34 research outputs found

    Como eu me vejo e como ela me vĂȘ: um estudo exploratĂłrio sobre a consistĂȘncia das declaraçÔes de raça/cor entre as mulheres de 15 a 59 anos no Recife, 2002.

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    The objective of this paper is to explore the consistency of racial/skin color declaration of females 15 to 59 years-old in Recife, Brazil. Data come from SRSR - Reproductive Health, Sexuality, and Race. Fieldwork took place in 2002 in Belo Horizonte and Recife and there are 1.106 complete interviews in Recife. The paper compares two forms of race/skin color declaration: self-classification and classification by the interviewer. The answer is pre-coded and the options are white, black, brown, yellow, and indigenous (Brazilian-native). The analysis takes into account whites, browns, and blacks. Results suggest that females who classify themselves as darker than the classification of interviewer have more years of schooling, whereas those who declare to be lighter than the opinion of the interviewer have less years of schooling. Multivariate analysis compares females with consistent versus inconsistent racial/skin color classification. Controlling for age and education, whites have more chance to have consistent declaration if compared to blacks and browns. However, females put into the category negra (blacks + browns) show more consistency than whites.racial/skin color classification, Brazil, SRSR

    Entre a famĂ­lia e o trabalho: uma anĂĄlise da qualidade da inserção ocupacional no Brasil urbano sob uma perspectiva de gĂȘnero, 1996-2006

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    This article analyzes the relationship between types of family arrangements and work quality regarding type of occupation, time in the occupation, status of occupation (whether under the Brazilian labor law or not) and income of the population aged 25 to 64 years in the Brazilian urban job market in 1996, 2001, and 2006. In order to achieve this objective we compare working women against working men so that we can identify sex differentials stemming from the different gender roles men and women take up in the family and in the job market. The models are specified for each sex assuming that the processes of division of household duties as well as the type and quality of work one can obtain in the job market is different for women and men. We fit multinomial logit models to adjust data from 1996, 2001, and 2006 Pesquisa Nacional de Domicílios (PNAD) to examine the significant associations between family arrangements and work quality. The coefficients are compared to check whether the difference between men’s and women’s are statistically significant. The results indicate that family arrangement, position in the family and domestic duties are factors associated with the higher odds of women, as compared to men, to be in job positions of lower quality. This situation has intensified in 2006, mainly amongst older women, in spite of the improvement of the job market from 2004 to 2006.Brazil, family arrangements, work quality

    Biodiversidade, população e economia: uma região de mata atlùntica [Biodiversity, Population, and Economy: a region of atlantic forest]

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    biodiversity; Minas Gerais; Rio Doce; mata atlĂąntica; atlantic forest; sustainable development; conservation; natural resources; environment; environmental economics

    Perfis de Vulnerabilidade Feminina ao HIV/aids em Belo Horizonte e Recife: comparando brancas e negras

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    OBJECTIVE: To delineate and compare profiles of white and "Black" (either Black or mixed) women, 18 to 59 years-old, residents of Belo Horizonte and Recife (Brazil), focusing on their knowledge and attitudes about HIV/AIDS, as well as their socio-demographic characteristics. METHODS: Data come from the survey SRSR (Reproductive Health, Sexuality, and Race/Skin Color), conducted by Cedeplar in 2002 and the only one of its kind with representativeness at the municipality (county) level. Grade of Membership (GoM) was used to generate four profiles of women for each county. RESULTS: In Belo Horizonte and Recife, women who are more likely to be White are also more likely to have better education, health insurance, a stable partner in the year before the survey, and more power in their sexual partnership. Regarding the "Black" women in Belo Horizonte, they are more likely to have low education, no health insurance, and less power with their sexual partners. CONCLUSIONS: The comparison among the profiles of White and "Black" women in Belo Horizonte and Recife points to differences regarding their vulnerability to HIV/AIDS. The differences between the two racial groups are more evident in Belo Horizonte.OBJETIVO: Delinear e comparar os perfis das mulheres brancas e negras entre 18 e 59 anos, residentes em Belo Horizonte e Recife, enfocando caracterĂ­sticas sociodemogrĂĄficas e de conhecimento, alĂ©m de atitudes em relação ao HIV/aids. MÉTODOS: Os dados sĂŁo oriundos da pesquisa amostral SRSR - SaĂșde Reprodutiva, Sexualidade e Raça/Cor, conduzida pelo Cedeplar/UFMG em 2002 e Ășnica desta natureza com representatividade municipal. O mĂ©todo utilizado foi o Grade of Membership (GoM), a partir do qual foram gerados quatro perfis extremos para cada municĂ­pio. RESULTADOS: Tanto em Belo Horizonte quanto em Recife, as mulheres com maior probabilidade de serem brancas sĂŁo tambĂ©m aquelas com maior probabilidade de ter escolaridade mais elevada, possuir plano de saĂșde, ter tido parceiro estĂĄvel no ano anterior Ă  pesquisa e ter poder na relação sexual. Quanto Ă s negras, apenas em Belo Horizonte elas tĂȘm maior probabilidade de serem de baixa escolaridade, nĂŁo possuĂ­rem plano de saĂșde, alĂ©m de se sentirem desempoderadas diante do parceiro sexual. CONCLUSÕES: A comparação dos perfis de brancas e negras em Belo Horizonte e Recife revela diferenças na vulnerabilidade dessas mulheres ao HIV/aids. As diferenças entre os dois grupos sĂŁo mais evidentes em Belo Horizonte