18 research outputs found

    Isolamento de fungos em esmaltes utilizados em salão de beleza

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    A manipulação de materiais biológicos por profissionais como manicures e pedicures implica no risco de transmissão de diversos microrganismos. Neste sentido, este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a contaminação fúngica em esmaltes provenientes de salões de beleza. Foram analisadas 101 amostras de esmaltes de diferentes cores e marcas comerciais de quatro salões de beleza. Os esmaltes foram cultivados em meio contendo Agar Sabouraud dextosado, com e sem inibidores. A identificação presuntiva das leveduras foi feita através de triagem em meio cromogênico. Assim, observou-se o crescimento fúngico em 2,97% dos esmaltes analisados. O gênero Candida foi o único fungo isolado das amostras. Através do método cromogênico, identificou-se duas cepas como Candida krusei e uma como Candida spp. Os resultados deste estudo demostraram que os esmaltes podem ser um fômite para a transmissão de agentes fúngicos

    Prevalência dos marcadores das hepatites B e C em adolescentes de Blumenau

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências de Saúde. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Farmácia, Florianópolis, 2009As infecções pelo vírus da hepatite B (HBV) e pelo vírus da hepatite C (HCV) são problemas mundiais de saúde pública. Este trabalho objetivou estabelecer a prevalência dos marcadores de imunidade e infecção pelo HBV e de infecção pelo HCV em adolescentes do município de Blumenau, Santa Catarina, além de avaliar o conhecimento sobre as hepatites B e C e verificar a prática de atividades que aumentam o risco de infecção pelo HBV e HCV. Foi realizado um estudo com 393 adolescentes com idade entre 10 e 15 anos atendidos em Postos de Saúde do município de Blumenau. Os dados foram obtidos através da realização de testes sorológicos e aplicação de questionários. Dentre os participantes, 53,44% eram do sexo feminino e 46,56% do masculino. A soropositividade do anti-HCV foi de 0%, do HBsAg de 0,76%, do anti-HBc de 1,02% e do anti-HBs de 89,57%. Títulos de anti-HBs abaixo de 10 UI/L foram verificados em 50,38% dos participantes. A maioria dos adolescentes (83,21%) demonstrou conhecimento sobre a vacina preventiva contra a hepatite B. Pouco mais da metade dos participantes (55,47%) acreditam que a contaminação pelo HBV e HCV ocorra pelo contato com sangue ou secreções de uma pessoa infectada, e 23,48% desconhecem as formas de transmissão. Quase 40% dos adolescentes já estiveram internados em hospital, sendo que destes 5 (1,3% do total de participantes) receberam sangue por transfusão e 3,3% possuem body piercing e/ou tatuagem. O nível de conhecimento sobre as hepatites B e C na população estudada revelou a necessidade de intensificação das atividades educativas e a importância de uma política de educação em saúde voltada para os adolescentes. Hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus infections are global public health problems. This study aimed to establish the prevalence of HBV immunity and infection markers and HCV infection maker in adolescents of Blumenau, Santa Catarina, as well as to evaluate the knowledge on hepatitis B and C and verifying the practice of activities that increase the risk of HBV and HCV infection. The study was conduced with 393 adolescents between 10 and 15 years, taken care in public health institutions of Blumenau. Data were obtained by means of serological tests and application of questionnaires. Of the participants, 53.4% were female and 46.6% were males. The seropositivity for anti-HCV was 0%, for HBsAg was 0.76%, for anti-HBc was 1.02% and for anti-HBs was 89.57%. Levels for anti-HBs below 10 IU/L were found in 50.38% of the participants. Most adolescents (83.21%) have knowledge of the preventive vaccine against hepatitis B. More than half of the participants (55.47%) believe that the contamination for HBV and HCV occurs by the contact with blood or secretions of an infected person, and 23.48% are unaware of the transmission forms. Almost 40% of adolescents have been admitted to hospital, of which 5 (1.3% of the total of participants) received blood transfusion and 3.3% have body piercing and/or tattooing. The level of knowledge on hepatitis B and C in the studied population shows the necessity for intensification of the educative activities and the importance of health education for adolescents

    Avaliação da memória imunológica para o vírus da hepatite B em indivíduos vacinados

