61 research outputs found

    The EMSO Generic Instrument Module (EGIM): standardized and interoperable instrumentation for ocean observation

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    The oceans are a fundamental source for climate balance, sustainability of resources and life on Earth, therefore society has a strong and pressing interest in maintaining and, where possible, restoring the health of the marine ecosystems. Effective, integrated ocean observation is key to suggesting actions to reduce anthropogenic impact from coastal to deep-sea environments and address the main challenges of the 21st century, which are summarized in the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Blue Growth strategies. The European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water column Observatory (EMSO), is a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC), with the aim of providing long-term observations via fixed-point ocean observatories in key environmental locations across European seas from the Arctic to the Black Sea. These may be supported by ship-based observations and autonomous systems such as gliders. In this paper, we present the EMSO Generic Instrument Module (EGIM), a deployment ready multi-sensor instrumentation module, designed to measure physical, biogeochemical, biological and ecosystem variables consistently, in a range of marine environments, over long periods of time. Here, we describe the system, features, configuration, operation and data management. We demonstrate, through a series of coastal and oceanic pilot experiments that the EGIM is a valuable standard ocean observation module, which can significantly improve the capacity of existing ocean observatories and provides the basis for new observatories. The diverse examples of use included the monitoring of fish activity response upon oceanographic variability, hydrothermal vent fluids and particle dispersion, passive acoustic monitoring of marine mammals and time series of environmental variation in the water column. With the EGIM available to all the EMSO Regional Facilities, EMSO will be reaching a milestone in standardization and interoperability, marking a key capability advancement in addressing issues of sustainability in resource and habitat management of the oceans.This work was funded by the project EMSODEV (Grant agreement No 676555) supported by DG Research and Innovation of the European Commission under the Research Infrastructures Programme of the H2020. EMSO-link EC project (Grant agreement No 731036) provided additional funding. Other projects which supported the work include Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2017–2020, project BITER-LANDER PID2020- 114732RB-C32, iFADO (Innovation in the Framework of the Atlantic Deep Ocean, 2017–2021) EAPA_165/2016. The Spanish Government contributed through the “Severo Ochoa Centre Excellence” accreditation to ICM-CSIC (CEX2019-000928-S) and the Research Unit Tecnoterra (ICM-CSIC/UPC). UK colleagues were supported by Climate Linked Atlantic Sector Science (CLASS) project supported by NERC National Capability funding (NE/R015953/1).Peer ReviewedArticle signat per 33 autors/es: Nadine Lantéri; Henry A. Ruh; Andrew Gates; Enoc Martínez; Joaquin del Rio Fernandez; Jacopo Aguzzi; Mathilde Cannat; Eric Delory; Davide Embriaco; Robert Huber; Marjolaine Matabos;George Petihakis; Kieran Reilly; Jean-François Rolin; Mike van der Schaar; Michel André; Jérôme Blandin; Andrés Cianca; Marco Francescangeli; Oscar Garcia; Susan Hartman; Jean-Romain Lagadec; Julien Legrand; Paris Pagonis; Jaume Piera; Xabier Remirez; Daniel M. Toma; Giuditta Marinaro; Bertrand Moreau; Raul Santana; Hannah Wright; Juan José Dañobeitia; Paolo FavaliPostprint (published version

    Molecular Composition of Staufen2-Containing Ribonucleoproteins in Embryonic Rat Brain

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    Messenger ribonucleoprotein particles (mRNPs) are used to transport mRNAs along neuronal dendrites to their site of translation. Numerous mRNA-binding and regulatory proteins within mRNPs finely regulate the fate of bound-mRNAs. Their specific combination defines different types of mRNPs that in turn are related to specific synaptic functions. One of these mRNA-binding proteins, Staufen2 (Stau2), was shown to transport dendritic mRNAs along microtubules. Its knockdown expression in neurons was shown to change spine morphology and synaptic functions. To further understand the molecular mechanisms by which Stau2 modulates synaptic function in neurons, it is important to identify and characterize protein co-factors that regulate the fate of Stau2-containing mRNPs. To this end, a proteomic approach was used to identify co-immunoprecipitated proteins in Staufen2-containing mRNPs isolated from embryonic rat brains. The proteomic approach identified mRNA-binding proteins (PABPC1, hnRNP H1, YB1 and hsc70), proteins of the cytoskeleton (α- and β-tubulin) and RUFY3 a poorly characterized protein. While PABPC1 and YB1 associate with Stau2-containing mRNPs through RNAs, hsc70 is directly bound to Stau2 and this interaction is regulated by ATP. PABPC1 and YB1 proteins formed puncta in dendrites of embryonic rat hippocampal neurons. However, they poorly co-localized with Stau2 in the large dendritic complexes suggesting that they are rather components of Stau2-containing mRNA particles. All together, these results represent a further step in the characterization of Stau2-containing mRNPs in neurons and provide new tools to study and understand how Stau2-containing mRNPs are transported, translationally silenced during transport and/or locally expressed according to cell needs

    The EMSO Generic Instrument Module (EGIM): Standardized and interoperable instrumentation for ocean observation

