8 research outputs found

    Characterization of the proteolytic activity and potential of Pseudomonas spp. isolates from goat milk

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    A aplicação da refrigeração como ferramenta para conservação da qualidade microbiológica do leite caprino durante a estocagem e transporte determinou a seleção de uma microbiota tipicamente psicrotrófica nesse produto. Micro-organismos psicrotróficos são potenciais produtores de enzimas proteolíticas, caracterizadas usualmente por serem termo-resistentes, e responsáveis pela deterioração da caseína do leite mesmo após os tratamentos térmicos mais utilizados em laticínios, como a pasteurização e a ultra-alta-temperatura. Pseudomonas spp. são considerados os principais micro-organismos psicrotróficos e proteolíticos presentes em leite. O presente estudo teve como objetivos avaliar a qualidade microbiológica de leite de cabra, obter isolados de Pseudomonas spp. autóctones desse produto e caracterizar sua atividade e potencial proteolítico. Doze propriedades rurais com atividade de caprinocultura leiteira foram selecionadas nas regiões de Viçosa e Muriaé, Minas Gerais, das quais 61 amostras de leite de cabra foram coletadas e submetidas a análises microbiológicas para contagens de aeróbios mesófilos, enterobactérias, coliformes, Escherichia coli, psicrotróficos totais e proteolíticos, e estimativas de Pseudomonas totais e proteolíticos. As médias das contagens obtidas para todas as amostras foram: 5,04 log UFC/mL para aeróbios mesófilos, 3,34 log UFC/mL para enterobactérias, 2,85 log FC/mL para coliformes, 0,22 log UFC/mL para E. coli, 3,62 log UFC/mL para psicrotróficos totais, 2,73 log UFC/mL para psicrotróficos proteolíticos, 3,87 log UFC/mL para Pseudomonas e 3,43 log UFC/mL para Pseudomonas proteolíticos. Embora a média de aeróbios mesófilos tenha sido inferior ao limite recomendado pela legislação brasileira vigente (5,70 log UFC/mL), as amostras de leite de cabra apresentaram altas contagens de micro-organismos indicadores de higiene, o que demonstra deficiências higiênicas durante as diferentes etapas de produção e estocagem desse produto. Em 22 amostras de leite cru as contagens de psicrotróficos proteolíticos representaram mais de 50% das contagens de psicrotróficos, indicando o potencial proteolítico desse grupo em leite de cabra. A mesma relação foi observada em relação à presença de atividade proteolítica de Pseudomonas spp., que em 27 amostras essa proporção foi maior que 50% das contagens totais estimadas de Pseudomonas. Considerando as placas utilizadas para enumeração de Pseudomonas, 496 colônias que apresentaram atividade proteolítica foram selecionadas, purificadas e as culturas obtidas submetidas aos seguintes testes para identificação preliminar: morfologia pela coloração de Gram, oxidase e fermentação de glicose. Baseado nesses resultados, 107 isolados foram inicialmente identificados como Pseudomonas spp., e submetidos a rep-PCR para caracterização de seus perfis genéticos. Considerando taxas de similaridade entre 80 e 85%, 33 perfis genéticos diferentes foram caracterizados; 36 isolados não apresentaram perfil genético com o protocolo de rep-PCR utilizado. Os isolados ainda foram submetidos a PCR para identificação de espécies com primers específicos para P. aeruginosa (38 isolados identificados) e P. fluorescens (4 isolados); 61 isolados apresentaram produtos de amplificação para ambas as reações, e 4 para nenhuma, e foram considerados como Pseudomonas spp. considerando os testes laboratoriais realizados na triagem. Todos os isolados foram submetidos a PCR para detecção do gene apr, responsável pelam codificação da enzima metaloprotease alcalina, sendo identificados 41 (38,3%) positivos. Mesmo isolados que não apresentaram gene apr foram capazes de produzir enzimas proteolíticas a 7, 25 ou 35 °C; todos os isolados foram capazes de produzir proteases a 25 °C, 72 a 7 °C e 85 a 35 °C. Os resultados obtidos permitiram determinar deficiências higiênicas nas etapas iniciais da cadeia produtiva do leite de cabra, além da relevante participação de micro-organismos psicrotróficos e proteolíticos na microbiota desse produto. A atividade proteolítica de isolados de Pseudomonas spp. de leite de cabra foi caracterizada devido a presença do gene apr e pela atividade proteolítica em diferentes temperaturas de incubação.The application of refrigeration as a tool to preserve the microbiological quality of goat milk during storage and transportation determined the selection of a microbiota typically psychrotrophic in this product. Psychrotrophic microorganisms are potential producers of proteolytic enzymes, usually characterized by being heat resistant and responsible for the deterioration of milk casein even after heat treatments commonlymused at dairies, such as pasteurization and ultra-high-temperature. Pseudomonas spp. are considered the main psychrotrophic and proteolytic microorganisms present in milk. This study aimed to evaluate the microbiological quality of goat milk, obtain autochthonous Pseudomonas spp. isolates of this product and characterize their proteolytic activity. Twelve farms with activity of dairy goat were selected in regions of Muriaé and Viçosa, Minas Gerais, of which 61 samples of goat milk were collected and subjected to microbiological analysis for mesophilic aerobes counts, enterobacteriaceae, total coliforms, Escherichia coli, and proteolytic psychrotrophs, and estimatives of total and proteolytic Pseudomonas. The mean counts obtained for the samples were: 5.04 log CFU/mL for mesophilic aerobes, 3.34 log CFU/mL for enterobacteriaceae, 2.85 log CFU/mL for total coliforms, 0.22 log CFU/ml for E. coli, 3.62 log CFU/mL for total psychrotrophs, 2.73 log CFU/mL for proteolytic psychrotrophs, 3.87 log CFU/mL for Pseudomonas, and 3.43 log CFU/mL for proteolytic Pseudomonas. Although the average of mesophilic aerobes was below the limit recommended by the present Brazilian legislation (5.70 log CFU/mL), the samples of goat milk showed high counts of hygiene indicator microorganisms, which shows inadequate hygienic procedures during the different stages of production and storage. In 22 samples of raw milk the counts of proteolytic psychrotrophs accounted for over 50% of the counts of psychrotrophic, indicating the proteolytic potential of this group in goat milk. The same relationship was observed concerning the presence of proteolytic activity of Pseudomonas spp. which in 27 samples this ratio was greater than 50% of the estimated total counts of Pseudomonas. Considering the plates used for enumeration of Pseudomonas, 496 colonies that showed proteolytic activity were selected, purified and the cultures obtained were subjected to the following tests for preliminary identification:morphology by Gram staining, oxidase and glucose fermentation. Based on these results, 107 isolates were initially identified as Pseudomonas spp., and subjected to rep-PCR to characterize their genetic profiles. Considering similarity rates between 80 and 85%, 33 different genetic profiles were characterized; 36 isolates showed no genetic profile with the rep-PCR protocol used. The isolates were also subjected to PCR for identification in species level with specific primers for P. aeruginosa (38 isolates identified) and P. fluorescens (4 isolates); 61 isolates showed amplification products for both reactions, and 4 for none, and were considered as Pseudomonas spp. based on the laboratory tests during screening. All isolates were subjected to PCR for detection of the apr gene, responsible for encoding the alkaline metalloprotease enzyme, identifying 41 (38.3%) positives. Even isolates that showed no apr gene were capable of producing proteolytic enzymes at 7, 25 or 35 °C; all isolates were able to produce proteases at 25 °C, 72 at 7° and 85 at 35°C. The results made it possible to determine hygienic shortcomings in the initial stages of the production chain of goat milk, besides the relevant participation of psychrotrophic and proteolytic microorganisms in the microbiota of this product. The proteolytic activity of Pseudomonas spp. isolates of goat milk was characterized due to the presence of the apr gene and the proteolytic activity at different incubation temperatures.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superio

