69 research outputs found

    Resenha de Ostermann e Meneghel (2012) Humanização, Gênero, Poder: contribuições dos estudos de fala-em-interação para a atenção à saúde

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    Obra ressenyada: Ana Cristina OSTERMANN & Stela Nazareth MENEGHEL (orgs.), Humanização, Gênero, Poder: contribuições dos estudos de fala-eminteração para a atenção à saúde. Campinas: Mercado de Letras; Rio de Janeiro: Fiocruz, 2012

    Conversations between women during cytopathological exam

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    Este artigo aborda conversas entre enfermeiras e mulheres, durante consultas ginecológicas para realização de exame citopatológico. Trata-se de estudo qualitativo que analisou as conversas produzidas durante consultas realizadas em três serviços de atenção básica de saúde de um município do Sul do Brasil. A análise das conversas entre enfermeiras e mulheres usuárias dos serviços foi pautada na perspectiva teórico-metodológica da fala-em-interação, abordagem em que as categorias não são definidas a priori, mas emergem a partir das interações entre os falantes. Os fenômenos interacionais de interesse são analisados a partir de excertos de conversas entre três enfermeiras e sete das 26 mulheres que buscaram os serviços de atenção básica em saúde, transcritas segundo as convenções adotadas por analistas da conversa. Por meio de análise das categorias de pertença, observou-se que nas conversas as mulheres se identificam de acordo com os papéis tradicionais de mãe e esposa. Enfermeiras e usuárias compartilham a ideia de que a sexualidade dos homens, pautada no biológico, é irrefreável, e acreditam que devem cumprir as obrigações matrimoniais de esposas, atendendo à necessidade sexual dos maridos, mesmo quando sentem desconforto e dor. Os achados desta pesquisa podem auxiliar os profissionais da saúde a refletirem criticamente acerca das interações conversacionais com as usuárias de serviços de saúde.This article is about conversations between nurses and women, during gynecological consultations for cytopathological examination. This is a qualitative study that analyzed the conversations made during consultations carried out in three primary health care services of a municipality in the southern Brazil. The analysis of the conversations between nurses and women users of services was based on the theoretical-methodological perspective of speech in interaction, an approach in which the categories are not defined a priori, but they emerge from the interactions among the speakers. The interactional phenomena of interest are analyzed in excerpts from conversations between three nurses and seven of the 26 women who sought primary health care services, transcribed according to the conventions adopted by conversation analysts. Through the membership categorization analysis, one observed in the conversations women identify themselves with the traditional roles of mothers and wives. Nurses and users share the idea that men’s sexuality, based on the biological aspect, is unstoppable and believe they must fulfill spousal obligations, meeting the husbands’ sexual needs, even when they feel discomfort and pain. The findings of this study may help health professionals to reflect critically on their conversational interactions with health service users

    Analysis of a hearing audience in the light of the textual discourses analysis: A challenge

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    This study, supported by the theoretical framework of Textual Linguistics of Discourse and by some Semiolinguistic concepts, aims at analyzing a face to face interaction in the context of a legal hearing audience based on the structure of argumentative sequence. The study relevance relays on demonstrating that Textual Linguistics is suitable for the analysis of discourses which belong to speech domain. The gap intended to be filled in by the study concerns the analysis which takes speech as the empiric object whose contextualization transcends the presupposition of fugacity, instantaneity, and temporality softening Jean-Michel Adam’s caveat, according to which speech is different from writing whose contextualization goes from “text to text”. The piece of data which served as analytical material for the study comes from a face to face conversation between a female judge and a defendant audio-recorded at a hearing audience in a trial of drug trafficking in a court of 1st instance in the forum of a town located in the metropolitan area of Porto Alegre. Throughout analysis, it has been observed that: (a) the argumentative movements accomplished by the participants fit the prototypical argumentative sequence proposed by Jean-Michel Adam, in addition of obeying Patrick Charaudeau’s argumentative organization principles, and (b) the declarative operations undertaken by the speakers allow the recipient to become aware of the whole meaning of the text.Keywords: Textual Linguistics, argumentative sequence, face to face interaction.</p

    How prosody constitutes the actions of formulations in courtrooms

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    Based on the theoretical and methodological perspectives of Conversation Analysis and Interactional Linguistics, this study investigates how the prosodic feature pitch contributes to the formation and ascription of actions in court hearings, in particular, in practices of formulation. The analysis reveals that variations of pitch in the practice of formulating are intrinsically related to the different locally and situated actions performed: checking understandings and challenging the interlocutor

