7 research outputs found


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    Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the capability of fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy in combination with multivariate calibration for prediction of free fatty acids (FFA) in Pangasius hypopthalmus (P. hypopthalmus) oil.Methods: FFA content in P. hypopthalmus oil was determined by attenuated total reflectance-FTIR spectroscopy. P. hypopthalmus oil derived from Pangasius's meat (MP), and Pangasius's liver and fat (LFP) were subjected to heat treatments. Determination of FFA content in P. hypopthalmus oil's was performed by gas chromatography-flame ionization detector.Results: Oleic acid was found to be the main fatty acid component in P. hypopthalmus oil. FTIR spectra of P. hypopthalmus oil has 3 main peaks, C-H bonds of cis-form of fatty acid showed the stretching vibration, symmetric and asymmetric vibrations of the C-H2 and C-H3 aliphatic group and vibrations of the carbonyl (C=O) ester derived from the oil triacylglycerols. Principal component regression (PCR) model showed a better performance than the partial least square (PLS) model. PCR at wavenumbers of 1200-1000 cm-1 with first derivative treatment was chosen for FFA prediction, which resulted in a coefficient of determination (R2) value of 0.9417, root means square error of calibration (RMSEC) of 0.725%, and root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) value of 2.40%, respectively.Conclusion: FTIR spectroscopy combined with PCR can be used as an alternative method for analysis of fatty acid contents


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    Dewasa ini, pembinaan program pendidikan kesehatan dan pelayanan kesehatan di usia sekolah terutama di tingkat sekolah dasar sudah mulai berkembang. Untuk menyempurnakan pembinaan pendidikan kesehatan dan pelayanan tersebut perlu juga adanya apoteker cilik yang nantinya bisa saling berdampingan. “Aku Apoteker Cilik†merupakan suatu kegiatan pengenalan profesi kefarmasian kepada anak-anak usia dini sehingga dapat mengenal dan menumbuhkan minat kepada profesi kefarmasian. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilaksanakan di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 4 Sungai Besar, Banjarbaru, Kalimantan Selatan. Kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat ini dilakukan dengan pengisian materi seputar pengenalan sosok profesi Apoteker serta tugasnya. Media yang digunakan adalah LCD, banner, alat peraga apoteker, dan perangkat aplikasi kefarmasian. Setelah pengisian materi, dilakukan juga games dan kegiatan aplikasi kefarmasian untuk mengetahui pemahaman peserta didik. Peserta didik paling aktif dijadikan sebagai maskot apoteker cilik. Kegiatan telah dilaksanakan pada hari Jumat/02 September 2016 pada pukul 08.00 WITA. Rundown kegiatan diawali dialog pengantar dengan menggunakan alat peraga profesi kesehatan dokter dan apoteker. Selanjutnya dilakukan penyajian video“Tahu Nggak Sih?†seputar sosok dan tugas apoteker. Disesi berikutnya dilakukan penyampaian materi terkait dunia kefarmasian dan sosok & tugas apoteker serta games. Dilanjutkan penyajian video “Peracikan Obat†dan kegiatan aplikasi kefarmasian. Disesi akhir dilakukan pemilihan peserta didik paling aktif sebagai maskot apoteker cilik


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    Pulau Kalimantan sangat kaya akan bahan alam yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai obat, salah satunya adalah Terap (Artocarpus odorratissimus Blanco) karena mengandung metabolit sekunder yang berperan dalam menghasilkan aktivitas biologis. Penelitian lain membuktikan bahwa skrining fitokimia pada bagian daun dan kulit batang Terap yang dimaserasi dengan pelarut etanol 96% dapat menarik lebih banyak metabolit sekunder dibanding pelarut metanol. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui perbedaan rendemen dari perbandingan rasio jumlah pelarut ekstraksi yang berbeda dan perbedaan hasil skrining fitokimia pada bagian daun, buah, dan kulit buah Terap yang diekstraksi menggunakan metode maserasi dengan pelarut etanol 96%. Metode esktraksi simplisia menggunakan maserasi dengan etanol 96% yang pada bagian daun Terap menggunakan rasio pelarut 1:25, sedangkan bagian buah dan kulit buah dengan rasio perbandingan 1:10. Skrining fitokimia meliputi uji fenolik, flavonoid, alkaloid, saponin, dan steroid-triterpenoid. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ekstrak etanol 96% daun Terap memiliki % rendemen paling tinggi karena diekstraksi menggunakan jumlah pelarut dengan rasio lebih tinggi, diikuti oleh bagian kulit buah dan buah Terap berturut-turut yaitu 85,64%; 37,23%; dan 25,006%. Hasil skrining fitokimia pada kulit buah memiliki jumlah golongan metabolit sekunder yang sama dengan bagian daun, serta lebih banyak dibandingkan pada bagian buah. Skrining fitokimia dari daun, buah, dan kulit buah Terap yang dimaserasi dengan etanol 96% teridentifikasi lebih banyak mengandung golongan metabolit sekunder meliputi fenol, flavonoid, saponin dan alkaloid, dibanding maserasi menggunakan metanol. Kata kunci: Skrining fitokimia, ekstrak etanol, Terap


