408 research outputs found

    Carbon Footprint estimation of Japanese radish: CFP reduction strategies and application possibility for environmental education

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    This study estimates the life cycle CO2 (LC-CO2) of the Japanese radish (variety: Aokubii Daikon) grown with the “tunnel cultivation method” in Choshi city, Chiba Prefecture,Japan. The highest emission stage and process of the LC-CO2 were specified and the calculation processes and results were shown for their application in improving environmental education.The functional unit of a radish was calculated as the weight of CO2 equivalent (CO2eq), which has been converted to CO2 from differed greenhouse gasses (GHGs)/kg of radish, otherwise known as its “carbon footprint (CFP)”. The life cycle of a radish is divided into five stages, which can be further divided into eight processes. The CFP is calculated as the total amount of CO2 emitted from every process. The estimated CFP of a radish produced in Choshi city was 472.4 g-CO2eq/kg. The highest contributors to the radish’s CFP were the cooking and field preparing processes, especially from the boiling water for cooking, which contributed to 44.9% of the total CFP, while the chemical fertilizer accounted for approximately 24.3%. Both consumers and producers should change their cooking and cultivating methods to reduce CO2 emissions. Sharing the results of our research and other CFPs of local products as environmental education tools was shown to be effective in helping students recognize the important relationship between their daily life and the associated effects on the environment

    A study of students’ understanding of chemical oxide demand measurements at Teikyo University of Science : A case study using Sumida River water

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    Representative Chemical Oxide Demand (abbreviated: COD) values of Sumida River\u27s water and its variation factors of student\u27s experiment of junior high and high school science teacher candidate course students (30 students) of the Department of School Education, Teikyo University of Science, were discussed in this article. First, effective method of measurement and calculated results were shown and then contributing factor of error was considered from student\u27s reports and questionnaire results. Student\u27s experimental results showed significant difference by tidal movement. As explanation of the relationship between chemical experiment and natural phenomenon would stimulate student\u27s interests of science, student\u27s surrounding living environment might be used for effective science education material for students. Each student group\u27s COD measurement results showed significant error span. For getting better results, itwould be necessary to accurate operation, such as solution adjustment and titration procedures. Though questionnaire results showed almost positive opinion, easier understandable textbook and appropriate explanation through experimental class would be necessary to give useful knowledge about chemistry to students

    Record of Phototactic Tenebrionidae (Coleoptera) from Lambir Hills, Borneo, with description of a new genus and twelve new species

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    Fifty-two species of phototactic Tenebrionidae are recorded from Lambir Hills National Park and the secondary forests surrounding the park. One new genus and twelve new species are described under the following names: Anognathena gen. nov., Anognathena neraida sp. nov., Amarygmus hansbremeri sp. nov., Cleomis purpuricollis sp. nov., Cryphaeus irregularis sp. nov., Euhemicera hutanicola sp. nov., Hemicera (Hemicera) vittigera sp. nov., Hemicera (Hemicera) parca sp. nov., Pseudonautes viridinitidus sp. nov., Psydus virgulatus sp. nov., Uloma (Uloma) nyctelia sp. nov., Uloma (Uloma) sarawakensis sp. nov. and Uloma (Uloma) serripunctata sp. nov

    Tenebrionidae (Coleoptera) collected from fruiting bodies of polypores in Sarawak, Malaysia

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    Additional report of Tenebrionidae collected from fruiting bodies of polypores at eight sites, including seven national parks, in Sarawak, with descriptions of nine new species, Basides nakashizukai sp. nov., Basides ornatimarginatus sp. nov., Basides rhinoceros sp. nov., Boletoxenus persimilis sp. nov., Bolitonaeus grimmi sp. nov., Menimus (Menimus) pygmaeus sp. nov., Menimus (Menimus) sphaericus sp. nov., Neomida sarawakensis sp. nov., Pentaphyllus lambirensis sp. nov.; Three synonyms are proposed: Basides flavofasciatus Pic, 1916 = Basides bifasciatus Motschulsky, 1873; Ischnodactylus sexguttatus Gebien, 1925c = Basides trimaculatus Pic, 1916; Platydema sexpictum Kaszab, 1939 = Basides trimaculatus Pic, 1916

    Brain Atlas of the Japanese Eel:Comparison to Other Fishes

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    The whole brain atlas of the eel was constructed in the first place by Klüver-Barréra's staining. Eighty onenuclei and thirty fiber tracts were identified in the present study. Basically, the brain topology of the eel wassimilar to that of the rainbow trout, the goldfish, the zebrafish, and the catfish. However, some details differedfrom those of other teleosts. The parvocellular preoptic nucleus (PP) was not subdivided, whereas the anteriorPP is distinguished from the posterior part in the zebrafish and the rainbow trout. The intermediate thalamicnucleus was not distinguished, whereas it is identified in the zebrafish, the goldfish, and the rainbow trout. Theparaventricular organ (PVO) was single, while paired PVOs are observed in the zebrafish. The torus semicircularis(TS) was smaller than that in the goldfish and rainbow trout. The cell size of the nucleus of medial longitudinalfascicle (NMLF) in the tegmentum was larger than that in the glass knifefish and the zebrafish. The protrusionof the nucleus lateralis valvulae (NLV) into the mesencephalic ventricle (VMes) was larger than that in thezebrafish and the rainbow trout. The valvula cerebelli was smaller than those in the goldfish and the zebrafish.The facial lobes (LVII) ran through the medulla oblongata (MO), whereas the two lobes fuse at the caudalcerebellum in the goldfish, the catfish, and the zebrafish. The expansion of the vagal lobe (LX) in the caudalMO was smaller than that in the goldfish and the zebrafish. The glossopharyngeal motor nucleus (MNIX) andthe vagal motor nucleus (MNX) were fused to make a columnar structure named glossopharyngeal-vagal motorcomplex (GVC). Such a columnar complex seems to be common in fishes, since similar columns are observedin the lamprey, the elasmobranch and other teleost fishes. The facial motor nucleus (MNVII) was separatedfrom the GVC, whereas it is fused with the GVC in the sturgeon, the reedfish and the tarpon

