401 research outputs found

    Precipitation comparison for the CFSR, MERRA, TRMM3B42 and Combined Scheme datasets in Bolivia

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    AbstractAn overwhelming number of applications depend on reliable precipitation estimations. However, over complex terrain in regions such as the Andes or the southwestern Amazon, the spatial coverage of rain gauges is scarce. Two reanalysis datasets, a satellite algorithm and a scheme that combines surface observations with satellite estimations were selected for studying rainfall in the following areas of Bolivia: the central Andes, Altiplano, southwestern Amazonia, and Chaco. These Bolivian regions can be divided into three main basins: the Altiplano, La Plata, and Amazon. The selected reanalyses were the Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications, which has a horizontal resolution (~50km) conducive for studying rainfall in relatively small precipitation systems, and the Climate Forecast System Reanalysis and Reforecast, which features an improved horizontal resolution (~38km). The third dataset was the seventh version of the Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission 3B42 algorithm, which is conducive for studying rainfall at an ~25km horizontal resolution. The fourth dataset utilizes a new technique known as the Combined Scheme, which successfully removes satellite bias. All four of these datasets were aggregated to a coarser resolution. Additionally, the daily totals were calculated to match the cumulative daily values of the ground observations. This research aimed to describe and compare precipitations in the two reanalysis datasets, the satellite-algorithm dataset, and the Combined Scheme with ground observations. Two seasons were selected for studying the precipitation estimates: the rainy season (December–February) and the dry season (June–August). The average, bias, standard deviation, correlation coefficient, and root mean square error were calculated. Moreover, a contingency table was generated to calculate the accuracy, bias frequency, probability of detection, false alarm ratio, and equitable threat score.All four datasets correctly depicted the spatial rainfall pattern. However, CFSR and MERRA overestimated precipitation along the Andes' eastern-facing slopes and exhibited a dry bias over the eastern Amazon; TRMM3B42 and the Combined Scheme depicted a more realistic rainfall distribution over both the Amazon and the Andes. When separating the precipitation into classes, MERRA and CFSR overestimated light to moderate precipitation (1–20mm/day) and underestimated very heavy precipitation (>50mm/day). TRMM3B42 and CoSch depicted behaviors similar to the surface observations; however, CoSch underestimated the precipitation in very intense systems (>50mm/day).The statistical variables indicated that CoSch's correlation coefficient was highest for every season and basin. Additionally, the bias and RMSE values suggested that CoSch closely represented the surface observations

    Comparação de três técnicas de coleta de amostra de material prepucial para diagnóstico da campilobacteriose

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    Using six bulls naturally infected with Campylobacter fetus, three technics for collection of preputial samples for bacteriological examination were compared: the first technic consisted in utilizing a plastic pipette and bulb of artificial insemination Bartlett et al. (1947), to aspirate material; the second, using a "swab" Gibson et al. (1970), adaptated to a plastic pipette of artificial insemination was used to scrub the preputial cavity mucosa; the third technic involves the washing of the preputial cavity with the aid of a G.M. apparatus Mello (1953), with tripticase broth. Bacteriological examination of the samples shows conclusively that aspirating was the technic of choice because it permits the identification of more Campylobacter fetus positive samples besides less interference from contaminating organisms.Utilizaram-se seis reprodutores bovinos infectados naturalmente com Campylobacter fetus, para comparar três métodos de coleta de material prepucial para exame bacteriológico: o da pipeta e bulbo de plástico Bartlett et al. (1947), com escarificação da região prepucial e aspiração do esmegma; o da mecha ("swab") Gibson et al. (1970), com adaptação de uma bucha de gaze e algodão à extremidade de uma pipeta de plástico para fricção da região prepucial; e o da lavagem, com caldo tripticase, do prepúcio com o aparelho G.M., descrito por Meio (1953). O exame bacteriológico do material coletado mostrou conclusivamente que a coleta do esmegma prepucial com pipeta e bulbo de plástico foi a técnica mais eficiente, considerando-se o maior número de amostras positivas para a identificação e recuperação do Campylobacter fetus e a menor interferência dos organismos contaminantes

    Análise comparativa da utilização da metodologia de Friedewald e a de Martin na avaliação de perfil lipídico em pacientes do Centro de atendimento comunitário do UniCEUB (CAC)

