79,081 research outputs found

    Lateral heterogeneity and azimuthal anistropy of the upper mantle: Love and Rayleigh waves 100-250 sec

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    The lateral heterogeneity and apparent anisotropy of the upper mantle are studied by measuring Rayleigh and Love wave phase velocities in the period range 100-250 sec. Spherical harmonic descriptions of the lateral heterogeneity are obtained for order and degree up to 1=m=10. Slow regions are evident at the East Pacific rise, northeast Africa, Tibet, Tasman sea, southwestern North America and triple junctions in the Northern Atlantic and Indian oceans. Fast regions occur in Australia, western Pacific and the eastern Atlantic. Details which are not evident in previous studies include two fast regions in the central Pacific and the subduction zone in the Scotia Arc region. Inversion for azimuthal dependence showed (1) little correlation between the fast phase velocity directions and the plate motion vector in plate interiors, but (2) correlation of the fast direction with the perpendicular direction to trenches and ridges. Phase velocity is high when waves propagate perpendicular to these structures. Severe tradeoffs exist between heterogeneity and azimuthal dependence because of the yet unsatisfactory path coverage

    Origin, evolution and present thermal state of the moon

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    The relative absence of lunar volcanism in the last 3 b.y. and the Apollo 15 heat flow measurement suggest that present-day temperatures in the moon are approximately steady state to depths of 100 km. An exponential distribution of heat sources with depth is scaled by equating the surface heat flow to the integrated heat production of this exterior shell. Presumed present-day interior temperatures and the present-day surface heat flow of 30 ergs/cm2-sec are obtained. The estimated homogeneous concentrations of U, the chemistry of the lunar surface material and inferences to modest depth, and the short accretion time of the moon necessary to provide large-scale differentiation at 4.6 AE suggest that the moon had its origin in the rapid accretion of compounds first condensing from the protoplanetary nebula. The present thermal state of the moon may involve at least some partial melting through all the lunar interior deeper than 200 km. Such a thermal configuration is inconsistent neither with temperatures inferred from electrical conductivity studies nor with the nonhydrostatic shape of the moon

    The Arecibo HII Region Discovery Survey

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    We report the detection of radio recombination line emission (RRL) using the Arecibo Observatory at X-band (9GHz, 3cm) from 37 previously unknown HII regions in the Galactic zone 66 deg. > l > 31 deg. and |b| < 1 deg. This Arecibo HII Region Discovery Survey (Arecibo HRDS) is a continuation of the Green Bank Telescope (GBT) HRDS. The targets for the Arecibo HRDS have spatially coincident 24 micron and 20 cm emission of a similar angular morphology and extent. To take advantage of Arecibo's sensitivity and small beam size, sources in this sample are fainter, smaller in angle, or in more crowded fields compared to those of the GBT HRDS. These Arecibo nebulae are some of the faintest HII regions ever detected in RRL emission. Our detection rate is 58%, which is low compared to the 95% detection rate for GBT HRDS targets. We derive kinematic distances to 23 of the Arecibo HRDS detections. Four nebulae have negative LSR velocities and are thus unambiguously in the outer Galaxy. The remaining sources are at the tangent point distance or farther. We identify a large, diffuse HII region complex that has an associated HI and 13CO shell. The ~90 pc diameter of the G52L nebula in this complex may be the largest Galactic HII region known, and yet it has escaped previous detection.Comment: Accepted to ApJ Data can be found here: http://go.nrao.edu/hrd

    Untangling the Recombination Line Emission from HII Regions with Multiple Velocity Components

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    HII regions are the ionized spheres surrounding high-mass stars. They are ideal targets for tracing Galactic structure because they are predominantly found in spiral arms and have high luminosities at infrared and radio wavelengths. In the Green Bank Telescope HII Region Discovery Survey (GBT HRDS) we found that >30% of first Galactic quadrant HII regions have multiple hydrogen radio recombination line (RRL) velocities, which makes determining their Galactic locations and physical properties impossible. Here we make additional GBT RRL observations to determine the discrete HII region velocity for all 117 multiple-velocity sources within 18deg. < l < 65deg. The multiple-velocity sources are concentrated in the zone 22deg. < l < 32deg., coinciding with the largest regions of massive star formation, which implies that the diffuse emission is caused by leaked ionizing photons. We combine our observations with analyses of the electron temperature, molecular gas, and carbon recombination lines to determine the source velocities for 103 discrete H II regions (88% of the sample). With the source velocities known, we resolve the kinematic distance ambiguity for 47 regions, and thus determine their heliocentric distances.Comment: 44 pages, 5 figures, 16 pages of tables; Accepted by ApJ

