1,402 research outputs found

    Formulation of Decaffeinated Instant Coffee Effervescent Tablet

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    Decaffeinated coffee is an alternative for caffeine intollerant consumer as a safe and practical choice. However, since decaffeination process employ high temperature extraction, the coffee produced usually possesses inferior sensory qualities. This research was aimed to get an optimum formulation of effervescent coffee tablet that has good physical and sensory quality. In this research, effervescent coffee tablet was formulated with three different ratios of the decaffeinated instant coffee and effervescent reagent (citric acid and sodium bicarbonate), namely 1.5:1; 1:1; and 1:1.5 (w/w) weighed in 3 g per tablet serving. Sensory evaluation was carried out organoleptically in several criteria such as flavors, aromas, and colors on 40 mL, 80 mL, and 120 mL of the solution. Futher, physical quality evaluation was done by measuring its weight uniformity, hardness, friability, and run time which then calculated by statistic analytical method to decide the best formulation. Based on the result, the best formulation of effervescent coffee tablet was 1:1.5 (w/w) due to its shortest run time (4.2 minutes), good weight uniformity and hardness value, 1.16 ± 0.03 g/cm3 dan 6.7 ± 0.5 kg, respectively, while friability value was the smallest (2%) compared to other formulations. The brewing of this formulation in 40 mL water also had best sensory profiles in term of aroma, color and flavor

    Akuntabilitas Pengelolaan Dana Bantuan Operasional Sekolah (BOS) dalam Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan di Kabupaten Sinjai

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    : operational grant School (BOSS) in the Organization of education in the District of Sinjai; (2) to find out the factors that affect accountability Fund Management Operations Masters School Ban (the BOSS) in the Organization of education in the District of Sinjai. The study lasted approximately 2 months and is located in the District of Sinjai. The methods used for this research is Qualitative, descriptive methods. Data collection techniques used is the documentation, Study Library, observation and interview. The results showed that: (1) the management of the operational grant School (BOSS) in the Kab. Sinjai, include (a) the implementation of the management of the Fund\u27S BOSS, (b) the evaluation of the olaan funds-pengel boss. (2) factors that influence the management of the Fund\u27S BOSS at the school that is the delay in the distribution of the funds of the BOSS and ICT which does not support the reporting and the delivery of the work boss


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    Intelligent Building System (IBS) is a concept that elaborate architectural de-sign, interior design, mechanical and electrical in order to provide the mobility and ease of control and access from any direction and any time. The system is highly related to automation, where all the utility system in the building still can be operating without any people’s intervention, even if there are no people in-side of the building, the system will run in accordance with the program that we have created.IBS is not a new thing in Indonesia, it is a concept that has developed since a few years ago. The term of IBS is more popular as Smart Building System (SBS), where the concept has been applied in several buildings in Indonesia. But unfor-tunately, this concept was limited to office and commercial buildings, and only focused on a few major cities in Indonesia, such as Jakarta.In general, the concept of IBS in Indonesia is to help customers create within their projects an environment that maximizes the efficiency of its occupants while at the same time allow effective management of resources with minimum lifetime cost. With the benefits: 1) Capex and Opex Cost Efficiency, 2) Interac-tion of Systems, 3) End User and System Management Benefits, 4) Streamlined Design and Construction.But in reality, IBS is still rarely applied in Indonesia due to several factors, such as: 1) Lack of understanding of the importance of IBS system, 2) The high cost of IBS, 3) The system is still limited in big cities, especially Jakarta, 4) The opera-tional method and maintenance which is hard to do, 5) IBS is viewed by many stakeholders as a tool of commercial use only.Viewed from its benefits, the IBS is very useful and provides a high value, not only the matter of cost, but also environment and technology. These problems could be solved if the stakeholders of development sector in Indonesia can col-laborate to implement this system. Those mentioned could be the building own-ers, tenants, government, design consultants (including architects), contractors, and others.This paper discusses about the IBS within the context of green programs in In-donesia, also discusses about the benefits, problems and challenges through-out the implementation of this system in Indonesia

    PEREMPUAN DALAM ISLAM (Mensinerjikan antara Peran Sosial dan Peran Rumah Tangga)

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    Islam asserts that men are the protectors for women, the physical superiority of men and women's reproductive organs should not be understood as an excess or a shortage, but both should be directed to perform its functions in proportion. Conceptually, the humanitarian aspects and the potential possessed between men and women, there is no difference between the two. Since the beginning of creation, women occupy a position equal to men, when God commanded something to the man, it also applies to women. Conversely when God commanded something to the woman, then that too applies to men. The role of women in Islam is seen as biased, it is true if it is deemed per-individual woman, not as a mechanism for rational that must be taken if we want to create the structure of a strong family in which the relationship between men and women support each other in order to achieve a harmonious family and happy and effort to organize the relationship between men and women in society in order to etiquette awake for the realization of the noble society and the superior nation