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    As lipoproteínas são substâncias plasmáticas que carregam colesterol em diferentes densidades. A lipoproteína de baixa densidade (LDL-c) e da lipoproteína de densidade muito baixa (VLDL-c) têm importâncias clínicas significativas, pois, quando elevadas, podem desencadear doenças arteriais coronarianas. A concentração dessas substâncias é obtida por cálculos matemáticos, mas devido à essa grande importância clínica, é exigido resultados precisos. O presente estudo tem como objetivo comparar estatisticamente os valores de LDL-c e VLDL-c obtidos pela equação de Friedewald e os obtidos pela fórmula de Martin a partir de prontuários coletados no Laboratório-Escola de Análises Clínicas do UniCEUB (CAC). Foram analisados 509 pacientes, sendo 349 do gênero feminino (68,6%) e 160 do gênero masculino (31,4%). A análise por teste-t pareado nos evidenciou que há diferença estatística significativa entre as estimativas de LDL-c pelas duas metodologias (média(m) = 22 mg/dL; média(f) = 23 mg/dL; t = 4,1; p 0,0001). Também houve diferença para o VLDL-c (média(m) = 115 mg/dL; média(f) = 114 mg/dL; t = 4,8; p 0,0001). A mesma situação se observou ao comparar os LDL-c de pacientes com TG 150 (desejável) e os com TG 150 (diferente do desejável), sendo os índices estatísticos, respectivamente, (média(m) = 115 mg/dL; média(f) = 111 mg/dL; t = 6,9; p 0,0001) e (média(m) = 133 mg/dL; média(f) = 126 mg/dL; t = 12,7; p 0,0001). Além da relevância estatística apresentada, este estudo também demonstrou que há relevância clínica significativa se utilizarmos a metodologia de Martin em detrimento da anterior. Dos 509 pacientes, a metodologia de Friedewald subestimou os valores de LDL-c de 28 pacientes, classificando-os em um grupo de risco inferior, assim como também superestimou os valores de LDL-c de 19 pacientes, classificando-os em um grupo de risco superior. Além disso, também superestimou os valores de VLDL-c de 34 pacientes. Esses vieses acarretam impacto na vida dessas pessoas, tendo em vista que receberiam diagnóstico e terapêutica diferentes se utilizassem métodos diferentes. Portanto, conforme a relevância estatística e clínica, a metodologia de Friedewald pode ser substituída pela de Martin sem prejuízo à confiabilidade dos resultados de perfil lipídico apresentados na rotina laboratorial

    Critical assessment of enhancement factor measurements in surface-enhanced raman scattering on different substrates

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    The SERS enhancement factor (SERS-EF) is one of the most important parameters that characterizes the ability of a given substrate to enhance the Raman signal for SERS applications. The comparison of SERS intensities and SERS-EF values across different substrates is a common practice to unravel the performance of a given substrate. In this study, it is shown that such a comparison may lack significance if we compare substrates of very distinct nature and optical properties. It is specifically shown that the SERS-EF values for static substrates (e.g. immobilized metallic nanostructures) cannot be compared to those of dynamic ones (e.g. colloidal metal nanoparticle solutions), and that the optical properties for the latter show strong dependence on the metal-molecule interaction dynamics. The most representative experimental results concerning the dynamic substrates have been supported by generalized Mie theory simulations, which are tools used to describe the substrate complexity and the microscopic information not usually taken into account17332129421301CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE MINAS GERAIS - FAPEMIGFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPES

    Split-range control for improved operation of solar absorption cooling plants

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    This paper proposes the first application of a split-range control technique on a concentrating solar collector to improve an absorption plant production. Solar absorption plants have solar power availability in phase with cooling demand under design conditions. Thus, it is a powerful cooling technology in the context of renewable energy and energy efficiency. These plants need control systems to cope with solar irradiance intermittency, reject irradiation disturbances, manage fossil fuels backup systems and dump closed-loop thermal-hydraulic oscillations. In this work, control techniques are proposed and simulated in an absorption plant in Spain. The plant consists of a concentrating Fresnel solar collector connected to an absorption chiller. The objectives are to operate with 100% renewable solar energy and avoid safety defocus events while reducing temperature oscillations and control actuators effort. Firstly, the current available plant controllers are defined, then two modifications are proposed. The first modification is a split-range controller capable of manipulating both flow and defocus of the Fresnel collector, the second modification is a PI controller to substitute the original chiller on-off controller. The results compare, through validated models, the different control systems and indicate that using both proposed controllers reduces 94% of the sum of actuators effort and 43% of the integral of absolute set-point tracking error compared to the plant's factory pre-set controllers. The suggested controllers increase 66% of energy production and 63% of exergy production. Besides, the split-range technique can be extended to any concentrating solar collector control.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) Finance Code 001Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) 304032/2019–0Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades - Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) PID2019-104149RB-I00/10.13039/501100011033Consejo Europeo de Investigación (ERC) OCONTSOLAR 78905

