42 research outputs found

    Diálogos com o ensino médio 3: o estudante jovem no Brasil e a inserção no mercado de trabalho

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    The transition from youth to adult’s life is particularly characterized by the end of schooling attendance and the entrance in the labor market. There are different open possibilities for this transition, and the objective of this working paper is to apprehend some of the features related to it. For men the transition from school to the labor market mainly occurs between the ages of 17 and 19. On the other hand, for women, this transition happens at similar ages, but there is another transition, which is from school to the household. Choices are influenced by the schooling level attained by the girl. Income differentials between sexes show a slight advantage for men. However, when income per worked hour is analyzed, the values were rather similar, indicating that there is a relative homogeneity between young men and young women regarding income per hour in Brazil.secondary school, youth, education.

    Diálogos com o ensino médio 4: diversidade regional do ensino médio no Brasil analisado a partir de diferentes indicadores educacionais

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    Brazil is highly heterogeneous regarding schooling levels. This working paper discusses this diversity for municipalities with the use of different educational indicators related to attendance and age-grade distortion. Roughly, for 2000 data, we observed for the existence of two spatially divided “Brazis”: one with better indicators and another one with lower levels of formal education. Despite this variability, nearly all regions in Brazil showed an advance in schooling levels between 1991 and 2000. Besides that, we observed a convergence in some indicators and a divergence in others, indicating different trajectories of regional development. Finally, the areas were studied with the use of Clusters Analyses and we verified different empirical trajectories for the Minimum Areas of Comparison in Brazil.secondary school, youth, education.

    Diálogos com o ensino médio 1: um olhar inicial sobre o jovem no Brasil

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    There are many definitions of youth and of young people. For instance, the youth can be considered as a transition from the state of dependence to the adult’s life responsibilities. This period is specially touched by establishment of objectives, aspirations and desires, in particular concerning education and the school. The objective of this working paper is to present some initial analyses regarding the youth and associations to educational system in Brazil. Firstly, we observed some population trends, including the relative size decrease of the population group aged 15 to 17, indicating that there are demographic opportunities to ameliorate the educational system. After that, we verified that school frequency did not increase in Brazil between 1997 and 2007, but that there was a decrease in age-grade distortion and an increase in formal education levels in the period.secondary school, youth, education.

    Diálogos com o ensino médio 5: a escola de ensino médio no Brasil analisada a partir de dados do INEP

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    This working paper discusses schooling performance in secondary schools in Brazil using the ENEM as the database. Initially, we obtained different dimensions related to the student’s perception concerning himself, his school and his socioeconomic level with the use of factorial analyses. Private and public schools were compared. We observed that federal and private ones showed some resemblance, with a much better overall situation than state and municipal schools. Then, we analyzed which factors were correlated to school performance with the use of OLS and Heckman models. We noted spatial differences among states in Brazil and also amongst school in different local contexts of the educational system development. Many subjective dimensions of student’s perception were also correlated to performance, such as: the human ambient in school; teacher characteristics; socioeconomic level; the student’s interest in politics, economy, social themes and environmental issues; reading habits; and school infra-structure.secondary school, youth, education, school performance.

    Diálogos com o ensino médio 6 : o estudante de ensino médio no Brasil analisado a partir de dados do INEP

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    This working paper discusses the correlation between different factors and school performance in the secondary school with the use of data from INEP, such as the ENEM, and also the Demographic Census. We compared state, municipal, federal and private schools in topics, such as: student performance, sex, age and ethnic distribution, socioeconomic levels, school’s physical infrastructure, etc. Moreover, different dimensions of the student’s subjective perception regarding himself and the educational system were obtained with the use of factorial analyses. These were related to: social atmosphere in the school, student’s socioeconomic level, student’s interests and habits, etc. In general, federal and private schools showed a much superior profile than state and municipal ones. Finally, we applied OLS models to investigate some of the factors that were correlated with school performance, including individual attributes, school features and the subjective dimensions of perception.secondary school, youth, education, school performance.

    Diálogos com o ensino médio 2: o ensino médio no Brasil visto a partir do modelo Profluxo e outros indicadores demográficos

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    The youth can be considered as a transition from the state of dependence to the adult’s life responsibilities. This period is specially touched by establishment of objectives, aspirations and desires, in particular regarding education and the school. The objective of this working paper is to present some discussions concerning associations between the youth and the educational system in Brazil. We present drop-out rates and other educational indicators, and also applied the Profluxo model, always with a focus in the secondary school. We observed that the proportion of students graduating from primary school increased sharply in Brazil between 1997 and 2007. Moreover, relatively few students did dropout from secondary school, indicating that this was not the central problem in this schooling level. The main dropout problems were observed between primary and secondary schools and especially between secondary and tertiary ones. We also analyzed different groups of the population. We observed that the advances occurred for all of them, but that the heterogeneity in schooling levels persisted. White and yellow people and women had much better indicators than blacks, pardos, indigenous and men.secondary school, youth, education.

