6 research outputs found

    Migration in times of crisis: can entrepreneurship be a solution?: the Case of brazilian entrepreneurs in Lisbon (Portugal)

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    The planet watches a new planning phase of migration flows. In the era of economic globalization, restructuring of labor markets, social, cultural, political and economic transformations, the decision to migrate is linked to reasons such as the existence of pull factors in the destination, of a network linking origin and destination that minimize the constraints and dangers of the journey and, of course, economic aspects represented by the ability to achieve a “better life” with the gains obtained at the destination. It is clear that, although indispensable for the reorganization of the predominant mode of production in our society, the crisis we experience brings great challenges for the global economy. In this chapter, we analyze the importance of the female immigrant entrepreneurship that, faced with an economy that requires movement, could prove an economic and social potential that benefits from occasions and market segments little explored. This is because in the migration process, there may be new contexts for immigrants, which enables the development of its human capital. In other words, the material/intellectual accumulation of these individuals linked to its ability to reinvent themselves end up contributing to new economic arrangements,info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Forms and causes of migration in a peripheral region of Brazil: the special influence of work and education offers.

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    Die Mikroregion „Alto Capibaribe“ im Bundesstaat „Pernambuco“ – im Nordosten Brasiliens – ist seit ihrer Entstehung ein geeigneter Ort der Migration. Ein Beweis dafür wurde in dieser Dissertation entwickelt. Als methodische Grundlage ist eine Hybrid-Methode, bestehend aus der Methode des historischen Materialismus und der Methode der qualitativen Forschung, verwendet worden. Für die theoretische Basis wurde umfangreiche Literatur über die Konzepte hinsichtlich Zentrum – Peripherie und Klassifizierung der Arten von Migration verwendet. Die Hypothese verfolgt die Absicht zu beweisen, dass Arbeit und Bildung die wichtigsten Gründe für Migration darstellen und zu bestätigen, weshalb sich Einzelpersonen oder eine Gruppe in einem bestimmten Raum bewegen. Für diesen Beweis war es notwendig, die offiziellen Daten des Brasilianischen Instituts für Geografie und Statistik mit den Nachweisen, die in biographischen Interviews gesammelt wurden, zu vermischen und zu analysieren. Die Schlussfolgerung daraus ist, dass Migration in der Mikroregion in zwei Perioden unterteilt ist, nämlich: 1 - Die erste, Mitte der achtziger Jahre des letzten Jahrhunderts, wurde vor allem durch die ständige Abwanderung in entfernte Gebiete (vor allem in große Ballungsgebiete Brasiliens) geprägt und war von kurzer Dauer. Sie war durch semi-pendelnde Migration in Richtung der „Zona da Mata von Pernambuco“ während der Dürreperioden gekennzeichnet.2 - Die zweite Periode, die bis zum heutigen Tag andauert, ist durch die Rückwanderung auf Grund der Veränderungen in der produktiven Basis der Wirtschaft und der semi-pendelnden Migration von Studenten, die sich auf der Suche nach besserer Qualifikation mehr Chancen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt erhoffen, gekennzeichnet. In diesem Sinn weist die Migration in der Mikroregion immer eine Verbindung zu dem Prozess der gesellschaftlichen Reproduktion auf, die hauptsächlich durch die Arbeit angeregt wurde.The microregion of Alto Capibaribe, Pernambuco - Northeast of Brazil, since its genesis, has been constituted as a suitable place for migration. From this observation this doctoral thesis was developed, with a methodological foundation that is a hybrid method composed of historical materialism and qualitative research. For the theoretical background, the concepts of center-periphery and classification of types of migration were used based on literature review. The hypothesis pursued that Labor and Education are configured as the main reasons why an individual or a group move within a determined space was confirmed. For such verification, it was necessary to cross-check the official data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics with evidence collected in biographical interviews, coming to the conclusion that migration within the microregion is divided into two periods: 1 - before the mid-eighties of last century, characterized mainly by the permanent long distance emigration (specially for major metropolitan areas around the country) and the short duration emigration, characterized by half-pendular migration towards Zona da Mata in Pernambuco during drought periods. 2 - the second period that follows and comes up to the present day is characterized by the return migration stimulated by changes in the economy's productive base and by pendular and semi-pendular migration of commuting students who seek qualification to have more chances in the labor market . Thus, migration within the region has always been connected to the process of social reproduction, being stimulated mainly by work

    Formen und Ursachen der Migration in einer peripheren Region Brasiliens: Der besondere Einfluss der Bildungs- und Arbeitsangebote

