179 research outputs found

    The place of action in narrative self-understanding

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    My thesis offers a critical interpretation of Alasdair MacIntyre’s account of narrative selfunderstanding in After Virtue (1981). It aims to reveal a deep tension at the heart of this account of the self that tracks several of the most important conflict lines in western thought. This tension is revealed by examining closely how MacIntyre’s conception of narrative intelligibility and his social philosophy relates to his claims—posed from the perspective of action theory and practical reason—that human life and action take narrative shape

    Cyklisk jakt och flykt i planet

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    Let n bugs constitute the corners of an n-sided polygon. If the bugs cyclically pursue each other, the positions of the bugs will satisfy a system of ordinary differential equations, which we study. We examine the system for different n, but focus on the case n=3. When n=3, the bugs form a triangle. In this case, the solution will converge to some point. We study how the convergence occur. Ignoring translation, rotation and scaling, the triangle converges to a line. Further, we also consider when the three bugs escape from each other. If we again ignore rotation, translation and scaling, the triangle converges to an equilateral triangle. Finally, most theory in this thesis is already known, but we present a new proof for the convergence when three bugs pursuit each other.Vi har n=3 insekter: S1, S2 och S3 placerade i ett plan. Insekterna kommer dĂ„, oavsett hur de placeras i planet, kunna ses som hörnen i en triangel. Vi lĂ„ter sedan insekterna jaga varandra cykliskt. Hur ser vĂ€gen ut som insekterna tar? Redan 1877 formulerade Edouard Lucas denna frĂ„ga och sedan dess har problemet studerats och Ă€ven kompletterats med nya frĂ„gor av flera forskare. Till exempel kan man frĂ„ga sig om alla insekter kommer att kollidera samtidigt eller inte. Dessutom kan antalet insekter ökas. I den hĂ€r uppsatsen kommer vi framförallt att fokusera pĂ„ nĂ€r insekterna bildar en (ickedegenererad) triangel. I det fallet kommer alla insekterna att krocka samtidigt, Ă€ven om en insekt Ă€r lĂ„ngt ifrĂ„n de tvĂ„ andra, sĂ„ att triangeln som bildas Ă€r oliksidig. Om antalet insekter Ă€r större Ă€r det inte sĂ€kert att alla krockar samtidigt. LĂ„t nu antalet insekter vara tre. Insekterna kommer alltsĂ„ att krocka samtidigt, men hur rör de sig i förhĂ„llande till varandra fram tills kollisionen? Det kan visas att om insekternas startpositioner inte bildar en liksidig triangel, sĂ„ kommer insekternas positioner gĂ„ mot att ligga pĂ„ en linje. För ett större antal insekter verkar det som att sĂ„ lĂ€nge n<7 gĂ„r insekterna mot att ligga pĂ„ en linje, vilket överensstĂ€mmer med fallet ovan med tre insekter. DĂ€remot om n Ă€r större Ă€n eller lika med 7 tycks insekterna konvergera mot en regelbunden polygon innan kollisionen sker. Som nĂ€mndes tidigare, Ă€r det inte sĂ€kert att alla insekter krockar samtidigt om antalet insekter Ă€r fler Ă€n tre. Om vi har fyra insekter kommer inte alla att krocka samtidigt om insekternas startpositioner bildar en konkav fyrhörning. DĂ€remot kommer de kollidera samtidigt om fyrhörningen som insekterna utgör Ă€r konvex. Om antalet insekter Ă€r fler Ă€n fyra, Ă€r det vanligaste att alla insekter krockar samtidigt. Vidare, kan insekterna istĂ€llet fly frĂ„n varandra. Även hĂ€r fokuserar vi pĂ„ n=3. I det fallet kommer triangeln som insekterna bildar att expandera obegrĂ€nsat men vinklarna kommer konvergera mot pi/3. Triangeln gĂ„r alltsĂ„ mot att bli liksidig

    Examining the Role of Instructor-Student Relationship Quality in Yoga: Implications for Participants’ Motives, Stress, Affect, and Mindfulness

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    Extensive research outlines a broad spectrum of physical and mental health benefits associated with participation in yoga. In particular, yoga can increase mindfulness as well as decrease anxiety, depression, and stress. However, knowledge of the underlying mechanisms and conditions for promoting positive outcomes requires further study. Limited research has examined how the quality of the relationship between the yoga student and instructor may influence potential health benefits derived from participation in yoga. The present study investigated associations between levels of stress, emotional well-being, motives for yoga, relationship quality, and mindfulness during yoga. Analysis of data collected from 219 adults indicated that higher levels of stress and negative emotional well-being increased the likelihood that yoga was practised to address psychological motives rather than perceived physical health benefits. Additionally, relationship quality with the instructor was found to predict greater state mindfulness during the yoga session. The present study highlights the importance of the relationship quality between instructor and student; future research investigating the efficacy of yoga in optimizing mental health should consider how health outcomes might be influenced by motives for participation and interpersonal relationships

    A survey on the uses of glyphosate in European countries

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    In 2019, the ENDURE network launched a survey on the agricultural use of glyphosate in European countries. This report presents the results obtained through the survey and proposes a framework for understanding and monitoring glyphosate uses. The share of herbicides among all pesticide sales varies from one country to another. It is particularly high in Sweden (where herbicides represented 85% of the total volume of pesticides sold in 2017), Norway (83%), Denmark (82%), Estonia (76%), Ireland (73%), Latvia (73%), Lithuania (63%), United Kingdom (62%) and Poland (61%) and is particularly low in Malta (2%), Cyprus (13%) and Italy (17%). When reported by hectare of agricultural area, the countries with the highest average use of herbicides are Belgium, Netherlands, Cyprus, France, Germany, Denmark and Poland. The average use of herbicides in the agricultural sector at the EU 28+3 level can be estimated at 0.62 kg of a.i. per hectare. The total volume of herbicides sold in all EU 28+3 countries remained rather stable from 2011 to 2017, while at the national level, herbicide sales numbers showed a high degree of fluctuation. The ENDURE survey made it possible to collect data on glyphosate sales in 25 countries. In addition, an estimation was calculated for the other seven countries for which no data could be obtained. The total sales of glyphosate are estimated at 46,527 tonnes of a.i. in 2017 across the EU 28+3 (47,452 tonnes of a.i. across the EU 28+4). Overall, sales of glyphosate represent 33% of total herbicide sales in the EU 28+3. Therefore, glyphosate is one of the most widely used herbicides in European agriculture. Similar to overall herbicide sales, glyphosate sales (in volume of active ingredients) appear to be the highest in France (20% of the EU 28+4 total glyphosate sales volume in 2017), Poland (14%), Germany (10%), Italy (8%) and Spain (8%). Glyphosate represents 15% to 78% of total herbicide active ingredient sales in the countries surveyed. According to the survey, glyphosate is mainly used in the agricultural sector. Across the 13 countries for which the share of glyphosate sales to the agricultural sector was available, the agricultural sector consumes on average 90% of total national glyphosate sales (by volume). When reported by hectare of agricultural area, the average use of glyphosate at the EU 28+3 level is 0.20 kg a.i. per hectare. The five countries with the highest use of glyphosate in 2017 were Denmark, Poland, Netherlands, Portugal and France (≄0.32 kg of a.i. per ha). The five countries with the lowest use of glyphosate were Turkey, Lithuania, Latvia, UK and Switzerland (≀0.12 kg of a.i. per ha)4 . This report offers a framework for understanding and monitoring glyphosate uses in the agricultural sector, based on the identification of the cropping systems in which glyphosate is used, the agronomic purposes for which it is used and the nature of this use (from occasional to systematic). Glyphosate is widely used in annual cropping systems, perennial crops and grasslands. In annual cropping systems, it is mostly used prior to sowing, shortly after sowing of the crop (at the pre-emergence stage) or at the post-harvest stage for controlling weeds and volunteers. Annual cropping systems in which glyphosate is used include a large variety of crops (such as maize, oilseed rape, cereals, legume crops, sugar and fodder beet etc.). It is also used for the destruction of cover crops, and for ensuring the desiccation of certain annual crops at the pre-harvest stage. In perennial crops (such as vineyards, fruit orchards, olives groves etc.), glyphosate is used for controlling weeds within or between crop rows. Finally, glyphosate is used for the destruction of temporary grassland, for local control of perennial weeds in permanent grassland and for grassland renewal. Overall, the survey shows that the herbicide is used for at least eight agronomic purposes. Statistical data regarding glyphosate use in annual cropping systems is limited. In addition, the allocation of glyphosate treatments that are