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências de Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Farmácia, Florianópolis, 2014A susceptibilidade à infecção pelo vírus da hepatite B (HBV) e necessidade de doses de reforço da vacina entre indivíduos que apresentam níveis séricos do anticorpo contra o antígeno de superfície (anti-HBs) inferiores a 10 UI/L após a imunização primária permanecem indefinidas. Neste trabalho, o objetivo foi avaliar a resposta anamnéstica ao desafio in vitro e in vivo com o antígeno de superfície do vírus da hepatite B (HBsAg) em indivíduos vacinados. Foram analisadas as propriedades antigênicas da proteína vacinal HBsAg recombinante em sistema de cultura, e realizada a padronização do ensaio in vitro de proliferação de linfócitos frente à estimulação com o antígeno vacinal. Dentro das condições experimentais ideais pré-estabelecidas, foi realizada a análise in vitro da resposta anamnéstica à exposição ao HBsAg recombinante em amostras de voluntários que receberam o esquema completo (3 doses) de vacinação contra o HBV. A resposta anamnéstica ao estímulo in vivo foi analisada pela determinação dos títulos séricos de anti-HBs após o reforço da vacina. O antígeno vacinal HBsAg recombinante estimulou a proliferação linfocitária em culturas de células de indivíduos vacinados. Os maiores índices de proliferação foram verificados em suspensões na concentração de 4×106 células/mL, estimuladas com 50 ng/mL de HBsAg recombinante durante 3 dias. As respostas humorais ao desafio antigênico in vitro não se correlacionaram significativamente com os níveis séricos do anticorpo. Uma resposta in vitro de anticorpos de alta avidez foi verificada em 60,0%, 40,0% e 66,7% dos indivíduos que apresentaram níveis séricos de anti-HBs indetectáveis, Abstract: The susceptibility to hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection and the need for booster doses among individuals with antibody titers to surface antigen (anti-HBs) less than 10IU/L after primary immunization remain undefined. In this study, the aim was to evaluate the in vitro and in vivo anamnestic response to the hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) challenge in vaccinated individuals. The antigenic properties of the recombinant HBsAg protein vaccine were analyzed in a culture system in order to standardize the in vitro lymphocyte proliferation assay. Under the optimal experimental conditions, the in vitro anamnestic response to the recombinant HBsAg exposure were evaluated in samples from volunteers who had received the standard (three-dose) HBV vaccination schedule. The in vivo anamnestic response to the antigen stimulation was assessed by the quantification of serum anti-HBs levels after booster vaccination. The recombinant HBsAg stimulated lymphocyte proliferation in cultured cells from vaccinated individuals. The highest levels of proliferation were observed in suspensions stimulated at a concentration of 4×106 cells/mL with 50 ng/mL of recombinant HBsAg for 3 days. The humoral responses to the in vitro antigen challenge were not significantly correlated with serum antibody levels. An in vitro antibody response of high avidity was found in 60.0%, 40.0% and 66.7% of the individuals who showed undetectable anti-HBs, anti-HBs <10 IU/L and anti-HBs =10 IU/L, respectively. In the in vivo analysis of the immunological memory to HBV, the proportion of individuals who showed an anamnestic humoral response to the single booster dose was 63.0%. The index of participants who showed antibody titers =10 IU/L 4 months, 1 year and 2 years after the administration of one challenge dose was 66.7%, 50.0% and 70.0%, respectively. All subjects who had received three booster doses showed serum anti-HBs =10 IU/L 2 years after revaccination, and in 80.0% of cases antibody levels were above 100 IU/L. The results from this study suggest the persistence of immunological memory to HBV in vaccinated individuals who showed serum anti-HBs of less than 10 IU/L or undetectable antibody


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    Frequentes em países subdesenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento, as parasitoses intestinais são consideradas um problemade saúde pública, e em muito dependem das condições de saneamento básico e tratamento de água. No campo daparasitologia, o Urbanorum spp. é o achado laboratorial mais recente. A descoberta desse novo parasita suscitouprofusas discussões no interior da comunidade científica. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste trabalho, com base em umarevisão de literatura, é atualizar o conhecimento acerca do Urbanorum spp. no tocante ao seu diagnóstico e tratamento.Assim, observou-se que, para o diagnóstico, o método de Hoffman, Pons e Janer vem sendo frequentemente empregado.No entanto, a combinação de técnicas pode ser considerada uma alternativa eficiente. A conduta terapêutica,atualmente, baseia-se na semelhança morfológica entre o Urbanorum spp. e os protozoários. Dessarte, os medicamentosmais utilizados são o metronidazol e a nitazoxanida. Contudo, o método ideal para o diagnóstico e tratamento, deve-seter em conta, ainda permanecem incertos. Por isso, é premente que mais estudos sejam dedicados ao parasita

    Factors associated with non-adherence to treatment of hypertension: an integrative review

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    Objective: evaluating the evidence available in the literature about the factors related to non-adherence to treatment of hypertension in the period 2010 to 2014. Method: the authors conducted an integrative review on databases MEDLINE, LILACS and BDENF, conducted by the following guiding question: What is the production of knowledge about the factors associated with non-adherence of patients to antihypertensive therapy? The descriptors used in the search for studies were: hypertension, patient's compliance and medication adherence. After applying the inclusion criteria there were selected 10 studies for analysis and synthesis. Results: there were identified as main factors related to non-adherence to treatment the low level of education, oblivion of drugs, and the low level of knowledge about the disease and treatment regimen. Conclusion: many factors imply the phenomenon of non-adherence. Thus, it suggests the deepening of the theme and the use of strategies to increase adherence to treatment

