2,040 research outputs found

    School Choice in Chile: Looking at the Demand Side

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    How do parents choose among schools when they are allowed to do so? In this paper, we analyze detailed information of 70,000 fourth-graders attending about 1,200 publicly subsidized schools in the context of the Chilean voucher system. We model the school choice of a household as a discrete choice of a single school, based on the random utility model developed by McFadden (1974) and the specification of Berry, Levinsohn, and Pakes (1995), which includes choice-specific unobservable characteristics and deals with potential endogeneity. Our results imply that households value some attributes of schools, with the two most important dimensions being test scores and distance to school. Interestingly, at the same time, our results suggest there is a lot of heterogeneity in preferences because the valuation of most school attributes depend on household characteristics. In particular, we find that while proximity to school is an inferior attribute, test scores is a normal attribute. We present evidence that our results are mainly driven by self-selection and not by school-side selection. As a nal check, we compute the average enrollment elasticity with respect to all school attributes and find that higher elasticities are correlated with higher supply of the attribute, especially in the case of test scores-enrollment elasticities for private schools.School choice, Chile, vouchers, structural estimates, parental preferences

    Clientelism, income inequality, and social preferences: an evolutionary approach to poverty traps

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    Political clientelism is a dyadic relation in which a politician (the patron) gives material goods and services to a citizen (the client), in exchange for political support. We argue that there is a two-way relation between clientelism and income inequality and poverty. In a poor society in which income inequality is high, clientelism will be a natural outcome. Once clientelism is established, it is harder for democracy to redistribute income and it is easier for the society to be caught in a poverty trap. We develop a two-part game-theoretic model. In the first part, clientelism emerges in a poor and unequal society as a consequence of social preferences, in particular, strong reciprocity. In the second part, using evolutionary and stochastic game theory, we show that clientelism causes income inequality and poverty.

    Características operativas de los puntajes TIMI y GRACE en pacientes con síndrome coronario agudo sin elevación del ST atendidos en el servicio de urgencias de la Clínica los Rosales durante el año 2015

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    "La ciencia de la incertidumbre, el arte de las probabilidades", así describió en alguna ocasión Sir. William Osler a la medicina; esta corta frase demuestra el nivel de duda que deben tolerar y contemplar en cada momento los médicos. Esto ha llevado al desarrollo de herramientas para definir en un momento determinado y con la mejor información disponible el futuro del enfermo. Múltiples son las herramientas utilizadas por el médico en esta tarea; puntajes como el CURB 65 (Predicción de mortalidad en pacientes con neumonía; a mayor puntaje el paciente se beneficiaría de ingreso a hospitalización o unidad de cuidado intensivo), HAS-BLED (Pronostica riesgo de sangrado mayor en usuarios de warfarina por fibrilación auricular; un puntaje alto indica que se debe prestar más atención al seguimiento del paciente o intervenir en factores modificable), WELLS (Determina la probabilidad de padecer un embolismo pulmonar; según el puntaje obtenido se definirá una estrategia diagnóstica diferente), y PADUA (Determina el beneficio de profilaxis trombótica en pacientes hospitalizados no quirúrgicos), son utilizadas todos los días para brindar el mejor cuidado a los pacientes. Este trabajo evalúo las características operativas de dos de los principales puntajes creados para la estratificación del riesgo en pacientes con síndrome coronario agudo sin elevación del ST en una población específica de Pereira. Su importancia radica en el alta prevalencia e incidencia de la enfermedad cardiovascular en el departamento de Risaralda y en el desconocimiento de la real utilidad de puntajes ajenos a las características demográficas, clínicas, y sociales de nuestra población, por lo que conocer su verdadero valor ayudará en la evaluación inicial de los pacientes con esta patología

    El archivo del cardenal Goma (1936-1939)

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    La legislación religiosa de la revolución española de 1868 (período constituyente)

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    Planteamiento de la cuestión religiosa en España: 1899-1902

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    SUMMARIUM Factio Liberalis hispana introducit in sua causa quaestionem religiosam anno 1899. Probabiliter sibi est unica subsistendi possibilitas impulsui Factionis Conservatoris, propinqui traditionalismo alphonsino a Leone XIII alito. Quapropter proponit legislationem quae praesertim privatae docentiae, fere exclusive rellgiosae, . vegilantiam statalem refert, ac maxime et vigilantiam institutorum perfectionis evangelicae. Haec omnia faciunt quaestionem iuridicam interpretationis articuli 29 in Concordato anno 1851 facto, qui ad litterum statum ad sustinendus institutos tres masculinos determinatos cogit, non ceterorum futuro constituto. Disputatio, primum inter liberales et traditionalistas, pervenit deinde diplomatica septembre anni 1901. Prosequitur non confecta post annos nunc examinatos. Pero hos annos novissima res publica, Sagasta praeside, ad vigilandos institutos quasdam promulgat cautiones, praesertim dispositionem regiam septembre anni 1901. Aplicatione autem ulteriori monstrat intentionem duntaxat politicam. Sunt cautiones quae ad opinionem destinantur, secreto autem cum Vaticano negotiatae. Ad hoc auctor consultavit fundos Archivi Generalis Ministerii Rerum Exteriorum, quod includit partem Archivi Legationis hispanae apud Vaticanum. Consultavit etiam documenta Archivi Aedis Regiae Matritensis, et litteras cottidianas varie intentionis, et annales rerum gestarum at que recentem bibliographiam.--------------------------------- ABSTRAT The Spanish Liberal Party introduced the religious question to its program in 1899. This measure was probably considered necessary for subsistence, given the strenght of the Conservative Party, which favoured to Sorne extent, the Alphonsine traditionalism fostered by Leo XIII. Consequently it proposed legislation affecting, aboye aH,. state supervision of private teaching -almost exclusively religious- and especiaHy the control of Institutes of christian perfection, aH of this gave rise to the juridical problem of the interpretation of Article 29 of the Spanish Concordat which literaHy obliges the State to defend three specüicaHy-named male Institutes without special mention of other cases. Discussion between the Liberals and Traditionalists at a diplomatic level first occurred in September 1901 and still continued, without definite conclusions having been reached, at the end of the period which is studied here. In this period, the last I..iberal Government with Sagasta as President, promulgated sorne measures relating to the control of the Institutes, and, especially, the Royal Decree of 19-9-1901. But the manner of its posterior application clearly shows that it was merely intended as apurely political measure. It was intended to placate public opinion and had, in fact, been secretly negotiated with the Holy See. The following sources were consulted for purposes of thls present study: the General Archives of the Spanish Foreign Office, the documents of the Spanish Embassy to the Holy See,. the Archives of the Royal Palace in Madrid, the daily press of various tendencies, historiography and recent bibliography

    Macro y microhistoria en el estudio de la esclavitud de los negros

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    Este trabajo sintetiza la polémica historiográfica en torno a la esclavitud de los negros en el continente americano: por un lado la interpretación economicista de E. Williams -esclavitud, en la América anglosajona como expresión de un sistema económico-social- continuada por autores como Stampp, Elkins, Genovese, Davis-; y, por otro, aquellos autores que destacan la actitud paternalista hacia los esclavos en Iberoamérica, gracias a los trabajos de Tannenbaum, Freyre y otros. Por su parte el autor propone que esclavitud en Hispanoamerica sea estudiada no sólo desde un necesario punto de vista macrohistórico, sino también desde una perspectiva microhistórica. Los historiadores evitarían así valoraciones generales equivocadas, y lograrían interpretar las ideas de las gentes ante los acontecimientos históricos y las transformaciones políticas y sociales