16 research outputs found

    Physical activity in prevention of and rehabilitation after myocardial infarction

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    Cilj rada je prikazati utjecaj tjelesne aktivnosti na smanjenje pojavnosti srčanog udara te smrtnosti od posljedica istog i njezinu ulogu u liječenju i rehabilitaciji. Srčanožilne bolesti su značajan javnozdravstveni problem u svijetu te su u razvijenim zemljama glavni uzrok smrti. I u Republici Hrvatskoj (RH) srčanožilne bolesti predstavljaju vodeći javnozdravstveni problem, a prema podacima Hrvatskog zavoda za javno zdravstvo, srčani udar jedan je od najčeŔćih pojedinačnih uzroka smrti u nas. DosadaÅ”nja istraživanja dokazala su da se kvalitetnim načinom života, odnosno promjenom načina života i kontrolom čimbenika rizika, kroz aktivnosti primarne i sekundarne prevencije, smanjuju obolijevanje i smrtnost od srčanožilnih bolesti. Tjelesna aktivnost je ključna mjera u prevenciji bolesti i očuvanju zdravlja, a temeljni je dio i u liječenju i rehabilitaciji nakon srčanog udara. Uključivanje u tjelesnu aktivnost nakon srčanog udara započinje organiziranim i nadziranim programima u specijaliziranim ustanovama, a nastavlja se ambulantno u skladu sa zdravstvenim statusom bolesnika. Tjelesna aktivnost je neizostavan dio strategije za unaprjeđenje zdravlja u svijetu i u nas.The aim of this paper is to show the impact of physical activity on reducing the incidence of myocardial infarction and death from its consequences and the role of physical activity in treatment and rehabilitation. Cardiovascular diseases are a significant public health problem in the world and are the main cause of death in developed countries. In Croatia, cardiovascular diseases are also the leading public health problem and according to data from the Croatian Institute of Public Health, a myocardial infarction is one of the most common single causes of death. Previous studies have proven that a healthier way of life, namely lifestyle changes and the control of risk factors, through the activities of primary and secondary prevention, reduces morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular disease. Physical activity is a key factor in preventing disease and maintaining health, but the treatment and rehabilitation after a myocardial infarction is also of fundamental importance. Engaging in physical activity after a myocardial infarction begins in organized and supervised programs in specialized institutions and continues on an outpatient care basis in accordance with the health status of the patient. Physical activity is an essential part of the strategy for improving health in the world and in Croatia

    Physical activity in prevention of and rehabilitation after myocardial infarction

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    Cilj rada je prikazati utjecaj tjelesne aktivnosti na smanjenje pojavnosti srčanog udara te smrtnosti od posljedica istog i njezinu ulogu u liječenju i rehabilitaciji. Srčanožilne bolesti su značajan javnozdravstveni problem u svijetu te su u razvijenim zemljama glavni uzrok smrti. I u Republici Hrvatskoj (RH) srčanožilne bolesti predstavljaju vodeći javnozdravstveni problem, a prema podacima Hrvatskog zavoda za javno zdravstvo, srčani udar jedan je od najčeŔćih pojedinačnih uzroka smrti u nas. DosadaÅ”nja istraživanja dokazala su da se kvalitetnim načinom života, odnosno promjenom načina života i kontrolom čimbenika rizika, kroz aktivnosti primarne i sekundarne prevencije, smanjuju obolijevanje i smrtnost od srčanožilnih bolesti. Tjelesna aktivnost je ključna mjera u prevenciji bolesti i očuvanju zdravlja, a temeljni je dio i u liječenju i rehabilitaciji nakon srčanog udara. Uključivanje u tjelesnu aktivnost nakon srčanog udara započinje organiziranim i nadziranim programima u specijaliziranim ustanovama, a nastavlja se ambulantno u skladu sa zdravstvenim statusom bolesnika. Tjelesna aktivnost je neizostavan dio strategije za unaprjeđenje zdravlja u svijetu i u nas.The aim of this paper is to show the impact of physical activity on reducing the incidence of myocardial infarction and death from its consequences and the role of physical activity in treatment and rehabilitation. Cardiovascular diseases are a significant public health problem in the world and are the main cause of death in developed countries. In Croatia, cardiovascular diseases are also the leading public health problem and according to data from the Croatian Institute of Public Health, a myocardial infarction is one of the most common single causes of death. Previous studies have proven that a healthier way of life, namely lifestyle changes and the control of risk factors, through the activities of primary and secondary prevention, reduces morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular disease. Physical activity is a key factor in preventing disease and maintaining health, but the treatment and rehabilitation after a myocardial infarction is also of fundamental importance. Engaging in physical activity after a myocardial infarction begins in organized and supervised programs in specialized institutions and continues on an outpatient care basis in accordance with the health status of the patient. Physical activity is an essential part of the strategy for improving health in the world and in Croatia