    Diagnóstico do processo migratório no Brasil 2: migração entre estados

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    This analysis is the second one of four descriptive studies that discussed the migratory process in Brazil. The main objective of this series is to give data support for other complementary and analytically more sophisticated studies. The main objective of this specific discussion is to present the intrastate and interstate flows of migrants for all the Federal Units in Brazil. Some of the main results are presented below. Just two states in Brazil, SP and GO, had a difference between the number of immigrants and emigrants above 100000 howing a clear tendency of populaiton absortion. In the other extreme, three states of the Northeast Region, BA, PE and MA, had figures below -100000. Brazil had more than 5500 municipalities in 2000 and a significant population interchange between them. Mosat pf tje migants chaged their municipality of residence in a intrastate migration or between statres that were neighbors. Other flows were also very numerous, such as: between most of the states in the Northeast region and SP; the ones that had as destiny the southern part of the North Region or the north of the Center-West Region; the one that had as origin MA state and as destiny the North Region.

    Fluctuations and persistence in poverty: a transient-chronic decomposition model for pseudo-panel data

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    Although many studies addressed poverty issues, very few of then did analyze the transient or persistent nature of this phenomenon. Encouraged by this lack of dynamic poverty analyses, the objective of this paper is to evaluate which features determine the relative position and the dynamics of the destitution state of the individual. Due to the scarcity of panel surveys in Brazil, it was used a pseudo-panel obtained from the Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (PNAD/IBGE) database in this study. With these data, the state permanence and the state transience probabilities were estimated in a Markov matrix with the application of a bivariate probit model with endogenous switching for grouped data. It was chosen as the welfare indicator the per capita household income, which was analyzed in relation to a relative poverty line. Moreover, in order to verify the sensibility of the parameters estimated in the econometric analysis, distinct poverty lines were used and also different assumptions of household scale economies and of intrahousehold relative costs were made. The transient-chronic analysis is based on the distinction between stationary and transient components of intertemporal propensity to poverty. The results enabled to identify which groups in the population were especially sensitive to the chronic and to the transient types of poverty.chronic poverty; transient poverty; state persistence; state transition; endogenous switching probit model; pseudo-panel; Brazil

    Fundamentos da migração

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    This is an introductory text that presents the migration process in many different aspects. Firstly, different methods commonly used in quantitative studies of migration are introduced, including the use of data bases, direct and indirect techniques. Secondly, different patterns of migration in the last centuries in Brazil and in the World are presented with particular attention to the most recent one. After this, three fundamental questions about migration are discussed. The first one deals with the determinants of migration, the second one with the selectivity of the migration process and the last one with the consequences related to population’s mobility. Finally, two specific topics are presented: the relationship between urbanization and migration; and intraurban migration in Brazil.migrações

    Diagnóstico do processo migratório no Brasil 4: migração entre municípios

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    This analysis is the last of four descriptive studies that discussed the migratory process in Brazil. The main objective of this series is to give data support for other complementary and analytically more sophisticated studies. The main objective of this particular study is to discuss the most numerous flows of migrants, as presented in the second and third texts of this series, but for municipalities. That includes the discussion about urban/urban, rural/urban, urban/rural and rural/rural flows. Some of the main results are briefly discussed below. Most of the municipalities that presented the largest flows of emigrants also had the biggest flows of immigrants. These municipalities were mainly state capitals with large populations and presented negative net migration. On the other hand, many municipalities showed a large positive number for net migration. Many of these were located in Metropolitan Regions or near them and absorbed immigrants from the metropolitan nucleus. Brazil had many extensive areas of population attraction in the North Region and MT, such as: the axis Manaus/Boa Vista; the area that is composed of Rio Branco, in AC, southwest of RO and south of AM; the north of MT; the southeast of PA; the east of PA; the state of AP; and the area around Palmas. In the Northeast Region, it can be noticed small areas of attraction: around many capitals; in the region near and including Porto Seguro in BA state; about Juazeiro/Petrolina; and others. In the Southeast Region, it can be seen an extensive area of attraction around capitals; in the interior of SP state; in the proximities of Uberlândia, etc. In the South region, three extensive regions shown a large positive net migration: one around Porto Alegre; another is the axis Curitiba/Florianópolis; and the north of PR. In the Center-West Region, it can be noticed areas around Brasília/Goiânia and about Campo Grande. Others regions in Brazil had a large negative number for net migration. These were: the west of AC and of AM; the west of PA; the northeast of PA; part of the interior of MA, of CE, of PB, of BA and of MG; the metropolitan nucleus of RMRJ and of RMSP; the west of the South Region; the west of MS; the south of TO; and the north of GO.