50 research outputs found

    Dealing with minor illnesses: the link between primary care characteristics and First Aid Clinics’ attendancesA

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    The reformulation of existing boundaries between primary and secondary care, in order to shift selected services traditionally provided by Emergency Departments to community-based alternatives has determined a variety of organisational solutions aimed at reducing the ED overcrowding. One innovative change has been the introduction of fast-track systems for minor injuries or illnesses, whereby community care providers are involved in order to divert patients away from EDs. These facilities offer an open-access service for patients not requiring hospital treatments, and may be staffed by nurses and/or primary care general practitioners operating within, or alongside, the ED. To date little research has been undertaken on such experiences. To fill this gap, we analyse a First-aid clinic (FaC) in the Italian city of Parma, consisting of a minor injury unit located alongside the teaching hospital’s ED. We examine the link between the utilisation rates of the FaC and primary care characteristics, focusing on the main organisational features of the practices and estimating panel count data models for 2007-2010. Our main findings indicate that the younger cohorts are heavy users of the FaC and that the extension of practice opening hours significantly lowers the number of attendances, after controlling for GP’s and practice’s characteristics

    Systematic age-related differences in chronic disease management in a population-based cohort study: a new paradigm of primary care is required

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    Background Our interest in chronic conditions is due to the fact that, worldwide, chronic diseases have overtaken infectious diseases as the leading cause of death and disability, so their management represents an important challenge for health systems. The aim of this study was to compare the performance of primary health care services in managing diabetes, congestive heart failure (CHF) and coronary heart disease (CHD), by age group. Methods This population-based retrospective cohort study was conducted in Italy, enrolling 1,948,622 residents 6516 years old. A multilevel regression model was applied to analyze compliance to care processes with explanatory variables at both patient and district level, using age group as an independent variable, and adjusting for sex, citizenship, disease duration, and Charlson index on the first level, and for District Health Unit on the second level. Results The quality of chronic disease management showed an inverted U-shaped relationship with age. In particular, our findings indicate lower levels for young adults (16\u201344 year-olds), adults (45\u201364), and oldest old (+85) than for patients aged 65\u201374 in almost all quality indicators of CHD, CHF and diabetes management. Young adults (16\u201344 y), adults (45\u201364 y), the very old (75\u201384 y) and the oldest old (+85 y) patients with CHD, CHF and diabetes are less likely than 65\u201374 year-old patients to be monitored and treated using evidence-based therapies, with the exceptions of echocardiographic monitoring for CHF in young adult patients, and renal monitoring for CHF and diabetes in the very old. Conclusion Our study shows that more effort is needed to ensure that primary health care systems are sensitive to chronic conditions in the young and in the very elderly

    Can italian healthcare administrative databases be used to compare regions with respect to compliance with standards of care for chronic diseases?

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    BACKGROUND: Italy has a population of 60 million and a universal coverage single-payer healthcare system, which mandates collection of healthcare administrative data in a uniform fashion throughout the country. On the other hand, organization of the health system takes place at the regional level, and local initiatives generate natural experiments. This is happening in particular in primary care, due to the need to face the growing burden of chronic diseases. Health services research can compare and evaluate local initiatives on the basis of the common healthcare administrative data.However reliability of such data in this context needs to be assessed, especially when comparing different regions of the country. In this paper we investigated the validity of healthcare administrative databases to compute indicators of compliance with standards of care for diabetes, ischaemic heart disease (IHD) and heart failure (HF). METHODS: We compared indicators estimated from healthcare administrative data collected by Local Health Authorities in five Italian regions with corresponding estimates from clinical data collected by General Practitioners (GPs). Four indicators of diagnostic follow-up (two for diabetes, one for IHD and one for HF) and four indicators of appropriate therapy (two each for IHD and HF) were considered. RESULTS: Agreement between the two data sources was very good, except for indicators of laboratory diagnostic follow-up in one region and for the indicator of bioimaging diagnostic follow-up in all regions, where measurement with administrative data underestimated quality. CONCLUSION: According to evidence presented in this study, estimating compliance with standards of care for diabetes, ischaemic heart disease and heart failure from healthcare databases is likely to produce reliable results, even though completeness of data on diagnostic procedures should be assessed first. Performing studies comparing regions using such indicators as outcomes is a promising development with potential to improve quality governance in the Italian healthcare system

    Chronic disease prevalence from Italian administrative databases in the VALORE project: a validation through comparison of population estimates with general practice databases and national survey