    Development of a momentum vector measurement instrument in steady-state plasmas

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    Momentum vector measurement instrument yielding individual and simultaneous identification of local fluxes of momentum components in two different directions, i.e., vector-resolved force, is developed for understanding momentum transport in plasmas and the thrust generation mechanisms of a helicon plasma thruster. A detector plate is attached to a rotational arm connected to a pivot, which has a structure accessible to the inside of the thruster and is mounted on an axially movable balance structure. Simultaneous measurements of displacements of the rotational arm and the axially movable balance give the fluxes of the two different components of the momentum flowing into the detector surface, respectively, e.g., the radial and axial components. The detailed calibration results and the displacement signals induced by applying known forces in a bench test are shown. The results show that the presently developed technique gives resolutions of about 10 μN in the two different directions independently

    Emotion-reacting fashion design: intelligent garment and accessory recognizing facial expressions

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    Although mental disorders have emerged as serious social challenges, social stigma, including prejudice and misunderstanding, hinder suitable treatment for the patients. It is crucial to monitor our internal psychological and emotional states to avoid the unconscious progression of mental disorders. This research aims to achieve emotion-reacting garments and accessories, based on a passive and continuous emotion recognition system in real time. First, this study proposes a systematic design for emotion-reacting garments and accessories, which employs emotion estimation based on facial expressions. Next, emotion-reacting fashion design is discussed for intelligent garments and accessories that interact with our bodies and mind. To achieve this system, a functionally extended collar made of transparent polycarbonate material is designed for integration with the digital camera modules. In addition, this study discusses how to create a physical stimulus on emotion-reacting garments and accessories. The intelligent garments and accessories using RGB-LEDs create visual effects that reflect emotions. In terms of audio effects, emotion-related keywords are employed to select the music played in intelligent garments. Finally, prototypes reacting to emotions are show

    Multivesicular Body Formation Requires OSBP–Related Proteins and Cholesterol

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    In eukaryotes, different subcellular organelles have distinct cholesterol concentrations, which is thought to be critical for biological functions. Oxysterol-binding protein-related proteins (ORPs) have been assumed to mediate nonvesicular cholesterol trafficking in cells; however, their in vivo functions and therefore the biological significance of cholesterol in each organelle are not fully understood. Here, by generating deletion mutants of ORPs in Caenorhabditis elegans, we show that ORPs are required for the formation and function of multivesicular bodies (MVBs). In an RNAi enhancer screen using obr quadruple mutants (obr-1; -2; -3; -4), we found that MVB–related genes show strong genetic interactions with the obr genes. In obr quadruple mutants, late endosomes/lysosomes are enlarged and membrane protein degradation is retarded, although endocytosed soluble proteins are normally delivered to lysosomes and degraded. We also found that the cholesterol content of late endosomes/lysosomes is reduced in the mutants. In wild-type worms, cholesterol restriction induces the formation of enlarged late endosomes/lysosomes, as observed in obr quadruple mutants, and increases embryonic lethality upon knockdown of MVB–related genes. Finally, we show that knockdown of ORP1L, a mammalian ORP family member, induces the formation of enlarged MVBs in HeLa cells. Our in vivo findings suggest that the proper cholesterol level of late endosomes/lysosomes generated by ORPs is required for normal MVB formation and MVB–mediated membrane protein degradation

    The effect of modifiable healthy practices on higher-level functional capacity decline among Japanese community dwellers

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    This study aimed to clarify the effects of the accumulation of 8 modifiable practices related to health, including smoking, alcohol drinking, physical activity, sleeping hours, body mass index, dietary diversity, ikigai (life worth living), and health checkup status, on higher-level functional capacity decline among Japanese community dwellers. Data were derived from the National Institute for Longevity Sciences - Longitudinal Study of Aging. Subjects comprised 1269 men and women aged 40 to 79 years at baseline (1997–2000) who participated in a follow-up postal survey (2013). Higher-level functional capacity was measured using the Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology Index of Competence (total score and 3 subscales: instrumental self-maintenance, intellectual activity, and social role). The odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) for a decline in higher-level functional capacity in the follow-up study according to the total number of healthy practices were analyzed using the lowest category as a reference. Multivariate adjusted ORs (95% CIs) for the total score of higher-level functional capacity, which declined according to the total number of healthy practices (0–4, 5–6, 7–8 groups) were 1.00 (reference), 0.63 (0.44–0.92), and 0.54 (0.31–0.94). For the score of social role decline, multivariate adjusted ORs (95% CIs) were 1.00 (reference), 0.62 (0.40–0.97), and 0.46 (0.23–0.90), respectively (P for trend = 0.04). Having more modifiable healthy practices, especially in social roles, may protect against a decline in higher-level functional capacity among middle-aged and elderly community dwellers in Japan