20,526 research outputs found

    Ising model on the Apollonian network with node dependent interactions

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    This work considers an Ising model on the Apollonian network, where the exchange constant Ji,j1/(kikj)μJ_{i,j}\sim1/(k_ik_j)^\mu between two neighboring spins (i,j)(i,j) is a function of the degree kk of both spins. Using the exact geometrical construction rule for the network, the thermodynamical and magnetic properties are evaluated by iterating a system of discrete maps that allows for very precise results in the thermodynamic limit. The results can be compared to the predictions of a general framework for spins models on scale-free networks, where the node distribution P(k)kγP(k)\sim k^{-\gamma}, with node dependent interacting constants. We observe that, by increasing μ\mu, the critical behavior of the model changes, from a phase transition at T=T=\infty for a uniform system (μ=0)(\mu=0), to a T=0 phase transition when μ=1\mu=1: in the thermodynamic limit, the system shows no exactly critical behavior at a finite temperature. The magnetization and magnetic susceptibility are found to present non-critical scaling properties.Comment: 6 figures, 12 figure file

    Negative intrusive thoughts and dissociation as risk factors for self-harm.

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    Relationships between self-harm and vulnerability factors were studied in a general population of 432 participants, of whom 30% reported some experience of self-harm. This group scored higher on dissociation and childhood trauma, had lower self-worth, and reported more negative intrusive thoughts. Among the non-harming group, 10% scored similarly to the self-harmers on the dissociation and self-worth scales, and engaged in potentially maladaptive behaviors that are not defined as indicating clinical self-harm, but experienced fewer negative intrusive thoughts. This group may be at risk of future self-harm if they begin to experience negative intrusive thoughts. If negative intrusive thoughts are playing a causal role, then therapeutic approaches tackling them may help those who are currently self-harming

    Inattentive professional forecasters

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    We use the ECB Survey of Professional Forecasters to characterize the dynamics of expectations at the micro level. We find that forecasters (i) have predictable forecast errors; (ii) disagree; (iii) fail to systematically update their forecasts in the wake of new information; (iv) disagree even when updating; and (v) differ in their frequency of updating and forecast performances. We argue that these micro data facts are qualitatively in line with recent models in which expectations are formed by inattentive agents. However building and estimating an expectation model that features two types of inattention, namely sticky information à la Mankiw-Reis and noisy information à la Sims, we cannot quantitatively generate the error and disagreement that are observed in the SPF data. The rejection is mainly due to the fact that professionals relatively agree on very sluggish forecasts.imperfect information, inattention, forecast errors, disagreement, business cycle.

    Computer simulation of fatigue under diametrical compression

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    We study the fatigue fracture of disordered materials by means of computer simulations of a discrete element model. We extend a two-dimensional fracture model to capture the microscopic mechanisms relevant for fatigue, and we simulate the diametric compression of a disc shape specimen under a constant external force. The model allows to follow the development of the fracture process on the macro- and micro-level varying the relative influence of the mechanisms of damage accumulation over the load history and healing of microcracks. As a specific example we consider recent experimental results on the fatigue fracture of asphalt. Our numerical simulations show that for intermediate applied loads the lifetime of the specimen presents a power law behavior. Under the effect of healing, more prominent for small loads compared to the tensile strength of the material, the lifetime of the sample increases and a fatigue limit emerges below which no macroscopic failure occurs. The numerical results are in a good qualitative agreement with the experimental findings.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, RevTex forma

    Associations of maternal and adolescent religiosity and spirituality with adolescent alcohol use in Chile: implications for social work practice

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    To inform social work practice with adolescents who may consume alcohol, we examined if alcohol use among Chilean adolescents varied as a function of their mothers’ and their own religiosity and spirituality. Data were from 787 Chilean adolescents and their mothers. Adolescent spirituality was a protective factor against more deleterious alcohol use. Parental monitoring and alcohol using opportunities mediated the associations. The practice of religious behaviors by themselves without meaningful faith were not associated with alcohol use among adolescents. Implications for social work practice are discussed.This research was funded by the US National Institute on Drug Abuse (R01 02118). The project also received support from the Curtis Research and Training Center of the School of Social Work at the University of Michigan and from the University of Michigan Substance Abuse Research Center Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award T32 DA007267. (R01 02118 - US National Institute on Drug Abuse; Curtis Research and Training Center of the School of Social Work at the University of Michigan; T32 DA007267 - University of Michigan Substance Abuse Research Center Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service

    Simplified model for the non-linear behaviour representation of reinforced concrete columns under biaxial bending

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    In the present paper a simplified model is proposed for the force-deformation behaviour of reinforced concrete members under biaxial loading combined with axial force. The starting point for the model development was an existing fixed-length plastic hinge element model that accounts for the non-linear hysteretic behaviour at the element end-sections, characterized by trilinear moment-curvature laws. To take into account the section biaxial behaviour, the existing model was adopted for both orthogonal lateral directions and an interaction function was introduced to couple the hysteretic response of both directions. To calibrate the interaction function it were used numerical results, obtained from fibre models, and experimental results. For the parameters identification, non-linear optimization approaches were adopted, namely: the gradient based methods followed by the genetic, evolutionary and nature-inspired algorithms. Finally, the simplified non-linear model proposed is validated through the analytical simulation of biaxial test results carried out in full-scale reinforced concrete columns

    Family and parenting characteristics associated with marijuana use by Chilean adolescents

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    OBJECTIVE: Family involvement and several characteristics of parenting have been suggested to be protective factors for adolescent substance use. Some parenting behaviors may have stronger relationships with adolescent behavior while others may have associations with undesirable behavior among youth. Although it is generally acknowledged that families play an important role in the lives of Chilean adolescents, scant research exists on how different family and parenting factors may be associated with marijuana use and related problems in this population which has one of the highest rates of drug use in Latin America. METHODS: Using logistic regression and negative binomial regression, we examined whether a large number of family and parenting variables were associated with the possibility of Chilean adolescents ever using marijuana, and with marijuana-related problems. Analyses controlled for a number of demographic and peer-related variables. RESULTS: Controlling for other parenting and family variables, adolescent reports of parental marijuana use showed a significant and positive association with adolescent marijuana use. The multivariate models also revealed that harsh parenting by fathers was the only family variable associated with the number of marijuana-related problems youth experienced. CONCLUSION: Of all the family and parenting variables studied, perceptions of parental use of marijuana and harsh parenting by fathers were predictors for marijuana use, and the experience of marijuana-related problems. Prevention interventions need to continue emphasizing the critical socializing role that parental behavior plays in their children's development and potential use of marijuana.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3109755/https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3109755/Accepted manuscrip