    Enumeration of coagulase and thermonuclease-positive Staphylococcus spp. in raw milk and fresh soft cheese: an evaluation of Baird-Parker agar, Rabbit Plasma Fibrinogen agar and the Petrifilm™ Staph Express count system

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    Staphylococcus spp. are microorganisms that are naturally present in milk and dairy products and are often associated with food-borne diseases outbreaks due to the ability of some strains to produce thermostable enterotoxins. This ability is usually associated with coagulase and thermonuclease production, characteristics that are considered in the microbiological analyses for the control of such microorganisms. The objective of this study was to evaluate the culture media and the methodologies used for the enumeration of coagulase and thermonuclease-positive Staphylococcus spp. in raw milk and fresh soft cheese. Samples of artificially contaminated milk (with coagulase-positive Staphylococcus reference strains) and samples of naturally contaminated raw milk and cheese were submitted for enumeration in Baird-Parker agar (BP), Rabbit Plasma Fibrinogen agar (RPFA) and in the PetrifilmÔ Staph Express count system (STX). No significant differences (P > 0.05) were observed between the mean counts obtained in all of the evaluated culture media. RPFA and STX had good correlation indices between the total and typical colony counts as well as with coagulase and the thermonuclease-positive colony counts. Thus, there is a better association between coagulase and thermonuclease production to typical colony morphology developed on these culture media, leading to more accurate and reliable results than with BP, which demonstrated lower correlation indices between these counts

    Long cold storage influences the microbiological quality of raw goat milk

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    Storage of goat milk production in cold temperatures is a current Brazilian legislation request, however there is no specification of a limit period for this. The present work aimed to characterize the microbiological characteristics of raw goat milk produced in a specific region of Brazil, as well as the influence of the storage system and period on its quality. Sixty-one samples from 12 goat farms were collected and subjected to analysis to enumerate hygiene indicator microorganisms, psychrotrophics and proteolytic psychrotrophics. The obtained counts were described and compared considering the system and period of storage (ANOVA, Tukey). Despite presenting low counts of mesophiles, the samples presented high counts of other groups and a relevant presence of proteolytics. Samples collected from bulk tanks presented higher counts of mesophiles and psychrotrophics when compared to immersion tanks and freezers (p < 0.05). When stored for a period of 48 h or longer, the counts of mesophiles, coliforms, Escherichia coli and psychrotrophics were also significantly higher when compared to a storage period of 24 h or less (p < 0.05). The results indicate specific problems in goat milk production in the studied area and the need of establishing a period limit for raw goat milk collection in Brazil

