11 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Konsep Diri dan Berpikir Positif terhadap Prestasi Belajar Matematika Siswa

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    This study aims to investigate the influence of self-concept on academic achievement, the influence of positive thinking on learning achievement as well as the influence of self-concept and positive thinking to mathematics achievement. The method used was a survey method. Population targeted in this study were all students of class XI SMK State Citra, Depok. Samples were taken by simple random sampling technique, as many as 35 students. The research instrument consisted of 2 kinds of mathematics achievement (test scores), self-concept and positive thinking (a questionnaire). Data were analyzed by multiple regression correlation techniques. Hypothesis testing results show that there is significant self-concept on mathematics achievement, there is the influence of positive thinking on mathematics achievement, and there is the influence of self-concept and positive thinking together on mathematics achievement

    Kemampuan Representasi Matematika Melalui Model Pembelajaran Course Review Horay (CRH)

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    Kemampuan peserta didik dalam merepresentasikan persoalan matematika dapat membantu peserta didik dalam menyelesaikan soal-soal matematika yang masih abstrak dengan mengubah soal menjadi bentuk tabel, gambar atau diagram sehingga soal akan lebih mudah diselesaikan. Kemampuan representasi matematika peserta didik masih rendah karenanya dibutuhkan penerapan model pembelajaran yang tepat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran Course Review Horay (CRH) terhadap kemampuan representasi matematika. Penelitian dilakukan pada mahasiswa Pendidikan Matematika Universitas Indraprasta PGRI semester 5 tahun ajaran 2019/2020. Sampel yang digunakan adalah 2 kelas yaitu R5A dan R5B sebanyak 50 responden  yang diambil dengan teknik simple random sampling. Setelah diberikan soal test  teori bilangan berupa soal essai sebanyak 5 soal, data yang diperoleh di uji normalitas dan homogenitasnya, karena salah satu data tidak berdistribusi normal maka data dianalisis menggunakan uji Mann Whitney  dan diperoleh nilai sig. = 0,013, karena nilai sig. < 0,05 maka dapat disimpulkan terdapat pengaruh model pembelajaran Course Review Horay (CRH) terhadap kemampuan representasi matematika

    Pengaruh Pembelajaran Multimedia terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika

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    The aim of this research is to determine the effect of instructional multimedia on students’ mathematics achievement in State Elementary School Jatirangga II Bekasi on material geometry. The method used in this study was quasy experiment. Data collection techniques performed by administering the test after treatment to determine the result of students’ mathematics achievement. Samples were taken by simple random sampling technique selected 46 students comprising 23 students as an experimental group and 23 students as the control group. The results of calculations using the data normality Liliefors shows that both the experimental and control group is normally distributed. While the results of the homogeneity test with fisher test of both the experimental group and control both the data has the same variant or homogeneous. Hypothesis Testing using  test which produces hitung > tabel. Then there is the significant  effect of instructional multimedia on students’ mathematics achievement in State Elementary School Jatirangga II Bekasi on material geometry


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    The aim of this study is to differ the Creative Problem Solving learning model and the Constructivism learning model in understanding mathematical concepts. This research was conducted at PB Islamic High School. Soedirman Cijantung East Jakarta precisely in class X. The research method used to test these differences is the quasi-experimental method. Population of class X students of Islamic High School PB. Soedirman Cijantung used as a sample of 54 students, with the sampling technique used is cluster random sampling. The research instrument used was a test ability to understand mathematical concepts in the form of a description of 10 questions that had been tested previously. Based on the results of the analysis and discussion, then in this study it can be concluded that based on the analysis with the t-test, t_count> ttable is obtained. From the test results obtained the ability to understand mathematical concepts using the Creative Problem Solving learning model is higher than the Constructivism learning model. So it can be concluded that there is a different effect between the application of the Creative Problem Solving learning model and the Constructivism learning model on the ability to understand mathematical concepts


