14,356 research outputs found

    Hard parton damping in hot QCD

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    The gluon and quark collisional widths in hot QCD plasmas are discussed with emphasis on temperatures near Tc, where the coupling is large. Considering the effect on the entropy, which is known from lattice calculations, it is argued that the width of the partons, which in the perturbative limit is given by gamma ~ g^2 ln(1/g) T, should be sizeable at intermediate temperatures but has to be small close to Tc. This behavior implies a substantial reduction of the radiative energy loss of jets near Tc.Comment: invitetd talk given at 'Hot Quarks 04', July 18-24 2004, Taos Valley, NM, US

    The Stability of Branonium

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    We analyse the orbital motion of a light anti D6-brane in the presence of a stack of heavy, distant D6-branes in ten dimensions, taking account of possible time-variations in the background moduli fields. The Coulomb-like central potential arising through brane-antibrane interactions is then modified to include time-dependent prefactors, which generally preclude the existence of stable elliptical orbits.Comment: 13 pages, Latex, 3 eps figure

    The performance of socially responsible mutual funds: the role of fees and management companies

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    In this paper, we shed light on the debate about the financial performance of socially responsible investment (SRI) mutual funds by separately analyzing the contributions of before-fee performance and fees to SRI funds' performance and by investigating the role played by fund management companies in the determination of those variables. We apply the matching estimator methodology to obtain our results and find that in the period 1997-2005, US SRI funds had significantly higher fees and better before- and after-fee performance than conventional funds with similar characteristics. Differences, however, were driven exclusively by SRI funds run by management companies specialized in socially responsible investment

    Symmetric Vacua in Heterotic M-Theory

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    Symmetric vacua of heterotic M-theory, characterized by vanishing cohomology classes of individual sources in the three-form Bianchi identity, are analyzed on smooth Calabi-Yau three-folds. We show that such vacua do not exist for elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau spaces. However, explicit examples are found for Calabi-Yau three-folds arising as intersections in both unweighted and weighted projective space. We show that such symmetric vacua can be combined with attractive phenomenological features such as three generations of quarks and leptons. Properties of the low energy effective actions associated with symmetric vacua are discussed. In particular, the gauge kinetic functions receive no perturbative threshold corrections, there are no corrections to the matter field Kahler metric and the associated five-dimensional effective theory admits flat space as its vacuum.Comment: 22 pages, Late

    Multiple protostellar systems. II. A high resolution near-infrared imaging survey in nearby star-forming regions

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    (abridged) Our project endeavors to obtain a robust view of multiplicity among embedded Class I and Flat Spectrum protostars in a wide array of nearby molecular clouds to disentangle ``universal'' from cloud-dependent processes. We have used near-infrared adaptive optics observations at the VLT through the H, Ks and L' filters to search for tight companions to 45 Class I and Flat Spectrum protostars located in 4 different molecular clouds (Taurus-Auriga, Ophiuchus, Serpens and L1641 in Orion). We complemented these observations with published high-resolution surveys of 13 additional objects in Taurus and Ophiuchus. We found multiplicity rates of 32+/-6% and 47+/-8% over the 45-1400 AU and 14-1400 AU separation ranges, respectively. These rates are in excellent agreement with those previously found among T Tauri stars in Taurus and Ophiuchus, and represent an excess of a factor ~1.7 over the multiplicity rate of solar-type field stars. We found no non-hierarchical triple systems, nor any quadruple or higher-order systems. No significant cloud-to-cloud difference has been found, except for the fact that all companions to low-mass Orion protostars are found within 100 AU of their primaries whereas companions found in other clouds span the whole range probed here. Based on this survey, we conclude that core fragmentation always yields a high initial multiplicity rate, even in giant molecular clouds such as the Orion cloud or in clustered stellar populations as in Serpens, in contrast with predictions of numerical simulations. The lower multiplicity rate observed in clustered Class II and Class III populations can be accounted for by a universal set of properties for young systems and subsequent ejections through close encounters with unrelated cluster members.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Recent advances on IMF research

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    Here I discuss recent work on brown dwarfs, massive stars and the IMF in general. The stellar IMF can be well described by an invariant two-part power law in present-day star-formation events within the Local Group of galaxies. It is nearly identical in shape to the pre-stellar core mass function. The majority of brown dwarfs follow a separate IMF. Evidence from globular clusters and ultra-compact dwarf galaxies has emerged that IMFs may have been top heavy depending on the star-formation rate density. The IGIMF then ranges from bottom heavy at low galaxy-wide star formation rates to being top-heavy in galaxy-scale star bursts.Comment: 6 pages, LaTeX, to appear in The Labyrinth of Star Formation, 18-22 June 2012, Crete, (eds.) D. Stamatellos, S. Goodwin, and D. Ward-Thompson, Springer, in press; replaced version: very minor corrections plus the addition of reference Smith & Lucey (2013) on the bottom-heavy IMF in elliptical galaxie

    Hybrid GMR Sensor Detecting 950 pT/sqrt(Hz) at 1 Hz and Room Temperature.

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    Advances in the magnetic sensing technology have been driven by the increasing demand for the capability of measuring ultrasensitive magnetic fields. Among other emerging applications, the detection of magnetic fields in the picotesla range is crucial for biomedical applications. In this work Picosense reports a millimeter-scale, low-power hybrid magnetoresistive-piezoelectric magnetometer with subnanotesla sensitivity at low frequency. Through an innovative noise-cancelation mechanism, the 1/f noise in the MR sensors is surpassed by the mechanical modulation of the external magnetic fields in the high frequency regime. A modulation efficiency of 13% was obtained enabling a final device's sensitivity of ~950 pT/Hz1/2 at 1 Hz. This hybrid device proved to be capable of measuring biomagnetic signals generated in the heart in an unshielded environment. This result paves the way for the development of a portable, contactless, low-cost and low-power magnetocardiography device
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