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    Propuesta did?ctica para la construcci?n del concepto de variable como n?mero general basada en el modelo 3UV

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    156 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEn este proyecto se presentan algunos aspectos fundamentales en los procesos de ense?anza-aprendizaje del concepto de la variable como n?mero general en estudiantes pertenecientes a cinco grados diferentes de ense?anza media del instituto t?cnico Benjam?n Herrera de la ciudad de Ibagu?, teniendo como referentes principales el modelo 3UV (3 Usos de la Variable) Trigueros y Ursini, (2003); Ursini, et al., (2005) y el aprendizaje instrumental y relacional planteado por (Skemp, 1978). Para lo cual se han realizado una secuencia de actividades encaminadas a estos educandos por medio de una metodolog?a apropiada, de tal manera que les permita apropiarse del concepto en distintas facetas, interpretativa, aplicativa, anal?tica, y reflexiva que conlleve a un aprendizaje con comprensi?n y significado; no simplemente reducido a la aplicaci?n de reglas o algoritmos sin sentido. En este proyecto se hace una invitaci?n a la reflexi?n sobre c?mo se est? ense?ando las matem?ticas en nuestro contexto colombiano, sobre la importancia de generar un desarrollo del pensamiento Variacional desde edades tempranas, para fortalecer el paso de la aritm?tica al algebra; en cuanto a esto, es muy importante integrar al curr?culo actividades que pensadas desde lo aritm?tico y geom?trico potencialicen el razonamiento algebraico. Palabras claves: patr?n, ?lgebra, generalidad, unidad did?ctica, variable, modelo 3UV.In this Project are presented some fundamental aspects in the teaching ? learning process from the concept of the variable as a general number in students belonging to five different middle school grades from the Technical Institute Benjam?n Herrera from the city of Ibagu?, taking as principal referents the Model 3UV (3 Uses of the Variable) Trigueros and Ursini, (2003); Ursini, et al., (2005) and the instrumental and relational learning proposed by (Skemp, 1978). For which it has been executed a sequence of activities directed to these students by means of an appropriate methodology, in such a way that allows them to appropriate the concept in different facets, interpretative, applicative, analytical and reflective that lead to a learning with comprehension and meaning; not simply reduced to the application of rules or algorithms with no sense. In this project is made an invitation to the reflection on how mathematics is being taught in our Colombian context, about the importance of generate a development of variational thinking since early ages, to strengthen the passage from arithmetic to algebra; in terms of this, is very important to integrate into the curriculum, activities that thought from the arithmetic and geometric, potentiate the algebraic reasoning. Key words: pattern, algebra, generality, didactic unit, variable, Model 3UV

    The Evolution of Altruism in Spatially Structured Populations

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    The evolution of altruism in humans is still an unresolved puzzle. Helping other individuals is often kinship-based or reciprocal. Several examples show, however, that altruism goes beyond kinship and reciprocity and people are willing to support unrelated others even when this is at a cost and they receive nothing in exchange. Here we examine the evolution of this "pure" altruism with a focus on altruistic teaching. Teaching is modeled as a knowledge transfer which enhances the survival chances of the recipient, but reduces the reproductive efficiency of the provider. In an agent-based simulation we compare evolutionary success of genotypes that have willingness to teach with those who do not in two different scenarios: random matching of individuals and spatially structured populations. We show that if teaching ability is combined with an ability to learn and individuals encounter each other on a spatial proximity basis, altruistic teaching will attain evolutionary success in the population. Settlement of the population and accumulation of knowledge are emerging side-products of the evolution of altruism. In addition, in large populations our simple model also produces a counterintuitive result that increasing the value of knowledge keeps fewer altruists alive.Altruism, Teaching, Knowledge Transfer, Spatially Structured Social Dilemmas

    Proceso de renovaci?n urbana entre la carrera 1a y 10a y entre las calles 1a y 15 del centro hist?rico y urbano de la ciudad de Ibagu?. Periodo 2000-2015. Una propuesta did?ctica del espacio urbano

