7,706 research outputs found

    Topographically Distinct Epidermal Nociceptive Circuits Revealed by Axonal Tracers Targeted to Mrgprd

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    The brain receives sensory input from diverse peripheral tissues, including the skin, the body's largest sensory organ. Using genetically encoded axonal tracers expressed from the Mrgprd locus, we identify a subpopulation of nonpeptidergic, nociceptive neurons that project exclusively to the skin, and to no other peripheral tissue examined. Surprisingly, Mrgprd+ innervation is restricted to the epidermis and absent from specialized sensory structures. Furthermore, Mrgprd+ fibers terminate in a specific layer of the epidermis, the stratum granulosum. This termination zone is distinct from that innervated by most CGRP+ neurons, revealing that peptidergic and nonpeptidergic epidermal innervation is spatially segregated. The central projections deriving from these distinct epidermal innervation zones terminate in adjacent laminae in the dorsal spinal cord. Thus, afferent input from different layers of the epidermis is conveyed by topographically segregated sensory circuits, suggesting that at least some aspects of sensory information processing may be organized along labeled lines

    Bilaterian Phylogeny Based on Analyses of a Region of the Sodium-potassium ATPase beta-subunit Gene

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    Molecular investigations of deep-level relationships within and among the animal phyla have been hampered by a lack of slowly evolving genes that are amenable to study by molecular systematists. To provide new data for use in deep-level metazoan phylogenetic studies, primers were developed to amplify a 1.3-kb region of the alpha subunit of the nuclear-encoded sodium-potassium ATPase gene from 31 bilaterians representing several phyla. Maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian analyses of these sequences (combined with ATPase sequences for 23 taxa downloaded from GenBank) yield congruent trees that corroborate recent findings based on analyses of other data sets (e.g., the 18S ribosomal RNA gene). The ATPase-based trees support monophyly for several clades (including Lophotrochozoa, a form of Ecdysozoa, Vertebrata, Mollusca, Bivalvia, Gastropoda, Arachnida, Hexapoda, Coleoptera, and Diptera) but do not support monophyly for Deuterostomia, Arthropoda, or Nemertea. Parametric bootstrapping tests reject monophyly for Arthropoda and Nemertea but are unable to reject deuterostome monophyly. Overall, the sodium-potassium ATPase alpha-subunit gene appears to be useful for deep-level studies of metazoan phylogeny

    Phase transitions in social networks

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    We study a model of network with clustering and desired node degree. The original purpose of the model was to describe optimal structures of scientific collaboration in the European Union. The model belongs to the family of exponential random graphs. We show by numerical simulations and analytical considerations how a very simple Hamiltonian can lead to surprisingly complicated and eventful phase diagram.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Early sensitivity for eyes within faces: A new neuronal account of holistic and featural processing

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    The final publication is available at Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2014.04.042. © 2014. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/Eyes are central to face processing however their role in early face encoding as reflected by the N170 ERP component is unclear. Using eye tracking to enforce fixation on specific facial features, we found that the N170 was larger for fixation on the eyes compared to fixation on the forehead, nasion, nose or mouth, which all yielded similar amplitudes. This eye sensitivity was seen in both upright and inverted faces and was lost in eyeless faces, demonstrating it was due to the presence of eyes at fovea. Upright eyeless faces elicited largest N170 at nose fixation. Importantly, the N170 face inversion effect (FIE) was strongly attenuated in eyeless faces when fixation was on the eyes but was less attenuated for nose fixation and was normal when fixation was on the mouth. These results suggest the impact of eye removal on the N170 FIE is a function of the angular distance between the fixated feature and the eye location. We propose the Lateral Inhibition, Face Template and Eye Detector based (LIFTED) model which accounts for all the present N170 results including the FIE and its interaction with eye removal. Although eyes elicit the largest N170 response, reflecting the activity of an eye detector, the processing of upright faces is holistic and entails an inhibitory mechanism from neurons coding parafoveal information onto neurons coding foveal information. The LIFTED model provides a neuronal account of holistic and featural processing involved in upright and inverted faces and offers precise predictions for further testing.This study was supported by grants from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC Discovery Grant #418431)the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI)the Ontario Research Fund (ORF)and the Canada Research Chair program to RJI

    Interaction between toothpaste abrasivity and toothbrush filament stiffness on the development of erosiveabrasive lesions in vitro

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    Objectives To investigate the loss of enamel and dentin surface caused by the interaction between abrasives in toothpaste and toothbrush filament stiffness. Methods The study followed a 2 (high-level or low-level abrasive; silica) × 3 (filament stiffness; soft, medium or hard) × 2 (cycling time; 3 or 5 days) factorial design. Polished bovine enamel and dentin specimens (n = 8 each per group) were subjected to 5 days of erosion/abrasion cycling: erosion (5 minutes, four times daily, 0.3% citric acid, pH 3.75); abrasion (15 seconds, twice daily, 45 strokes each, 150 g load, automated brushing machine); and fluoride treatment [15 seconds with abrasion and 45 seconds without abrasion; 275 p.p.m. fluoride (F−) as sodium fluoride (NaF) in abrasive slurry]. Enamel and dentin specimens were exposed to artificial saliva between erosion and abrasion/F− treatment (1 hour) and at all other times (overnight). Non-contact profilometry was used to determine surface loss (SL) after 3 and 5 days of cycling. Data were analysed using three-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) (factors: abrasive/filament stiffness/time), with separate analyses conducted for enamel and dentin. Results For enamel, only ‘cycling time’ was found to affect SL, with 5 days of cycling resulting in a greater SL than 3 days of cycling. Overall, there was little SL for enamel (range: 0.76–1.85 μm). For dentin (SL range: 1.87–5.91 μm), significantly higher SL was found for 5 days of cycling versus 3 days of cycling, with particularly large differences for hard stiffness/high-level abrasive and medium stiffness/low-level abrasive. For high-level abrasive, after 5 days of cycling hard stiffness resulted in significantly higher SL than did medium stiffness, with no other significant differences according to stiffness. Overall, high-level abrasive resulted in significantly higher SL than did low-level abrasive, with strong effects for all combinations, except medium stiffness after 5 days. Conclusion The interplay between abrasivity and filament stiffness appears to be more relevant for dentin than for enamel

