107 research outputs found

    Avaliação postural da endodontia a quatro mãos: uma abordagem ergonômica

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção.As Lesões por Esforços Repetitivos (LER) ou Distúrbios Osteomusculares Relacionados ao Trabalho (DORT) são enfermidades de caráter ocupacional que comprometem principalmente os membros superiores, escápula e pescoço, causados pela utilização biomecânica incorreta dos mesmos. Os endodontistas encontram-se inseridos no grupo de risco para o acometimento destas lesões, pois pelo presente estudo ficou claro que a atividade desenvolvida exige, em muitas situações, esforços físicos (posturas inadequadas e uso de força associada ou não à repetitividade), que somados aos esforços mentais e características organizacionais podem causar prejuízos à saúde do profissional

    Uso de biodentine en la resolución de un fracaso en cirugía paraendodóntica

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    To present a clinical case report of successful endodontic retreatment, in a maxillary first molar, with symptomatic apical periodontitis in the mesiobuccal root that had already undergone endodontic treatment and paraendodontic surgery.Apatient was referred for evaluation of upper right first molarwith swelling, severe pain and sensitivity to percussion and palpation. She reported having undergone endodontic treatment 1 year ago and, 6 months later, when the symptoms returned, a paraendodontic surgery was performed by the same professional. A cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) was requested and the images showed extensive bone rarefaction associated with the mesiobuccal root, which had the MB1 canal treated and the MB2 canal untreated. The periapical regionof the apices of the distobuccal and palatine roots showed signs of normality, and the treatment plan was established with selective endodontic retreatment only in the mesiobuccal root, with the location and treatment of the MB2 canal and retreatmentof the MB1 canal. Retreatment was performed in 2 sessions with an intracanal dressing with calcium hydroxidepaste. Thecanals were filled with Biodentine (BD, Septodont, Saint Maur de Fossés, France). Clinically, the patient had no further signs or symptoms and tomographic images showed evidence of bone repair after 24 months.Correct planning and execution of all phasesof endodontic retreatment were fundamental for the success of this case report.Apresentar um relato de caso clínico de sucesso no retratamento endodôntico, em um primeiro molar superior, com periodontite apical sintomática na raiz mesiovestibular que jáhavia passado por um tratamento endodôntico e cirurgia paraendodôntica.Umapaciente foi encaminhada para avaliação do dente 16 apresentando edema, dor forte e sensibilidade àpercussão e palpação. Relatou a realização do tratamento endodôntico há1 ano e, 6 meses após, quando o quadro sintomático retornou, foi realizada uma cirurgia paraendodôntica pelo mesmo profissional. Foi solicitada uma tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico e as imagens mostraram extensa rarefação óssea associada àraizmesiovestibular, que possuía o canal MV1 tratado e o canal MV2 sem tratamento. O contorno dos ápices das raízes distovestibular e palatina apresentavam sinais de normalidade, sendo estabelecido como plano de tratamento, o retratamento endodôntico seletivo apenas na raiz mesiovestibular, com a localização e tratamento do canal MV2 e retratamento do canal MV1. O retratamento foi realizado em 2 sessões com um curativo de demora com hidróxido de cálcio. Os canais foram obturados com o Biodentine (BD, Septodont, Saint Maur de Fossés, France).Clinicamente, a paciente não apresentou mais sinais ou sintomas e as imagens tomográficas mostraram evidências de reparo ósseo após 24 meses. Um correto planejamento e a execução de todas as etapas do retratamento endodôntico foram fundamentais para o êxito do presente relato de caso.Presentar un reporte de caso clínico de retratamiento endodóntico exitoso, en un primer molar superior,con periodontitis apical sintomática en la raíz mesio-vestibular que ya había sido sometido a tratamiento endodóntico y cirugía paraendodóntica. Un paciente fue remitido para evaluación del diente 16 con tumefacción, dolor intenso y sensibilidad a la percusión y palpación. Refiere haber tenido tratamiento de endodoncia durante 1 año y, 6 meses después, cuando reaparecieron los síntomas, se realizó una cirugía de paraendodoncia por el mismo profesional. Se solicitó una tomografía computarizada de haz cónicoy las imágenes mostraron una extensa rarefacción ósea asociada a la raíz mesio-vestibular, que tenía el canal MV1 tratado y el canal MV2 sin tratar. El contorno de los ápices de las raíces disto-vestibulares y palatinas presentaba signos de normalidad, yse estableció el plan de tratamiento con retratamiento endodóntico selectivo solo en la raíz mesio-vestibular, con localización y tratamiento del canal MV2 y retratamiento del canal MV1. El retratamiento se realizó en 2 sesiones con un apósito permanente con hidróxido de calcio. Los canales se rellenaron con Biodentine (BD, Septodont, Saint Maur de Fossés, Francia). Clínicamente, el paciente no presentó más signos ni síntomas y las imágenes tomográficas mostraron evidencia de reparación ósea después de 24 meses. La correcta planificación y ejecución de todas las etapas del retratamiento endodóntico fueron fundamentales para el éxito de este reporte de caso