    Soroprevalência dos marcadores de infecção das hepatites B e C em crianças e adolescentes da região sul do Brasil

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    Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections account for a substantial proportion of liver diseases worldwide. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of HBV and HCV serological markers among children and adolescents and verify the epidemiology of the HBV infection over than a decade of the introduction of vaccination program. Serologic markers to HBsAg, total anti-HBc and anti-HCV had been tested in 393 samples. The seropositivity for HBsAg was 0.76% and for total anti-HBc was 1.02%. Copositivity between HBsAg and total anti-HBc was verified in 0.76% of the analyzed samples. There was no seropositivity for anti-HCV marker. The seroprevalence of HBV infection markers among children and adolescents in the southern Brazilian region is high compared to that reported in other countries. Preventive measures, such as educational activities in addition to the universal childhood HBV vaccination, should be initiated in order to reduce the morbimortality and the economic burden associated with the disease.As infecções pelo vírus da hepatite B (HBV) e pelo vírus da hepatite C (HCV) representam a causa de uma substancial proporção das doenças hepáticas em todo o mundo. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a prevalência dos marcadores sorológicos do HBV e do HCV em crianças e adolescentes, e verificar a epidemiologia da infecção pelo HBV passada uma década desde a introdução do programa de vacinação. Os marcadores sorológicos HBsAg, anti-HBc total e anti-HCV foram avaliados em 393 amostras. A soropositividade para o HBsAg foi de 0,76% e para o anti-HBc total foi de 1,02%. Co-positividade entre HBsAg e anti-HBc total foi verificada em 0,76% das amostras analisadas. Não houve soropositividade para o marcador anti-HCV. A soroprevalência dos marcadores de infecção pelo HBV em crianças e adolescentes da região sul do Brasil é elevada em relação à reportada em outros países. Medidas preventivas, tais como atividades educativas além da vacinação infantil universal contra o HBV, devem ser iniciadas a fim de reduzir a morbimortalidade e o impacto econômico associados a doença

    Seroprevalence of hepatitis B and C infection markers among children and adolescents in the southern Brazilian region

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    Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections account for a substantial proportion of liver diseases worldwide. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of HBV and HCV serological markers among children and adolescents and verify the epidemiology of the HBV infection over than a decade of the introduction of vaccination program. Serologic markers to HBsAg, total anti-HBc and anti-HCV had been tested in 393 samples. The seropositivity for HBsAg was 0.76% and for total anti-HBc was 1.02%. Copositivity between HBsAg and total anti-HBc was verified in 0.76% of the analyzed samples. There was no seropositivity for anti-HCV marker. The seroprevalence of HBV infection markers among children and adolescents in the southern Brazilian region is high compared to that reported in other countries. Preventive measures, such as educational activities in addition to the universal childhood HBV vaccination, should be initiated in order to reduce the morbimortality and the economic burden associated with the disease

    The prevalence of hepatitis B virus infection markers and socio-demographic risk factors in HIV-infected patients in Southern Brazil

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    IntroductionHepatitis B virus (HBV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections are two of the world's most important infectious diseases. Our objective was to determine the hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and hepatitis B core antibody (anti-HBc) prevalences among adult HIV-infected patients and identify the associations between socio-demographic variables and these HBV infection markers.MethodsThis study was performed from October 2012 to March 2013. Three hundred HIV-seropositive patients were monitored by the Clinical Analysis Laboratory of Professor Polydoro Ernani de São Thiago University Hospital, Santa Catarina, Brazil. The blood tests included HBsAg, anti-HBc immunoglobulin M (IgM) and total anti-HBc. Patients reported their HIV viral loads and CD4+ T-cell counts using a questionnaire designed to collect sociodemographic data.ResultsThe mean patient age was 44.6 years, the mean CD4 T-cell count was 525/mm3, the mean time since beginning antiretroviral therapy was 7.6 years, and the mean time since HIV diagnosis was 9.6 years. The overall prevalences of HBsAg and total anti-HBc were 2.3% and 29.3%, respectively. Among the individuals analyzed, 0.3% were positive for HBsAg, 27.3% were positive for total anti-HBc, and 2.0% were positive either for HBsAg or total anti-HBc and were classified as chronically HBV-infected. Furthermore, 70.3% of the patients were classified as never having been infected. Male gender, age >40 years and Caucasian ethnicity were associated with an anti-HBc positive test.ConclusionsThe results showed an intermediate prevalence of HBsAg among the studied patients. Moreover, the associations between the anti-HBc marker and socio-demographic factors suggest a need for HBV immunization among these HIV-positive individuals, who are likely to have HIV/HBV coinfection