
Diálogos com o ensino médio 6 : o estudante de ensino médio no Brasil analisado a partir de dados do INEP


This working paper discusses the correlation between different factors and school performance in the secondary school with the use of data from INEP, such as the ENEM, and also the Demographic Census. We compared state, municipal, federal and private schools in topics, such as: student performance, sex, age and ethnic distribution, socioeconomic levels, school’s physical infrastructure, etc. Moreover, different dimensions of the student’s subjective perception regarding himself and the educational system were obtained with the use of factorial analyses. These were related to: social atmosphere in the school, student’s socioeconomic level, student’s interests and habits, etc. In general, federal and private schools showed a much superior profile than state and municipal ones. Finally, we applied OLS models to investigate some of the factors that were correlated with school performance, including individual attributes, school features and the subjective dimensions of perception.secondary school, youth, education, school performance.

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