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    Die Mikroregion „Alto Capibaribe“ im Bundesstaat „Pernambuco“ – im Nordosten Brasiliens – ist seit ihrer Entstehung ein geeigneter Ort der Migration. Ein Beweis dafür wurde in dieser Dissertation entwickelt. Als methodische Grundlage ist eine Hybrid-Methode, bestehend aus der Methode des historischen Materialismus und der Methode der qualitativen Forschung, verwendet worden. Für die theoretische Basis wurde umfangreiche Literatur über die Konzepte hinsichtlich Zentrum – Peripherie und Klassifizierung der Arten von Migration verwendet. Die Hypothese verfolgt die Absicht zu beweisen, dass Arbeit und Bildung die wichtigsten Gründe für Migration darstellen und zu bestätigen, weshalb sich Einzelpersonen oder eine Gruppe in einem bestimmten Raum bewegen. Für diesen Beweis war es notwendig, die offiziellen Daten des Brasilianischen Instituts für Geografie und Statistik mit den Nachweisen, die in biographischen Interviews gesammelt wurden, zu vermischen und zu analysieren. Die Schlussfolgerung daraus ist, dass Migration in der Mikroregion in zwei Perioden unterteilt ist, nämlich: 1 - Die erste, Mitte der achtziger Jahre des letzten Jahrhunderts, wurde vor allem durch die ständige Abwanderung in entfernte Gebiete (vor allem in große Ballungsgebiete Brasiliens) geprägt und war von kurzer Dauer. Sie war durch semi-pendelnde Migration in Richtung der „Zona da Mata von Pernambuco“ während der Dürreperioden gekennzeichnet.2 - Die zweite Periode, die bis zum heutigen Tag andauert, ist durch die Rückwanderung auf Grund der Veränderungen in der produktiven Basis der Wirtschaft und der semi-pendelnden Migration von Studenten, die sich auf der Suche nach besserer Qualifikation mehr Chancen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt erhoffen, gekennzeichnet. In diesem Sinn weist die Migration in der Mikroregion immer eine Verbindung zu dem Prozess der gesellschaftlichen Reproduktion auf, die hauptsächlich durch die Arbeit angeregt wurde

    The study of informal commerce along the main circulation axis of the city of Recife - Brazil

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    Acompanhando a dinâmica do uso e ocupação do solo que formalmente se instala nos lotes situados ao longo dos principais eixos viários de circulação, constata-se a multiplicação criativa de diferentes formas de comercialização de distintos produtos, nos semáforos e calçadas, quando não, no leito dessas avenidas (GOMES, E, 1997). Os produtos alimentares, quer sejam industrializados, tais como: guloseimas, refrigerantes, bolachas e biscoitos, bem como as frutas da época, e até aqueles de fabricação artesanal " in loco" como: tapiocas, galetos, dentre outros; além de acessórios para autos,e flores, os quais são comercializados diariamente. Essas práticas socio-espaciais revelam " habitus" (CAMPOS, H,1999)cristalizados que vem sendo desemprego do mercado formal (BARCELAR, T, 2000). O que vem sendo revelado nessa pesquisa é a crescente diversificação desses produtos, que, na maioria das vezes funcionam como complemento às necessidades dos transeuntes e motoristas que circulam nessas avenidas. Os equipamentos existentes: hospitais, faculdades, escritórios, consultórios, dentre outros, significam focos de atração de grande contingente humano, porém não fornecem os serviços que esse contingente necessita, sendo portanto supridos, e, cada vez mais, através desse quadro informal. Não obstante, a visibilidade do fenômeno, esse comércio não está integrado a nenhuma política pública, quer de fomento ou de erradicação. É como se fizessem parte do asfalto e das calçadas na origem, na substância. O objetivo da pesquisa é iluminar com dados e números essas evidências do cotidiano de maneira a contribuir para a cidadania do asfalto (SANTOS, 1997).The hardships of incorporating "habitus" to public politics. While accompanying the dynamics of the usage and occupation of the public space that take place formally on areas located along the main circulatory axis, it is possible to perceive the spontaneous multiplication of various forms of comercialization of specific products at traffic lights and sidewalks, when not the street surface it self. Food products (be they industrialised, like, for example: soft drinks, biscuits, candy and such, as well as fruits of the season, or those made in loco, like tapioca, galetos, etc), or even car accessories and flowers, are sold daily. These sociospacial activities reveal, habitus" that have been intensified by the unemployment crisis of the formal market (Barcellar, 2000). What is being revealed during our research is the growing diversification of these products, that in most cases function as a complement to the necessities of the passers-by and drivers that transit on our streets. The existing equipments: hospitals, colleges and office buldings, and medical offices, among others, represent points of attraction to large amounts of user, but do not manage to offer the services that they need, which are therefore supplied, increasingly, through this informal situation. Even with the fenomenon´s visibility, this commerce is not integrated to any public policy, be it of incentive or erradication. It is as if it was from ist origin and in substance part of the street and side walks them selves. The aim of this research is to clarify with information and numerical data this daily evidence, contributing in the way to citizenship of the street

