953 research outputs found

    Angiogenesis and schistosomiasis

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    Angiogenesis has been recognised as a precursor of fibrosis in several pathologic conditions. Its participation has been demonstrated in schistosomiasis, both during periovular granuloma formation and in the genesis of schistosomal periportal fibrosis. Paradoxically, proliferation of new blood vessels, accompanied by production of vascular-endothelial growth factor, appeared prominent during fibrosis regression months after curative treatment of schistosomiasis. Thus, angiogenesis in schistosomiasis seems to have a two-way mode of action, participating both in fibrogenesis and in fibrosis degradation. Morphological observations presented here are in keeping with the possibility that, in the first case, angiogenesis allows pericytes to come in great numbers to the site of lesions and be detached from capillary walls and transformed into myofibroblasts, which are important extra-cellular matrix forming cells. During post-curative fibrosis regression, actin-containing pericytes appeared at various foci of tissue remodelling, especially at sites of repair of vascular lesions. The molecular and cell factors involved in both situations seem to be important subjects in need of further investigations and the schistosomiasis model certainly will be of great avail in this regard

    A import?ncia da gest?o estrat?gica de pessoas no ?mbito da administra??o p?blica

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    A Gest?o P?blica transforma-se nas ?ltimas d?cadas, aderindo o modelo gerencial advindo do setor privado, e o setor p?blico adota ferramentas de gest?o de pessoas, visando gerir o desempenho, o clima e a motiva??o de seus servidores. O artigo aborda a import?ncia da Gest?o Estrat?gica de Pessoas para as organiza??es, com um estudo de caso, no IFPB campus Picu?. O intuito ? analisar as pr?ticas de Gest?o de Pessoas adotadas no IFPB campus Picu?. ? um estudo de caso, explorat?rio-descritivo com abordagem qualitativa. Foi coletado os dados com question?rio, aplicado a 25 servidores p?blicos, e uma entrevista semi estruturada com o Diretor Administrativo e com a Coordenadora de Recursos Humanos. O artigo conclui que o setor de RH do campus ? sistema simples, volta sua gest?o de processos, em detrimento da gest?o de pessoas. E sua avalia??o de desempenho ? feita pelo chefe imediato, pelo par e pelo pr?prio servidor avaliado, n?o contendo nenhum plano de capacita??o que estimule a qualifica??o e melhore a efici?ncia do servidor. Como proposta de melhoria, sugere-se a implanta??o de um plano de capacita??o e o desenvolvimento de programas de benef?cios

    Navigating is precise, living is (im)precise.

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    Este artigo se prop?e a refletir sobre as respostas pol?ticas e sociais que v?m sendo constru?das no territ?rio nacional para lidar com o que hoje ? conhecido como ?o problema das drogas?. Partiremos da perspectiva hist?rica das pol?ticas p?blicas voltadas para a assist?ncia dos sujeitos que se drogam para, em seguida, fazer o tensionamento entre o que tem sido proposto atualmente e o que de fato ocorre na pr?tica. Finalmente, discutiremos criticamente as dificuldades de apropria??o de certas propostas pelo campo da sa?de, valendo-nos da biopol?tica como categoria de an?lise. A experi?ncia dos Consult?rios de Rua no munic?pio de Belo Horizonte ser? apresentada como uma possibilidade de interven??o no contexto da Sa?de Coletiva ? luz da Psican?lise.This article aims to reflect upon political and social responses that have been constructed in the national territory to cope with what is known today as ?the problem of drugs?. We start from the historical perspective of public policies aimed at assisting subjects who take drugs in order to make a counterpoint between what has been currently proposed and what actually occurs in practice. Finally, we critically discuss the difficulties in the appropriation of certain proposals by the health field, taking biopolitics as the analysis category. The experience of Street Clinics in the city of Belo Horizonte is presented as a possibility of intervention in the context of Public Health in light of Psychoanalysis

    Increased incidence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in male rat offspring exposed to fluoxetine during fetal and neonatal life involves the NLRP3 inflammasome and augmented de novo hepatic lipogenesis.

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    Up to 10% of women take selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) during pregnancy. Children exposed to SSRIs in utero have an increased risk of being overweight suggesting that fetal exposure to SSRIs can cause permanent metabolic changes. We have previously shown in rats that fetal and neonatal exposure to the SSRI antidepressant fluoxetine results in metabolic perturbations including increased hepatic triglyceride content; a hallmark of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Therefore, the aim of this study was to identify the mechanism(s) underlying the fluoxetine-induced increase in intrahepatic triglyceride content. Female nulliparous Wistar rats were given vehicle or fluoxetine (10 mg/kg/day) orally for 2 weeks prior to mating until weaning. At 6 months of age, we assessed whether SSRI exposure altered components of the hepatic triglyceride biosynthesis pathway in the offspring and examined the molecular mechanisms underlying these changes. Male SSRI-exposed offspring had a significant increase in the steady-state mRNA levels of Elovl6 and Dgat1 and core components of the NLRP3 inflammasome (apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a caspase activation recruitment domain [ASC] and caspase-1). Augmented expression of Asc in the SSRI-exposed offspring coincided with increased histone acetylation in the proximal promoter region. Given that we have previously demonstrated that antenatal exposure to SSRIs can lead to fatty liver in the offspring, this raises concerns regarding the long-term metabolic sequelae of fetal SSRI exposure. Moreover, this study suggests that elevated hepatic triglyceride levels observed in the SSRI-exposed offspring may be due, in part, to activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome and augmentation of de novo lipogenesis

    Portal hypertension : a review of literature.

