2,312 research outputs found

    Meta-learning recommendation of default hyper-parameter values for SVMs in classifications tasks

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    Machine learning algorithms have been investigated in several scenarios, one of them is the data classification. The predictive performance of the models induced by these algorithms is usually strongly affected by the values used for their hyper-parameters. Different approaches to define these values have been proposed, like the use of default values and optimization techniques. Although default values can result in models with good predictive performance, different implementations of the same machine learning algorithms use different default values, leading to models with clearly different predictive performance for the same dataset. Optimization techniques have been used to search for hyper-parameter values able to maximize the predictive performance of induced models for a given dataset, but with the drawback of a high computational cost. A compromise is to use an optimization technique to search for values that are suitable for a wide spectrum of datasets. This paper investigates the use of meta-learning to recommend default values for the induction of Support Vector Machine models for a new classification dataset. We compare the default values suggested by the Weka and LibSVM tools with default values optimized by meta-heuristics on a large range of datasets. This study covers only classification task, but we believe that similar ideas could be used in other related tasks. According to the experimental results, meta-models can accurately predict whether tool suggested or optimized default values should be used.CAPESCNPqSão Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) (grant#2012/23114-9

    Investigação gravimétrica do complexo alcalino de Ipanema, São Paulo, Brasil

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    O Complexo Alcalino de Ipanema localizado na província alcalina de mesmo nome (23°27,5' S e 47°38' W) dista aproximadamente 140 km de São Paulo, e há 40 anos foi tema de estudo geofísico em programa de Doutorado. Os métodos empregados foram o gravimétrico, o magnetométrico, e o eletrorresistivimétrico (SEV). Entretanto, os dados gravimétricos então levantados não foram referenciados à Rede Gravimétrica Fundamental Brasileira, nem à Rede de Nivelamento do IBGE, o que impossibilita sua integração e utilização com outros bancos de dados. Optou-se, então, por efetuar um novo levantamento na área e adjacências, de forma a integrá-lo aos dados de levantamentos geofísicos próximos referidos às duas redes citadas, uma vez que o complexo alcalino em questão é parte de um estudo integrado desses corpos na região S-SE do Brasil. O presente estudo concentra-se no método gravimétrico, tendo como resultados a geometria do corpo em subsuperfície bem como o cálculo de seu volume.The Ipanema Alkaline Province (23°27.5'S/47°38'W), approximately 140 km west of the city of São Paulo, was the subject of a previous doctoral study employing geophysical (gravimetry, magnetics and electro-resistivity) methodologies. The gravimetric data, however, were neither referred to the Fundamental Brazilian Gravimetric Network (ON) nor to the Brazilian Reference Leveling Network (IBGE), thus preventing their integration with other data bases. As this alkaline complex is one of a number of such bodies presently under analysis in S-SE Brazil, new gravimetric data were obtained in the same and neighboring areas for integration with other geophysical surveys referred to both networks. The present study determined the geometry and volume of the buried body using solely on the basis of the gravimetric method

    Influência dos gastos públicos sociais sobre o produto interno bruto municipal da Mesorregião Oeste Paranaense

