10 research outputs found


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    Describe educational practices performed by health professionals with reference to the paradigm of health promotion. It is systematic review the search for articles in databases: Medline, Lilacs and SciELO, published during the period from 2003 to 2013. The search was performed using the integrated method, using the terms: health promotion, health education and experiences. Given the results, was possible to demonstrate the importance of conducting health education experiences in different contexts: primary care, hospitals and schools with various themes and methodologies adopted. However, although these experiences implemented primarily with a view to promoting health, highlighting elements such as autonomy, empowerment and decision-making, it was found that even if educational actions on normative health are carried out they weaken the process of the empowerment of the individuals involved


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    This study aimed to investigate the practices of nurses about health education aimed at cervical cancer. This is a descriptive study of qualitative approach, with the subject 15 nurses. We used a semi-structured interview for data collection. The data were analyzed and organized according to the themat analysis. Showed that health education for women in which performs the screening test of cervical cancer is a present reality in their daily lives and in the context of health services, however, it is noteworthy that some professionals hold an education awareness traditional health, revealing specific actions, aimed at diseases, a reality that can lead to the development of these actions and implementation. It was also observed that the strategies used by nurses to implement educational activities ranging from individual actions, in nursing consultations to lectures and conversations wheels. However, although they reported facilities to develop these actions, especially highlighting those times as effective in promoting the health of the population, lack of infrastructure and resources materials are still difficulties for the execution of actions. It was found that health education is a key element for the promotion of women's health. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar las prácticas de los enfermeros sobre la educación sanitaria dirigida a cáncer de cuello uterino. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo de enfoque cualitativo, con el sujeto 15 enfermeras. Se utilizó una entrevista semiestructurada para la recolección de datos. Los datos fueron analizados y organizados de acuerdo con el análisis temático. Mostró que la educación sanitaria para las mujeres en las que lleva a cabo la prueba de detección de cáncer de cuello uterino es una realidad presente en su vida cotidiana y en el contexto de los servicios de salud, sin embargo, es de destacar que algunos profesionales de la educación tienen una conciencia de salud tradicional, revelando acciones específicas dirigidas a las enfermedades, una realidad que puede conducir al desarrollo de estas acciones y aplicación. También se observó que las estrategias utilizadas por las enfermeras para llevar a cabo actividades educativas que van desde las acciones individuales, en las consultas de enfermería a conferencias y ruedas de conversaciones. Sin embargo, a pesar de que informó de instalaciones para el desarrollo de estas acciones, destacando especialmente aquellas veces más eficaz en la promoción de la salud de la población, la falta de infraestructura y recursos materiales son todavía dificultades para la ejecución de las acciones. Se encontró que la educación sanitaria es un elemento clave para la promoción de la salud de la mujer. Objetivou-se investigar as práticas dos enfermeiros acerca da educação em saúde voltadas para o câncer de colo uterino. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, de abordagem qualitativa, tendo como sujeitos 15 enfermeiros. Utilizou-se de uma entrevista semiestruturada para coleta de dados. Os dados foram analisados e organizados de acordo com a técnica de análise temática. Evidenciou-se que a educação em saúde para mulher na qual realiza o exame preventivo de câncer do colo uterino é uma realidade presente no seu cotidiano e no âmbito dos serviços de saúde, no entanto, vale destacar que alguns profissionais detêm de uma percepção de educação em saúde tradicional, revelando ações pontuais, voltadas para doenças, realidade que pode implicar no planejamento dessas ações e implementação. Ainda foi observado que as estratégias utilizadas pelas enfermeiras para implementar as ações educativas vão de ações individuais, nas consultas de enfermagem a palestras e rodas de conversas. No entanto, embora relatassem facilidades para desenvolverem essas ações, principalmente destacando esses momentos como eficazes para promover a saúde da população, a falta de infraestrutura e recursos matérias continuam sendo dificuldades para efetivação das ações. Constatou-se que a educação em saúde representa um dos principais elementos para a promoção da saúde da mulher

    <b>Follow-up: maternal perception on child monitoring

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    Maternal perception on follow-up monitoring towards the improvement of  children’s care is investigated. Current descriptive qualitative study was performed at the outpatient clinic of a secondary care hospital in Fortaleza, Ceará State, Brazil, from July to September 2010. Half-structured interviews were undertaken with 16 mothers who accompanied their children in the follow-up. Minayo thematic analysis enabled data categorization in Child Development, Continuing Care, Importance of Follow-up. The monitoring of children discharged from intensive care units is relevant for the prevention of injuries in neuropsychomotor development. The exchange of information and guidance received during follow-up visits provided support to mothers devoted to child care and promoted trust and confidence for care continuation. Health professionals have a role beyond the care itself, or rather, the provision of educational support through the interactive process, including family-provided assistance which becomes part of the method of caring