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    124 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEn la presente investigaci?n se abordara el tema de la renovaci?n urbana como punto neur?lgico en el desarrollo de las ciudades Latinoam?ricanas, espec?ficamente el caso del centro hist?rico de la ciudad de Ibagu? donde se analizara las din?micas sobre el impacto de las consecuencias espaciales del poder pol?tico entre el periodo 2000-2015 en el ?rea de estudio en el que comprende los barrios, La Pola, Bel?n, Centro y Pueblo nuevo, pertenecientes a la comuna 1 y 2 (centro hist?rico). As? mismo, se abordara los componentes demogr?ficos e hist?ricos que han transformado el espacio y las din?micas socioecon?micas que se insertan a partir de la configuraci?n de los sectores anteriormente mencionados. De igual forma, la investigaci?n permitir? comprender las din?micas socio espaciales que se han ejecutado en el centro hist?rico de Ibagu? para posteriormente, realizar una propuesta did?ctica encaminada hacia la protecci?n e interiorizaci?n del patrimonio arquitect?nico y cultural del centro de la ciudad.In the present research, the subject of urban renewal will be addressed as a nerve center in the development of Latin American cities, specifically the case of the historical center of the city of Ibague, where dynamics on the impact of the spatial consequences of political power between The period 2000-2015 in the study area comprising the neighborhoods, La Pola, Belen, Centro and Pueblo Nuevo, belonging to commune 1 and 2 (historic center). It will also address the demographic and historical components that have transformed the space and the socio-economic dynamics that are inserted from the configuration of the aforementioned sectors. In the same way, the research will allow us to understand the socio-spatial dynamics that have been carried out in the historic center of Ibague and then to make a didactic proposal aimed at the protection and exteriorization of the architectural and cultural heritage of the city center. Key Words: Urban Renovation, Urban Political, History center, Education

    Aproximaci?n a la estimaci?n espacial de sequ?as meteorol?gicas en la cuenca hidrogr?fica del rio Coello, Colombia

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    15 p. Recurso Electr?nicoLa evaluaci?on espacio temporal para la caracterizaci?on de las sequ??as meteorol?ogicas se bas?o en datos de precipitaci ?on mensual acumulada entre 1996-2005 de 20 estaciones meteorol?ogicas distribuidas en la cuenca hidrogr?afica del r??o Coello. Se realiz?o un preprocesamiento a los datos de precipitaci?on con pruebas de consistencia de datos para corregir y eliminar datos sobre o sub estimados. Para estimar los datos faltantes de precipitaci?on se comparan tres m?etodos geoestad??sticos de interpolaci ?on, derivados de Kriging, asociados con variables secundarias como el Kriging Ordinario, CoKrigin Ordinario asocidadas a las variables secundarias de un Modelo de Elevaci?on Digital y datos de precipitaci?on satelital TRMM. Para seleccionar el m?etodo geoestad??stico se compar?o el ajuste de cada interpolaci?on con respecto a tres estaciones de referencia a trav?es de tres pruebas de calidad, las cuales fueron Ra??z del Error Cuadr?atico Medio (RMSE), Criterio de Informaci?on de Akaike (AIC) y Criterio de Informaci?on Bayesiano (BIC). En esta investigaci?on dos de tres pruebas favorecen al CoKriging Ordinario usando como variable secundaria la Altitud (CoK+DEM). Con la serie interpolada de precipitaci?on se evaluaron y caracterizaron las sequ??as por medio del ?Indice de Precipitaci?on Estandarizado (SPI) a escala mensual y trimestral, calculando los par?ametros de severidad, duraci?on, intensidad y frecuencia de las sequ??as. Por medio de mapas se delimitaron las regiones en donde se presentan los valores negativos de SPI. En el an?alisis espacio temporal los meses de Enero, Febrero, Julio y Agosto son los m?as secos del a?no. En el a?no 1997 se present?o la sequ??a meteorol?ogica de mayores afectaciones en la cuenca del r??o Coello generalmente concentrados en la parte media y baja de la cuenca, con una intensidad maxima de -2,57 de SPI. Palabras Clave: Sequ??a meteorol?ogica; m?etodos de interpolaci?on geoestad??sticos; ?Indice de Precipitaci?on Estandarizado (SPI); par?ametros de sequ??as; cuenca hidrogr?afica del r??o Coello.The space-temporal evaluation to characterize meteorological droughts was based on data accumulated monthly precipitation between 1996-2005 from 20 meteorological stations distributed in the Coello River basin. Data precipitation was performed preprocessing with data consistency tests to correct and delete data over- or under estimated. To estimate missing precipitation data are compared three geostatistical interpolation methods derived from Kriging, associated with secondary variables such as the Ordinary Kriging, CoKrigin Ordinary associated with secondary variables of a Digital Elevation Model and data satellite TRMM. To select the statistical method the setting of each interpolation was compared with respect to three reference stations through three quality tests, which were Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC). In this investigation two of three tests favor the Ordinary CoKriging using as a secondary variable Altitude (COK+DEM). With the interpolated series of precipitation were evaluated and characterized by drought Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) at monthly and quarterly scale, calculating the parameters of severity, duration, intensity and frequency of droughts. By mapping are delimited the regions where occur the more negative values of SPI. In analyzing spacetemporal the months of January, February, July and August are the driest of the year. In 1997 the meteorological drought greatest damage occurs in the Coello River basin generally concentrated in the middle and lower part of the basin, with a maximum intensity of SPI -2,57. Keywords: Meteorological drought; geostatistical interpolation methods; Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI); parameters droughts; Coello River Basin

