76 research outputs found

    Atividades Experimentais no Ensino de Química: Contribuições para Construção de Conceitos Químic

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    Este trabalho apresenta ações do Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência-PIBID/CAPES na escola, onde objetivou identificar as concepções dos alunos do Ensino Médio sobre as atividades experimentais de Química, em uma escola de Aracaju-Sergipe e as contribuições dos experimentos problematizadores na promoção de atividades de elaboração de hipóteses, análise de dados e de conclusões. Pode-se verificar que é possível trabalhar na Educação Básica com uma proposta de atividades experimentais problematizadoras, pois proporciona situações de questionamento, organização do pensamento, construção e socialização de argumentos

    Lipoma intraósseo do ilíaco: relato de caso

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    ResumoOs lipomas são tumores benignos que acometem células adiposas, mais comumente afetam os tecidos moles na idade adulta. Raramente podem afetar os ossos, preferencialmente metáfises dos ossos longos. São geralmente assintomáticos, na radiografia verifica‐se lesão radiotransparente, com uma fina borda esclerótica ou lesão radiodensa com uma espessa borda esclerótica. A transformação maligna do tumor é rara, assim como a recorrência, sem necessidade cirúrgica na maioria dos casos. Neste relato apresentamos um caso raro de lipoma intraósseo do ilíaco.AbstractLipomas are benign tumors that attack fat cells and most often affecting soft tissues in adulthood. On rare occasions, they may affect bones, preferentially the metaphyses of the long bone. They are generally asymptomatic and radiography shows radiolucent lesions with a thin sclerotic rim or radiodense lesions with a thick sclerotic rim. Malignant transformation of these tumors is rare, as is their recurrence, and there is no need for surgery in most cases. In this report, we present a rare case of intraosseous lipoma in the iliac bone

    Intraosseous lipoma of the iliac: case report

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    AbstractLipomas are benign tumors that attack fat cells and most often affecting soft tissues in adulthood. On rare occasions, they may affect bones, preferentially the metaphyses of the long bone. They are generally asymptomatic and radiography shows radiolucent lesions with a thin sclerotic rim or radiodense lesions with a thick sclerotic rim. Malignant transformation of these tumors is rare, as is their recurrence, and there is no need for surgery in most cases. In this report, we present a rare case of intraosseous lipoma in the iliac bone

    Mixed modeling for fiber yield genetic selection in sugarcane

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    The current demand for clean and renewable energy has provoked considerable changes in the production system of agroindustrial companies. The generation of bioelectricity through the burning of sugarcane bagasse has considerably risen in the recent years. This work aimed to focus on the sugarcane genotypes selection for fiber productivity. The experiment was outlined in randomized blocks with four repetitions, and sixteen genotypes were evaluated. The evaluated traits  were: cane tons per hectare, sucrose tons per hectare, fiber tons per hectare, fiber content and apparent sucrose content. To the selection, the mixed linear models methodology was used. The heritability coefficients suggest a significant genetic gain and the harmonic means of relative performances of predicted genotypic values allowed the identification of stable genotypes related to the traits evaluated in four harvest cycles. Considering the current average demand of sugarcane agroindustry for varieties with fiber content between 12% and 17% and sucrose content near 13%, for energy generation and sugar production, the genotypes EECAC 06, EECAC 03, EECAC 04 and EECAC 07 are presented as commercial cultivation options. Highlights - Mixed models constitute an efficient tool for sugarcane selection focused onto fiber and sucrose production. - This methodology provides significant genetic gains based on predicted genetic values free from interaction with harvest cycles. - The evaluated genotypes present high fiber and sucrose productivity, genotypic adaptability and stability throughout harvest cycles, indicating longevity in the sugarcane crop.The current demand for clean and renewable energy has provoked considerable changes in the production system of agroindustrial companies. The generation of bioelectricity through the burning of sugarcane bagasse has considerably risen in the recent years. This work aimed to focus on the sugarcane genotypes selection for fiber productivity. The experiment was outlined in randomized blocks with four repetitions, and sixteen genotypes were evaluated. The evaluated traits  were: cane tons per hectare, sucrose tons per hectare, fiber tons per hectare, fiber content and apparent sucrose content. To the selection, the mixed linear models methodology was used. The heritability coefficients suggest a significant genetic gain and the harmonic means of relative performances of predicted genotypic values allowed the identification of stable genotypes related to the traits evaluated in four harvest cycles. Considering the current average demand of sugarcane agroindustry for varieties with fiber content between 12% and 17% and sucrose content near 13%, for energy generation and sugar production, the genotypes EECAC 06, EECAC 03, EECAC 04 and EECAC 07 are presented as commercial cultivation options. Highlights - Mixed models constitute an efficient tool for sugarcane selection focused onto fiber and sucrose production. - This methodology provides significant genetic gains based on predicted genetic values free from interaction with harvest cycles. - The evaluated genotypes present high fiber and sucrose productivity, genotypic adaptability and stability throughout harvest cycles, indicating longevity in the sugarcane crop