    Leaf anatomy and physiology of garlic cultivars related to tolerance to environmental factors

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    Abstract The objective of this work was to evaluate the physiological and anatomical characteristics of garlic cultivar leaves that indicate tolerance or susceptibility to environmental factors. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse in a completely randomized design, with eight treatments (cultivars). The evaluated cultivars were Amarantes, BRS Hozan, Caçador, Crespo, Chinês Folha Fina, Chonan, Gigante Roxo Escuro, and Ito. The following physiological variables were evaluated: net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance to water vapor, transpiration, internal and external carbon, and water use efficiency. The anatomical characteristics were analyzed with a microscope coupled to a camera. The Chinês Folha Fina, Chonan, Gigante Roxo Escuro, and Crespo cultivars showed higher mean photosynthetic rates and thicker photosynthetic tissues than the others. The Chonan and Crespo cultivars stood out for their higher photosynthetic rates, higher stomatal indices, thicker cuticle and epidermis, and larger mesophyll intercellular spaces, which are characteristics common to plants tolerant to water deficit. The characteristics of the Chonan and Crespo garlic cultivars are related to drought tolerance, and those of BRS Hozan, Ito, and Caçador to susceptibility

    In Vitro and In Vivo Synergism of Fosfomycin in Combination with Meropenem or Polymyxin B against KPC-2-Producing <i>Klebsiella pneumoniae</i> Clinical Isolates

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    Fosfomycin disodium is a potential therapeutic option to manage difficult-to-treat infections, especially when combined with other antimicrobials. In this study, we evaluated the activity of fosfomycin in combination with meropenem or polymyxin B against contemporaneous KPC-2-producing K. pneumoniae clinical isolates (KPC-KPN). Synergistic activity was assessed by checkerboard (CKA) and time–kill (TKA) assays. TKA was performed using serum peak and trough concentrations. The activity of these combinations was also assessed in the Galleria mellonella model. Biofilm disruption was assessed by the microtiter plate technique. CKA resulted in an 8- to 2048-fold decrease in meropenem MIC, restoring meropenem activity for 82.4% of the isolates when combined with fosfomycin. For the fosfomycin + polymyxin B combination, a 2- to 128-fold reduction in polymyxin B MIC was achieved, restoring polymyxin B activity for 47% of the isolates. TKA resulted in the synergism of fosfomycin + meropenem (3.0–6.7 log10 CFU/mL decrease) and fosfomycin + polymyxin B (6.0–6.2 log10 CFU/mL decrease) at peak concentrations. All larvae treated with fosfomycin + meropenem survived. Larvae survival rate was higher with fosfomycin monotherapy (95%) than that observed for fosfomycin + polymyxin B (75%) (p-value < 0.0001). Finally, a higher biofilm disruption was observed under exposure to fosfomycin + polymyxin B (2.4–3.4-fold reduction). In summary, we observed a synergistic effect of fosfomycin + meropenem and fosfomycin + polymyxin B combinations, in vitro and in vivo, against KPC-KPN, as well as biofilm disruption

    Evaluation of circulating intestinally committed memory B cells in children vaccinated with attenuated human rotavirus vaccine

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    Q4Q3300-311In a double blind trial, 319 fully immunized children received two doses of either placebo or 10(6.7) focus-forming units of the attenuated RIX4414 human rotavirus (RV) vaccine ("all-in-one" formulation). Plasma RV-specific IgA (RV IgA), stool RV IgA, and circulating total and RV memory B cells (CD19+ IgD+/- CD27+) with an intestinal homing phenotype (alpha4beta7+ CCR9+/-) were measured, after the first and second doses, as potential correlates of protection. After the first and/or second dose, 54% of vaccinees and 13% of placebo recipients had plasma RV IgA. Before vaccination, most (95%) of the children (of both study groups) were breast-fed and had stool RV IgA (68.64%). Coproconversion (4-fold increase) after the first and/or second dose was observed in 32.7% of vaccinees and 17.4% of placebo recipients. No significant difference was seen when comparing the frequencies of any subset of memory B cells between vaccinees and placebo recipients. Statistically significant weak correlations were found between plasma RV IgA titers and coproconversion, and several subsets of memory B cells. The vaccine provided 74.8% protection (95% confidence interval, 30.93-92.62) against any RV gastroenteritis and 100% protection (95% confidence interval, 14.53-100) against severe RV gastroenteritis. When vaccinees and placebo recipients were considered together, a correlation was found between protection from disease and plasma RV IgA measured after dose 2 and RV memory (IgD- CD27+ alpha4beta7+ CCR9+) circulating B cells measured after dose 1. However, the correlation coefficients for both tests were low (<0.2), suggesting that other factors are important in explaining protection from disease