    LPMO ā€“ ključni enzim u održivoj pretvorbi lignocelulozne biomase

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    The importance of the lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase (LPMO) enzyme in the preparation of lignocellulosic raw materials for production in biorefineries has been confirmed in numerous investigations. Therefore, LPMO enzymes were investigated to explore the enzyme-substrate interaction with the aim of successful biomass conversion in biorefinery processes. After reductive activation of LPMOs active site, they cleave the substrate and prepare it for biomass degradation by hydrolytic enzymes. In this paper, the role of LPMO in lignocellulosic biomass conversion is described based on the recent studies of: LPMO enzyme structure, LPMO substrate preferences, and the LPMO reaction mechanism. These findings are important for the selection of suitable bioprocess conditions with the aim of LPMO activation/stabilisation in biorefinery production processes.Važnost enzima litičke polisaharidne monooksigenaze (LPMO) u pripremi lignoceluloznih sirovina za proizvodnju u biorafinerijama potvrđena je u brojnim istraživanjima. Stoga su istražene i interakcije LPMO enzima i supstrata s ciljem primjene tih istraživanja u uspjeÅ”noj pretvorbi lignocelulozne biomase u biorafinerijama. Nakon redukcije aktivnog mjesta LPMO enzima dolazi do vezanja i razgradnje supstrata te pripreme za djelovanje hidrolitičkih enzima. U ovom radu opisana je uloga LPMO enzima u pretvorbi lignocelulozne biomase na temelju nedavnih istraživanja: strukture LPMO enzima, specifičnosti supstrata na koje djeluje i mehanizma reakcije. Ova istraživanja važna su za odabir prikladnih uvjeta bioprocesa s ciljem aktivacije/stabilizacije LPMO enzima tijekom proizvodnje u biorafinerijama

    Chemical modification of nanocellulose

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    Izuzetna fizikalno-kemijska svojstva nanoceluloze omogućavaju njezinu primjenu u biomedicini, farmaceutskoj industriji, proizvodnji papira i konstrukcijskih materijala te u proizvodnji materijala posebnih svojstava. Danas se istražuju novi postupci proizvodnje nanoceluloze koriÅ”tenjem novih tehnologija, a s ciljem smanjenja utroÅ”ka energije i proizvodnje nanoceluloze naprednih svojstava. Vrsta i zastupljenost funkcionalnih grupa na povrÅ”ini nanoceluloze određuju njezina svojstva i potencijalnu primjenu. U ovome radu biti će opisane kemijske metode modifikacije nanoceluloze kao i utjecaj pojedine metode na fizikalno-kemijska svojstva nanoceluloze.The exceptional physical and chemical properties of nanocellulose enable the production of specific materials and applications in the fields of medicine, pharmaceuticals, paper and construction materials. New methods of producing nanocellulose are being explored today with new technologies to reduce energy consumption and obtain advanced properties of nanocellulose. The nature and presence of functional groups on the surface of nanocellulose determine its properties and potential applications. This article describes the chemical methods used to modify nanocellulose and their influence on the physicochemical properties of nanocellulose

