2,007 research outputs found

    Policy gradients using variational quantum circuits

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    Variational quantum circuits are being used as versatile quantum machine learning models. Some empirical results exhibit an advantage in supervised and generative learning tasks. However, when applied to reinforcement learning, less is known. In this work, we considered a variational quantum circuit composed of a low-depth hardware-efficient ansatz as the parameterized policy of a reinforcement learning agent. We show that an epsilon-approximation of the policy gradient can be obtained using a logarithmic number of samples concerning the total number of parameters. We empirically verify that such quantum models behave similarly to typical classical neural networks used in standard benchmarking environments and quantum control, using only a fraction of the parameters. Moreover, we study the barren plateau phenomenon in quantum policy gradients using the Fisher information matrix spectrum.Open access funding provided by FCT-FCCN (b-on). This work is financed by National Funds through the Portuguese funding agency, FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia, within grants LA/P/0063/2020, UI/BD/152698/2022 and project IBEX, with reference PTDC/CCI-COM/4280/2021

    Generalised quantum tree search

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    This extended abstract reports on on-going research on quantum algorithmic approaches to the problem of generalised tree search that may exhibit effective quantum speedup, even in the presence of non-constant branching factors. Two strategies are briefly summarised and current work outlined.This research is financed by the ERDF through the Opera tional Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation - COMPETE 2020 Programme and by National Funds through the Portuguese funding agency, FCT, within project POCI-01- 0145-FEDER-03094

    Modulation of charge-density waves by superlattice structures

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    We discuss the interplay between electronic correlations and an underlying superlattice structure in determining the period of charge density waves (CDW's), by considering a one-dimensional Hubbard model with a repeated (non-random) pattern of repulsive (U>0) and free (U=0) sites. Density matrix renormalization group diagonalization of finite systems (up to 120 sites) is used to calculate the charge-density correlation function and structure factor in the ground state. The modulation period can still be predicted through effective Fermi wavevectors, k_F*, and densities, and we have found that it is much more sensitive to electron (or hole) doping, both because of the narrow range of densities needed to go from q*=0 to \pi, but also due to sharp 2k_F*-4k_F* transitions; these features render CDW's more versatile for actual applications in heterostructures than in homogeneous systems.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Phys Rev

    Beneficial Effects of HIV Peptidase Inhibitors on Fonsecaea pedrosoi: Promising Compounds to Arrest Key Fungal Biological Processes and Virulence

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    BACKGROUND: Fonsecaea pedrosoi is the principal etiologic agent of chromoblastomycosis, a fungal disease whose pathogenic events are poorly understood. Current therapy for chromoblastomycosis is suboptimal due to toxicity of the available therapeutic agents and the emergence of drug resistance. Compounding these problems is the fact that endemic countries and regions are economically poor. PURPOSE AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In the present work, we have investigated the effect of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) peptidase inhibitors (PIs) on the F. pedrosoi conidial secreted peptidase, growth, ultrastructure and interaction with different mammalian cells. All the PIs impaired the acidic conidial-derived peptidase activity in a dose-dependent fashion, in which nelfinavir produced the best inhibitory effect. F. pedrosoi growth was also significantly reduced upon exposure to PIs, especially nelfinavir and saquinavir. PIs treatment caused profound changes in the conidial ultrastructure as shown by transmission electron microscopy, including invaginations in the cytoplasmic membrane, disorder and detachment of the cell wall, enlargement of fungi cytoplasmic vacuoles, and abnormal cell division. The synergistic action on growth ability between nelfinavir and amphotericin B, when both were used at sub-inhibitory concentrations, was also observed. PIs reduced the adhesion and endocytic indexes during the interaction between conidia and epithelial cells (CHO), fibroblasts or macrophages, in a cell type-dependent manner. Moreover, PIs interfered with the conidia into mycelia transformation when in contact with CHO and with the susceptibility killing by macrophage cells. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Overall, by providing the first evidence that HIV PIs directly affects F. pedrosoi development and virulence, these data add new insights on the wide-spectrum efficacy of HIV PIs, further arguing for the potential chemotherapeutic targets for aspartyl-type peptidase produced by this human pathogen

    Are nanobiosensors an improved solution for diagnosis of Leishmania?

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    Leishmaniasis is one of the deadliest neglected tropical diseases affecting 1215 million people worldwide, especially in middle- and low-income countries. Rapid and accurate diagnosis of the disease is important for its adequate management and treatment. Several techniques are available for the diagnosis of leishmaniasis. Among these, parasitological and immunological tests are most widely used. However, in most cases, the utilized diagnostic techniques are not good enough, showing cross-reactivity and reduced accuracy. In recent years, many new methods have been reported with potential for improved diagnosis. This review focuses on the diagnosis of Leishmania exploring the biosensors and nanotechnology-based options for their detection. New developments including the use of nanomaterials as fluorophores, fluorescence quenchers as reducing agents and as dendrimers for signal improvement and amplification, together with the use of aptamers to replace antibodies are described. Future research opportunities to overcome the current limitations on the available diagnostic approaches are also discussed.This work was supported by São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) (2010/17.721-4), Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT) through the projects M-ERA-NET/0004/2015 (PAIRED) and UIDB/04469/2020 (strategic fund) funded by national funds, and co-financed Educa tion (FCT/MEC) from national funds and FEDER, under the Partnership Agreement PT202info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Flip Graphs of Degree-Bounded (Pseudo-)Triangulations

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    We study flip graphs of triangulations whose maximum vertex degree is bounded by a constant kk. In particular, we consider triangulations of sets of nn points in convex position in the plane and prove that their flip graph is connected if and only if k>6k > 6; the diameter of the flip graph is O(n2)O(n^2). We also show that, for general point sets, flip graphs of pointed pseudo-triangulations can be disconnected for k9k \leq 9, and flip graphs of triangulations can be disconnected for any kk. Additionally, we consider a relaxed version of the original problem. We allow the violation of the degree bound kk by a small constant. Any two triangulations with maximum degree at most kk of a convex point set are connected in the flip graph by a path of length O(nlogn)O(n \log n), where every intermediate triangulation has maximum degree at most k+4k+4.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, acknowledgments update

    Exploring innovative Leishmaniasis treatment: drug targets from pre-clinical to clinical findings

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    Leishmaniasis is a group of tropical diseases caused by parasitic protozoa belonging to the genus Leishmania. The disease is categorized in cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL), mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (MCL), and visceral leishmaniasis (VL). The conventional treatment is complex and can present high toxicity and therapeutic failures. Thus, there is a continuing need to develop new treatments. In this review, we focus on the novel molecules described in the literature with potential leishmanicidal activity, categorizing them in pre-clinical (invitro, invivo), drug repurposing and clinical research.This research was funded by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico for the Scientific grants (CNPq 301964/2019-0 Chamada No. 06/2019, Chamada CNPq No. 01/2019) and Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation, Ministry of Science and Education (FCT/MEC) through the sponsorship of the project M-ERA-NET-0004/2015-PAIRED (strategic fund), co-financed by FEDER, under the Partnership Agreement PT2020. We would like to thank Tiago Branquinho Oliveira for the help provided in drawing Figure 3.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio