237 research outputs found

    The evolution of the dystroglycan complex, a major mediator of muscle integrity

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    Basement membrane (BM) extracellular matrices are crucial for the coordination of different tissue layers. A matrix adhesion receptor that is important for BM function and stability in many mammalian tissues is the dystroglycan (DG) complex. This comprises the non-covalently-associated extracellular α-DG, that interacts with laminin in the BM, and the transmembrane β-DG, that interacts principally with dystrophin to connect to the actin cytoskeleton. Mutations in dystrophin, DG, or several enzymes that glycosylate α-DG underlie severe forms of human muscular dystrophy. Nonwithstanding the pathophysiological importance of the DG complex and its fundamental interest as a non-integrin system of cell-ECM adhesion, the evolution of DG and its interacting proteins is not understood. We analysed the phylogenetic distribution of DG, its proximal binding partners and key processing enzymes in extant metazoan and relevant outgroups. We identify that DG originated after the divergence of ctenophores from porifera and eumetazoa. The C-terminal half of the DG core protein is highly-conserved, yet the N-terminal region, that includes the laminin-binding region, has undergone major lineage-specific divergences. Phylogenetic analysis based on the C-terminal IG2_MAT_NU region identified three distinct clades corresponding to deuterostomes, arthropods, and mollusks/early-diverging metazoans. Whereas the glycosyltransferases that modify α-DG are also present in choanoflagellates, the DG-binding proteins dystrophin and laminin originated at the base of the metazoa, and DG-associated sarcoglycan is restricted to cnidarians and bilaterians. These findings implicate extensive functional diversification of DG within invertebrate lineages and identify the laminin-DG-dystrophin axis as a conserved adhesion system that evolved subsequent to integrin-ECM adhesion, likely to enhance the functional complexity of cell-BM interactions in early metazoans

    An evaluation of the evolution of the gene structure of dystroglycan

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    BACKGROUND: Dystroglycan (DG) is an adhesion receptor complex composed of two non-covalently associated subunits, transcribed from a single gene. The extracellular α-DG is highly and heterogeneously glycosylated and binds with high affinity to laminins, and the transmembrane β-DG binds intracellular dystrophin. Multiple cellular functions have been proposed for DG, notwithstanding that its role in skeletal muscle appears central as demonstrated by both primary and secondary severe muscular dystrophic phenotypes collectively known as dystroglycanopathies. We recently analysed the molecular phylogeny of the DG core protein and identified the α/β interface, transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains of β-DG as the most conserved region. It was also identified that the IG2_MAT_NU region has been independently duplicated in multiple lineages. RESULTS: To understand the evolution of dystroglycan in more depth, we investigated dystroglycan gene structure in 35 species representative of the phyla in which dystroglycan has been identified (i.e., all metazoan phyla except Ctenophora). The gene structure of three exons and two introns is remarkably conserved. However, additional lineage-specific introns were identified, which interrupt the coding sequence at distinct points, were identified in multiple metazoan groups, most prominently in ecdysozoans. CONCLUSIONS: A coding DNA sequence (CDS) intron that interrupts the encoding of the IG1 domain is universally conserved and this intron is longer in gnathostomes (jawed vertebrates) than in other metazoans. Lineage-specific gain of additional introns has occurred notably in ecdysozoans, where multiple introns interrupt the large 3′ exon. More limited intron gain has also occurred in placozoa, cnidarians, urochordates and the DG paralogues of lamprey and teleost fish. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13104-016-2322-x) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Corneal Deposit of Ciprofloxacin after Laser Assisted Subepithelial Keratomileusis Procedure: A Case Report

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    Purpose. To report one case of corneal antibiotic deposition after ciprofloxacin administration in Laser Assisted Subepithelial Keratomileusis (LASEK). Methods. One case of post-LASEK treatment resulted in corneal precipitates and poor wound healing. Debris was analyzed with dark field microscopy and placed on a blood-agar plate seeded with a susceptible stain of Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 29213). Results. The alterations resolved with discontinuation of ciprofloxacin treatment, although some residual deposits persisted subepithelially for 6 months. Analysis of precipitates revealed polydisperse crystalline needles of 183 μm average length (SD = 54 μm) and the excised precipitate demonstrated a zone of inhibition. Conclusions. Fluoroquinolone antibiotic drops have been used extensively in postsurgical treatment of refractive surgery. Corneal precipitates have been previously reported in the literature, but up to now nothing has been documented after LASEK. Polypharmacy during refractive surgery may impair epithelialisation, and clinical management should reduce toxic environment and promote ocular surface stability when performing surface ablations

    High degree of conservation of the enzymes synthesizing the laminin-binding glycoepitope of α-dystroglycan

