5 research outputs found

    Research Productivity of Design Education

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    The research conducted to do an analysis of research productivity related to original character (OC) research based on open access journal indexed in Scopus from 2013 to 2022. The methods used in this research is bibliometric. The results of this research found the number of OC research publications in open access journal from 2013 to 2022 shows a dynamic trend. Publication data with the keyword original character with the highest amount of documents is Plos One with 44 documents. CNRS Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique with 90 documents as an affiliation with the most documents. Subject area in the field of arts and humanities  dominates with 722 documents. The most occurrences from the graph shows “species” as the most related item with the original character research trend from 2013 to 2022 in Scopus open access journal database

    Eklektik Modern-Jawa Paddy City Resort Sebagai Sarana Edutainment

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    Paddy city resort merupakan resort hotel yang ada di daerah malang yang berfungsi sebagai tempat menginap ketika seorang pengunjung dari dalam maupunluar kota malang yang melakukan wisata ke daerah malang.Paddy city resort ini bersifat rekreatif dan juga sebagai salah satu aset budaya berharga yang dapat meningkatkan perekonomian daerah setempat. Selain itu, Paddy city resort adalah resort hotel ada di propinsi Jawa Timur yang tidak hanya sebagai tempat penginapan,tetapi diharapkan mampu menciptakan suasana rekreatif dan edukatif kepada para pengunjung khususnya para keluarga dalam kunjungan ke malang. Sehingga Paddy city resort mampu menghibur keluarga yang datang ke malang sekaligus mengajarkan ilmu pengetahuan. Desain interior ini mengambil tema Edutainment kultural dengan menerapkan konsep dari lingkungan Paddy city resort itu sendiri. Pemilihan tema tersebut untuk menonjolkan sifat Paddy city resort yang edukasi dan rekreatif kepada konsumen dan juga untuk mengangkat kesenian yang mulai punah di masyarakat. Dalam desain ini ditunjukkan bagaimana meningkatkan kunjungan Paddy city resort dengan menguatkan sarana edukasi dan rekreatif serta image Paddy city resort Metode desain yang digunakan meliputi pengumpulan data yang dilakukan secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Survey dan observasi langsung ke lapangan untuk mengetahui kondisi real Paddy city resort dan aktivitas yang dilakukan di Paddy city resort. Selain itu, wawancara terhadap pemilik dilakukan untuk mengetahui desain Paddy city resort yang diharapkan. Sedangkan studi pustaka mengenai resort, sarana edutainment dan kesenian Jawa Timur merupakan cara untuk mendapatkan data tentang standart perancangan, data pembanding dan referensi tentang objek yang diperlukan. Dari data yang didapatkan akan diolah dan dianalisa terhadap elemen-elemen pembentuk ruang pada interiornya, sehingga didapatkan sebuah konsep. Hasil yang diharapkan dari desain ini adalah merancang sebuah interior Paddy city resort sebagai sarana edutainment dengan mengangkat Lingkungan Paddy city resort yang dapat meningkatkan kunjungan konsumen dan bermanfaat bagi masyarakat luas ======================================================================================================== Paddy city resort is a resort hotel in Malang a place to stay when a visitor from the city or from another city travel to the Malang.Paddy this resort city are recreational as well as one of the valuable cultural assets which could boost local economy local. Additionally, Paddy city resort is a resort hotel in East Java province that is not only as a venue, but is expected to create a recreational and educational atmosphere to the visitors, especially the family on a visit to Malang. So the resort city Paddy able to entertain family who came to the unfortunate once taught science. The interior design is the theme of cultural Edutainment by applying the concept of environmental Paddy resort city itself. The selection of the theme to highlight the nature of the resort city Paddy education and recreation to consumers and also to lift the arts that became extinct in the community. In this design is shown how to increase traffic to the resort city Paddy strengthen educational and recreational facilities as well as resort city Paddy image design methods used include data collection carried out directly or indirectly. Surveys and direct observation to the field to determine the condition of the real Paddy city resort and activities undertaken in Paddy city resort. In addition, interviews with the owners was conducted to determine the design of the resort city Paddy expected. While the literature of the resort, a means of edutainment and East Javanese arts is a way to obtain data about the design standard, comparable data and object references are required. From the data obtained and analyzed akandiolah against forming elements in the interior space, so we get a concept. The expected result of this design is to design an interior Paddy city resort as a means of raising the Environment Paddy edutainment city resort that can increase consumer visits and benefit the wider community

    Teritori Ruang Tradisi Haji Jawa di Perkotaan Indonesia

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    Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang penganut Ibadah Haji dalam jumlah yang sangat besar. Ibadah haji adalah satu dari lima kewajiban yang wajib dijalankan oleh muslim di dunia. Hal tersebut menjadi sebuah alasan oleh muslim untuk segera menunaikan ibadah haji. Akan tetapi, tradisi ini mulai ditinggalkan karena perkembangan generasi terbaru termasuk area perumahan yang bertambah banyak dan berbeda dengan perkampungan pada umumnya. Sehingga perubahan ruang sering terjadi dan penghuni rumah mengadaptasi dengan kegiatan yang dilakukannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif pendekatan deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi lapangan , wawancara,  serta physical mapping. Temuan dalam penelitian ini adalah jenis kegiatan dan luas rumah yang terbangun mempengaruhi perubahan fungsi ruang

    Application of VR in Furniture Connection Learning for Interior Design Students

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    This study aims to provide information about virtual reality media that can be used as information about interior learning, especially furniture joints. This project uses an experimental method to create a prototype in the form of virtual reality in which there will be several furniture connections that can be used as learning media. This study uses the main software, namely Unity, which is used as the basic software in virtual reality, as well as additional software that is used as a furniture connection modelling application. Its implementation will later use additional hardware, namely oculus. The results obtained from this study are that student’s interest in the learning process using new media, is more interesting because it can create different alternative learning media than before, by using virtual reality facilities. The use of virtual reality in furniture connections provides significant benefits to students in the learning process. It removes the physical barrier of choosing a good joint to use and helps users make better decisions. As virtual reality technology continues to evolve, it is hoped that a more realistic and immersive furniture joinery learning experience will become more accessible and provide greater benefits to all involved

    Application of VR in Furniture Connection Learning for Interior Design Students

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    This study aims to provide information about virtual reality media that can be used as information about interior learning, especially furniture joints. This project uses an experimental method to create a prototype in the form of virtual reality in which there will be several furniture connections that can be used as learning media. This study uses the main software, namely Unity, which is used as the basic software in virtual reality, as well as additional software that is used as a furniture connection modelling application. Its implementation will later use additional hardware, namely oculus. The results obtained from this study are that student’s interest in the learning process using new media, is more interesting because it can create different alternative learning media than before, by using virtual reality facilities. The use of virtual reality in furniture connections provides significant benefits to students in the learning process. It removes the physical barrier of choosing a good joint to use and helps users make better decisions. As virtual reality technology continues to evolve, it is hoped that a more realistic and immersive furniture joinery learning experience will become more accessible and provide greater benefits to all involved