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    A comparison of milk production cost for different production systems indicate that Brazilpresents one of the lower costs, compared with the main milk producing regions of the world,mostly due to being pasture-based. Pernambuco state main milk producing area is Agreste,with yields similar to those of the most productive regions of Brazil. The production systemsof this region are based on native and cultivated pastures and forage cactus. Cultivated pastures in the area are mostly on various stages of degradation, and research has indicated their closurefor the rain season, and phosphorus and nitrogen fertilization. Forage cactus use allows reductionin concentrated feed use, allowing yields of up to 12 kg milk by cow by day, when cows are fedforage cactus, urea and a fiber source. This paper proposes a milk exploration system based onforage cactus and pastures for Pernambuco state ‘Agreste’ and ‘Sertão’ region.A comparação dos sistemas de produção de leite de vaca nas principais regiões produtorasmundiais indica que o Brasil apresenta um dos menores custos, principalmente por ser baseadoem pastagens. A principal região produtora de leite em Pernambuco é o Agreste, comprodutividade similar a dos estados mais produtivos do Brasil. Os sistemas de produção destazona fitogeográfica têm nas pastagens nativas e cultivadas e na palma forrageira as principaisfontes de alimentação. A maioria das pastagens cultivadas apresenta variados estádios dedegradação, sendo indicado pela experimentação vedá-las durante a estação chuvosa e adubarcom fósforo e nitrogênio. A utilização da palma forrageira permite a diminuição do uso deconcentrados, permitindo produtividades de até 12 kg de leite por vaca por dia quandoalimentadas com palma, uréia e uma fonte de fibra. Neste trabalho é proposto um sistema deexploração de leite calcado na utilização da palma e das pastagens para as regiões Agreste eSertão de Pernambucano

    Sugarcane and cactus cladodes plus urea: a new option for Girolando dairy heifers

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    This study was performed to identify the ideal amount of concentrate required for a diet based on cactus cladodes, sugarcane, and urea used to feed heifers. Twenty Girolando heifers (160 +/- 8.39 kg) were randomly distributed into four experimental treatments with 0, 0.40, 0.80, or 1.20 kg day(-1) of concentrate. The basal diet contained [on dry matter (DM) basis] 38.1% sugarcane, 56.5% cactus cladodes [Opuntia stricta (Haw). Haw], 0.5% common salt, 1.1% mineral mixture, and 3.8% urea plus ammonium sulfate. The concentrate contained [on DM basis] 87% corn meal and 13% soybean meal. The basal diet and the concentrate were formulated to provide 13% crude protein (CP). The intake of DM (4.34-4.96 kg day(-1)), organic matter (3.96-4.98 kg day(-1)), CP (0.57-0.64 kg day(-1)), non-fibrous carbohydrates (2.20-2.61 kg day(-1)), and metabolizable energy (10.3-12.4 Mcal day(-1)) increased linearly with concentrate amount. Final body weight (196-224 kg), total body weight gain (36.9-61.2 kg), and average daily body weight gain (0.51-0.85 kg day(-1)) increased linearly with concentrate amount. The nitrogen balance was positive and increased linearly (54.8-62.3 g day(-1)) with concentrate amount. Based on the data, we recommend supplying six-monthold Girolando heifers (160 kg body weight) 1.20 kg concentrate day(-1) added to a diet based on sugarcane and cactus cladodes plus urea for better productive and economic performance

    Is the total mixed ration the best option for feeding crossbred dairy cows using diets based on cactus cladodes on family farms?

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    The study aimed to evaluate the effects on the performance of lactating cows of different strategies for supplying diets based on cactus cladodes. Eight Girolando cows at 97 ?? 7.6 days into lactation, producing 12.2 ?? 0.26 kg milk/day, were assigned to 4 treatments in two 4 ?? 4 Latin squares. The feeding strategies were: total mixed ration (TMR) based on a mixture of concentrates, cactus cladodes [Opuntia stricta (Haw.) Haw.] and sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) fed after milking; concentrate fed during milking with cactus cladodes and sugarcane offered later (Con/CC+SC); cactus cladodes combined with concentrate fed after milking with sugarcane offered later (CC+Con/SC); and sugarcane combined with concentrate fed after milking with cactus cladodes offered later (SC+Con/CC). Intakes of neutral detergent fiber (NDF; 4.54 ?? 0.09 kg/d) and total digestible nutrients (TDN; 9.30 ?? 0.50 kg/d) were similar (P>0.05) for all feeding strategies and there was no effect of feeding strategy on milk yield (12.2 ?? 0.26 kg/d). The different feeding strategies did not change the ingestive behavior or performance of lactating Girolando cows. Since the shortage of labor prohibits the feeding of TMRs on family farms because of labor required for preparation, these rations would be appropriate only on large farms where the costs of machines to prepare diets efficiently might be available. Cows fed concentrate during milking spent longer to consume the concentrate than the time to milk, resulting in inefficient usage of scarce labor. Appropriate feeding strategies for family farms appear to be SC+Con/CC and CC+Con/SC, i.e. partial separation of dietary ingredients, and all feeding should be done after milking