    PEREMPUAN DALAM ISLAM (Mensinerjikan antara Peran Sosial dan Peran Rumah Tangga)

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    Islam asserts that men are the protectors for women, the physical superiority of men and women's reproductive organs should not be understood as an excess or a shortage, but both should be directed to perform its functions in proportion. Conceptually, the humanitarian aspects and the potential possessed between men and women, there is no difference between the two. Since the beginning of creation, women occupy a position equal to men, when God commanded something to the man, it also applies to women. Conversely when God commanded something to the woman, then that too applies to men. The role of women in Islam is seen as biased, it is true if it is deemed per-individual woman, not as a mechanism for rational that must be taken if we want to create the structure of a strong family in which the relationship between men and women support each other in order to achieve a harmonious family and happy and effort to organize the relationship between men and women in society in order to etiquette awake for the realization of the noble society and the superior nation

    Pemanfaatan Bahan Organik dalam Perbaikan Beberapa Sifat Tanah Pasir Pantai Selatan Kulon Progo

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    An experiment about the utilization of organic matter to improve some properties of sandy soils of south beach of Kulon Progo was conducted in Green House, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. The research was carried out in experimental method which arranged in Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 5 treatments. The treatments were P0 = without compost application (Control), P1 = 30 ton per hectare of cow dung compost, P2 = 30 ton per of hectare of poultry compost, P3 = 30 ton per hectare of Angsana leaves compost, P4 = 30 ton per hectare of gamal leaves compost, each treatment were replicated 5 times. The result showed that utilization of organic matter could improve the properties of sandy soils of south beach of Kulon Progo. Angsana leaves were the best organic matter sources in improving the physical and chemical of soil properties, such as water content, bulk density, soil porosity, and soil C-Organic content

    Watershed Management in Indonesia: a Regulation, Institution, and Policy Review

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    Watershed Management as part of regional development in Indonesia is facing various complex and interrelated issues. It is indicated by the lack of integration among sectors, agencies, regions and community participation. The increasing frequency of floods, droughts, landslides, and water crisis problems recently shows that watershed management in Indonesia has not been effective yet in enhancing sustainable development. Furthermore, the damage of watersheds is commonly observed from the upstreams only, such as the addition of cultivated land area and massive settlement, so that erosion and sedimentation affect the declining productivity of land and the increasing frequency of water-related disasters. If watersheds are defined as a container of water cycle, then solving its problem by simply rehabilitating the upstreams is not completely right. Government policies on watersheds management need to be reviewed from its initial aspects of science as well, including existing regulations and institutions, so that the contribution and linkage among sectors could be visible. The concept of Integrated Watersheds Management is basically participatory management of multi-stakeholders in conservations and utilization through an ecological concept of interdependency between nature and human beings. This paper aims to explore the effectiveness of watershed management policies in Indonesia in the context of history, regulation, institutions, and policy implementation

    Pemanfaatan Abu Bagasse Sebagai Filler Terhadap Nilai Marshall Test Pada Campuran Asphalt Treated Base ( Atb )

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    Solidity construction of road of Indonesia generally are flexible solidity construction. One ofkind flexible solidity are solidity of ATB ( Asphalt Treated Base ) layer that give fundamental layerfunction that under surface layer which support and spread load along with place to put surfacelayer. Trial to asphalt are follow : penetration, flexible point, ductility, while trial of agregate follow: kind heavy ang agregate absorption, analysis of agregate filler. The thing of test trial of optimumasphalt degree is devided 5 variation namely 5%, 5.5%, 6%, 6.5% and 7% wich each groups aremade 5 different sample with weight each 1200 gram. The optimum asphalt degree which be got6.5%. The thing of test trial of optimum asphalt by filler Bagasse Dust are made 11 groups by fillerdegree 6.42% early which be made 0% up to 90% of Bagasse dust according to weight with 10%interval, by each groups are made 3 samples. The study result showed that three are influence ofusing Bagasse dust as filler to Marshall Test value. Stability is shown by equation Y = 1672.5 +17.544 X – 0.2336 X2 gotten optimum Bagasse dust degree about 37.59% by stability value are2001.033 kg. The flow value is shown by equation Y = 4.05 + ( 2.7 E – 3 ) X – ( 1 E – 4 ) X2 byoptimum Bagasse dust degree about 13.5% is gotten flow value 4.05%. The hole in ATB compoundis shown by equation Y = 4.102 + ( 0.04 ) X – ( 5 E – 4 ) X2 is gotten optimum Bagasse dust about40% by air hole about 4.90%. To Marshall Quotient value may be shown by equation Y = 4.007 +( 0.046 ) X – ( 5 E – 4 ) X2 by optimum Bagasse dust degree about 46% by Marshall Quotient valueare 5.06 kN/mm
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