15 research outputs found

    Role of cysteine cathepsis in the regulation of the antimicrobial peptide LL-37 during chronic lung inflammatory diseases

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    Lors de pathologies pulmonaires inflammatoires chroniques comme la mucoviscidose ou la BPCO, le déséquilibre de la balance protéases/antiprotéases aboutit à la dégradation du tissu pulmonaire et à l’inactivation des défenses antimicrobiennes. Les cathepsines à cystéine participent à l’inactivation protéolytique de peptides et protéines antimicrobiens (PAMs) pulmonaires comme le SLPI, la lactoferrine, et les β-défensines HBD-2 et -3 lors de l’emphysème ou de la mucoviscidose. Lors de cette thèse, nous avons étudié la capacité des cathepsines à cystéine B, K, L et S à hydrolyser le peptide LL-37, qui est un PAM important dans l’immunité innée pulmonaire. Seules les cathepsines K et S clivent le LL-37 et inactivent efficacement son activité antimicrobienne. A l’inverse, le LL-37 est un inhibiteur compétitif de la cathepsine L. D’autre part, l’expression pulmonaire de la cathepsine S est fortement augmentée chez les individus fumeurs atteints ou non de BPCO. La fumée de cigarette qui est une source importante de stress oxydatif induit une augmentation significative de l'expression et l'activité de la cathepsine S. Malgré un environnement oxydatif non favorable à l'activité des cathepsines, la cathepsine S parvient à hydrolyser le peptide LL-37 et pourrait ainsi augmenter le risque d’exacerbation lors de la BPCO.During chronic inflammatory lung diseases like cystic fibrosis or COPD, proteases/antiproteases imbalance leads to pulmonary tissue degradation and compromise antimicrobial barrier. Cysteine cathepsins are involved in the proteolytic inactivation of several lung antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) such as SLPI, lactoferrin and β- defensins -2 and -3 during emphysema or cystic fibrosis. During this thesis, we studied the ability of cathepsins B, K, L and S to degrade LL-37, which is an important AMP in lung immunity. Only cathepsins K and S degrade readily LL-37 and inactivate its antimicrobial property. Conversely, LL-37 is a competitive inhibitor of cathepsin L. Beside, lung expression of human cathepsin S is significantly increased in smokers with or without COPD compared to non-smokers. Cigarette smoke that is a major source of oxidative stress significantly increases the expression and activity of cathepsin S. Despite an unfavorable oxidative environment, cathepsin S retains its proteolytic activity toward LL-37 and thus could participate to COPD exacerbation

    The abnormal accumulation of heparan sulfate in patients with mucopolysaccharidosis prevents the elastolytic activity of cathepsin V

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    International audienceMucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) are rare inherited diseases characterized by accumulation of lysosomal glycosaminoglycans, including heparan sulfate (HS). Patients exhibit progressive multi-visceral dysfunction and shortened lifespan mainly due to a severe cardiac/respiratory decline. Cathepsin V (CatV) is a potent elastolytic protease implicated in extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling. Whether CatV is inactivated by HS in lungs from MPS patients remained unknown. Herein, CatV colocalized with HS in MPS bronchial epithelial cells. HS level correlated positively with the severity of respiratory symptoms and negatively to the overall endopeptidase activity of cysteine cathepsins. HS bound tightly to CatV and impaired its activity. Withdrawal of HS by glycosidases preserved exogenous CatV activity, while addition of Surfen, a HS antagonist, restored elastolytic CatV-like activity in MPS samples. Our data suggest that the pathophysiological accumulation of HS may be deleterious for CatV-mediated ECM remodeling and for lung tissue homeostasis, thus contributing to respiratory disorders associated to MPS diseases

    Cigarette smoke induces overexpression of active human cathepsin S in lungs from current smokers with or without COPD

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    International audienceCigarette smoking has marked effects on lung tissue, including induction of oxidative stress, inflammatory cell recruitment, and a protease/antiprotease imbalance. These effects contribute to tissue remodeling and destruction resulting in loss of lung function in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients. Cathepsin S (CatS) is a cysteine protease that is involved in the remodeling/degradation of connective tissue and basement membrane. Aberrant expression or activity of CatS has been implicated in a variety of diseases, including arthritis, cancer, cardiovascular, and lung diseases. However, little is known about the effect of cigarette smoking on both CatS expression and activity, as well as its role in smoking-related lung diseases. Here, we evaluated the expression and activity of human CatS in lung tissues from never-smokers and smokers with or without COPD. Despite the presence of an oxidizing environment, CatS expression and activity were significantly higher in current smokers (both non-COPD and COPD) compared with never-smokers, and correlated positively with smoking history. Moreover, we found that the exposure of primary human bronchial epithelial cells to cigarette smoke extract triggered the activation of P2X7 receptors, which in turns drives CatS upregulation. The present data suggest that excessive CatS expression and activity contribute, beside other proteases, to the deleterious effects of cigarette smoke on pulmonary homeostasis

    Antiquité/Moyen Âge

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    Antiquité Avec une interview de Jean-Pierre Vernant par Claude Frontisi et François Lissarrague, des états de la recherche sur les sarcophages romains (François Baratte) et sur la peinture antique (Agnès Rouveret), et de multiples comptes rendus sur les dernières publications. Moyen Âge Débat entre Enrico Castelnuovo, Robert Maxwell et Roland Recht sur Meyer Schapiro et la sculpture romane. État des travaux sur le mécénat des « Princes de fleurs de lys », l’architecture cistercienne, la construction en Italie à la fin du Moyen Âge