    Correlaci?n entre la ganancia de peso diaria y la digestibilidad in vitro en ovinos en pastoreo suplementados con especies forrajeras del bosque seco tropical

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    39 p. Recurso Electr?nicoLos ovinos se han convertido en animales de producci?n interesantes para los peque?os productores, especialmente en las regiones secas del mundo, donde adem?s de las gram?neas convencionales pueden utilizar otras especies vegetales que los bovinos no consumen Sin embargo, en la estaci?n seca existe baja en la producci?n y calidad de los forrajes, afectando el consumo y digestibilidad. El objetivo del trabajo fue correlacionar la ganancia de peso diaria con algunas variables nutricionales, determinar la digestibilidad y degradabilidad In Vitro de las dietas. El trabajo de investigaci?n fue realizado en la granja ?El Recreo? de la Universidad de Tolima, ubicada en el municipio de Guamo (Tolima) y en el laboratorio de nutrici?n animal de la Universidad del Tolima. Se realiz? un sistema de terminaci?n en pastoreo, adecuando un aprisco con una divisi?n de 5 corrales, dotados con comederos y bebederos. La suplementaci?n se realiz? con base de especies forrajeras en una proporci?n 70:30 (Pastoreo; suplemento), los cuales fueron considerados como tratamientos. Estos consistieron en: T1 (control) = 100% de Botrocloa pertusa; T2 = Senna spectabilis; T3= Leucaena leucocephala; T4= Glricidria sepium; T5= Guazuma ulmifolia. Los suplementos se le suministraron a los ovinos en pastoreo con praderas predominantes en pasto Colosuana. Para este fin se utilizaron 35 ovinos de pelo escogidos bajo los par?metros de similitud en peso y fueron distribuidos aleatoriamente en 5 grupos de 7 animales cada uno. Para medir el desempe?o animal se realiz? pesajes mensuales, para tener en cuenta la ganancia de peso diaria. A todas las especies se les realizo bromatol?gico, digestibilidad in vitro de la materia seca (DIVMS). La degradabilidad in vitro de la MS se determin? por medio de la metodolog?a Deisy II de la marca Ankom?. Se observ? que la dieta 4 (G. sepium) tubo diferencia significativa en la degradabilidad a las 48 horas con valor p <0.0001 con respecto a los otros tratamientos. La ganancia de peso est? relacionada con el porcentaje de MS, el S. spectabilis con el mayor porcentaje de materia seca (74,7), obtuvo la mayor ganancia de pesos diario (58 g). Palabras clave: Degradabilidad, Digestibilidad, Pastoreo, Ganancia diaria de peso, peque?os Rumiantes.The sheep animals have been turning into production animals so interesting for the small producers, especially in the dry regions around the world. Where besides of the conventional grasses, they can utilize other vegetables species that the bovines don?t it. However, in the dry station exists slow production and quality of forages affecting the consumption and digestibility. The object of the investigation was correlated the daily weight gain with some nutritional variables, it was also determined In Vitro digestibility and degradability of diets. This investigation was realized at the farm ?el Recreo? in the Tolima University, located in the municipality of Guamo (Tolima) and the animal nutrition laboratory of the Tolima University. It was realized a grazing termination system adapting a sheepfold with a division of 5 pens, each with feeders and drinking troughs. The supplementation was realized with base on forage species at a rate of 70:30 (grazing, supplement), which were considered as treatments, these ones consisted in: T1 (control) = 100% Botrocloa pertusa; T2 = Senna spectabilis; T3 = Leucaena leucocephala; T4 = Glicidria sepium; T5 = Guazuma ulmifolia. The supplements were given to the sheep in pasture with predominant meadows in Colosuana grass. For this purpose, 35 hair sheep were selected under the parameters of similarity in weight, they were used and they were randomly distributed in 5 groups of 7 animals each. To measure animal performance, monthly weighings were performed to take into account the daily weight gain. All species were subjected to bromatological, in vitro digestibility of dry matter (DIVMS). The in vitro degradability of the MS was determined by the Deisy II methodology of the Ankom? brand. It was observed that diet 4 (G. sepium) tube significant difference in the degradability at 48 hours with value p <0.0001 with respect to the other treatments. Weight gain is related to the percentage of DM, S. spectabilis with the highest percentage of dry matter (74.7), obtained the highest daily weight gain (58 g). Keywords: Degradability, digestibility, grazing, daily weight gain, small ruminants