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    Tujuan dari penelian ini untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa melalui penerapan pembelajaran aktif metode card sort pada mata pelajaran matematika Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IV B yang berjumlah 32 siswa yang terdiri dari 20 siswa perempuan dan 12 siswa laki-laki di MI Hidayatul Athfal Mampang Depok. Data dalam penelitian ini diambil dengan menggunakan teknik observasi, dokumentasi dan tes. Analisis data dari penelitian ini adalah statistik deskriptif, yaitu dengan membandingkan data kondisi awal, siklus I, siklus II dan siklus III untuk data hasil belajar. Data yang diperoleh dari hasil belajar siswa dianalisi secara kuantitatif dengan cara menghitung rata-rata hasil belajar siswa setiap siklusnya. Pada siklus I sebesar 64.6 pada siklus II sebesar 73.90 dan pada siklus II sebesar 83.28. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa penerapan pembelajaran aktif metode card sort dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa

    Kemampuan Penalaran Matematika melalui Model Pembelajaran Metaphorical Thinking Ditinjau dari Disposisi Matematis

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    This research aims to know the difference in mathematical reasoning ability learners acquire learning Methaporical Thinking (MT) and Problem Based Learning (PBL) in terms of the disposition of Mathematics (high and low). This research was conducted at the Mathematics Education Department of Universitas Indraprasta PGRI. The research design used was the treatment by level 2, with the free variables are both learning Methaporical Thinking and PBL, the variable is the ability of mathematical reasoning, and moderator variable was the disposition of mathematics. The research method used is the sample number of experiments with as many as 72 respondents. Data analyzed using a two-way ANOVA test. The results of this research indicate that: (1) there is no influence of the interaction model of learning Methaporical Thinking and mathematical reasoning ability against the disposition of mathematics, (2) there is the influence of learning models Methaporical Thinking.This research aims to know the difference in mathematical reasoning ability learners acquire learning Metaphorical Thinking (MT) and Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in terms of the disposition of Mathematics (high and low). This research was conducted at the Mathematics Education Department of Universitas Indraprasta PGRI. The research design used was the treatment by level 2, with the free variables are both learning MT and PBL, the variable is the ability of mathematical reasoning, and moderator variable was the disposition of mathematics. The research method used is the sample number of experiments with as many as 72 respondents. Data analyzed using a two-way ANOVA test. The results of this research indicate that: (1) there is no influence of the interaction model of learning MT and mathematical reasoning ability against the disposition of mathematics, (2) there is the influence of learning models MT

    Kemampuan Penalaran Matematika melalui Model Pembelajaran Methaporical Thinking Ditinjau dari Disposisi Matematis

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    This research aims to know the difference in mathematical reasoning ability learners acquire learning Methaporical Thinking (MT) and Problem Based Learning (PBL) in terms of the disposition of Mathematics (high and low). This research was conducted at the Mathematics Education Department of Universitas Indraprasta PGRI. The research design used was the treatment by level 2, with the free variables are both learning Methaporical Thinking and PBL, the variable is the ability of mathematical reasoning, and moderator variable was the disposition of mathematics. The research method used is the sample number of experiments with as many as 72 respondents. Data analyzed using a two-way ANOVA test. The results of this research indicate that: (1) there is no influence of the interaction model of learning Methaporical Thinking and mathematical reasoning ability against the disposition of mathematics, (2) there is the influence of learning models Methaporical Thinking

    Analisis Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Siswa dalam Pemecahan Masalah Matematika Kelas VII SMP

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    Penelitian yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tingkat kemampuan berpikir kritis matematika siswa kelas VII SMP dalam pemecahan masalah matematika. Penelitiaan ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan sampel penelitiaan yang digunakan sebanyak 30 siswa sesuai dengan perhitungaan solvin yang mengambil populasi sebanyak 30 siswa dalam 1 kelas.Subjek penelitian yang dipilih berdasarkan pada Teknik purposive sampling. Kisi-kisi instrument yang digunakan adalah instrument tes kemampuan berpikir kritis matematika, dokumentasi, dan pedoman wawancara. Teknik analisis data dilakukan secara kualitatif yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa 8 siswa dari30 sampel atau sekitar 27,7% dari sampel mampu menginterpretasikan, menganalisis, mengevaluasi, dan meninferensi sehingga 8 siswa ini dapat dikatakan berada pada kategori “kritis”. Sebanyak 5 siswa dikategorikan “sangat kritis”, dengan interval 70 – 79 sebanyak 7 siswa dikategorikan “cukup kritis”, interval 60 – 69 sebanyak 5 siswa dikategorikan “kurang kritis, dan untuk nilai dibawah 60 sebanyak 5 siswa “tidak kritis”