313 research outputs found

    ISLAMIC BRANDING DAN MEDIA SOSIAL : IMPLIKASI PADA KEPUTUSAN MENGINAP DI HOTEL SYARIAH : Survey pada Tamu Menginap di Noor Hotel : Muslim Boutique Hotel Kota Bandung

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Islamic branding dan media sosial terhadap keputusan menginap di Noor Hotel. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif verifikatif dengan alat uji regresi linier berganda. Responden penelitian adalah tamu yang menginap di Noor Hotel pada periode 2017. Adapun teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Islamic branding berada pada kategori tinggi dan media sosial berada kategori sedang. Sedangkan pada uji regresi berganda, Islamic branding dan media sosial berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap keputusan menginap di Noor Hotel. Nilai R square sebesar 0,492 atau 49,2% memiliki arti bahwa keputusan menginap di Noor Hotel dipengaruhi oleh Islamic Branding dan media sosial sebesar 49%, sedangkan sisanya yaitu sebesar 51% dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor lain yang tidak diteliti oleh penulis. ;---This study aims to determine the influence of Islamic branding and social media to the decision to stay at Noor Hotel. The method used is descriptive verifikatif with multiple linear regression test equipment. Research respondents are guests who stay at Noor Hotel in the period 2017. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. The results show that Islamic branding is in the high category and social media is in the medium category. While on multiple regression test, Islamic branding and social media have a significant positive effect to the decision to stay at Noor Hotel. R square value of 0.492 or 49.2% means that the decision to stay at Noor Hotel is influenced by Islamic Branding and social media by 49%, while the rest is 51% influenced by other factors not examined by the author

    Sistem Informasi Geografis Potensi Sumber Daya Alam di Wilayah Kabupaten Banggai Kepulauan Berbasis Android

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    Geographic Information System (GIS) is an information sistem manages data that has special information that is meant as a computer sistem that has the ability to build, store and manage and display information with geographical significance. As an example is information related to natural resources. Banggai kepulauan is one of the regencies in the province of central Sulawesi and has its capital in salakan. The economy in the regency is proud of the islands related to agricultural activities in accordance with their livelihoods utilizing natural potential. So most of the population is engaged in agriculture, plantations and fisheries. However, because there is no processing industry that is able to absorb natural products, farmer only market these natural products in the form of raw materials. For this reason, the researcher took the initiative to create an android based geographic information sistem so that the large natural potential in the region could be published throughout the Indonesian people. So that through this sistem, anyone who needs information on natural resource potential data of the regency of the archipelago proudly, especially in the agriculture, fisheries and loggin sectors, can easily access it anytime and anywhere through mobile devices in real time

    Pengendalian Sumber Daya Manusia pada Karyawan Universitas Wiraraja Bagian Struktural dalam Pencapaian Prestasi Kerja

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    Human being as human resource represent labour if only evaluated from its just physical. With all ability of his physical try to fulfill requirement of his life by taking benefit around its environment. Human resource in an organization represent top-drawer determinant to effectiveness of labour capacity and organization. The succes in work area in organization determined by interest storey, professionalism and his work which is Wiraraja. University of Wiraraja as organization is non profit need ability to accept and adapt to various friction and change of environment/climate, passing management of SDM capable to esteem human being standing and prestige. In approach of SDM mean all and every organization have to can create satisfaction and security in working (Quality of Work Life) brief of QWL, so that his environmental SDM become competitif.Research Type is used in this research is qualitative research. By using qualitative method, researcher involve direct and continue to have interaction with source of data so that operation of Human Resource data at Employees University of Wiraraja Structural Shares can know clearly.Result of research can be concluded that recruitment of officer candidate in University of Wiraraja at order officer of Year 2015 with conditions of public and conditions of administration which consist in officer order section 12 article 1 and 2. Training and development of officer have been budgeted by Foam Proffering of Budget (direct guarded DIPA) by Bureau Financial Administration ( BAKU) but training amount still minim and officer in evaluation by each head of satker, but follow-up result of evaluation still discipline, but position/occupation promotion even increase of officer salary still conducted at a time per annum non seeing from performance, dedication, its officer achievement and also loyalities

    Identifikasi Variabel Berpengaruh Pada Peningkatan Keunggulan Kompetitif Industri Alas Kaki Di Kabupaten Mojokerto

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    Kabupaten Mojokerto merupakan wilayah yang memiliki potensi dalam sektor industry, terutama dalam sektor industri kecil menengah seperti industri alas kaki. Potensi produk unggulan alas kaki di Kabupaten Mojokerto berpeluang untuk mengembangkan perekonomian lokal masyarakat setempat. Namun kondisi ini belum dimaksimalkan oleh pemerintah dan masyarakat setempat. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk menganalisa peningkatan keunggulan kompetitif industri alas kaki di Kabupaten Mojokerto, dengan fokus wilayah penelitian pada Kecamatan Sooko, Kecamatan Puri dan Kecamatan Mojoanyar. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menganalisa variabel yang berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan keunggulan kompetitif industri alas kaki dengan menggunakan analisa diskriptif dari hasil nilai mean pada masing-masing variabel pada indikator penelitian kemampuan produksi, kondisi permintaan pasar, ketersediaan industri pendukung, kemampuan strategi struktur dan persaingan antar industri. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah ketiga kecamatan memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda, akan tetapi terdapat satu variabel yang dianggap berpengaruh yaitu permintaan pasar lokal, dan terdapat satu variabel yang dianggap kurang berpengaruh yaitu permintaan pasar ekspo