    Acompa?amientos sensibles

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    45 p. Recurso Electr?nicoAcompa?amientos sensibles es una exploraci?n que se propone encontrar maneras de cuidar desde el arte pl?stico y visual en el hospital Federico Lleras Acosta en la ciudad de Ibagu?, Tolima y posteriormente en el hospital San Vicente de Paul en Fresno, Tolima. Est? dedicado a pensar c?mo se generan gestos y maneras de acompa?ar en el intento de entender y abrazar a los habitantes del territorio hospitalario brind?ndoles escucha y atenci?n para as? humanizar dicho territorio. Palabras clave: Gesto, habitar, clown hospitalario, acci?n.Sensitive accompaniment is a exploration that aims to find ways of caring from plastic an visual art in the Federico Lleras Acosta hospital in the city of Ibague, Tolima and later in the San Vicente de Paul hospital in Fresno, Tolima. It is dedicated to think about how gestures and ways to come along are generated in the attempt to understand and embrace the inhabitants of the hospital territory, providing them with someone to listen and bring them attention in order to humanize the same territory. Keywords: gesture, inhabit, hospital clown, action

    Unidad did?ctica para el aprendizaje significativo de funciones cuadr?ticas en los estudiantes de grado 9 de la instituci?n educativa Leonidas Rubio Villegas de Ibagu?

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    129 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEste proyecto tiene como objetivo, generar aprendizaje significativo de las funciones cuadr?ticas en estudiantes de grado noveno de la instituci?n educativa Le?nidas Rubio Villegas - Sede Principal de Ibagu?. Con base en un problema identificado en la pr?ctica docente se dise?a y se aplica una unidad did?ctica bajo fundamentaciones te?ricas, particularmente las de aprendizaje significativo. La unidad est? influenciada bajo la corriente del Paidocentrismo (el alumno como centro), la cual busca la autoformaci?n del estudiante una investigaci?n- acci?n, se aplic? una prueba antes y despu?s de la ejecuci?n de las actividades propuestas, en ?ltima instancia se ilustra un cuadro comparativo entre las dos para evaluar la efectividad de la unidad did?ctica. La indagaci?n en el aula es un proceso que todo docente deber?a realizar d?a a d?a por ?tica profesional para mejorar la calidad de su ense?anza. Se pudo apreciar que la unidad did?ctica tuvo efectividad en el momento que los estudiantes se sienten contextualizados con la realidad y las funciones cuadr?ticas. Cuando se pone en contacto el estudiante con situaciones de la vida real, articula la abstracci?n de las funciones cuadr?ticas para el entendimiento de fen?menos sociales, f?sicos, qu?micos naturales, etc.The aim of this project is generating meaningful learning of quadratic functions in the ninth grade students from the Institution Educative Leonidas Rubio Villegas ? Sede Principal de Ibague. Based on an identified problem seen in the practicum. A didactic unit is designed and applied under theoretical foundations, particularly meaningful learning. The unit is influenced under the current of Paidocentrismo (Students as center), which seeks self-training student in action research. A test was applied before and after the implementation of the proposed activities, ultimately, it illustrates a comparative table between the two to assess the effectiveness of the didactic Unit. The inquiry in the classroom is a process that every teacher should make daily for professional ethics to improve the quality of their teaching. It was observed that the didactic unit was effective at the moment that students felt contextualized with the reality and the quadratic functions. When the students get contact with the real-life situations, they articulate the abstraction of quadratic functions for the understanding of social, physical, chemical, natural phenomena, etc. Keywords: Meaningful learning, Quadratic Functions, contextualization