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    The oceans are a fundamental source for climate balance, sustainability of resources and life on Earth, therefore society has a strong and pressing interest in maintaining and, where possible, restoring the health of the marine ecosystems. Effective, integrated ocean observation is key to suggesting actions to reduce anthropogenic impact from coastal to deep-sea environments and address the main challenges of the 21st century, which are summarized in the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Blue Growth strategies. The European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water column Observatory (EMSO), is a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC), with the aim of providing long-term observations via fixed-point ocean observatories in key environmental locations across European seas from the Arctic to the Black Sea. These may be supported by ship-based observations and autonomous systems such as gliders. In this paper, we present the EMSO Generic Instrument Module (EGIM), a deployment ready multi-sensor instrumentation module, designed to measure physical, biogeochemical, biological and ecosystem variables consistently, in a range of marine environments, over long periods of time. Here, we describe the system, features, configuration, operation and data management. We demonstrate, through a series of coastal and oceanic pilot experiments that the EGIM is a valuable standard ocean observation module, which can significantly improve the capacity of existing ocean observatories and provides the basis for new observatories. The diverse examples of use included the monitoring of fish activity response upon oceanographic variability, hydrothermal vent fluids and particle dispersion, passive acoustic monitoring of marine mammals and time series of environmental variation in the water column. With the EGIM available to all the EMSO Regional Facilities, EMSO will be reaching a milestone in standardization and interoperability, marking a key capability advancement in addressing issues of sustainability in resource and habitat management of the oceans

    Profession : technicien en documentation

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    Traversé par de multiples changements au cours de la dernière décennie, le monde documentaire cherche à se positionner dans le contexte actuel, à composer avec des technologies en évolution, ainsi qu’avec les nouvelles habitudes des usagers. Particulièrement touchés par ces transformations, les techniciens en documentation se questionnent et se redéfinissent. Qu’est-ce qu’être un technicien en documentation en 2012 ? Comment assurer la pérennité de cette profession dans un environnement en continuel renouvellement ? Comment les techniciens et techniciennes envisagent-ils l’évolution de leur profession ? Afin de répondre à ces questions, une enquête a été menée par une équipe de techniciens en documentation. Ce sondage a permis d’amasser des données permettant de dresser un portrait assez précis de la profession, en plus de mettre de l’avant les aspirations et la vision des techniciens quant à leur avenir. Appuyé par un blogue relatant toutes les étapes du projet et permettant une participation interactive des techniciens désirant y collaborer, ce projet typique du Web collaboratif est ici présenté et analysé.Numerous changes in the last decade have had an impact on libraries and their personnel; they are trying to find their place in the current context, adapting to technological change as well as new habits of their users. The impact on library technicians is especially acute: they are redefining their role. What does it mean to be a library technician in 2012? How does one assure the long-term existence of the profession in an environment that is constantly evolving? How do library technicians perceive the evolution of their profession? In order to answer these and other questions, a survey of library technicians was conducted. The data collected allowed the authors to draft a portrait of the profession as well as identify the aspirations and outlook the technicians have regarding their future. A blog explaining each step of the project allowed the technicians to collaborate. This typical Web-based project is outlined and discussed in this article.El mundo documental, que ha experimentado numerosos cambios en la última década, busca posicionarse en el contexto actual y vincularse con tecnologías en evolución así como con las nuevas prácticas de los usuarios. Particularmente afectados por estas transformaciones, los técnicos en documentación formulan nuevos planteos y se redefinen: ¿Qué significa ser un técnico en documentación en 2012? ¿Cómo asegurar la continuidad de esta profesión en un entorno en constante desarrollo? ¿De qué manera los técnicos abordan el tema de la evolución de su profesión ? Para poder responder a estas preguntas, se realizó una encuesta a cargo de un equipo de técnicos en documentación, Este sondeo de opinión permitió recopilar datos que facilitaron la elaboración de un perfil relativamente preciso, de la profesión y plantear las aspiraciones y la visión de los técnicos acerca de su futuro. Presentamos y analizamos aquí este proyecto típico de las redes colaborativas respaldados por un blog que describe las etapas del proyecto y que permite una participación interactiva de los técnicos que desean colaborar

    Control-mechanisms acting at the transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels are involved in the synthesis of the arginine pathway carbamoylphosphate synthase of yeast.

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    In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the synthesis of the arginine pathway enzyme carbamoylphosphate synthase (CPSase A) is subject to two control mechanisms. One mechanism, the general control of amino acid biosynthesis, influences the expression of both CPA1 and CPA2 genes, the structural genes for the two subunits of the enzyme. The second mechanism, the specific control of arginine biosynthesis, only affects the expression of CPA1. To study these mechanisms in more detail, we have cloned the CPA1 and CPA2 genes and used their DNA to measure the CPA1 and CPA2 mRNA content of cells grown under various conditions. A close coordination was observed in the variation of the levels of CPA1 and CPA2 mRNAs and polypeptide products under conditions where the general control of amino acid biosynthesis operates. In contrast, little correlation was found between the levels of CPA1 mRNA and the corresponding protein for conditions affecting repression by arginine: the total amplitude of variation was 6-fold higher for the CPA1 protein than for the CPA1 messenger transcript. Such findings are consistent with the conclusion that the general control operates at the transcriptional level and that the specific arginine control acts primarily at a post-transcriptional level.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Mutation of gene encoding regulatory polypeptide of aspartate carbamoyltransferase

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    SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Germinal en série TV , podcast Paroles d’Histoire / Histoire en séries

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    émission du podcast "Paroles d'histoire" coréalisée avec Nicolas Charles du podcast Histoire en séries avec Marjolaine Boutet et Judith RainhornComment adapte-t-on pour la TV en 2021 un immense roman de Zola ? Que dit la série "Germinal" de la mine, de l'histoire sociale, de notre rapport au XIXe siècle ? Discussion d'André Loez avec Marjolaine Boutet, Nicolas Charles et Judith Rainhor