    Microreactor Production by PolyJet Matrix 3D-Printing Technology: Hydrodynamic Characterization

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    U ovom je radu ispitana metodologija proizvodnje mikroreaktora iz akrilne smole pomoću PolyJet Matrix 3D ispita. PolyJet Matrix tehnologija koristi različite materijale ili kombinacije materijala radi tiskanja jednostavnih ili složenih 3D struktura različitih svojstava. koriÅ”tene su Za procjenu geometrije, postupaka proizvodnje i hidrodinamičku karakterizaciju mikroreaktora upotrijebljene su eksperimentalne i numeričke metode. Na osnovi hidrodinamičke karakterizacije određene su procesne granice jednofaznog protoka u mikrokanalima, te je ispitana mogućnost daljnjih poboljÅ”anja i primjene mikroreaktora.This work investigates the methodology of producing a 3D-printed microreactor from the acrylic resin by PolyJet Matrix process. The PolyJet Matrix technology employs different materials or their combinations to generate 3D-printed structures, from small ones to complex geometries, with different material properties. Experimental and numerical methods served for the evaluation of the geometry and production of the microreactor and its hydrodynamic characterization. The operational limits of the single-phase flow in the microchannels, further improvements and possible applications of the microreactor were assessed based on the hydrodynamic characterization

    Effect of Enzymatic, Ultrasound, and Reflux Extraction Pretreatments on the Chemical Composition of Essential Oils

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    The effect of different hydrodistillation pretreatments, namely, reflux extraction, reflux extraction with the addition of cell wall- degrading enzymes, and ultrasound, on the yield and chemical composition of essential oils of sage, bay laurel, and rosemary was examined. All pretreatments improved essential oil yield compared to no-pretreatment control (40ā€“64% yield increase), while the oil quality remained mostly unchanged (as shown by statistical analysis of GC-MS results). However, enzyme-assisted reflux extraction pretreatment did not significantly outperform reflux extraction (no-enzyme control), suggesting that the observed yield increase was mostly a consequence of reflux extraction and enzymatic activity had only a minute effect. Thus, we show that ultrasound and reflux extraction pretreatments are beneficial in the production of essential oils of selected Mediterranean plants, but the application of enzymes has to be carefully re-evaluated

    Effect of phenolyc compounds on the growth and activity of lactic acid bacteria

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    Fenolni spojevi su relativno velika grupa organskih spojeva koji u svojoj strukturi imaju jedan ili viÅ”e benzenskih prstenova. Razgradnja ovih spojeva, izoliranih iz biljnih materijala ili dobivenih tijekom različitih industrijskih procesa, slabo je istražena. Metabolički kapacitet bakterija mliječne kiseline obuhvaća i pregradnju fenolnih spojeva u reakcijama oksidoredukcije, dekarboksilacije i hidrolize. Negativni učinci fenolnih spojeva podrazumijevaju: naruÅ”avanje strukture i funkcije citoplazmatske membrane stanica bakterija mliječne kiseline, snižavanje pH vrijednosti i denaturaciju proteina u citoplazmi, gubitak iona kalija iz stanice te smrt stanice zbog nesmetanog prolaza otopljenih molekula iz okoline stanice u stanicu i u obrnutom smjeru. Neke vrste bakterija mliječne kiseline iz roda Lactobacillus i Oenococcus mogu se primjeniti u obradi otpadnih voda koje sadrže fenolne spojeve, npr. otpadnog materijala iz proizvodnje vina i maslinovog ulja.Phenolyc compounds represents relatively large group of organic compounds which have one or more benzene rings in their structure. Degradation of those compounds, isolated from plant materials or synthesized during different industrial processes, has not been investigated in details. Metabolic capacity of lactic acid bacteria comprises also conversion of phenolyc compounds in oxido-reductive, decarboxylative and hydrolytic reactions. Negative effects of phenolyc compounds on the cells of lactic acid bacteria include: structural rearrangements of cytoplasmic membrane and its function, lowering of pH value and denaturation of proteins in cytoplasm, loss of potassium ions and death of the cell due to undisturbed transport of soluble molecules from extracellular space into cell and vice versa. Certain species of lactic acid bacteria from genera Lactobacillus and Oenococcus can be implemented in wastewater treatment. The wastewater with phenolyc compounds have been generated during production of e.g. wine or olive oil