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    Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai penentuan bilangan asam dan bilangan iodium Minyak Goreng Curah (MGC) dengan metode spektrofotometri FTIR dan kemometrika. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan penentuan bilangan asam dan bilangan iodium MGC melalui perlakuan penggorengan ikan nila dengan MGC. Penggorengan dilakukan selama 8 jam secara terus menerus. Sampel MGC diambil kurang lebih 200 mL pada jam ke-1, ke-2, ke-3, ke-4, ke-5, ke-6, ke-7 dan jam ke-8. Sampel tersebut kemudian dianalisis menggunakan metode standar berdasarkan AOAC dan Spektrofotometri FTIR. Sampel MGC diambil pula dari pedagang warung makan seafood kaki lima pada jam 20.00 WITA untuk dianalisis bilangan asam dan bilangan iodiumnya menggunakan spektrofotometer FTIR yang dikombinasikan dengan kemometrika.Berdasarkan hasil proses optimasi spektra FTIR MGC, bilangan gelombang 1724–1755 cm-1 dipilih untuk menentukan bilangan asam, dan bilangan gelombang 2985–3012 cm-1 dipilih untuk menentukan bilangan iodium. Model kalibrasi multivariat partial least square (PLS) dikembangkan untuk menentukan nilai terprediksi dari kedua bilangan tersebut. Hubungan antara nilai sebenarnya dari bilangan asam dan bilangan iodium yang ditentukan dengan metode standar dan nilai terprediksi dengan metode spektrofotometri FTIR dihasilkan nilai yang baik, yakni R2=0,999 dan standart error kalibrasi sebesar 0,03 untuk bilangan asam, R2=0,997 dan standart error kalibrasi sebesar 0,39 untuk bilangan iodium. Model kalibrasi yang dikembangkan kemudian digunakan untuk menentukan bilangan asam dan bilangan iodium sampel MGC yang diambil dari warung seafood kaki lima pada pukul 20.00 WITA. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode spektrofotometri FTIR yang dikombinasikan dengan  kemometrika dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif untuk penentuan bilangan asam dan bilangan iodium dengan keunggulan metode yang sederhana, mudah, cepat dan ramah lingkungan. Kata kunci: Minyak Goreng Curah, spektrofotometri FTIR, bilangan asam, bilangan iodiu


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    Oil and fat oxidation is one of most important factor that can affect shelf life and nutrition value of oil. Red fruit oil (RFO) is a rapidly growing commodities market at a price which is comparatively higher than other oils.This Study was conducted to develop infrared spectrophotometry combined with multivariate calibration of partial least square for determination of peroxide value and p-anisidine value of red fruit oil. Red Fruit Oil was obtained through maceration process of red fruit with methanol, followed by the partition using n-hexane and chloroform to obtain hexane and chloroform fractionsof RFO. Both fractions of RFO then added with antioxidant BHT and α-tocopherol of 200 mg.Kg-1respectively, and heated at a temperature of 100, 150, 180, 200, and 300 0C. These RFOsare further subjected to determination of peroxide value and p-anisidine value usingtitrimetric method and ATR-FTIR spectrophotometry with chemometric multivariate calibration. Based on the optimization processes to select a wavenumber of RFO�s FTIR spectra, it can be shownthat ATR-FTIR method combined with PLS can be used for determination of peroxide value at 3085-3610 cm-1 withR2 for the relationship between the actual peroxide value determined by titrimetric method and the value predicted by FTIR spectrophotometry of 0.997, and standard error calibration of 0.14% (v/v

    Analisis Kandungan Alkohol pada Parfum yang Dibuat dari Bahan Sintetik dan Bahan Alam Menggunakan Metode Kromatografi Gas: Analysis of Alcohol Content in Perfume Made from Synthetic and Natural Materials using Gas Chromatography Method

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    The need for halal cosmetics around the world is currently still an interesting issue to continue to be discussed, considering that there are still many cosmetics that are suspected to contain haram ingredients in them. One of the cosmetic products that are often used is perfume. The purpose of this study was to identify the alcohol content in perfume products derived from natural and synthetic materials and to determine the alcohol content in these perfume products. In this study, the gas chromatography method was chosen because with this method the analysis process can be carried out quickly, more efficiently, with high resolution, sensitive, relatively simple, and inexpensive. The tests carried out include qualitative and quantitative tests. The results of the qualitative test showed that all the perfume samples tested showed positive results containing alcohol. While the results of the quantitative test for determining the alcohol content showed the results of samples D and E which were perfumes derived from synthetic materials containing alcohol with levels of 7.9% and 5.7%, respectively. Sample D contains the highest percentage of alcohol. Based on the fatwa from the MUI, cosmetics are allowed to contain fermented fruit alcohol with a level of less than 0.5%

    Delivering community-led integrated HIV and sexual and reproductive health services for sex workers: A mixed methods evaluation of the DIFFER study in Mysore, South India.

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    IntroductionWomen in developing countries continue to face barriers to accessing sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services, with marginalized women facing increased challenges to accessing care. The Diagonal Interventions to Fast-Forward Enhanced Reproductive Health (DIFFER) project implemented a package of interventions for female sex workers and women from the general population which integrated horizontal health services for the general population with existing vertical targeted interventions aimed at sex workers with an aim to improve SRH and HIV services. We present an outcome evaluation of the DIFFER project in terms of uptake rates for SRH services among sex workers in Mysore, India.MethodsAshodaya Samithi, a sex worker-led organization, implemented the DIFFER strategy through their community-based clinic and a Well Women Clinic (WWC), established at a partner private hospital that provided SRH services for women living with HIV. Mixed methods were used to evaluate the intervention that included a baseline (2012-13) and end of project (2015-16) cross sectional surveys (CSS), focus group discussions (FGDs), key informant interviews, and analysis of service statistics from 2013-2016.ResultsThe CSS found that condom use, STI testing, and treatment were high before, and throughout the intervention; cervical cancer screening and treatment increased significantly, from 11.5% to 56% (aOR 9.85, pConclusionThe DIFFER strategy demonstrated that SRH service uptake can occur in conjuction with HIV services offered to sex workers. This model of integrated service delivery has been accepted by policy makers and needs further analysis for scaling up