    Artificial biofilm thickness and salivary flow effects on fluoride efficacy – A model development study

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    This laboratory model development study investigated the interaction between artificial biofilm thickness and salivary flow rate on fluoride-mediated prevention of enamel caries lesion formation. This 5-day pH cycling study on sound bovine enamel specimens utilized a continuous flow model and followed a 4 (agarose biofilm thickness-‘no biofilm’/1/2/3mm)×2 (remineralizing solution flow rate-0.05/0.5ml/min)×2 (fluoride-0/383ppm as sodium fluoride) factorial design. Vickers surface microhardness change was the outcome measure. Data were analyzed with three-way ANOVA. The three-way interaction gel thickness×flow rate×fluoride concentration was significant (p=0.0006). 383ppm fluoride caused less softening than 0ppm regardless of gel thickness or flow rate. 0.5ml/min flow rate caused less softening than 0.05ml/min for ‘no biofilm’ and 1mm biofilm thickness regardless of fluoride concentration, for 2 and 3mm with 0ppm F but not for 383ppm F. For 0.05ml/min, softening was reduced as gel thickness increased from ‘no biofilm’-1-2mm, but not from 2-3mm. For 0.5ml/min, ‘no biofilm’ caused more softening than 1, 2, and 3mm, but 1, 2, and 3mm were not different from each other for both 0 and 383ppm F. The present findings suggest that the efficacy of fluoride in preventing enamel demineralization is affected by both biofilm thickness and salivary flow rate, with both thicker biofilms and higher flow rate resulting in less demineralization

    Improving Dual-Purpose Winter Wheat in the Southern Great Plains of the United States

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    This chapter covers the production and breeding status of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) used for early-season animal grazing and late-season grain production in the Southern Great Plains of the United States. Besides, in the chapter, the current production status and needs, the drawbacks of current cultivars, breeding strategies of the crop, novel genomics tools, and sensor technologies that can be used to improve dual-purpose winter wheat cultivars were presented. We will focus on traits that are, in general, not required by cultivars used for grain-only production but are critical for cool-season forage production

    Atmospheric Dust Inputs, Iron Cycling, and Biogeochemical Connections in the South Pacific Ocean from Thorium Isotopes

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    One of the primary sources of micronutrients to the sea surface in remote ocean regions is the deposition of atmospheric dust. Geographic patterns in biogeochemical processes such as primary production and nitrogen fixation that require micronutrients like iron (Fe) are modulated in part by the spatial distribution of dust supply. Global models of dust deposition rates are poorly calibrated in the open ocean, owing to the difficulty of determining dust fluxes in sparsely sampled regions. We present new estimates of dust and Fe input rates from measurements of dissolved and particulate thorium isotopes ²³⁰Th and ²³²Th on the FS Sonne SO245 section (GEOTRACES process study GPpr09) in the South Pacific. We first discuss high‐resolution upper water column profiles of Th isotopes and the implications for the systematics of dust flux reconstructions from seawater Th measurements. We find dust fluxes in the center of the highly oligotrophic South Pacific Gyre that are the lowest of any mean annual dust input rates measured in the global oceans, but that are 1–2 orders of magnitude higher than those estimated by global dust models. We also determine dust‐borne Fe fluxes and reassess the importance of individual Fe sources to the surface South Pacific Gyre, finding that dust dissolution, not vertical or lateral diffusion, is the primary Fe source. Finally, we combine our estimates of Fe flux in dust with previously published cellular and enzymatic quotas to determine theoretical upper limits on annual average nitrogen fixation rates for a given Fe deposition rate

    Atmospheric Dust Inputs, Iron Cycling, and Biogeochemical Connections in the South Pacific Ocean from Thorium Isotopes

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    One of the primary sources of micronutrients to the sea surface in remote ocean regions is the deposition of atmospheric dust. Geographic patterns in biogeochemical processes such as primary production and nitrogen fixation that require micronutrients like iron (Fe) are modulated in part by the spatial distribution of dust supply. Global models of dust deposition rates are poorly calibrated in the open ocean, owing to the difficulty of determining dust fluxes in sparsely sampled regions. We present new estimates of dust and Fe input rates from measurements of dissolved and particulate thorium isotopes ²³⁰Th and ²³²Th on the FS Sonne SO245 section (GEOTRACES process study GPpr09) in the South Pacific. We first discuss high‐resolution upper water column profiles of Th isotopes and the implications for the systematics of dust flux reconstructions from seawater Th measurements. We find dust fluxes in the center of the highly oligotrophic South Pacific Gyre that are the lowest of any mean annual dust input rates measured in the global oceans, but that are 1–2 orders of magnitude higher than those estimated by global dust models. We also determine dust‐borne Fe fluxes and reassess the importance of individual Fe sources to the surface South Pacific Gyre, finding that dust dissolution, not vertical or lateral diffusion, is the primary Fe source. Finally, we combine our estimates of Fe flux in dust with previously published cellular and enzymatic quotas to determine theoretical upper limits on annual average nitrogen fixation rates for a given Fe deposition rate