    Sealing ability of root canal filling materials by high performance liquid chromatography -tandem mass spectrometry

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar, in vitro, a capacidade seladora de três materiais obturadores endodônticos, com a proposição de uma nova forma de quantificação da infiltração e um novo agente traçador, utilizando um sistema semelhante ao do modelo experimental da glicose. Trinta e seis dentes unirradiculares extraídos tiveram as coroas removidas, permanecendo 12 mm das raízes. Os canais radiculares foram instrumentados e obturados com o sistema Epiphany (GE) ou com a condensação lateral da guta-percha e cimentos AH Plus (GA) ou Sealapex (GS). Com o auxílio de um calcador aquecido removeu-se 7 mm de material obturador. Seis espécimes com os canais completamente obturados tiveram as raízes totalmente impermeabilizadas com duas camadas de esmalte de unhas, constituindo o grupo controle negativo. Os espécimes foram separados em dois grupos para a realização de dois experimentos que diferiram quanto ao modo de adaptação do espécime no sistema (cianoacrilato ou resina epóxi). Uma solução de cafeína (pH 6.0) foi forçada no sentido coronário com uma pressão hidrostática de 2.55 kPa em direção apical. A infiltração foi medida em ng/mL, pela concentração de cafeína na solução receptora do reservatório, em intervalos de 10, 30 e 60 dias. Para a quantificação foi utilizada a cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência acoplada à espectrometria de massas (CLAE-EM/EM). Esta técnica apresentou alta sensibilidade e especificidade na quantificação do agente traçador. Em função da limitação dos agentes de vedação (cianoacrilato e resina epóxi) empregados no modelo experimental, não foi emitida conclusões a respeito da capacidade seladora dos materiais obturadores testados.The objective of this study was to propose a new way to measure infiltration with a new tracing agent by using a system similar to that of the glucose penetration model. Thirty-six single-root extracted teeth had their root canals filled using the Epiphany system or with a lateral condensation of gutta-percha and AH Plus or Sealapex cement. Two experiments were carried out that used a different mode of adapting the specimen within the system (cyanoacrylate or epoxy resin). A caffeine solution (pH 6.0) was forced in a coronary direction with a hydrostatic pressure of 2.55 kPa towards the tooth apex. The infiltration was measured in ng/mL, by the concentration of caffeine in the receptor solution of the apical reserve at intervals of 10, 30, and 60 days. To quantify the measurements, a high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS) was used. This technique showed a high sensitivity and specificity for quantifying the tracing agent. Due to the limitations of the sealing agents (cyanoacrylate and epoxy resin) used in our experimental model, analysis of the sealing ability of the filling materials tested was not performed. It is necessary to carefully validate the principal variables of the systems that assess infiltration in order to standardize studies and give greater credibility to their results

    Avaliação postural da endodontia a quatro mãos

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção.As Lesões por Esforços Repetitivos (LER) ou Distúrbios Osteomusculares Relacionados ao Trabalho (DORT) são enfermidades de caráter ocupacional que comprometem principalmente os membros superiores, escápula e pescoço, causados pela utilização biomecânica incorreta dos mesmos. Os endodontistas encontram-se inseridos no grupo de risco para o acometimento destas lesões, pois pelo presente estudo ficou claro que a atividade desenvolvida exige, em muitas situações, esforços físicos (posturas inadequadas e uso de força associada ou não à repetitividade), que somados aos esforços mentais e características organizacionais podem causar prejuízos à saúde do profissional

    Applying liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry to assess endodontic sealer microleakage

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    The objective of this study was to describe a new method for the quantitative analysis of a microleakage of endodontic filling materials. Forty extracted single-rooted teeth were randomly divided into three experimental groups. After root canal shaping, the experimental groups were filled using the lateral condensation technique with the Epiphany system (G1), with gutta-percha + Sealapex (G2), and with gutta-percha + AH Plus (G3). Each root was mounted on a modified leakage testing device, and caffeine solution was used as a tracer (2000 ng mL-1, pH 6.0), applied in the coronal direction towards the tooth apex, creating a hydrostatic pressure of 2.55 kPa. Presence of caffeine in the receiving solution was measured after 10, 30, and 60 days, using high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS). None of the groups presented microleakage at 10 days. At 30 days, G2 and G3 showed similar infiltration patterns (means: 16.0 and 13.9 ng mL-1, respectively), whereas G1 showed significantly higher values (mean: 105.2 ng mL-1). At 60 days, leakage values were 182.6 ng mL-1for G1, 139.0 ng mL-1 for G2, and 53.5 ng mL-1 for G3. AH Plus showed the best sealing ability and HPLC-MS/MS showed high sensitivity and specificity for tracer quantification

