3 research outputs found

    Direct association between diet and the stability of human atherosclerotic plaque

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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in the credit line; if the material is not included under the Creative Commons license, users will need to obtain permission from the license holder to reproduce the material. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.Mediterranean diet has been suggested to explain why coronary heart disease mortality is lower in southern than northern Europe. Dietary habits can be revealed by isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) measurement of carbon (ή(13)C) and nitrogen (ή(15)N) in biological tissues. To study if diet is associated with human plaque stability, atherosclerotic plaques from carotid endarterectomy on 56 patients (21 Portuguese and 35 Swedish) were analysed by IRMS and histology. Plaque components affecting rupture risk were measured. Swedish plaques had more apoptosis, lipids and larger cores, as well as fewer proliferating cells and SMC than the Portuguese, conferring the Swedish a more rupture-prone phenotype. Portuguese plaques contained higher ή(13)C and ή(15)N than the Swedish, indicating that Portuguese plaques were more often derived from marine food. Plaque ή(13)C correlated with SMC and proliferating cells, and inversely with lipids, core size, apoptosis. Plaque ή(15)N correlated with SMC and inversely with lipids, core size and apoptosis. This is the first observational study showing that diet is reflected in plaque components associated with its vulnerability. The Portuguese plaques composition is consistent with an increased marine food intake and those plaques are more stable than those from Swedish patients. Marine-derived food is associated with plaque stability.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Formativ bedömning i fysikundervisning pÄ gymnasiet - ett sÀtt att frÀmja lÀrandet i fysik

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    Genomförda undersökningar av olika forskare och inom olika undervisningsomrÄden visar att formativ bedömning förbÀttrar elevers inlÀrning och förstÄelse. Den svenska lÀroplanen frÄn 2011 (Skolverket 2011a) ger tydliga rekommendationer om att formativ bedömning ska inkluderas i undervisningen. Skolan bör ge eleverna möjligheter att utveckla förmÄgor som frÀmjar lÀrandet, som t.ex. att kunna diskutera och reflektera över sitt lÀrande. Litteraturstudien i detta examensarbete inkluderar information om vad formativ bedömning innebÀr och förslag pÄ hur man kan arbeta utifrÄn ett sÄdant arbetssÀtt i fysikundervisning. Uppsatsen presenterar allt som kan uppnÄs med formativ bedömning men med speciellt fokus pÄ fysikundervisning. Mitt syfte med detta arbete Àr att denna uppsats ska kunna fungera som ett verktyg för mig som fysiklÀrare. Min studie visar att de mest anvÀndbara komponenterna inom formativ bedömning i fysik Àr tydliggörande av mÄlen, Äterkoppling (feedback) samt skapande av förmÄga till sjÀlv- och kamratbedömning. Samtidigt, en kombination av olika formativa arbetssÀtt visar sig ocksÄ fungera effektivt