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    A hipertens?o portal representa a complica??o de v?rias doen?as. Entre as afec??es que podem cursar com hipertens?o do sistema porta, destacam-se a cirrose, a forma hep?tica ou hepatoespl?nica da esquistossomose, neoplasias do f?gado, das vias biliares ou do p?ncreas, fen?menos tromboemb?licos da veia porta e mol?stias supra-hep?ticas. Dentre suas consequ?ncias destacam-se varizes de es?fago e a encefalopatia portossist?mica. A press?o no sistema portal, como em qualquer outro sistema vascular, ? o resultado da intera??o entre o fluxo sangu?neo e a resist?ncia vascular que se op?e a esse fluxo. Assim, a press?o portal pode aumentar, se houver aumento do fluxo sangu?neo portal ou aumento da resist?ncia vascular ou ambos. A resist?ncia aumentada do fluxo pode ser pr?-hep?tica, p?s-hep?tica e intra-hep?tica. O diagn?stico ? baseado em crit?rios cl?nicos, frequentemente com conjunto com exames de imagem e endoscopia.Portal hypertension is a complication of various diseases. Among the diseases that may present with hypertension in the portal system, we highlight cirrhosis, hepatic or hepatosplenic form of schistosomiasis, cancer of the liver, biliary tract or pancreatic cancer, thromboembolic events portal vein and hepatic symptoms. Among its consequences stand out esophageal varices and portosystemic encephalopathy. The pressure in the portal system as in any other vascular system, is the result of the interaction between blood flow and vascular resistance that opposes the flow. Thus, portal pressure may increase, if any increase of portal blood flow or increased vascular resistance, or both. The increased flow resistance can be prehepatic, post-hepatic and intrahepatic. The diagnosis was based on clinical criteria, often together with imaging and endoscopy

    Development and implementation of a prescription opioid registry across diverse health systems

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    Objective: Develop and implement a prescription opioid registry in 10 diverse health systems across the US and describe trends in prescribed opioids between 2012 and 2018. Materials and Methods: Using electronic health record and claims data, we identified patients who had an outpatient fill for any prescription opioid, and/or an opioid use disorder diagnosis, between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2018. The registry contains distributed files of prescription opioids, benzodiazepines and other select medications, opioid antagonists, clinical diagnoses, procedures, health services utilization, and health plan membership. Rates of outpatient opioid fills over the study period, standardized to health system demographic distributions, are described by age, gender, and race/ethnicity among members without cancer. Results: The registry includes 6 249 710 patients and over 40 million outpatient opioid fills. For the combined registry population, opioid fills declined from a high of 0.718 per member-year in 2013 to 0.478 in 2018, and morphine milligram equivalents (MMEs) per fill declined from 985 MMEs per fill in 2012 to 758 MMEs in 2018. MMEs per member declined from 692 MMEs per member in 2012 to 362 MMEs per member in 2018. Conclusion: This study established a population-based opioid registry across 10 diverse health systems that can be used to address questions related to opioid use. Initial analyses showed large reductions in overall opioid use per member among the combined health systems. The registry will be used in future studies to answer a broad range of other critical public health issues relating to prescription opioid use

    Intercropping of corn, brachiaria grass and leguminous plants: productivity, quality and composition of silages

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    Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG)The present study was carried out with the objective to evaluate the productive and qualitative characteristics of forages produced in systems of intercropping of corn, brachiaria grass and different leguminous plants. Productivity, bromatological composition and the fermentative profile of the silages from the following treatments were evaluated: corn in exclusive cultivation (CEC); intercropping of corn with brachiaria grass (CB); intercropping of corn, brachiaria grass and Calopogonium mucunoides (CBCal); intercropping of corn, brachiaria grass and Macrotyloma axillare (CBMac); and intercropping of corn, brachiaria grass and Stylozanthes capitata (CBSty). The experimental design utilized was completely randomized. For each type of cultivation, five plots or replications of three linear meters were harvested, and the material was separated. The variables assessed were: dry matter productivity per area; dry matter productivity of corn per area; crude protein production per area and productivity of total digestible nutrients per area. The material originated from the cultures was ensiled, with dry matter between 28 and 32%. After, the material was placed and compacted appropriately in bucket silos. A sample was collected from each replication for determination of the contents of DM, crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), lignin, neutral and acid detergent fibers (NDF and ADF) and TDN. A fraction of the sample of silages from each treatment was compressed for extraction of the juice and determination of the silage quality. There was difference between the forms of cultivation for the dry matter production per hectare. The CEC with production of 11920.1 kg DM/ha did not differ from CB (8997.41 kg DM/ha) or CBCal (10452.10 kg DM/ha); however, it was superior to CBMac (8429.75 kg DM/ha) and to CBSty (8164.83 kg DM/ha). The contents of DM, CP, NDF, ADF, lignin and TDN did not differ between the silages from the different treatments. All the silages presented good quality with good fermentation patterns