400 research outputs found

    Transcriptional activity, chromosomal distribution and expression effects of transposable elements in Coffea genomes

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    Plant genomes are massively invaded by transposable elements (TEs), many of which are located near host genes and can thus impact gene expression. In flowering plants, TE expression can be activated (de-repressed) under certain stressful conditions, both biotic and abiotic, as well as by genome stress caused by hybridization. In this study, we examined the effects of these stress agents on TE expression in two diploid species of coffee, Coffea canephora and C. eugenioides, and their allotetraploid hybrid C. arabica. We also explored the relationship of TE repression mechanisms to host gene regulation via the effects of exonized TE sequences. Similar to what has been seen for other plants, overall TE expression levels are low in Coffea plant cultivars, consistent with the existence of effective TE repression mechanisms. TE expression patterns are highly dynamic across the species and conditions assayed here are unrelated to their classification at the level of TE class or family. In contrast to previous results, cell culture conditions per se do not lead to the de-repression of TE expression in C. arabica. Results obtained here indicate that differing plant drought stress levels relate strongly to TE repression mechanisms. TEs tend to be expressed at significantly higher levels in non-irrigated samples for the drought tolerant cultivars but in drought sensitive cultivars the opposite pattern was shown with irrigated samples showing significantly higher TE expression. Thus, TE genome repression mechanisms may be finely tuned to the ideal growth and/or regulatory conditions of the specific plant cultivars in which they are active. Analysis of TE expression levels in cell culture conditions underscored the importance of nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) pathways in the repression of Coffea TEs. These same NMD mechanisms can also regulate plant host gene expression via the repression of genes that bear exonized TE sequences. (Résumé d'auteur

    Sweets and Jams

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    This manual aims to assist the Work Health and Safety Assessment Tool – Horticultural Products – Sweets and Jams user, in carrying out a simplified and easy-to-use occupational risk assessment with a view to adopting risk control solutions at workplaces. The design of this tool trie to provide an instrument capable of being used without internet access or specific software installation. In addition to its main purpose, this tool can also be used for workers consultation or training actions, provided as a complement of the other instruments developed within the scope of this project. The tool is organized in three distinct parts (see Figure 1): the first, where a checklist is filled out, from which a graphical overview is obtained, which will give the overview of the level of risk control (second part). This synthesis of results allows the user to immediately visualize the level of control of the main risks and in which will have to make major interventions. Finally, the third part appears, where a report is generated with solutions, particularized for each one of the risks in which the adoption of measures proves necessary.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Safety and Health at Work - Assessment tool: Meat Products

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    This manual aims to assist the Work Health and Safety Assessment Tool – Meat Products user, in carrying out a simplified and easy-to-use occupational risk assessment with a view to adopting risk control solutions at workplaces. The design of this tool trie to provide an instrument capable of being used without internet access or specific software installation. In addition to its main purpose, this tool can also be used for workers consultation or training actions, provided as a complement of the other instruments developed within the scope of this project. The tool is organized in three distinct parts: the first, where a checklist is filled out, from which a graphical overview is obtained, which will give the overview of the level of risk control (second part). This synthesis of results allows the user to immediately visualize the level of control of the main risks and in which will have to make major interventions. Finally, the third part appears, where a report is generated with solutions, particularized for each one of the risks in which the adoption of measures proves necessary.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio