523 research outputs found

    Are homosexuals discriminated against in the hiring process?

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    This paper presents the first field experiment on sexual orientation discrimination in the hiring process in the Swedish labor market. Job applications were sent to about 4,000 employers in 10 different occupations in Sweden. Gender and sexual orientation were randomly assigned to applications. The results show that sexual orientation discrimi-nation exists in the Swedish labor market. The discrimination against gays and lesbian varies across different occupations and appears only in the private sector. The results also seem to suggest a new dimension of traditional gender roles; the gay applicant was discriminated against in typical male-dominated occupations whereas the lesbian applicant was discriminated against in typical female-dominated occupations. Thus, the results suggest that gays to some extent face the same obstacles on the labor market as heterosexual women.Labor market discrimination; sexual orientation; field experiment

    Sexual orientation and occupational rank

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    This paper presents a study of differences in occupational rank between gay and heterosexual males as well as between lesbian and heterosexual females. We estimate different specifications of an ordered probit model on register data from Sweden. Our data consist of married heterosexual men and women and homosexual men and women living in civil unions. We find that homosexual men have a lower probability of working in a profession demanding a longer university education or a management profession than heterosexual men. In contrast, we find that homosexual women are more likely than heterosexual women to work in such professions.Sexual orientation, labour market, occupational rank

    Ethnic Discrimination in the Market Place of Small Business Transfers

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    This paper presents the first field experiment regarding ethnic discrimination in the market place of small business transfers. We let two fictitious prospective buyers, one with a typical Swedish name and one with a typical Arab/Muslim name, respond to advertisements of small business transfers on the Internet in Sweden. We then recorded the number contacts achieved by each fictitious buyer with sellers. We found that sellers discriminated against the buyer with an Arab/Muslim name in the sense that the buyer with an Arab/Muslim name obtained fewer contacts with sellers than did the buyer with a Swedish name.Discrimination, self-employment, small business transfers, ethnic minorities, field experiment.

    "Det skall löna sig att plugga" ­ En undersökning av processerna bakom det nya betygsförslaget (Ds 2008:13), samt tidigare betygsskiften, utifrÄn aspekter sÄsom politiska ideologier.

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    Syfte I detta arbete tas en nÀrmare till pÄ Jan Björklunds förslag pÄ ny betygsskala (Ds 2008:13) samt hur den process som ligger bakom förslaget har sett ut. Syftet Àr att utifrÄn aspekter som bland annat politiska ideologier och kunskapssyner studera vad som lett fram till förslaget. HuvudfrÄga Hur mycket och pÄ vilket sÀtt pÄverkar politiska ideologier i det nya och tidigare betygsystembyte? Metod och material En historisk tillbakablick med fokus pÄ betyg och de olika betygsreformer som skett i Sverige genomförs genom en litteraturstudie. Vidare har Àven olika propositioner, betÀnkande samt dokument frÄn Statens offentliga utredningar kring betygsfrÄgan studerats men ocksÄ artiklar av betyg- och bedömningsforskare har granskats. DÀrefter utfördes en kvalitativ undersökning i form av intervjuer med betyg- och bedömningsforskare samt en politisk sakkunnig frÄn den nu sittande regeringen(2008). Resultat I analys och resultat genomförs en jÀmförande analys utifrÄn vÄra kvalitativa intervjuer. Slutsatsen Àr att politiska ideologier tydligt pÄverkar beslut vid betygsystembyten. Genom historien kan man se att inflytande i debatten flyttats frÄn forskare till allmÀnheten, men att det ÀndÄ Àr politikerna som tar det slutgiltiga beslutet i processen. Betydelse för lÀraryrket Det Àr viktigt att som lÀrare ha kunskap i vilka olika kunskapssyner och politiska influenser som styr och pÄverkar i skolreformer. Det Àr viktigt för att ha en medvetenhet och ett kritiskt förhÄllningssÀtt till olika styrdokumen

    Benefit measures for noise abatement: Calculations for road and rail traffic noise

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    Purpose : the aim of this study is to estimate monetary abatement values for road and rail traffic noise that can be used for policy purposes. However, a main objective is to critically discuss the assumptions necessary to convert the monetary values elicited in willingness to pay (WTP) studies to values than can be use for policy purposes. Methods : we employ the hedonic regression technique on Swedish data to elicit individualsĂą preferences for noise abatement. Our elicited values are then converted to policy values and critically examined based on findings from a literature review. Results : we show that WTP for road and rail not only differs in levels but also that the relationship between the noise level and the marginal value differs between the two sources. We also show that a health cost component added to the WTP estimate, based on the assumption of uninformed property buyers, will be small but not negligible and that also modest differences in the assumption of the discount rates will have a significant effect on the estimated values. Conclusions : the main implications from this study are: (i) WTP for road and railway noise abatement differs not only on absolute but also marginal levels, (ii) Even small differences in the chosen discount rate, which is necessary to convert WTP values from a hedonic price study to policy values, have large effects on the policy values, and (iii) We show how to add a health cost component to the WTP estimates in order for the monetary estimates to reflect the total social cost. However, we argue that the motivation for doing so is weak and that more research is needed on this issue. Document type: Preprin

    Benefit measures for noise abatement: Calculations for road and rail traffic noise

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    Purpose : the aim of this study is to estimate monetary abatement values for road and rail traffic noise that can be used for policy purposes. However, a main objective is to critically discuss the assumptions necessary to convert the monetary values elicited in willingness to pay (WTP) studies to values than can be use for policy purposes. Methods : we employ the hedonic regression technique on Swedish data to elicit individuals’ preferences for noise abatement. Our elicited values are then converted to policy values and critically examined based on findings from a literature review. Results : we show that WTP for road and rail not only differs in levels but also that the relationship between the noise level and the marginal value differs between the two sources. We also show that a health cost component added to the WTP estimate, based on the assumption of uninformed property buyers, will be small but not negligible and that also modest differences in the assumption of the discount rates will have a significant effect on the estimated values. Conclusions : the main implications from this study are: (i) WTP for road and railway noise abatement differs not only on absolute but also marginal levels, (ii) Even small differences in the chosen discount rate, which is necessary to convert WTP values from a hedonic price study to policy values, have large effects on the policy values, and (iii) We show how to add a health cost component to the WTP estimates in order for the monetary estimates to reflect the total social cost. However, we argue that the motivation for doing so is weak and that more research is needed on this issue

    Ahr - transformation of the cultural landscape : from production landscape to recreation landscape

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    I den tid vi lever nu arbetar bara en liten del av befolkningen med produktion i det öppna landskapet. StÀderna vÀxer samtidigt som fler flyttar frÄn Àn till glesbygderna. NÀr distansen till landsbygden ökar skapas nya tolkningar, vÀrdesÀttningar och anvÀndningsomrÄden för landskapet. Det öppna landskapet förknippas av mÄnga inte lÀngre med ett produktionslandskap utan med ett rekreationslandskap för fritidsaktiviteter. Kraven pÄ tillgÀnglighet, service och upplevelser ökar och det öppna landskapet befinner sig i en ny situation. Gotland tar varje Är emot hundratusentals besökare och turistindustrin Àr en vÀxande global marknad. Intresset för natur- och kulturturism ökar och LÀnsstyrelsen pÄ Gotland har formulerat ett program för hur detta ska hanteras i framtiden. I programmet pekas omrÄdet kring Ahr pÄ norra Gotland ut som pilotprojekt för hur den hÀr typen av turism kan utvecklas. Ahr Àr ett inaktivt industrilandskap med spÄr frÄn kalkbrytning och ingÄr sedan 2001 i BÀstetrÀsk naturreservat. Mitt arbete tar utgÄngspunkt i detta omrÄde, dÀr jag vill visa hur ett tidigare produktionslandskap kan anvÀndas som upplevelselandskap. Arbetet lyfter fram möjligheterna med att tÀnka in existerande strukturer i landskapet som en del av det nya för att skapa en helhet. MÄlet Àr att visa de möjligheter landskapet vid Ahr besitter men i dagslÀget inte utnyttjar. I arbetet förmedlas och tillgÀngliggörs landskapet vid Ahr genom gestaltning. Natur, kultur, rekreation och tillgÀnglighet förenas genom arkitektur. Transformationen av kulturlandskapet vid Ahr utspelar sig mellan gammalt och nytt och resultatet innebÀr att ett nytt lager adderas i landskapet. Arbetet bestÄr av tvÄ delar Del 1; I inledningen formuleras arbetets utgÄngspunkt, dess syfte, mÄl och frÄgestÀllning. Texten om det öppna landskapets utveckling hanterar frÄgor kring hur synen pÄ landskapet har förÀndrats under det senaste Ärhundradet och hur detta stÀller nya krav pÄ vÄr omgivning. I landskapsanalysen undersöks landskapets uppbyggnad, kommunikationer, upplevelsevÀrden och sÀrdrag. Den första delen av arbetet avslutas med att projektomrÄdets problem och möjligheter definieras. Del 2; I början av den andra delen presenteras visionen för projektet. Visionen skapar riktlinjer och mÄl för hur omrÄdet ska utvecklas i framtiden. Under konceptet visas hur visionen kan lösas genom gestaltning. Gestaltningsförslaget undersöker, visualiserar och iscensÀtter det nya landskapet vid Ahr. Arbetet avslutas med en diskussion och reflektion om de frÄgor som behandlats och nya som dykt upp under arbetets gÄng.In these days only a small part of the population works with production in the open landscape. Cities are growing and more people move from than to the countryside regions. When the distance to the countryside is increasing, new interpretations, values and forms of using the landscape grows through the modern people. For many people the landscape is no longer associated with a production landscape, but with a recreational landscape for recreation and activities. The requirements for availability, service and experience increases and the open landscape is in a new context. Each year hundreds of thousands tourists visit Gotland for their vacation and the tourist industry is a growing global market. Interests in natural and cultural tourism is increasing and the County Administration of Gotland has formulated a program for how this should be handled in the future. The program defines the area around Ahr in northern Gotland as a pilot project for how this type of tourism can be developed. Ahr is an inactive industrial landscape with traces of limestone quarry. Today Ahr is a part of the nature protected area BÀstetrÀsk. My project is based in this area, where I want to show how an earlier production landscape can be used as a recreational landscape. The work highlights the potential of integrate existing structures as part of the new recreational landscape to create a whole. The goal is to show the underlying potential of the landscape in Ahr, which is not being used today. The project shows and makes the area more available through a new design. The project is about nature, culture, recreation and availability and how these can be united through architecture. The transformation of the cultural landscape at Ahr takes place between the past and the future, and the result is a new layer that is added to the landscape. The work consists of two parts Part 1; In the introduction the projects aims, objectives and issues are presented. The chapter about the open landscapes development deal with issues about how the use and perception of the landscape has changed over the past century and how this creates new demands on our environment. The landscape analysis examines the landscapes architecture, infrastructure, values and features. The first part of the project ends with a summary of the project area's main problems and opportunities. Part 2; In the beginning of the second part, the vision for the project is presented. The vision creates guidelines for how the area should be developed in the future. A concept is developed to show how the vision can be solved through architecture. The overall design for the area visualizes the new recreational landscape at Ahr. At the end of the project I make conclusions and reflections about the issues that the work has dealed with
