’s largest slums, yet the Kenyan capital is also an international and regional hub. In East Africa, rapid urbanization is stretching existing food and agriculture systems as growing cities struggle to provide food and nutrition security for their inhabitants. Nairobi is no exception; it is a dynamically growing city and its food supply chains are constantly adapting and responding to changing local conditions. It is also an international city and the extent to which it is food secure is increasingly predicated on food imports from the regional East African Community and other international sources. Informal traditional value chains have a variety of actors and intermediaries that increase transaction costs and create an inefficient post-harvest procurement network, thereby pushing food products out of the reach of those who need them most. The majority of Nairobi’s food purchases are from informal food vendors. The city’s urban poor rely on the informal food sector for several reasons including that it provides food close to where they live and work, credit and barter are often available, small quantities can be purchased, and many items are sold more cheaply than at formal outlets. The leading income-generating activity for women in Nairobi’s poor communities is selling fruit and vegetables

    Body Satisfaction and Ability to Identify Weight Status of Preschool-aged Children by Their Caregivers

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    Rates of childhood obesity have been rising consistently across the nation and internationally. As a result, interventionists have been working to develop ways to combat this and have focused on interventions involving caregivers. Previous research indicates caregivers experience challenges in identifying obesity among their own children, which leads to barriers in addressing and reducing rates of obesity as caregivers remain unaware of any problems. The current study explored caregivers’ ability to correctly assign their child to the appropriate weight category and whether their ability was impacted by caregivers’ own weight status. Further, it also explored caregivers’ level of body satisfaction with their children and if this was impacted by caregivers’ own weight status. Data was collected from 293 preschool aged children and their caregivers. Results indicate that caregivers were generally successful in classifying their children to the appropriate weight category when their child was within the normal weight range. In addition, caregivers’ ability to do so was impacted by their own weight status. Further, results also indicate most caregivers were satisfied with their children’s body size, and the odds of caregiver satisfaction with their child’s size are much lower in obese caregivers. The outcomes from the present study add more research into exploring parental body satisfaction with their children, as this appears to be a relatively unexplored area. It is likely that an increased understanding in this area will be crucial for understanding and developing interventions to assist in both decreasing childhood obesity and increasing rates of healthy self-concepts in children