    Comparison of physiological and psychobiological acute responses between high intensity functional training and high intensity continuous training

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    Little is known about the physiological and psychobiological responses that occur during and after high intensity functional training (HIFT). We compared physiological and psychobiological responses during and after a HIFT session with a high intensity continuous training (HICT) session. Twenty-one trained and healthy men were submitted to 20-min session of HIFT and HICT on separate days. The heart rate, blood lactate concentration [Lac], levels of state anxiety, rates of perceived exertion (RPE) and perceived discomfort (RPE-D), and affective valence were measured. Exercise intensity of the HICT was adjusted to the mean heart rate obtained in the HIFT session. The highest heart rate in the training sessions was significantly higher in HIFT (mean ​± ​standard deviation [SD]: [187 ​± ​9] bpm) than in HICT (mean ​± ​SD: [178 ​± ​8] bpm, p ​< ​0.001). The [Lac] was significantly higher immediately after the HIFT (median [interquartile range (IQR)]: 6.8 [4.4] mmol/L) than the HICT (median [IQR]: 3.2 [1.9], p ​= ​0.021) and 10 ​min after (median [IQR]: HIFT ​= ​6.8 [4.9] mmol/L, HICT ​= ​2.9 [2.4] mmol/L, p ​= ​0.003). The RPE was also significantly higher in the HIFT (median [IQR]: HIFT ​= ​20 [2], HICT ​= ​15 [5], p ​= ​0.009). The physiological and psychobiological responses compared between HIFT and HICT sessions are similar, except for the higher heart rate obtained during the sessions, [Lac] and RPE. Probably, the results found for the higher heart rate obtained during the sessions, [Lac] and RPE may be explained by the higher participation of the anaerobic glycolytic metabolism during the HIFT session


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    The objective of this paper is to analyze the impact of spatial segregation between whites and blacks, and their social networks formed in schools, on the wages of workers in the city of Salvador. Empirical studies show that Salvador is the most segregated city in Brazil. The theoretical literature suggests that social networks are formed mainly in schools, and have a crucial role both in the spread of job opportunities in the indication of potential candidates to fill them. In this context, the evolution of the urban structure of the city of Salvador, mostly from the 1950s, generates a phenomenon of socio-spatial segregation. Thus, from both School and Population Brazilian 2010 Census, we calculated the dissimilarity indexes for the degree of spatial segregation of elementary school students in the city of Salvador, to verify the displacement of mincerian equations wage regarding the level of segregation between whites and blacks. The results showed that the predominance of whites in private schools, in the most affluent areas of the city, increases segregation in the city. Moreover, segregation positively affects expected salary of whites and reduces the expected value for blacks.O objetivo deste artigo é analisar o impacto da segregação espacial entre brancos e negros, e respectivas redes sociais formadas nas escolas, sobre os salários dos trabalhadores da cidade de Salvador. Os estudos empíricos mostram que Salvador é a cidade mais segregada do Brasil. A literatura teórica aponta que as redes sociais são formadas principalmente nas escolas, e passam a assumir uma função crucial tanto na disseminação das oportunidades de emprego como na indicação de candidatos em potencial para ocupá-los. Nesse contexto, a evolução da estrutura urbana da cidade de Salvador, principalmente a partir da década de 1950, ocorreu de forma a gerar um fenômeno de segregação sócio-espacial. Desse modo, a partir de dados do Censo Escolar e do Censo Demográfico de 2010, foram calculados os índices de dissimilaridade referente ao grau de segregação espacial dos alunos do Ensino Fundamental da cidade de Salvador, para verificar o deslocamento de equações mincerianas de salários, em função do nível de segregação espacial entre brancos e negros. Os resultados mostraram que o predomínio de brancos nas escolas particulares, naturalmente nas áreas mais abastadas da cidade, faz com que segregação aumente na cidade. Além disso, a segregação afeta positivamente o salário esperado de brancos e reduz o valor esperado para os negros