118 research outputs found

    Mathematics II - Notes

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    Differential Calculus

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    Superalgebraic methods in the classical theory of representations. Capelli's identity, the Koszul map and the center of the enveloping algebra U(gl(n))

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    We show how the use of superalgebraic methods sheds new light on some classical themes of representation theory and it leads to significant simplifications of traditional proofs

    Chern-Simons theory on spherical Seifert manifolds, topological strings and integrable systems

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    We consider the Gopakumar-Ooguri-Vafa correspondence, relating U(N){\rm U}(N) Chern-Simons theory at large NN to topological strings, in the context of spherical Seifert 3-manifolds. These are quotients SΓ=Γ\S3\mathbb{S}^{\Gamma} = \Gamma\backslash\mathbb{S}^3 of the three-sphere by the free action of a finite isometry group. Guided by string theory dualities, we propose a large NN dual description in terms of both A- and B-twisted topological strings on (in general non-toric) local Calabi-Yau threefolds. The target space of the B-model theory is obtained from the spectral curve of Toda-type integrable systems constructed on the double Bruhat cells of the simply-laced group identified by the ADE label of Γ\Gamma. Its mirror A-model theory is realized as the local Gromov-Witten theory of suitable ALE fibrations on P1\mathbb{P}^1, generalizing the results known for lens spaces. We propose an explicit construction of the family of target manifolds relevant for the correspondence, which we verify through a large NN analysis of the matrix model that expresses the contribution of the trivial flat connection to the Chern-Simons partition function. Mathematically, our results put forward an identification between the 1/N1/N expansion of the slN+1\mathrm{sl}_{N + 1} LMO invariant of SΓ\mathbb{S}^\Gamma and a suitably restricted Gromov-Witten/Donaldson-Thomas partition function on the A-model dual Calabi-Yau. This 1/N1/N expansion, as well as that of suitable generating series of perturbative quantum invariants of fiber knots in SΓ\mathbb{S}^\Gamma, is computed by the Eynard-Orantin topological recursion.Comment: 65 page

    Young-Capelli bitableaux, Capelli immanants in U(gl(n)) and the Okounkov quantum immanants

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    We propose a new approach to a unified study of determinants, permanents, immanants, (determinantal) bitableaux and symmetrized bitableaux in the polynomial algebra C[Mn,n]C[M_{n, n}] as well as of their Lie analogues in the enveloping algebra U(gl(n))U(gl(n)). This leads to new relevant classes of elements in U(gl(n))U(gl(n)): Capelli bitableaux, right Young-Capelli bitableaux and Capelli immanants. The set of standard Capelli bitableaux and the set of standard right Young-Capelli bitableaux are bases of U(gl(n))U(gl(n)), whose action on the Gordan-Capelli basis of C[Mn,n]C[M_{n, n}] have remarkable properties. Capelli immanants can be efficiently computed and provide a system of generators of U(gl(n))U(gl(n)). The Okounkov quantum immanants are proved to be simple linear combinations of Capelli immanants. Several examples are provided throughout the paper.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1608.0678

    Whitney algebras and Grassmann's regressive products

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    Geometric products on tensor powers Λ(V)⊗m\Lambda(V)^{\otimes m} of an exterior algebra and on Whitney algebras \cite{crasch} provide a rigorous version of Grassmann's {\it regressive products} of 1844 \cite{gra1}. We study geometric products and their relations with other classical operators on exterior algebras, such as the Hodge ∗−\ast-operators and the {\it join} and {\it meet} products in Cayley-Grassmann algebras \cite{BBR, Stew}. We establish encodings of tensor powers Λ(V)⊗m\Lambda(V)^{\otimes m} and of Whitney algebras Wm(M)W^m(M) in terms of letterplace algebras and of their geometric products in terms of divided powers of polarization operators. We use these encodings to provide simple proofs of the Crapo and Schmitt exchange relations in Whitney algebras and of two typical classes of identities in Cayley-Grassmann algebras

    Calcolo Differenziale

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    Open Topological Strings and Integrable Hierarchies: Remodeling the A-Model

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    We set up, purely in A-model terms, a novel formalism for the global solution of the open and closed topological A-model on toric Calabi-Yau threefolds. The starting point is to build on recent progress in the mathematical theory of open Gromov-Witten invariants of orbifolds; we interpret the localization formulae as relating D-brane amplitudes to closed string amplitudes perturbed with twisted masses through an analogue of the "loop insertion operator” of matrix models. We first generalize this form of open/closed string duality to general toric backgrounds in all chambers of the stringy KĂ€hler moduli space; secondly, we display a neat connection of the (gauged) closed string side to tau functions of 1+1 Hamiltonian integrable hierarchies, and exploit it to provide an effective computation of open string amplitudes. In doing so, we also provide a systematic treatment of the change of flat open moduli induced by a phase transition in the closed moduli space. We test our proposal in detail by providing an extensive number of checks. We also use our formalism to give a localization-based derivation of the Hori-Vafa spectral curves as coming from a resummation of A-model disc instanton

    Integrable hierarchies and the mirror model of local CP1

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    We study structural aspects of the Ablowitz-Ladik (AL) hierarchy in the light of its realization as a two-component reduction of the two-dimensional Toda hierarchy, and establish new results on its connection to the Gromov-Witten theory of local CP1. We first of all elaborate on the relation to the Toeplitz lattice and obtain a neat description of the Lax formulation of the AL system. We then study the dispersionless limit and rephrase it in terms of a conformal semisimple Frobenius manifold with non-constant unit, whose properties we thoroughly analyze. We build on this connection along two main strands. First of all, we exhibit a manifestly local bi-Hamiltonian structure of the Ablowitz-Ladik system in the zero-dispersion limit. Secondarily, we make precise the relation between this canonical Frobenius structure and the one that underlies the Gromov-Witten theory of the resolved conifold in the equivariantly Calabi-Yau case; a key role is played by Dubrovin's notion of "almost duality" of Frobenius manifolds. As a consequence, we obtain a derivation of genus zero mirror symmetry for local CP1 in terms of a dual logarithmic Landau-Ginzburg model.Comment: 27 pages, 1 figur