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    The dystroglycan (DG) complex plays a pivotal role for the stabilization of muscles in Metazoa. It is formed by two subunits, extracellular α-DG and transmembrane β-DG, originating from a unique precursor via a complex post-translational maturation process. The α-DG subunit is extensively glycosylated in sequential steps by several specific enzymes and employs such glycan scaffold to tightly bind basement membrane molecules. Mutations of several of these enzymes cause an alteration of the carbohydrate structure of α-DG, resulting in severe neuromuscular disorders collectively named dystroglycanopathies. Given the fundamental role played by DG in muscle stability, it is biochemically and clinically relevant to investigate these post-translational modifying enzymes from an evolutionary perspective. A first phylogenetic history of the thirteen enzymes involved in the fabrication of the so-called ‘M3 core’ laminin-binding epitope has been traced by an overall sequence comparison approach, and interesting details on the primordial enzyme set have emerged, as well as substantial conservation in Metazoa. The optimization along with the evolution of a well-conserved enzymatic set responsible for the glycosylation of α-DG indicate the importance of the glycosylation shell in modulating the connection between sarcolemma and surrounding basement membranes to increase skeletal muscle stability, and eventually support movement and locomotion

    Role of gelatinases in pathological and physiological processes involving the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex

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    Dystrophin is a cytosolic protein belonging to a membrane-spanning glycoprotein complex, called dystrophin-glycoprotein complex (DGC), that is expressed in many tissues, especially in skeletal muscle and in the nervous system. The DGC connects the cytoskeleton with the extracellular matrix and, although none of the protein of the DGC displays kinase or phosphatase activity, it is involved in many signal transduction pathways. Mutations in some components of the DGC are linked to many forms of inherited muscular dystrophies. In particular, a mutation hitting the dystrophin gene, leading to a complete loss of the protein, provokes one of the most prominent muscular dystrophy, the Duchenne muscular dystrophy, which affects 1 out of 3500 newborn males. In these circumstances, it can be observed a dramatic alteration of the expression levels of a multitude of metalloproteinases (MMPs), a family of extracellular Zn2+-dependent endopeptidases, especially MMP-2 and MMP-9, also called gelatinases. However, the enzymatic activity of MMP-2 and MMP-9 on dystroglycan, an important member of the DGC, plays an important role also in physiological processes taking place in the central and peripheral nervous system. This mini-review discusses the role of MMP-2 and MMP-9, in physiological as well as pathological processes involving members of the DGC

    Analysis of α-dystroglycan/LG domain binding modes:investigating protein motifs that regulate the affinity of isolated LG domains

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    Dystroglycan (DG) is an adhesion complex that links the cytoskeleton to the surrounding extracellular matrix in skeletal muscle and a wide variety of other tissues. It is composed of a highly glycosylated extracellular α-DG associated noncovalently with a transmembrane β-DG whose cytodomain interacts with dystrophin and its isoforms. Alpha-dystroglycan (α-DG) binds tightly and in a calcium-dependent fashion to multiple extracellular proteins and proteoglycans, each of which harbors at least one, or, more frequently, tandem arrays of laminin-globular (LG) domains. Considerable biochemical and structural work has accumulated on the α-DG-binding LG domains, highlighting a significant heterogeneity in ligand-binding properties of domains from different proteins as well as between single and multiple LG domains within the same protein. Here we review biochemical, structural, and functional information on the LG domains reported to bind α-dystroglycan. In addition, we have incorporated bioinformatics and modeling to explore whether specific motifs responsible for α-dystroglycan recognition can be identified within isolated LG domains. In particular, we analyzed the LG domains of slits and agrin as well as those of paradigmatic α-DG non-binders such as laminin-α3. While some stretches of basic residues may be important, no universally conserved motifs could be identified. However, the data confirm that the coordinated calcium atom within the LG domain is needed to establish an interaction with the sugars of α-DG, although it appears that this alone is insufficient to mediate significant α-DG binding. We develop a scenario involving different binding modes of a single LG domain unit, or tandemly repeated units, with α-DG. A variability of binding modes might be important to generate a range of affinities to allow physiological regulation of this interaction, reflecting its crucial biological importance

    Phosphate overload accelerates vascular aging in uremic patients

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    Vascular calcification is a very common event in atients affected by diabetes and chronic kidney disease (CKD). Recently, it has been well documented that abnormalities in mineral and bone metabolism in CKD patients are associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Elevated serum phosphate and calcium-phosphate product levels play an important role in the pathogenesis of vascular mineralization in uremic patients and also appear to be associated with increased cardiovascular mortality. Together with classical passive precipitation of calcium-phosphate in soft tissues, during the last decade it has been demonstrated that inorganic phosphate may cause extraskeletal calcification directly through a real “ossification” of the tunica media in the vasculature of CKD patients. Therefore, control of phosphate retention is now an even more crucial target of treatment in patients affected by chronic kidney disease

    The Structure of the N-terminal Region of Murine Skeletal Muscle α-Dystroglycan Discloses a Modular Architecture

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    Dystroglycan (DG) is a cell surface receptor consisting of two subunits: alpha-dystroglycan, extracellular and highly glycosylated, and beta-dystroglycan, spanning the cell membrane. It is a pivotal member of the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex and is involved in a wide variety of important cellular processes such as the stabilization of the muscle fiber sarcolemma or the clustering of acetylcholine receptors. We report the 2.3-A resolution crystal structure of the murine skeletal muscle N-terminal alpha-DG region, which confirms the presence of two autonomous domains; the first finally identified as an Ig-like and the second resembling ribosomal RNA-binding proteins. Solid-phase laminin binding assays show the occurrence of protein-protein type of interactions involving the Ig-like domain of alpha-DG