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    Since the economic stabilization, the Brazilian government seeks the implementation of policies that result in economic growth, such policies being accompanied by an increase in public spending, which are composed of three different categories, among which is included social spending. The State of Paraná is one of the main federative units with regard to the Gross Domestic Product and, among the mesoregions that make up the State, the Oeste Paranaense Mesoregion is among the main in relation to the state product. In this context, this study aimed to analyze the influence of municipal social public spending on the Gross Domestic Product of the Oeste Paranaense Mesoregion between the years 2013 and 2017, using the panel data technique (balanced and short) with fixed effects. There was a relative stability in the share of public social expenditure in the mesoregion with a higher average participation of the Health, Education and Urbanism functions and, considering the evolution of expenses, the most significant increases occurred in the Social Security and Sanitation functions, and the only reduction, following the trend state, occurred in the Housing function. The main results found indicated that only public social spending related to the Social Security, Health and Urbanism functions had a significant and positive influence on economic growth of the municipalities in the mesoregion. Keywords: Public social spending. Economic growth. Panel data. Oeste Paranaense Mesoregion.Desde la estabilización económica, el gobierno brasileño ha tratado de implementar políticas que resulten en crecimiento económico, siendo tales políticas acompañadas de um aumento de los gastos públicos, que son compuestos por tres diferentes categorías, entre las cuales, está incluido el gasto social. El estado de Paraná es una de las principales unidades federativas en lo que dice al respecto del Producto Interno Bruto y, entre las mesorregiones que componen el estado, la Mesoregión Oeste Paranaense se encuentra entre los principales con relación al producto estatal. En este contexto, este trabajo tuvo como objetivo analizar la influencia de los gastos públicos sociales municipales sobre el producto interno bruto de la Mesorregión Oeste Paranaense entre los años 2013 y 2017, utilizando la técnica de datos en el panel (balanceado y corto) com efectos fijos. Hubo una relativa estabilidad en la participación del gasto público social en la mesorregión con mayor participación promedio de las funciones de Salud, Educación y Urbanismo y, considerando la evolución del gasto, los incrementos más significativos ocurrieron en las funciones de Seguridad Social y Saneamiento y, la única reducción, siguiendo la tendencia estatal, ocurrió en la función de Vivienda. Los principales resultados encontrados indicaron, que apenas los gastos públicos sociales relacionados a las funciones de Seguridad Social, Salud y Urbanismo presentan influencia significativa y positiva sobre el crecimiento económico de los municipios de la mesorregión. Palavras clave: Gasto público social. Crecimiento económico. Datos en el panel. Mesorregión Oeste Paranaense.Desde a estabilização econômica o governo brasileiro busca a implementação de políticas que resultem em crescimento econômico, sendo tais políticas acompanhadas de um aumento dos gastos públicos, compostos por três diferentes categorias, dentre as quais está incluso o gasto social. O estado do Paraná é uma das principais Unidades Federativas no que diz respeito ao Produto Interno Bruto e, dentre as mesorregiões que compõem o estado, a Mesorregião Oeste Paranaense figura entre as principais em relação ao produto estadual. Neste contexto, este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a influência dos gastos públicos sociais municipais sobre o Produto Interno Bruto da Mesorregião Oeste Paranaense entre os anos de 2013 e 2017, por meio da técnica de dados em painel (balanceado e curto) com efeitos fixos. Houve uma relativa estabilidade nas participações do gasto público social na mesorregião com maior participação média das funções Saúde, Educação e Urbanismo e, considerando a evolução dos gastos os incrementos mais significativos ocorreram nas funções Previdência Social e Saneamento e, a única redução, seguindo a tendência estadual, ocorreu na função Habitação. Os principais resultados encontrados indicaram que apenas os gastos públicos sociais relacionados às funções Previdência Social, Saúde e Urbanismo apresentaram influência significativa e positiva sobre o crescimento econômico dos municípios da mesorregião. Palavras-chave: Gasto público social. Crescimento econômico. Dados em painel. Mesorregião Oeste Paranaense

    Métodos elétricos, eletromagnéticos e gamaespectrométricos integrados ao complexo alcalino de Pariquera-Açu (SP)