    Proses Komunikasi Interpersonal Pembina dalam Mengubah Perilaku Warga Binaan di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas II B Anak Pekanbaru

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    Delinquency and crime among children and adolescents continues to increase in fact lead to acts classified as crimes . To restore the attitudes and increase in fact lead to acts classified as crimes . To restore the attitudes and behavior of children and adolescents is needed coaching . One container of coaching behavior of children and adolescents is needed coaching . One container of coaching for children and adolescents are prisons . The development occurred in the for children and adolescents are prisons . The development occurred in the communication is a tool to change the behavior of children and adolescents . This communication is a tool to change the behavior of children and adolescents . This study to know how the desire of communication between supervisors and inmates , study to know how the desire of communication between supervisors and inmates , the message delivered between supervisors and inmates , sending messages between the message delivered between supervisors and inmates , sending messages between supervisors and inmates , receiving messages between supervisors and inmates , supervisors and inmates , receiving messages between supervisors and inmates , understanding messages between supervisors and inmates , as well as feedback understanding messages between supervisors and inmates , as well as feedback between supervisors and inmates in correctional facilities and child class II between supervisors and inmates in correctional facilities and child class II Pekanbaru Pekanbaru The design of this research was used descriptive qualitative method which is The design of this research was used descriptive qualitative method which is explaining and interpreting the data that have already existed. The informants of this explaining and interpreting the data that have already existed. The informants of this research are the cultivator and the cultivate society by using the purposive technique. research are the cultivator and the cultivate society by using the purposive technique. The technique of data collection has done by using observation, interview, and The technique of data collection has done by using observation, interview, and documentation. documentation. The result of this research was showed the process of interpersonal The result of this research was showed the process of interpersonal communication thathave done by cultivator and the cultivate society that prove that it communication thathave done by cultivator and the cultivate society that prove that it can be running well at Correctional Institution of II B Class of Protégé in Pekanbaru. can be running well at Correctional Institution of II B Class of Protégé in Pekanbaru. Moreover, the desire of communication between the cultivator and the cultivate Moreover, the desire of communication between the cultivator and the cultivate society can be fulfilled to each other. The message that will be delivered by cultivator society can be fulfilled to each other. The message that will be delivered by cultivator and the cultivate society should be aimed to personal problem so that one of the side and the cultivate society should be aimed to personal problem so that one of the side can feel comfortable to share what they feel. The sending messages that have done by can feel comfortable to share what they feel. The sending messages that have done by cultivator and cultivate society were doing directly or face to face where the cultivator and cultivate society were doing directly or face to face where the messages that have been sending will be delivered directly. The delivering message messages that have been sending will be delivered directly. The delivering message that have done by cultivator and cultivate society is still running well, in addition the that have done by cultivator and cultivate society is still running well, in addition the cultivate society are very enthusiastic when they join the agendas that held by cultivate society are very enthusiastic when they join the agendas that held by Correctional Intuition, as well as on the other way, so that the cultivate society can Correctional Intuition, as well as on the other way, so that the cultivate society can be assimilated to another. The understanding of cultivator and cultivate society have be assimilated to another. The understanding of cultivator and cultivate society have well enough where the cultivate society can be understood what the cultivator has well enough where the cultivate society can be understood what the cultivator has communicated, as well as on the other way. communicated, as well as on the other way. Keyword : communication process of interpersonal, builder, institution of II B class Keyword : communication process of interpersonal, builder, institution of II B class of Protage of Protag

    Peningkatan Daya Saing Ekspor Produk Olahan Kakao Indonesia Di Pasar Internasional (Studi Pada Ekspor Produk Olahan Kakao Indonesia Tahun 2009-2014)

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    This paper seek to analyze Indonesia's export competitiveness between Malaysia, Ivory Coast, Netherland, and Belgium in cocoa manufactured product in 2009-2014 periods. Cocoa manufactured product that will be analyzed such as cocoa bean, cocoa paste, butter, powder, and chocolate. This study used a descriptive statistical analysis and qualitative approach. Revealed Comparative Advantage Analysis (RCA) is used to examine export competitiveness that calculated in every cocoa manufactured commodities. The result from RCA's analysis showed that Indonesia's cocoa manufactured product have an comparative advantage in cocoa bean, cocoa paste, cocoa butter, and powder but not in chocolate commodity. This analysis showed that Indonesian cocoa butter has highest RCA index than another cocoa manufactured commodities
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