42 research outputs found

    Collezioni malacologiche e monitoraggi delle comunità di molluschi terrestri del Delta del Po e della Pianura Padana orientale: il Progetto CoSMoS – Collecting Snails, Monitoring Snails

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    The CoSMoS project is an initiative of Citizen Science with teaching and educational modules for students and citizens. The project examines the terrestrial molluscs (gastropods) in seven sites in the Po Delta and in the Eastern Po Valley (3 in the province of Ravenna and 4 in the province of Ferrara) and considers the monitoring and the comparison of current and historical faunal data. The latter can be derived from the malacological collection “Giorgio Lazzari” of the Natural History Museum of Ferrara. 51 species were collectively assessed, 44 of which were present in the historical surveys. Almost all species found are indigenous: only three are alien. From an ecological point of view, species closely linked to forest environments prevail, but there are also typical entities of other environments or very adaptable entities. From the biogeographical point of view, the most interesting result is the discovery, south of the Po, of two entities (Fruticicola fruticum and Monachoides incarnatus) which have a European distribution and in our country usually occur in Alpine and pre-Alpine area

    Checklist of macro-invertebrates of the special conservation area “Poggi di prata”(Grosseto, Central Italy) through a citizen-science and expert-based approach

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    The assessment of species composition in a certain area may become outdated over time due to community dynamics including species range expansion, but also to local extinctions, species introductions and taxonomic redefinition. Therefore, updated checklists are required for animal conservation and management. Exhaustive checklists of invertebrate species may be challenging, as species determination often requires the analysis by specialists, but they are fundamental for local conservation practices. In this work, we provided an annotated preliminary checklist of invertebrates of the Special Conservation Area “Poggi di Prata” (province of Grosseto, southern Tuscany), detected through field samplings with experts, and a permanent Bioblitz set out on an online citizen-science platform (iNaturalist.org). The final dataset (1898-2020) included 329 records of 282 species (217 insects, 34 gastropods, 30 arachnids and 1 chilopod). Most records were uploaded on iNaturalist (about 56.5%), others came from observations or sampling collections (37%) and were determined by specialists. Only the remaining 6.5% of records came from published studies. Three species were protected by the Habitat Directive, 15 by the Tuscan Regional Law. We also detected two endemic or near-endemic taxa of this area: the beetle Paramaurops diecki massetanus and the land snail Marmorana saxetana. The unexpected (Italian southernmost) record of Gaurotes virginea needs to be deepened. Furthermore, 12 alien species, including insects affecting human economy and wellness (e.g., Rhinchophorous ferrugineus, Aedes albopictus, Halyomorpha halys, Dryocosmus kuriphilus and Cydalima perspectalis), were also detected. With our work, we confirmed that citizen-science platforms (e.g. iNaturalist) are valuable tools, complementary to field-work by specialists, to map local biodiversity and they may help to improve biogeographical knowledge

    Backdating systematic shell ornament making in Europe to 45,000 years ago.

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    Personal ornaments are commonly linked to the emergence of symbolic behavior. Although their presence in Africa dates back to the Middle Stone Age, evidence of ornament manufacturing in Eurasia are sporadically observed in Middle Palaeolithic contexts, and until now, large-scale diffusion has been well documented only since the Upper Palaeolithic. Nevertheless, little is known during the period between ca. 50,000 and 40,000 years ago (ka), when modern humans colonized Eurasia replacing existing hominin populations such as the Neandertals, and a variety of “transitional” and/or early Upper Palaeolithic cultures emerged. Here, we present shell ornaments from the Uluzzian site of Grotta del Cavallo in Italy, southern Europe. Our results show evidence of a local production of shell beads for ornamental purposes as well as a trend toward higher homogeneity in tusk bead shape and size over time. The temporal interval of the layers of interest (45–40 ka) makes Cavallo the earliest known shell ornament making context in Europe

    Contributi per una flora vascolare di toscana. IX (507-605)

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    Contributions for a vascular flora of Tuscany. IX (507-605). New localities and/or confirmations concerning 98 specific and subspecific plant taxa of Tuscan vascular flora, belonging to 81 genera and 42 families are presented: Alisma, Baldellia (Alismataceae), Chenopodium (Amaranthaceae), Sternbergia (Amaryllidaceae), Bupleurum (Apiaceae), Vinca (Apocynaceae), Muscari, Polygonatum (Asparagaceae), Carlina, Centaurea, Chondrilla, Filago, Pallenis, Tagetes, Tr a - gopogon, Tyrimnus (Asteraceae), Impatiens (Balsaminaceae), Campsis (Bignoniaceae), Cardamine, Iberis, Isatis, Lepidium, Rorippa (Brassicaceae), Humulus (Cannabaceae), Centranthus (Caprifoliaceae), Atocion, Paronychia, Sabulina, Scleranthus (Caryophyllaceae), Euonymus (Celastraceae), Fumana (Cistaceae), Phedimus, Sedum (Crassulaceae), Juniperus (Cupressacesae), Carex, Cyperus, Schoenus (Cyperaceae), Erica (Ericaceae), Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae), Astragalus, Cytisus, Gleditsia, Lotus, Trifolium, Vicia (Fabaceae), Geranium (Geraniaceae), Philadelphus (Hydrangeaceae), Phacelia (Hydrophyllaceae), Hermodactylus, Iris, Romulea (Iridaceae), Salvia, Ziziphora (Lamiaceae), Gagea, Lilium (Liliaceae), Lindernia (Linderniaceae), Mirabilis (Nyctaginaceae), Nymphaea (Nymphaeaceae), Ligustrum (Oleaceae), Oenothera (Onagraceae), Oxalis (Oxalidaceae), Plantago, Veronica (Plantaginaceae), Armeria (Plumbaginaceae), Eleusine, Festuca, Phleum, Setaria, Stipa, Tragu s (Poaceae), Stuckenia (Potamogetonaceae), Anemonoides, Ranunculus (Ranunculaceae), Reseda (Resedaceae), Aphanes, Cotoneaster, Eriobotrya, Malus, Rosa (Rosaceae), Galium (Rubiaceae), Nicotiana, (Solanaceae). In the end, the conservation status of the units and possible protection of the cited biotopes are discussed

    The role of dispersal and local environment in urban land snail assemblages: an example of three cities in Central Italy

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    Ecologists increasingly appreciate the central role that urban biodiversity plays in ecosystems, however much urban biodiversity is neglected, especially some very diverse groups of invertebrates. For the first time in southern Europe, land snail communities are analysed in four urban habitats along a geographical gradient of three cities, using quantitative methods and assessing the relative roles of local environmental conditions (“distance from sea”, “distance from city centre”, “vegetation cover”) and spatial effects by principal coordinate analysis of neighbour matrices, redundancy analysis and variation partitioning. A total of 53 species was recorded, a richness similar to that of natural areas. At habitat level, species richness did not show a clear increasing trend from more to less urbanized habitats, but rather a homogeneous pattern. At city level, study areas hosted rather heterogeneous species assemblages and biotic homogenization did not seem to have any impact; indeed, only three species could be considered alien. Variation partitioning showed that land snail communities were mostly structured by environmental factors, even when spatial structures independent of measured environmental variables were included: “vegetation cover” and “distance from city centre” were the environmental variables that explained most of the variation in species composition. The lack of strong spatial structure also unexpectedly suggested that transport by humans aids dispersal of organisms with low mobility, which are usually limited by spatial constraints in natural environments. These results provide ecological and conservation implications for other invertebrate groups, suggesting to set priorities in management strategies that include habitat conservation at local scale