    Estrategia pedag?gica para reducir la agresividad y el conflicto en las relaciones de convivencia del grado 604 de la Instituci?n Educativa Nuestra Se?ora del Carmen Miraflores, Guadalupe.

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    199 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEste proyecto es necesario para favorecer la cultura ciudadana en la escuela porque fortalece la autonom?a y autorregulaci?n de los estudiantes frente al manejo y la resoluci?n de conflictos escolares. Mediante mesas de conciliaci?n y de resoluci?n de conflictos es indispensable promover un proceso de toma de decisiones, cuyo objetivo sea manejar, gestionar, y resolver el conflicto entre pares, de manera que los estudiantes potencien valores tales como el respeto por la dignidad y los derechos humanos. As? mismo, se realiza un trabajo de identificaci?n de posibles casos de exclusi?n, violencia y enfrentamientos entre estudiantes, con los cuales se orientan; tambi?n se realizan talleres de formaci?n, en donde los estudiantes y padres de familia participan de manera focal, haciendo parte activa en el proceso. Teniendo en cuenta de que los conflictos son situaciones y procesos que suceden con regularidad, en las relaciones con los dem?s e incluso con nosotros mismos, por consiguiente configuran un algo productivo de aquello que se puede aprender en cuanto a desarrollar diferentes habilidades; encontrando diversos factores que influyan, directa o indirectamente en los comportamientos en el aula de clase. Palabras Claves: convivencia, violencia, conflicto, escuela, motivaci?n, resoluci?n, educaci?n, Problema, ni?o y comunidad.This project contributes to citizen?s culture at the school because strengthen the autonomy and self-regulation of students facing to manage and the resolution schoolchild conflicts. Through the conciliation tables and resolution conflicts we encourage a process of decision making, which objective is lead, manage, resolve, or give solution the conflict between pairs, such that of the students to boost the values like the respect for dignity and the human rights. In this way, carry out a identification work of possible cases of exclusion, violence, confrontation of students, who the work is oriented. Those in the trainer workshop are completed whit the students and parents in focal way where every actor is actively involved in the process. The conflicts are situations and process than happen with normalcy in relationship with others and even with ourselves. The fact is they treat them as if were wrong and, although sometimes they spend awful time, should look at them from a positive point of view. The conflicts are something productive where they can learn many things. This require learning how to manage them and develop several skills. Also have to take into account diverse factors that influence directly and indirectly in the conflict and their relationship with the school and the classroom. Keywords: coexistence, violence, conflict, school, motivation, resolution, education, issue, child, communit

    Affine Lie Algebras in Massive Field Theory and Form-Factors from Vertex Operators

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    We present a new application of affine Lie algebras to massive quantum field theory in 2 dimensions, by investigating the q→1q\to 1 limit of the q-deformed affine sl(2)^\hat{sl(2)} symmetry of the sine-Gordon theory, this limit occurring at the free fermion point. Working in radial quantization leads to a quasi-chiral factorization of the space of fields. The conserved charges which generate the affine Lie algebra split into two independent affine algebras on this factorized space, each with level 1 in the anti-periodic sector, and level 00 in the periodic sector. The space of fields in the anti-periodic sector can be organized using level-11 highest weight representations, if one supplements the \slh algebra with the usual local integrals of motion. Introducing a particle-field duality leads to a new way of computing form-factors in radial quantization. Using the integrals of motion, a momentum space bosonization involving vertex operators is formulated. Form-factors are computed as vacuum expectation values in momentum space. (Based on talks given at the Berkeley Strings 93 conference, May 1993, and the III International Conference on Mathematical Physics, String Theory, and Quantum Gravity, Alushta, Ukraine, June 1993.)Comment: 13 pages, CLNS 93/125
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