applied in the intercropping period may vary across countries. Four different allocation rules were identified through the survey: allocation from harvest to harvest, allocation from field preparation to post-harvest treatments, allocation to the intercrop period and allocation to the cropping system. In some countries, several allocation rules may apply depending on the statistical dataset. As a consequence, comparisons of glyphosate uses in annual cropping systems between countries or crops must be considered as a preliminary indication. Within the scope for which data could be obtained through the survey, 32% of the wheat acreage, 25% of the maize acreage and 52% of the oilseed rape acreage were treated with glyphosate in any single year. The treated acreage varies greatly from one country to another: the use of glyphosate in maize fields was almost inexistent in some countries, while it reached up to 40% of the crop area in other countries. In oilseed rape fields, the share of the crop area treated with glyphosate varied from less than 10% to more than 70%. Similarly, in winter wheat fields, the share of the crop area on which glyphosate is used varied from less than 10% to 90%. Those percentages include: treatments for controlling weeds applied before cultivation (at the pre-sowing or pre-emergence stage) that may occur for each new sowing in the crop rotation; treatments for controlling weeds that are applied only once in the crop rotation (at a post-harvest stage or during an intercropping period); and desiccation/harvest aid for some of the crops (in countries in which this is allowed). As the percentages are for any single year, the area treated with glyphosate in any region over a full crop rotation period may be greater. Additional research is needed for assessing the total uses of glyphosate throughout the crop rotations in EU countries. In perennial systems, within the scope for which data was available in the EU 28+4, 39% of the fruit orchard acreage, 32% of the vineyard acreage and 45% of the olive grove acreage were treated with glyphosate. Across countries, the use of glyphosate ranged from 13% to 95% of the national vineyard acreage, from 20% to 92% of the fruit orchard acreage and from 13% to 80% of the olive grove acreage. Finally, 19% of the temporary grassland acreage was treated with glyphosate annually. A diversity of non-chemical alternatives to glyphosate treatments can be identified. Their effectiveness, cost and adoption implications for crops and the environment can vary widely, or may not be quantified. They include both preventive measures and curative control measures, such as mechanical and biological control. In annual cropping systems, these practices include: use of cover crops and of a roller-crimper for their destruction, mulching, crop rotation diversification, delaying crop sowing dates, higher seed rates, increasing crop competitiveness, inter-row cultivation, tillage for controlling weeds at the post-harvest and pre-sowing stages, use of early-ripening varieties and weed seed removal during harvest. In perennial crops, the following alternatives were identified: greening, grazing, mowing, mulching, cover crops, tillage, mechanical weeding and the use of bioherbicides for weed control. Different approaches to using glyphosate were identified through the survey. Occasional uses are related to exceptional contexts, such as meteorological conditions or specific farm constraints. Recurrent uses are widespread practices that are already embedded in farming systems. Other agronomic solutions may exist but are not mobilised; instead farmers plan to, and recurrently do, use glyphosate. Two types of recurrent uses can be distinguished: uses related to structural conditions and systematic uses that are not related to structural conditions. First, uses related to structural conditions appear when equipment or infrastructure are not compatible with alternative practices. Examples of such structural conditions include irrigation systems that are located above ground in fruit orchards and narrow rows in orchards or vineyards which prevent weed management using mechanical methods. For replacing glyphosate with non-chemical alternatives, a change in these structural aspects is required, which may involve significant investments. Second, systematic uses not related to structural conditions result from the evolution of farming systems generally characterised by reduced tillage systems, largescale farms and the availability of highly efficient, low-priced herbicides such as glyphosate. Examples of systematic uses include the use of glyphosate for crop desiccation, for the destruction of cover crops and temporary grasslands, and for weed management in annual and perennial crop systems. In the case of systematic uses, multiple inter-related factors may hinder the shift to non-chemical alternatives. These include: limited, and in some cases no, availability of and access to alternative inputs and adapted machinery; constraints and opportunities due to regulations and subsidies; lack of advice, knowledge and references regarding alternative practices; uncertainties, risks and variability in agronomic performance and profitability of alternative practices; constraints in farm resources; commercial context; challenges in terms of labour organisation; and cultural and cognitive aspects. Further research is needed to assess the conditions, including the economic and technical aspects as well as systemic contexts, that are required for enhancing the adoption of non-chemical alternatives to glyphosate