    Penetration of a resin-based filling material into lateral root canals and quality of obturation by different techniques

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the penetration of a resin/polyester polymer-based material (Resilon Real Seal; SybronEndo Corp., Orange, USA) into simulated lateral canals, and the quality of obturations by different techniques. A total of 30 standardized simulated canals were divided into three groups according to the technique of obturation used: MS (McSpadden), SB (SystemB/Obtura II), and LC (Lateral Condensation). To analyze the penetration of the filling material, the simulated canals were digitalized and the images were analyzed using the Leica QWIN Pro v2.3 software. The data of the middle and apical thirds were separately submitted to analysis of variance (ANOVA), followed by the Tukey’s test for the comparison of the techniques. Results showed a significant difference (p < 0.05) between groups (LC < SB) in the middle third, and a significant difference (p < 0.05) between groups (LC < SB and MS < SB) in the apical third. To analyze the quality of the obturations, the canals were radiographed and evaluated by three examiners. The Kappa test on interexaminer agreement and the nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test indicated no significant difference between filling techniques. It was concluded that Resilon achieves greater levels of penetration when associated with thermoplastic obturation techniques

    Morphology of root canal surface: A reflection on the process of cementation of the composite relined glass fiber post

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    Background: The present study was conducted to evaluate the bond strength in the different root thirds (premolars and maxillary central incisors) of composite relined glass fiber posts compared to untreated glass fiber posts cemented with dual- or chemical-cure cements. Materials and Methods: Sixty human single-rooted premolars (flat canal) (n = 15) and 12 maxillary central incisors were used (round canal) (n = 3). The teeth were sectioned, and the roots received endodontic treatment. The standardized preparation of the canals was carried out, and the roots were randomly divided into four groups according to the cementation systems: G1: cemented posts (dual: Ambar/Allcem); G2: relined posts (dual: Ambar/Allcem); G3: cemented posts (chemical: Fusion Duralink/Cement Post); and G4: relined posts (chemical: Fusion Duralink/Cement Post). The roots were cut to give two slices of each third of the root canal per specimen. Push-out test was conducted at a speed of 0.5 mm/min. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance and Tukey's post hoc test (α = 0.05). Results: There was no statistically significant difference between groups for the premolars (flat canal) (P = 0.959). There was a significant difference in the central incisors between the middle and apical thirds in the cemented group when using the dual system (P = 0.04) and between the middle and apical thirds (P = 0.003) and cervical and apical thirds (P = 0.033) when using the chemical system. Conclusion: Due to the anatomy of the root canal, flat canal of the premolars does not require relining, but round canal of the maxillary central incisors demands it for more secure in the bond strength

    In vitro analysis of thermocompaction time and gutta-percha type on quality of main canal and lateral canals filling

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of filling in main and lateral root canals performed with the McSpadden technique, regarding the time spent on the procedure and the type of gutta-percha employed. Fifty simulated root canals, made with six lateral canals placed two apiece in the cervical, middle and apical thirds of the root, were divided into 5 groups. Group A: McSpadden technique with conventional gutta-percha, performed with sufficient time for canal filling; Group B: McSpadden technique with conventional gutta-percha, performed in twice the mean time used in Group A; Group C: McSpadden technique with TP gutta-percha, performed with sufficient time for canal filling; Group D: McSpadden technique with TP gutta-percha, performed in twice the mean time used in Group C; Group E: lateral condensation technique. Images of the filled root canals were taken using a stereomicroscope and analyzed using the Leica QWIN Pro software for filling material flow, gutta-percha filling extension and sealer flow. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey test (p < 0.05). The best values of penetration in lateral canals in the middle third occurred in the groups where TP gutta-percha was used. However, in the apical third, group B showed the best values. Although a longer time of compactor use allows greater penetration of the filling material into the lateral canals, the presence of voids resulted in bad quality radiographic images, suggesting porosity. The best quality of filling material was observed in Group A (McSpadden technique with conventional Gutta-Percha, performed with sufficient time for root canal filling)

    Development of the CMS detector for the CERN LHC Run 3

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    International audienceSince the initial data taking of the CERN LHC, the CMS experiment has undergone substantial upgrades and improvements. This paper discusses the CMS detector as it is configured for the third data-taking period of the CERN LHC, Run 3, which started in 2022. The entire silicon pixel tracking detector was replaced. A new powering system for the superconducting solenoid was installed. The electronics of the hadron calorimeter was upgraded. All the muon electronic systems were upgraded, and new muon detector stations were added, including a gas electron multiplier detector. The precision proton spectrometer was upgraded. The dedicated luminosity detectors and the beam loss monitor were refurbished. Substantial improvements to the trigger, data acquisition, software, and computing systems were also implemented, including a new hybrid CPU/GPU farm for the high-level trigger