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    The Pariquera-Açu Alkaline Complex, located in the city of Pariquera-Açu (State of São Paulo), is one of the Brazilian alkaline complexes which has considerable mining potential. The combined use of several methods helped to determine possible areas for exploration. Geophysical prospecting methods were used to assess the exploration potential of these areas. The methods used in this study were gamma-spectrometry, induced polarization and electrical survey. Previous geophysical studies were carried out to better understand the structural evolution of the complex and were not limited to the study of the lithological variation. Gravimetric studies showed a zone of intense fenitization, which is consistent with alkaline complexes with carbonatites. A dipole-dipole survey conducted in the central part of the complex indicated the presence in the subsurface of a resistive lithology with high chargeability. These factors, together with other studies on the alkaline complex, suggest the presence of carbonatite in the area, which is corroborated by gamma spectrometry data, given the concentrations of Th (8 ppm) and U (3.5 ppm) and considering that the measurements were performed over a non-radioactive sedimentary cover.O complexo alcalino de Pariquera-Açu, localizado no município de mesmo nome (SP) representa um dos complexos alcalinos brasileiros com possibilidade de prospecção mineral. A aplicação de vários métodos integrados contribui para o conhecimento das possíveis regiões de exploração. Nesse contexto foram empregados métodos geofísicos de prospecção visando seu estudo. Os métodos aplicados nesse estudo foram o gamaespectrométrico, o eletromagnético e o elétrico. Estudos geofísicos anteriores visaram o estudo estrutural do complexo, não se atendo a delimitação das variações litológicas. Esses estudos indicaram a presença de uma forte zona de fenitização que geralmente ocorre em complexos alcalinos com presença de carbonatito. Na porção central do complexo alcalino foram aplicados os o métodos Eletrorresistivo e de Polarização Induzida (IP), com arranjo dipolo-dipolo, no qual se obteve uma imagem da resistividade e cargabilidade em subsuperfície. Os resultados do método dipolo-dipolo indicam a presença de uma litologia resistiva e com alta cargabilidade. Esses fatores somados sugerem, conjuntamente a outros estudos do complexo alcalino, a presença do carbonatito nesse local. A gamaespectrometria subsidia essa afirmação através dos valores de concentração dos elementos radioativos, sendo de 8 ppm para o Tório, e de 3.5 ppm para o Urânio, mesmo sendo tomadas medidas sobre a cobertura sedimentar, de baixa radioatividade

    Rationale and design of XAMOS: noninterventional study of rivaroxaban for prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism after major hip and knee surgery

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    Venous thromboembolism is a frequent and potentially life-threatening complication of orthopedic surgery. Rivaroxaban is an oral direct factor Xa inhibitor, which was shown to be effective for the prevention of venous thromboembolism after elective hip and knee arthroplasty in the RECORD study program. Rivaroxaban has the potential to overcome the limitations of the current standards of care in the prevention of venous thromboembolism. XAMOS (Xarelto® in the prophylaxis of post-surgical venous thromboembolism after elective major orthopedic surgery of hip or knee) is an international, noninterventional, parallel-group study to gain insight into the safety (major bleeding, side effects) and effectiveness (prevention of symptomatic thromboembolic events) of rivaroxaban in daily clinical practice. XAMOS will follow 15,000 patients after major orthopedic surgery in approximately 200 centers worldwide, with about 7500 patients receiving rivaroxaban and about 7500 standard of care. XAMOS will supplement the clinical data obtained in the Phase III RECORD 1, 2, 3, and 4 trials in which rivaroxaban was shown to be superior for the primary efficacy endpoints, and with a safety profile similar to that of enoxaparin after hip or knee replacement surgery. XAMOS was started in 2009 and will complete recruitment and follow-up in 2011

    COVID-19 during pregnancy and adverse outcomes : concerns and recommendations from The Brazilian Teratology Information Service

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    SARS-CoV-2 virus was first identified in the beginning of 2020 and has spread all over the world, causing the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. The virus is a member of the Coronavirus family, which includes viruses that cause common cold, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). MERS and SARS are known by causing adverse events in pregnancy. Considering that SARS-CoV-2 is a new infection agent, little is known about the risk of its infection to human embryo/fetal development. However, SARS and MERS were associated with negative outcomes, such as miscarriage, preterm birth, intrauterine growth restriction and perinatal death. Here, we raise concerns and possibilities related the harmful potential of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 to pregnancy, discussing symptoms, immunological changes during pregnancy, SARS-CoV-2 mutation rate (and the risks related to it). Finally, we point out recommendations to be performed by the scientific community and health care workers in order to identify and to manage potential risks to pregnant women and their babies
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