    The study of informal commerce along the main circulation axis of the city of Recife - Brazil

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    Acompanhando a dinâmica do uso e ocupação do solo que formalmente se instala nos lotes situados ao longo dos principais eixos viários de circulação, constata-se a multiplicação criativa de diferentes formas de comercialização de distintos produtos, nos semáforos e calçadas, quando não, no leito dessas avenidas (GOMES, E, 1997). Os produtos alimentares, quer sejam industrializados, tais como: guloseimas, refrigerantes, bolachas e biscoitos, bem como as frutas da época, e até aqueles de fabricação artesanal " in loco" como: tapiocas, galetos, dentre outros; além de acessórios para autos,e flores, os quais são comercializados diariamente. Essas práticas socio-espaciais revelam " habitus" (CAMPOS, H,1999)cristalizados que vem sendo desemprego do mercado formal (BARCELAR, T, 2000). O que vem sendo revelado nessa pesquisa é a crescente diversificação desses produtos, que, na maioria das vezes funcionam como complemento às necessidades dos transeuntes e motoristas que circulam nessas avenidas. Os equipamentos existentes: hospitais, faculdades, escritórios, consultórios, dentre outros, significam focos de atração de grande contingente humano, porém não fornecem os serviços que esse contingente necessita, sendo portanto supridos, e, cada vez mais, através desse quadro informal. Não obstante, a visibilidade do fenômeno, esse comércio não está integrado a nenhuma política pública, quer de fomento ou de erradicação. É como se fizessem parte do asfalto e das calçadas na origem, na substância. O objetivo da pesquisa é iluminar com dados e números essas evidências do cotidiano de maneira a contribuir para a cidadania do asfalto (SANTOS, 1997).The hardships of incorporating "habitus" to public politics. While accompanying the dynamics of the usage and occupation of the public space that take place formally on areas located along the main circulatory axis, it is possible to perceive the spontaneous multiplication of various forms of comercialization of specific products at traffic lights and sidewalks, when not the street surface it self. Food products (be they industrialised, like, for example: soft drinks, biscuits, candy and such, as well as fruits of the season, or those made in loco, like tapioca, galetos, etc), or even car accessories and flowers, are sold daily. These sociospacial activities reveal, habitus" that have been intensified by the unemployment crisis of the formal market (Barcellar, 2000). What is being revealed during our research is the growing diversification of these products, that in most cases function as a complement to the necessities of the passers-by and drivers that transit on our streets. The existing equipments: hospitals, colleges and office buldings, and medical offices, among others, represent points of attraction to large amounts of user, but do not manage to offer the services that they need, which are therefore supplied, increasingly, through this informal situation. Even with the fenomenon´s visibility, this commerce is not integrated to any public policy, be it of incentive or erradication. It is as if it was from ist origin and in substance part of the street and side walks them selves. The aim of this research is to clarify with information and numerical data this daily evidence, contributing in the way to citizenship of the street

    O estudo do comercio informal ao longo dos principais eixos de circulaçao da cidade do Recife - Brasil: a dificuldade de incorporar "habitus" nas políticas públicas

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    Acompanhando a dinâmica do uso e ocupação do solo que formalmente se instala nos lotes situados ao longo dos principais eixos viários de circulação, constata-se a multiplicação criativa de diferentes formas de comercialização de distintos produtos, nos semáforos e calçadas, quando não, no leito dessas avenidas (GOMES, E, 1997). Os produtos alimentares, quer sejam industrializados, tais como: guloseimas, refrigerantes, bolachas e biscoitos, bem como as frutas da época, e até aqueles de fabricação artesanal " in loco" como: tapiocas, galetos, dentre outros; além de acessórios para autos,e flores, os quais são comercializados diariamente. Essas práticas socio-espaciais revelam " habitus" (CAMPOS, H,1999)cristalizados que vem sendo desemprego do mercado formal (BARCELAR, T, 2000). O que vem sendo revelado nessa pesquisa é a crescente diversificação desses produtos, que, na maioria das vezes funcionam como complemento às necessidades dos transeuntes e motoristas que circulam nessas avenidas. Os equipamentos existentes: hospitais, faculdades, escritórios, consultórios, dentre outros, significam focos de atração de grande contingente humano, porém não fornecem os serviços que esse contingente necessita, sendo portanto supridos, e, cada vez mais, através desse quadro informal. Não obstante, a visibilidade do fenômeno, esse comércio não está integrado a nenhuma política pública, quer de fomento ou de erradicação. É como se fizessem parte do asfalto e das calçadas na origem, na substância. O objetivo da pesquisa é iluminar com dados e números essas evidências do cotidiano de maneira a contribuir para a cidadania do asfalto (SANTOS, 1997)