2,810 research outputs found

    Reusable rocket engine intelligent control system framework design, phase 2

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    Elements of an advanced functional framework for reusable rocket engine propulsion system control are presented for the Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME) demonstration case. Functional elements of the baseline functional framework are defined in detail. The SSME failure modes are evaluated and specific failure modes identified for inclusion in the advanced functional framework diagnostic system. Active control of the SSME start transient is investigated, leading to the identification of a promising approach to mitigating start transient excursions. Key elements of the functional framework are simulated and demonstration cases are provided. Finally, the advanced function framework for control of reusable rocket engines is presented

    The Impact of the National Counter-Cyclical Income Support Program for Dairy Producers on Representative Dairy Farms

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    This report contains the results of an analysis of the National Counter-Cyclical Income Support Program for Dairy Producers on the Agricultural and Food Policy Center’s (AFPC) representative dairy farms. The impact of the proposal on the representative farms is evaluated in terms of the change in average annual cash receipts and the change in the average annual net cash farm income. The role and potential importance of payment limits on these farms are discussed. All milk prices by state and program benefits under the payment limit binding and nonbinding scenarios were developed by FAPRI and were applied to the representative dairies. For more information on those results see the FAPRI analysis of this program.Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, Livestock Production/Industries,

    Rice World Market Prices

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    The marketing loan program associated with rice features benefits calculated using a USDA-announced World Market Price (WMP) rather than the posted county prices that are used for most other commodities. This results in reduced risk protection for producers relative to other crops, and greater difficulty in making optimal use of program benefits. This research investigates the rice WMP, identifying the relative importance of various foreign prices and other potential influencing factors. The results of this research have important implications for financial planning and optimal risk management strategies for rice producers.Agricultural and Food Policy,

    Aggregate Milk Supply Response to the Milk Income Loss Contract Program

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    This research tests for changes in aggregate milk production due to the operation of the Milk Income Loss Contract (MILC) program since 2002. Aggregate production is decomposed into the size of the dairy herd and milk production per cow. We find no statistically significant response in either variable. This finding implies that the simultaneous operation of income and price support programs in the United States has not, thus far, proven self-defeating.dairy, income support, policy, price support, Agribusiness, Livestock Production/Industries,


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    The beef industry in the United States consists of several distinct production levels ranging from the cow-calf producer at the lowest level to the final consumer. These sectors face varying levels of profitability, degrees of market power, conflicting goals, and price signals. Environmental regulations involve questions of what costs are involved, who is in a position to pay these costs, and whether market prices are capable of signaling different environmental practices. Understanding the relationships within the beef industry may allow researchers to fine-tune analyses of environmental issues in the beef industry.Beef, BMP, Cattle, Pricing, Livestock Production/Industries, Marketing,

    A Brief Summary of U.S. Farm Program Provisions

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    This brief publication began as a need for a short summary of farm programs and farm bills for two agricultural economics courses focusing on agricultural policy -- ag. economics 429, and ag. economics 614. It became clear that many students taking these courses had less and less background in agriculture and less (even cursory) knowledge of policies than those of the recent past. After this list was developed a number of other professional agricultural economists found copies and began to use it, hence its publication in a more structured form. The list of Farm Program Provisions is not all-inclusive. It certainly does not contain all the laws and provisions that have affected agriculture over the years. However, it is an easy reference to farm bills and provisions since 1933. We intend to update this list as time goes on to continue its usefulness to professionals and students alike.Agricultural and Food Policy,

    Economic Impact of Deer Breeding Operations in Texas

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    The deer breeding industry is a growing industry in the Texas economy, particularly the rural economy. Industry participants were surveyed to provide estimates of economic activity, which was then input into the IMPLAN model. The industry generates an estimated $652 million in economic activity, while supporting 7,335 jobs.Industrial Organization,