    Community health agent and the interface with the educational actions

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    IntroductionWithin the mandate of all the professionals who make up the Family Health Strategy , health education is common to all . The Nurse as part of the team has a key role in health levels of individuals, families and communities , because the primary purpose of these actions , are guided by the maintenance, promotion, restoration of health , prevention of diseases and disorders and psychological contribution to dealing with the consequences of an imbalance in health disease process can generate a family or community context.MethodsDescriptive qualitative study conducted in the city of Juazeiro do Norte, Ceará , Brazil , with the subject 17 nurses working in the Family Health Strategy . Was used to collect data, semi-structured interviews and content analysis organization.ResultsIt was evident that this is still a perception of limited health education in the prevention of diseases, which may affect the procedures adopted to implement these actions . On the other hand, although with this curative vision care, nurses consider these actions for planning, community health agents , which reveals a care focused on the real needs of the population . However, although they reveal how to easily build these shares access to community workers , point out problems such as lack of management support.ConclusionBecomes necessary reorientation of educational practices in health, which depends on the  qualification  through  graduation  and  support  managers  to  ensure  necessary resources to implement them , so that they are geared towards health  promotion, contributing a greater citizen participation to improve the quality of life .Key words: Health Education in Nursing. Agent Community Health, Family Health StrategyÂ

    Health education for seniors: an analysis under Paulo Freire’s perspective

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    BackgroundPopulation aging is one of the hardest challenges for the current public health, however, for a proper attention to the elders, the development of reachable social and health policies which are consistent with the real needs of this population stratum it is essential. Thus, the aim of this research is to analyze the perceptions of nurses about health education for the elderly, according to the conceptions of Paulo Freire.MethodIt is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach, conducted in the city of Juazeiro do Norte, Ceará, Brazil taking as a background the Unidades de Saúde da Família – USF (Family Health Units). Eighteen nurses participated in this survey. The semi-structured interview was used for gathering data, and to organize those data to the analyses of contents. The analysis of the obtained data started since the conceptions of Paulo Freire and from some relevant articles related to the topic.ResultsConsidering the health concept as a tool to develop people, it was observed in this sense, that some professionals associate health education focused on knowledge exchange, behavior changes, and decision making in health, matching the Freireana ideology of questionable methodology. However, they also identified someprofessionals with a misperception in relation to the health education, since they associate the approach only focused on the concept of health, grounded in the absence of a disease, thus characterizing, a learning bank methodology, since they resort to vertical transmission of knowledge. It was evinced yet that the educational actions performed by those professionals envisioning healthy aging are directed from the identification of prevalent diseases within the community, and that the strict population that receives such assistance it is restricted only to the individuals who seek theUnits (USF), or those who are affected by diseases. ConclusionIt is thought that health education is the instrument that enables the change of behavior and decision making in health care for the users, but it should be planned on an ongoing manner, considering the reality of population, using methodologies that promote dialogue, essential element to establish the necessary link for conducting practical aspectson the perspective of health promotion.Â

    Decrease of the DNA methylation levels of the ADRB3 gene in leukocytes is related with serum folate in eutrophic adults

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    Abstract Background DNA methylation has been evidenced as a potential epigenetic mechanism related to various candidate genes to development of obesity. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the DNA methylation levels of the ADRB3 gene by body mass index (BMI) in a representative adult population, besides characterizing this population as to the lipid profile, oxidative stress and food intake. Methods This was a cross-sectional population-based study, involving 262 adults aged 20–59 years, of both genders, representative of the East and West regions of the municipality of João Pessoa, Paraíba state, Brazil, in that were evaluated lifestyle variables and performed nutritional, biochemical evaluation and DNA methylation levels of the ADRB3 gene using high resolution melting method. The relationship between the study variables was performed using analyses of variance and multiple regression models. All results were obtained using the software R, 3.3.2. Results From the stratification of categories BMI, was observed a difference in the average variables values of age, waist-to-height ratio, waist-to-hip ratio, waist circumference, triglycerides and intake of trans fat, which occurred more frequently between the categories “eutrophic” and “obesity”. From the multiple regression analysis in the group of eutrophic adults, it was observed a negative relationship between methylation levels of the ADRB3 gene with serum levels of folic acid. However, no significant relation was observed among lipid profile, oxidative stress and food intake in individuals distributed in the three categories of BMI. Conclusions A negative relationship was demonstrated between methylation levels of the ADRB3 gene in eutrophic adults individuals with serum levels of folic acid, as well as with the independent gender of BMI, however, was not observed relation with lipid profile, oxidative stress and variables of food intake. Regarding the absence of relationship with methylation levels of the ADRB3 gene in the categories of overweight, mild and moderate obesity, the answer probably lies in the insufficient amount of body fat to initiate inflammatory processes and oxidative stress with a direct impact on methylation levels, what is differently is found most of the times in exacerbated levels in severe obesity