110 research outputs found

    Az artikulációs tempó variabilitása a felolvasásban

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    Food security and GMOs

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    This study deals with potential food security impacts of GM technology. GMOs are a debated issue in the current Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) trade negotiations, lending particular significance to our topic. Patents have been issued on gene sequences that allow biotech giants the exclusive right to profit from these varieties. To protect the specific genes, in addition to the desired properties seed infertility is also encoded. As a consequence, farmers who are no longer able to produce their own seeds become completely defenceless against multinational producers. In this way the supply of staple foods, like food grains, will be monopolized by transatlantic companies, giving them control over the markets, making self-sufficiency of nations and local producers impossible.</jats:p

    Agriculture and Employement. The Results of the Transition in Hungarian Agriculture

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    The purpose of this paper is to review and analyse the Taylorist principles of labour organisation, a system that was adopted by the communist leadership and the ideologists of the soviet regime as well and that became the dominant practice in large scale farming in Hungary before the transition. The paper will focus on highlighting the factors that played a major role in determining the labour organisation of the industrialized agricultural holdings and will review the successes and failures of the development model together with the persistence of the principles in agricultural production after the transition. Following the transition in 1990, as a result of the changes in organisational structure and ownership, a highly problematical model came into existence. The past two decades have witnessed dramatic changes in agriculture since a rise in economic inactivity in rural areas and a significant decrease in labour-intensive crop production coincide. One of the more significant findings to emerge from this study is that in Hungary food industry plays a major role in providing stable rural employment and in ensuring food safety

    Stambiųjų žemės ūkių triumfas ir jų socialinis bei ekonominis poveikis

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    Large-scale farming that utilizes industrial methods to intensify production is becoming more significant worldwide. This study explores this phenomenon and sheds light on its consequences. Contingency factors serve as key drivers when determining the advantages and disadvantages of both large-scale and small-scale farming. Significant shifts in agro-production methods have fundamentally altered ownership and production structures in agriculture and had a disastrous impact on the livelihoods of people living in rural areas.Straipsnyje analizuojamas stambusis ūkininkavimas, kai taikomi pramoniniai metodai, kad būtų gaminama daugiau žemės ūkio produkcijos, ir jo socialiniai padariniai. Stambūs agrariniai ūkiai įgyja vis svaresnį vaidmenį pasaulinėje rinkoje. Nepaisant teorinių diskusijų apie smulkiojo ar stambiojo ūkininkavimo pranašumus ar trūkumus, tikrovėje dažniausi veikia atsitiktinio pobūdžio veiksniai, konkrečiu atveju nulemiantys, kuris iš būdų yra priimtinesnis ar atmestinas. Tačiau slinktis link stambaus ūkininkavimo iš pagrindų pakeitė nuosavybės ir gamybos santykių struktūrą žemės ūkyje ir turėjo pražūtingą poveikį žmonių pragyvenimo šaltiniams kaimo vietovėse

    Kriminalisztikai alapú beszélőiprofil-alkotás

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    A beszélő hangja alapján az ismert személyek felismerése mellett képesek vagyunk az ismeretlen személyekről profilt készíteni, vagyis olyan általános információkat becsülni, mint például a nem, az életkor, a testalkat vagy a beszélő hangulata. Korábbi kutatások igazolták, hogy erős összefüggés van a toldalékcső hossza és a beszélő személy fizikai állapota, mint az életkor, a nem, a testmagasság stb. között. Ezen összefüggés alapján feltételezzük, hogy az emberi beszéd akusztikai jellemzői kódolják az adott beszélő testi fizikai felépítésére utaló jegyeket. A jelen kutatásban ezen összefüggés érvényességét vizsgáljuk tanuló algoritmusok segítségével. A kutatásban elemezzük, hogy a beszédből milyen eredményességgel lehet automatikusan becsülni a beszélő nemét, életkorát, testsúlyát, illetve testtömegét. A fizikai tulajdonságok becsléséhez a beszédből kinyert akusztikai jellemzőket használunk: prozódiai alapú, beszédminőség-alapú, spektrális alapú. Az eredmények azt mutatják, hogy a nem, a testtömeg és a testsúly becslése nagy pontosságú, míg az életkor becslése kevésbé

    Deep learning methods in speaker recognition: a review

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    This paper summarizes the applied deep learning practices in the field of speaker recognition, both verification and identification. Speaker recognition has been a widely used field topic of speech technology. Many research works have been carried out and little progress has been achieved in the past 5-6 years. However, as deep learning techniques do advance in most machine learning fields, the former state-of-the-art methods are getting replaced by them in speaker recognition too. It seems that DL becomes the now state-of-the-art solution for both speaker verification and identification. The standard x-vectors, additional to i-vectors, are used as baseline in most of the novel works. The increasing amount of gathered data opens up the territory to DL, where they are the most effective

    Anticipatory coarticulation in Hungarian VnC sequences

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    The duration of the vowel and the nasal was analyzed in the casual pronunciation of Hungarian words containing the sequence V n .C, where ‘.’ is a syllable boundary and C is a stop, affricate, fricative, or approximant. It was found that due to anticipatory coarticulation the duration of n is significantly shorter before fricatives and approximants than before stops and affricates.A teaching algorithm was used to distinguish between stops/affricates and fricatives/approximants in V n C sequences. We used an approach to the classification of C by means of the support vector machine (SVM) and the properties of Radial basis function (RBF) kernel (using MATLAB, version 7.0). The results show close to 95% correct responses for the stop/affricate vs. fricative/approximant distinction of C, as opposed to about 60% correct responses for the classification of the voicing feature of C