    Differences in Industry and Investigator Initiated Trials

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    INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to investigate the Portuguese authorship in publications resulting from trials initiated by the industry or investigators and run in Portugal. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Clinical trials with Portuguese institutions as sponsor or recruiting centers, and registered in four clinical trial registries, in the last 14 years, were assessed. Publications of completed trials, from both the initiative of the industry and investigatorswere screened and compared. RESULTS: The percentage of published trials initiated by industry and investigators was similar (28.0%). However, the percentage of completed investigator-initiated trials (43.6%) was lower when compared to industry trials (69.7%). There was a higher percentage of Portuguese authorship in published investigator-initiated trials when compared with industry-initiated trials (47.1% vs 8.5%, respectively). Moreover, industry-initiated trials with Portuguese authors were published in journals with lower journal impact factor when compared with those published without authorship of Portuguese investigators. Oncology was the therapeutic area with the highest number of clinical trial registrations and publications. However, in publications with Portuguese authors, industry Initiated trials mainly focused on neurology while investigator-initiated trials had a higher number of papers in the fields of gastroenterology and infection diseases. Published trials with Portuguese authorship, initiated by the industry or investigators, also targeted different populations and had different purposes. In both cases, no significant differences were observed in terms of the journal impact factor or in the alignment of the published randomized trials with the respective reporting guidelines. DISCUSSION: When compared with previous publications, this study showed an increasing trend in the number of clinical trials in Portugal, published within similar timeframes, after trial conclusion. Even though both industry and investigator trials are published within the standards for reporting trials, the low number of Portuguese authorships in industry publications might underline the need for invigorating these independent clinical trials in Portugal by capacitating and empowering national clinical research teams. CONCLUSION: This study confirmed that even though all registered trials had the involvement of Portuguese institutions as a recruiting center, not all the published trials had Portuguese investigators as authors, mainly those initiated by the industry.publishersversionpublishe

    ResistĂŞncia Ă  Helicoverpa armigera em genĂłtipos de tomateiro obtidos do cruzamento de Solanum lycopersicum com Solanum galapagense

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    The objective of this work was to verify the resistance to the Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) caterpillar by tomato genotypes obtained from interspecific crossing of Solanum lycopersicum x S. galapagense, and the association of this resistence with the density of type IV glandular trichomes. Genotypes of the F2 population, obtained from the crossing of S. lycopersicum TOM‑684 x S. galapagense LA‑1401, selected for low and high densities of glandular trichomes, respectively, were subjected to two laboratory resistance tests, one for antibiosis and other for antixenosis. Genotypes of the F2 population, with high density of type IV glandular trichomes (BPX‑486‑17, BPX‑486‑62, BPX‑486‑10, BPX‑486‑46 and BPX‑486‑08), showed higher resistance levels, both by antibiosis and antixenosis, than the genotypes with low‑density glandular trichomes (BPX‑486‑313 and BPX‑486‑383) and the witnesses 'Santa Clara' and TOM‑684. Resistance levels were lower than those of the wild parent LA‑1401.O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a resistência à lagarta Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), em genótipos de tomateiro obtidos do cruzamento interespecífico de Solanum lycopersicum x S. galapagense, e a associação dessa resistência com a densidade de tricomas glandulares do tipo IV. Genótipos da população F2, derivada do cruzamento S. lycopersicum TOM‑684 x S. galapagense LA‑1401, selecionados quanto à baixa e à alta densidade de tricomas glandulares, respectivamente, foram submetidos a dois testes de resistência à lagarta H. armigera em laboratório, um de antibiose e outro de antixenose. Os genótipos da população F2, com alta densidade de tricomas glandulares do tipo IV (BPX‑486‑17, BPX‑486‑62, BPX‑486‑10, BPX‑486‑46 e BPX‑486‑08), apresentam maiores níveis de resistência, tanto por antibiose quanto por antixenose, do que os genótipos com baixa densidade de tricomas glandulares (BPX‑486‑313 e BPX‑486‑383) e do que as testemunhas 'Santa Clara' e TOM‑684. Os níveis de resistência foram menores do que os do genitor silvestre LA‑1401
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