    Influence of protein hydrolysates on Channel Catfish Ovary (CCO) cell line growth in serum-free medium

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    Rast kultura životinjskih stanica odvija se u složenim medijima za uzgoj koji se sastoje od hranjivih tvari poput soli, aminokiselina, vitamina, glukoze te seruma. Serum je najskuplja komponenta medija za uzgoj životinjskih stanica te među ostalim sadrži komponente koje nisu uvijek kemijski karakterizirane. Zbog toga je razvoj medija bez dodatka seruma potaknuo interes za primjenom proteinskih hidrolizata dobivenih iz tkiva životinja, mlijeka, kvasca ili biljaka. Hidrolizati proteina dobivaju se enzimskom, kiselinskom ili mikrobnom hidrolizom bioloÅ”kog materijala, a sadrže različite hranjive tvari (npr. aminokiseline, oligopeptide, lipide, elemente u tragovima, vitamine i minerale) i ostale spojeve koji potiču proliferaciju i utječu na povećanje aktivnosti stanica. Cilj ovog rada bio je ispitati utjecaj dodatka proteinskih hidrolizata kvasca, pÅ”eničnog glutena i soje na proliferaciju stanične linije CCO u UC mediju bez dodatka seruma. Ispitivanjem utjecaja dodatka navedenih hidrolizata proteina u koncentraciji od 4 g L-1 utvrđeno je da je najveći učinak na rast CCO stanica imao hidrolizat pÅ”eničnog glutena. Koncentracije pÅ”eničnog glutena od 8 i 12 g L-1 imale su inhibicijski učinak na rast CCO stanica. Dodatak frakcija hidrolizata pÅ”eničnog glutena od 5 i 10 kDa nije imao stimulativni utjecaj na rast CCO stanica. Kombinacija hidrolizata pÅ”eničnog glutena i soje (1+3 g L-1) pokazala je najbolji učinak na proliferaciju CCO stanica. Daljnjim istraživanjima potrebno je ispitati mogući stimulativni utjecaj drugih biljnih hidrolizata na proliferaciju CCO stanica kao i mehanizme njihovog djelovanja.The growth of animal cells cultures takes place in a complex medium for cultivation which is composed of nutrients such as salts, amino acids, vitamins, glucose and serum supplement. Serum is the most expensive component of the medium for the cultivation of animal cells and among others contains components which are not always chemically characterised. Because serum is the most expensive component of the medium, interest in development of media without the addition of serum stimulate is increasing. Serum could be replaced with protein hydrolysates derived from animal tissue, milk, yeast or plants. Protein hydrolysates are obtained by enzymatic, microbial or acid hydrolysis of biological material which contains a variety of nutrients, such as amino acids, oligopeptides, lipids, trace elements, vitamins and minerals and other compounds that stimulate the proliferation and influence the increased activity of cells. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of addition of protein hydrolysates of yeast, wheat gluten and soy on the proliferation of cell lines CCO in UC medium without serum. Examining the influence of addition of these hydrolysed proteins at a concentration of 4 g L-1 is found that the biggest impact on growth of the CCO cells had wheat gluten hydrolysate. The concentrations (8 and 12 g L-1) had an inhibitory effect on the growth of the CCO cells. Adding fraction of wheat gluten hydrolysates of 5 and 10 kDa, had a stimulating effect on the growth of the CCO cells. The combination of wheat gluten and soy hydrolysates (1+3 g L-1) showed the best effect on the proliferation of the CCO cells. Further research should examine the possible stimulating influence of other plant hydrolysates on CCO cell proliferation and mechanisms of their action