    Microbiological quality and safety of raw milk and soft cheese and detection of autochthonous lactic acid bacteria with antagonistic activity against Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella spp., and Staphylococcus aureus

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    This study aimed to characterize the microbiological quality and safety of raw milk and soft cheese, verifying possible associations between microbial populations, and the detection of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) with antagonistic activity against foodborne pathogens. Raw milk (n = 36) and soft cheese (n = 18) samples were collected and submitted for the analysis of mesophilic aerobes, total coliforms, Escherichia coli, LAB, coagulase- positive Staphylococcus (CPS), Listeria monocytogenes, and Salmonella spp. In all, 389 LAB isolates were randomly selected and submitted for antagonistic tests against L. monocytogenes, St. aureus, Salmonella Typhimurium, and Lactobacillus sakei. The samples presented high counts of mesophilic aerobes, total coliforms, and LAB, and also high and significant correlation indices between these populations. Low levels of CPS and E. coli were observed, as well as an absence of Salmonella spp. and L. monocytogenes. A substantial portion of the analyzed samples presented LAB cultures with antagonistic activity, but not against Salmonella Typhimurium. The obtained results indicate the antimicrobial potential of the autochthonous microbiota of raw milk and soft cheese. Despite the spoilage potential, the LAB present in the studied food products can be isolated and properly characterized as antagonistic cultures, to be used in bioconservation studies for pathogen control in foods

    Foodborne pathogens and microbiological characteristics of raw milk soft cheese produced and on retail sale in Brazil

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    The consumption of raw milk soft cheeses (RMSC), which are typically manufactured in small dairy farms under unsatisfactory hygiene conditions, is common in Brazil. Due to these production characteristics, this type of cheese is a potential carrier of pathogenic microorganisms, such as Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella, and enterotoxin-producing Staphylococcus spp. Considering these characteristics, in this work, we aimed to detect the presence of these pathogenic microorganisms in RMC and to evaluate their microbiological quality. Fifty-five samples of this product were collected from different noninspected commercial establishments and submitted to the enumeration of mesophilic aerobes (MA), total coliforms (TC), Escherichia coli, and coagulase-positive staphylococci (CPS), and detection of L. monocytogenes and Salmonella spp. All analyzed samples were negative for Salmonella spp. and L. monocytogenes. All samples presented counts of MA higher than [10.sup.6] colony forming units/g (CFU/g; range, 3.0 x [10.sup.6] to 4.0 x [10.sup.9]). TC were present at levels between 1.0 x [10.sup.3] and 1.8 x [10.sup.8] CFU/g, and E. coli between 1.0 x [10.sup.2] and 3.5 x [10.sup.6] CFU/g. CPS were detected in 17 (30.9%) samples at levels higher than [10.sup.4] CFU/g. These results confirm the poor microbiological quality of raw milk used in the manufacturing of RMC samples, and also the inadequate production conditions. Therefore, the evaluation of microbiological safety and quality of these products must be constantly reported to alert the official agencies about the significance of proper inspection

    Protocols for the isolation and detection of lactic acid bacteria with bacteriocinogenic potential

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate culture media and methodologies for isolation and detection of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) capable to produce bacteriocin-like substances. Samples of milk and cheese were pour plated on de Mann-Rogosa-Sharpe agar (MRS) and Kang-Fung-Sol agar (KFS) (both at 35 °C/48 h, under anaerobiosis), from which 389 and 256 LAB cultures were selected. The antagonistic activity of them was evaluated using the spot-on-the-lawn and two culture media: brain-heart infusion agar with catalase (BHI + C) and M17 (both at 35 °C/24 h). The proteinaceous nature of the antagonistic cultures was verified using: spot-on-the-lawn (MRS, 25 °C/24 h, under anaerobiosis) and well-diffusion (cultures amplified on modified MRS broth at 25 °C/24 h, and then neutralized using NaOH). Listeria monocytogenes ATCC 7644 was used as indicator. A larger number of antagonist cultures were isolated from MRS (83 by M17 and 65 by BHI + C) in comparison to KFS (24 by M17 and 15 by BHI + C). The spot-on-the-lawn identified a higher frequency of LAB capable of producing bacteriocin-like substances. MRS was considered to be the best culture media for the isolation of LAB capable to produce bacteriocin-like substances, activity that was better identified using the spot-on-the-lawn methodology

    Glucuronidase activity of Escherichia coli isolated from chicken carcasses

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    To identify Escherichia coli through the production of &#946;-D-glucuronidase (GUD), 622 suspect cultures were isolated from chicken carcasses and plated in PetrifilmTM EC. Of these cultures, only 44 (7.1%) failed to produce GUD. This result indicates the usefulness of GUD production for estimating E. coli populations in chicken