914 research outputs found
How to monitor and generate intelligence for a DMO from online reviews
Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Marketing IntelligenceSocial media and customer review websites have changed the way the tourism sector is managed.
Social media has become a new source of information, due to the large amount of UGC / e-Wom
generated by consumers An information that is "available" but at the same time noisy and of great
volume, which makes it difficult to access and analyze. This study investigates and verifies the
possibility of using data present in content reviews of a Content Web Site Review - TripAdivsor - to
generate actionable information for a Destination Management Organization. With a focus on negative
reviews, tourist attractions of Lisbon and using the “R code” and its packages, the study shows that
with the correct technique chosen and the action of an intelligence analyst, data can be extracted and
provide substrate for actions, strategy and intelligence generation – which is Social Media Intelligence.
The findings prove that the flood of web 2.0 data can serve as a source of intelligence for the
Destination Management Organization (DMO). By monitoring sites like TripAdvisor, a DMO can hear
what tourists talk about attractions and thereby generate insights for intelligence and strategy actions.
A DMO can even, analyzing this data, make your attractions more desirable, and even act in adverse
situations, reducing risky situations
Cícero Dias e as danças do nordeste
Mário de Andrade apresenta um conjunto de aquarelas de Cícero Dias, baseadas em motivos coreográficos pernambucanos. O tema das aquarelas inspira considerações sobre as origens e a evolução das músicas e “danças folclóricas brasileiras”, como o maracatu, os bumbas, os cabocolinhos e as danças antifolclóricas, semi-eruditas e popularescas, como o frevo e o sambaMário de Andrade presents us a set of water-colours by Cicero Dias influenced by some choreographic themes from Pernambuco. The subject of these watercolours gives the author the inspiration to write about the origins and the evolution of the songs and “brazilian folk dances” like the maracatu, the bumbas, the cabocolinhos and the anti-folk, semi-scholarly and popular dances like the frevo and the samb
A superstição da cor preta
Mário de Andrade
In: Boletim Luso-Africano. Rio de Janeiro, dezembro de 1938. Texto extraído de: Mostra do Redescobrimento: Negro de Corpo e Alma. Nelson Aguilar (org.). Fundação Bienal de são Paulo. São Paulo. Associação Brasil 500 Anos Artes Visuais, 2000, p. 388-389.
Psicologia da criação
Texto reproduzido de: Jorge Coli, Música final: Mário de Andrade e sua coluna jornalística Mundo Musical, Campinas, Editora da Unicamp, 1998, p. 104-107. Foi feita a atualização ortográfica
Do teatro cantado
Texto reproduzido de: Jorge Coli, Música final: Mário de Andrade e sua coluna jornalística Mundo Musical, Campinas, Editora da Unicamp, 1998, p. 100-103. Foi feita a atualização ortográfica
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