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    BACKGROUND: Administrative databases are widely available and have been extensively used to provide estimates of chronic disease prevalence for the purpose of surveillance of both geographical and temporal trends. There are, however, other sources of data available, such as medical records from primary care and national surveys. In this paper we compare disease prevalence estimates obtained from these three different data sources. METHODS: Data from general practitioners (GP) and administrative transactions for health services were collected from five Italian regions (Veneto, Emilia Romagna, Tuscany, Marche and Sicily) belonging to all the three macroareas of the country (North, Center, South). Crude prevalence estimates were calculated by data source and region for diabetes, ischaemic heart disease, heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). For diabetes and COPD, prevalence estimates were also obtained from a national health survey. When necessary, estimates were adjusted for completeness of data ascertainment. RESULTS: Crude prevalence estimates of diabetes in administrative databases (range: from 4.8% to 7.1%) were lower than corresponding GP (6.2%-8.5%) and survey-based estimates (5.1%-7.5%). Geographical trends were similar in the three sources and estimates based on treatment were the same, while estimates adjusted for completeness of ascertainment (6.1%-8.8%) were slightly higher. For ischaemic heart disease administrative and GP data sources were fairly consistent, with prevalence ranging from 3.7% to 4.7% and from 3.3% to 4.9%, respectively. In the case of heart failure administrative estimates were consistently higher than GPs' estimates in all five regions, the highest difference being 1.4% vs 1.1%. For COPD the estimates from administrative data, ranging from 3.1% to 5.2%, fell into the confidence interval of the Survey estimates in four regions, but failed to detect the higher prevalence in the most Southern region (4.0% in administrative data vs 6.8% in survey data). The prevalence estimates for COPD from GP data were consistently higher than the corresponding estimates from the other two sources. CONCLUSION: This study supports the use of data from Italian administrative databases to estimate geographic differences in population prevalence of ischaemic heart disease, treated diabetes, diabetes mellitus and heart failure. The algorithm for COPD used in this study requires further refinement

    Prevalence of chronic diseases by immigrant status and disparities in chronic disease management in immigrants: a population-based cohort study, Valore Project

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    BACKGROUND: For chronic conditions, disparities can take effect cumulatively at various times as the disease progresses, even when care is provided. The aim of this study was to quantify the prevalence of diabetes, congestive heart failure (CHF) and coronary heart disease (CHD) in adults by citizenship, and to compare the performance of primary care services in managing these chronic conditions, again by citizenship. METHODS: This is a population-based retrospective cohort study on 1,948,622 people aged 16 years or more residing in Italy. A multilevel regression model was applied to analyze adherence to care processes using explanatory variables at both patient and district level. RESULTS: The age-adjusted prevalence of diabetes was found higher among immigrants from high migratory pressure countries (HMPC) than among Italians, while the age-adjusted prevalence of cardiovascular disease was higher for Italians than for HMPC immigrants or those from highly-developed countries (HDC). Our results indicate lower levels in all quality management indicators for citizens from HMPC than for Italians, for all the chronic conditions considered. Patients from HDC did not differ from Italian in their adherence to disease management schemes. CONCLUSION: This study revealed a different prevalence of chronic diseases by citizenship, implying a different burden of primary care by citizenship. Our findings show that more effort is needed to guarantee migrant-sensitive primary health care

    La politica regionale delle Case della Comunità: il caso Emilia Romagna

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    The article represents the outcome of an interview addressed by Alessia Simbari, curator in this issue of the national-level survey on Community Houses, to the Territorial Assistance Sector of the General Directorate for Personal Care and Welfare of the Emilia-Romagna Region. This interview is the follow-up to a meeting to share the PNRR research underway at the UALab of the Department of Engineering and Architecture on the architecture of Health Houses and Community Houses at a national level.L’articolo rappresenta l’esito di un’intervista rivolta da Alessia Simbari, curatrice in questo numero della ricognizione a livello nazionale sulle CdC, al Settore Assistenza Territoriale della Direzione Generale Cura della Persona e Welfare della Regione Emilia-Romagna. Tale intervista è il seguito di un incontro di condivisione della ricerca PNRR in atto presso l’UALab del Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Architettura sull’architettura delle Case della Salute, Case della Comunità in ambito nazionale

    Healthcare Reform and Disease Management in Italy: Promoting the Effectiveness and Appropriateness of Health Service Use

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    The 1999 reform of the Italian healthcare system has softened the effects of the 1992 shift to market mechanisms and competition within healthcare by promoting cooperation and partnerships among providers and Local Health Units (LHUs). In addition, it has facilitated the completion of transfering organizational and financial responsibility to the regional governments. Such health policy developments require both the introduction of administrative tools, which stimulates integration, and the design of a coherent policy for quality of care. A 3-fold integration between healthcare and social services has been promoted to tackle the introduction of administrative tools: institutional integration between municipalities and LHUs, managerial integration at the district level for the provision of primary care and non-hospital care, and professional integration between healthcare professionals. A similar approach has characterized the policy for quality of care: an essential benefit package is to be identified as a guarantee to all citizens, practice guidelines will be developed and implemented and an accreditation process is underway. Implementation issues aside, effective introduction of the suggested tools requires careful planning and organization of the system and, above all, coordinated interventions at the 3 levels of healthcare provision (i.e. the macro, intermediary and micro levels).Health policy, Pharmacoeconomics