    Integrirani bioprocesni sustav za prozvodnju i izdvajanje etanola iz lignoceluloznih sirovina primjenom različitih bioreaktora

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    The objective of this work was to develop an integrated bioprocess system for ethanol production and separation from selected lignocellulosic raw material (sugar beet pulp) by using different bioreactors. For that purpose, a column and horizontal rotating tubular bioreactor (HRTB) were used. The second objective was to develop an efficient enzyme system for cellulose fraction degradation of lignocellulosic biomass based on the application of fungal lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase (LPMO), with the aim to support hydrolytic enzymes, and different electron donors present in the lignocellulose hydrolysates. LPMOs oxidatively degrade insoluble lignocellulose polysaccharides and soluble oligosaccharides. Upon reductive activation, they cleave the substrate and promote biomass degradation by hydrolytic enzymes. Binding studies showed that the reduction of the LPMOā€™s active site increased the affinity and the maximum binding capacity for cellulose. The next step was related to an optimization of enzymatic sugar beet pulp hydrolysis using various commercial enzyme mixtures (Ultrazym AFP-L, Viscozyme L, Pectinase and Cellulase). Ultrazym AFP-L showed the highest efficiency and together with produced extracellular degradation system from fungus Neurospora crassa, was used for sugar beet pulp hydrolysis at a large scale. A three step process comprising the hydrolysation, fermentation and in-situ gas stripping with a vacuum assisted recovery system, was integrated and optimized to increase the ethanol production. Environmental sustainability of the integrated processes has been evaluated and used for calculation of environmental impacts based on mass and energy balances of the processes.Cilj ovo rada bio je razvoj integriranog bioprocesnog sustava za proizvodnju i izdvajanje etanola iz odabrane lignocelulozne sirovine (pulpa Å”ećerne repe) primjenom različitih bioreaktora. Za tu svrhu koriÅ”teni su cijevni i horizontalni rotirajući cijevni bioreaktor (HRCB). Drugi cilj je bio razviti učinkovit enzimski sustav za razgradnju celulozne frakcije lignocelulozne sirovine primjenom fungalnog enzima, litičke polisaharidne monooksigenaze (LPMO) sa svrhom poticanja rada hidrolitičkih enzima, i različitih donora elektrona prisutnih u hidrolizatima lignoceluloze. LPMO enzimi reakcijama oksidacije razgrađuju netopljive polisaharide i topljive oligosaharide lignocelulozne biomase. Nakon aktivacije redukcijom LPMO je sposoban razgraditi supstrat i time potaknuti djelovanje hidrolitičkih enzima čime se uvelike pospjeÅ”uje degradacija biomase. Rezultati dobiveni istraživanjem vezanja enzima za supstrat su pokazali da se redukcijom aktivnog mjesta LPMO-a povećava afinitet i ostvaruje maksimalna sposobnost vezanja enzima za celulozu. Slijedeći korak bio je optimizacija enzimske hidrolize pulpe Å”ećerne repe upotrebom komercijalnih enzimskih pripravaka (Ultrazym AFP-L, Viscozyme L, Pectinase i Cellulase). Ultrazym AFP-L pokazao se najučinkovitijim te je zajedno sa proizvedenim ekstracelularnim enzimima plijesni Neurospora crassa, koriÅ”ten za hidrolizu pulpe Å”ećerne repe u velikom mjerilu. Sa ciljem povećanja proizvodnje etanola iz pulpe Å”ećerne repe provedena je integracija i optimizacija procesa sastavljenog od tri stupnja: hidrolize, fermentacije i direktnog izdvajanja etanola stripiranja plinom potpomognuto vakuumom. Na temelju bilanca mase i energije provedenih procesa, izračunat je njihov utjecaj na okoliÅ” i procijenjena je ekoloÅ”ka održivost procesa

