70 research outputs found

    Book Notice: Archive Science in Modern Society

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    Author Institution: Ohio State Universit

    アンドウ マサヒト キョウジュ タイショク コウエン

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    アンドウ マサヒト キョウジュ リャクレキ ギョウセキ イチラン

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    Imaging features of foreign body granuloma in the lower extremities mimicking a soft tissue neoplasm

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    Foreign body granuloma is a tissue reaction for retained foreign bodies after skin-penetrating trauma. Detection of retained foreign bodies can be extremely difficult when the patients present with non-specific symptoms such as pain and/or swelling without recognizing a previous trauma. We report three patients of foreign body granulomas in the lower extremities with emphasis placed on their unique clinical and radiological features. The involved sites were the foot, posterior thigh, and posterior lower leg, with wooden splinters in two patients and a fragment of tile in one. Plain radiographs could not reveal the existence of foreign bodies. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed foreign bodies as low intensities on both T1- and T2-weighted images in two patients, and the surrounding reactive lesion as low to iso intensities on T1- and high intensities on T2-weighted images in all the patients. The peripheral areas of the lesion were strongly enhanced after gadolinium injection. Ultrasound sonography could clearly visualize a foreign body as an echogenic area with posterior acoustic shadowing in one patient. The surrounding ring-like reactive lesion is easily mistaken for a soft tissue neoplasm when foreign bodies are not identified. The key to arriving at the correct diagnosis is to clarify the previous trauma and to identify foreign bodies with low signal intensities on both T1- and T2-weighted images and/or the characteristic ring-like enhancement on MRI. It is also necessary to rule out a foreign body granuloma whenever we see patients with a soft tissue tumor in the extremities, irrespective of their previous trauma history

    Microbleed clustering in thalamus sign in CADASIL patients with NOTCH3 R75P mutation

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    Background and objectiveCerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL) is an inherited cerebral microvascular disease characterized by the development of vascular dementia and lacunar infarctions. This study aimed to identify the genetic and clinical features of CADASIL in Japan.MethodsWe conducted genetic analysis on a case series of patients clinically diagnosed with CADASIL. Clinical and imaging analyses were performed on 32 patients with pathogenic mutations in the NOTCH3 gene. To assess the presence of cerebral microbleeds (CMBs), we utilized several established rating scales including the Fazekas scale, Scheltens rating scale, and Microbleed Anatomical Rating Scale, based on brain MRI images.ResultsAmong the 32 CADASIL patients, 24 cases were found carrying the R75P mutation in NOTCH3, whereas the remaining eight cases had other NOTCH3 mutations (R75Q, R110C, C134F, C144F, R169C, and R607C). The haplotype analysis of the R75P mutation uncovered the presence of a founder effect. A brain MRI analysis revealed that cases with the R75P mutation had a significantly higher total number of CMBs, particularly in the thalamus when compared to patients with other NOTCH3 mutations. Among 15 out of 24 cases with the R75P mutation, we observed a notable clustering of CMBs in the thalamus, termed microbleed clustering in thalamus sign (MCT sign).ConclusionWe propose that the MCT sign observed in NOTCH3 R75P-related CADASIL patients may serve as a potentially characteristic imaging feature. This finding offers further insights into the interactions between genotypes and phenotypes between NOTCH3 and CADASIL

    看護基礎教育におけるActive Learning の手法を用いた公衆衛生学教育の試み(第1報)

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    本研究は、A 大学看護学部の看護基礎教育で実施されたActive Leaning の手法を用いた公衆衛生学の\演習プログラムにおける学生の学びを明らかにすることを目的とした。対象は、A 大学看護学部の学士課\程に在籍する2 年次の学生であり、演習は、大学に対する「大学内禁煙対策における政策提言」を目指し、\3 年間を一纏まりとして計画され、1 年目の演習では、調査計画を立案した。その結果、対象者は【看護\職の役割意識の深化】、【ヘルスプロモーション概念の体験的理解】、【予防活動の有用性と重要性】、【ハイ\リスクアプローチの必要性と困難さ】、【喫煙に至る機序への関心】、【公衆衛生の対象の多様性】について\の学びを得ており、公衆衛生学の授業にActive Leaning の手法を用いることで抽象的になりがちな公衆\衛生学の概念を具体的な実像をもって理解できたことが示唆された。今後の課題として、演習目的に応じ\た評価方法の検討があげられた。\利益相反なし