    Reduced Bone Mass and Muscle Strength in Male 5α-Reductase Type 1 Inactivated Mice

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    Androgens are important regulators of bone mass but the relative importance of testosterone (T) versus dihydrotestosterone (DHT) for the activation of the androgen receptor (AR) in bone is unknown. 5α-reductase is responsible for the irreversible conversion of T to the more potent AR activator DHT. There are two well established isoenzymes of 5α-reductase (type 1 and type 2), encoded by separate genes (Srd5a1 and Srd5a2). 5α-reductase type 2 is predominantly expressed in male reproductive tissues whereas 5α-reductase type 1 is highly expressed in liver and moderately expressed in several other tissues including bone. The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of 5α-reductase type 1 for bone mass using Srd5a1−/− mice. Four-month-old male Srd5a1−/− mice had reduced trabecular bone mineral density (−36%, p<0.05) and cortical bone mineral content (−15%, p<0.05) but unchanged serum androgen levels compared with wild type (WT) mice. The cortical bone dimensions were reduced in the male Srd5a1−/− mice as a result of a reduced cortical periosteal circumference compared with WT mice. T treatment increased the cortical periosteal circumference (p<0.05) in orchidectomized WT mice but not in orchidectomized Srd5a1−/− mice. Male Srd5a1−/− mice demonstrated a reduced forelimb muscle grip strength compared with WT mice (p<0.05). Female Srd5a1−/− mice had slightly increased cortical bone mass associated with elevated circulating levels of androgens. In conclusion, 5α-reductase type 1 inactivated male mice have reduced bone mass and forelimb muscle grip strength and we propose that these effects are due to lack of 5α-reductase type 1 expression in bone and muscle. In contrast, the increased cortical bone mass in female Srd5a1−/− mice, is an indirect effect mediated by elevated circulating androgen levels

    Liver-Derived IGF-I Regulates Mean Life Span in Mice

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    Background: Transgenic mice with low levels of global insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) throughout their life span, including pre- and postnatal development, have increased longevity. This study investigated whether specific deficiency of liver-derived, endocrine IGF-I is of importance for life span. Methods and Findings: Serum IGF-I was reduced by approximately 80 % in mice with adult, liver-specific IGF-I inactivation (LI-IGF-I-/- mice), and body weight decreased due to reduced body fat. The mean life span of LI-IGF-I-/- mice (n = 84) increased 10 % vs. control mice (n = 137) (Cox’s test, p,0.01), mainly due to increased life span (16%) of female mice [LI-IGF-I-/- mice (n = 31): 26.761.1 vs. control (n = 67): 23.060.7 months, p,0.001]. Male LI-IGF-I-/- mice showed only a tendency for increased longevity (p = 0.10). Energy expenditure, measured as oxygen consumption during and after submaximal exercise, was increased in the LI-IGF-I-/- mice. Moreover, microarray and RT-PCR analyses showed consistent regulation of three genes (heat shock protein 1A and 1B and connective tissue growth factor) in several body organs in the LI-IGF-I-/- mice. Conclusions: Adult inactivation of liver-derived, endocrine IGF-I resulted in moderately increased mean life span. Body weight and body fat decreased in LI-IGF-I-/- mice, possibly due to increased energy expenditure during exercise. Genes earlier reported to modulate stress response and collagen aging showed consistent regulation, providing mechanisms tha

    Child studies multiple – collaborative play for thinking through theories and methods

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    This text is an exploration of collaborative thinking and writing through theories, methods, and experiences on the topic of the child, children, and childhood. It is a collaborative written text (with 32 authors) that sprang out of the experimental workshop Child Studies Multiple. The workshop and this text are about daring to stay with mess, “un-closure” , and uncertainty in order to investigate the (e)motions and complexities of being either a child or a researcher. The theoretical and methodological processes presented here offer an opportunity to shake the ground on which individual researchers stand by raising questions about scientific inspiration, theoretical and methodological productivity, and thinking through focusing on process, play, and collaboration. The effect of this is a questioning of the singular academic ‘I’ by exploring and showing what a plural ‘I’ can look like. It is about what the multiplicity of voice can offer research in a highly individualistic time. The article allows the reader to follow and watch the unconventional trial-and-error path of the ongoing-ness of exploring theories and methods together as a research community via methods of drama, palimpsest, and fictionary