    Integrirani bioprocesni sustav za prozvodnju i izdvajanje etanola iz lignoceluloznih sirovina primjenom različitih bioreaktora

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    The objective of this work was to develop an integrated bioprocess system for ethanol production and separation from selected lignocellulosic raw material (sugar beet pulp) by using different bioreactors. For that purpose, a column and horizontal rotating tubular bioreactor (HRTB) were used. The second objective was to develop an efficient enzyme system for cellulose fraction degradation of lignocellulosic biomass based on the application of fungal lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase (LPMO), with the aim to support hydrolytic enzymes, and different electron donors present in the lignocellulose hydrolysates. LPMOs oxidatively degrade insoluble lignocellulose polysaccharides and soluble oligosaccharides. Upon reductive activation, they cleave the substrate and promote biomass degradation by hydrolytic enzymes. Binding studies showed that the reduction of the LPMOā€™s active site increased the affinity and the maximum binding capacity for cellulose. The next step was related to an optimization of enzymatic sugar beet pulp hydrolysis using various commercial enzyme mixtures (Ultrazym AFP-L, Viscozyme L, Pectinase and Cellulase). Ultrazym AFP-L showed the highest efficiency and together with produced extracellular degradation system from fungus Neurospora crassa, was used for sugar beet pulp hydrolysis at a large scale. A three step process comprising the hydrolysation, fermentation and in-situ gas stripping with a vacuum assisted recovery system, was integrated and optimized to increase the ethanol production. Environmental sustainability of the integrated processes has been evaluated and used for calculation of environmental impacts based on mass and energy balances of the processes.Cilj ovo rada bio je razvoj integriranog bioprocesnog sustava za proizvodnju i izdvajanje etanola iz odabrane lignocelulozne sirovine (pulpa Å”ećerne repe) primjenom različitih bioreaktora. Za tu svrhu koriÅ”teni su cijevni i horizontalni rotirajući cijevni bioreaktor (HRCB). Drugi cilj je bio razviti učinkovit enzimski sustav za razgradnju celulozne frakcije lignocelulozne sirovine primjenom fungalnog enzima, litičke polisaharidne monooksigenaze (LPMO) sa svrhom poticanja rada hidrolitičkih enzima, i različitih donora elektrona prisutnih u hidrolizatima lignoceluloze. LPMO enzimi reakcijama oksidacije razgrađuju netopljive polisaharide i topljive oligosaharide lignocelulozne biomase. Nakon aktivacije redukcijom LPMO je sposoban razgraditi supstrat i time potaknuti djelovanje hidrolitičkih enzima čime se uvelike pospjeÅ”uje degradacija biomase. Rezultati dobiveni istraživanjem vezanja enzima za supstrat su pokazali da se redukcijom aktivnog mjesta LPMO-a povećava afinitet i ostvaruje maksimalna sposobnost vezanja enzima za celulozu. Slijedeći korak bio je optimizacija enzimske hidrolize pulpe Å”ećerne repe upotrebom komercijalnih enzimskih pripravaka (Ultrazym AFP-L, Viscozyme L, Pectinase i Cellulase). Ultrazym AFP-L pokazao se najučinkovitijim te je zajedno sa proizvedenim ekstracelularnim enzimima plijesni Neurospora crassa, koriÅ”ten za hidrolizu pulpe Å”ećerne repe u velikom mjerilu. Sa ciljem povećanja proizvodnje etanola iz pulpe Å”ećerne repe provedena je integracija i optimizacija procesa sastavljenog od tri stupnja: hidrolize, fermentacije i direktnog izdvajanja etanola stripiranja plinom potpomognuto vakuumom. Na temelju bilanca mase i energije provedenih procesa, izračunat je njihov utjecaj na okoliÅ” i procijenjena je ekoloÅ”ka održivost procesa