    Distinct subpopulations of enteric neuronal progenitors defined by time of development, sympathoadrenal lineage markers and Mash-1-dependence

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    Enteric and sympathetic neurons have previously been proposed to be lineally related. We present independent lines of evidence that suggest that enteric neurons arise from at least two lineages, only one of which expresses markers in common with sympathoadrenal cells. In the rat, sympathoadrenal markers are expressed, in the same order as in sympathetic neurons, by a subset of enteric neuronal precursors, which also transiently express tyrosine hydroxylase. If this precursor pool is eliminated in vitro by complement-mediated lysis, enteric neurons continue to develop; however, none of these are serotonergic. In the mouse, the Mash-1−/− mutation, which eliminates sympathetic neurons, also prevents the development of enteric serotonergic neurons. Other enteric neuronal populations, however, including those that contain calcitonin gene related peptide are present. Enteric tyrosine hydroxylase-containing cells co-express Mash-1 and are eliminated by the Mash-1−/− mutation, consistent with the idea that in the mouse, as in the rat, these precursors generate serotonergic neurons. Serotonergic neurons are generated early in development, while calcitonin gene related peptide-containing enteric neurons are generated much later. These data suggest that enteric neurons are derived from at least two progenitor lineages. One transiently expresses sympathoadrenal markers, is Mash-1-dependent, and generates early-born enteric neurons, some of which are serotonergic. The other is Mash-1-independent, does not express sympathoadrenal markers, and generates late-born enteric neurons, some of which contain calcitonin gene related peptide

    The Green Bank Telescope H II Region Discovery Survey: IV. Helium and Carbon Recombination Lines

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    The Green Bank Telescope H II Region Discovery Survey (GBT HRDS) found hundreds of previously unknown Galactic regions of massive star formation by detecting hydrogen radio recombination line (RRL) emission from candidate H II region targets. Since the HRDS nebulae lie at large distances from the Sun, they are located in previously unprobed zones of the Galactic disk. Here we derive the properties of helium and carbon RRL emission from HRDS nebulae. Our target sample is the subset of the HRDS that has visible helium or carbon RRLs. This criterion gives a total of 84 velocity components (14% of the HRDS) with helium emission and 52 (9%) with carbon emission. For our highest quality sources, the average ionic He-4+/H+ abundance ratio by number, , is 0.068 +/- 0.023 (1-sigma). This is the same ratio as that measured for the sample of previously known Galactic H II regions. Nebulae without detected helium emission give robust y+ upper limits. There are 5 RRL emission components with y+ less than 0.04 and another 12 with upper limits below this value. These H II regions must have either a very low He-4 abundance or contain a significant amount of neutral helium. The HRDS has 20 nebulae with carbon RRL emission but no helium emission at its sensitivity level. There is no correlation between the carbon RRL parameters and the 8 microns mid-infrared morphology of these nebulae.Comment: Accepted to ApJ. The survey website can be found here: http://go.nrao.edu/hrd

    Critical Rotation of an Annular Superfluid Bose Gas

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    We analyze the excitation spectrum of a superfluid Bose-Einstein condensate rotating in a ring trap. We identify two important branches of the spectrum related to outer and inner edge surface modes that lead to the instability of the superfluid. Depending on the initial circulation of the annular condensate, either the outer or the inner modes become first unstable. This instability is crucially related to the superfluid nature of the rotating gas. In particular we point out the existence of a maximal circulation above which the superflow decays spontaneously, which cannot be explained by invoking the average speed of sound.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, PRA Rapid Com

    General K=-1 Friedman-Lema\^itre models and the averaging problem in cosmology

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    We introduce the notion of general K=-1 Friedman-Lema\^itre (compact) cosmologies and the notion of averaged evolution by means of an averaging map. We then analyze the Friedman-Lema\^itre equations and the role of gravitational energy on the universe evolution. We distinguish two asymptotic behaviors: radiative and mass gap. We discuss the averaging problem in cosmology for them through precise definitions. We then describe in quantitative detail the radiative case, stressing on precise estimations on the evolution of the gravitational energy and its effect in the universe's deceleration. Also in the radiative case we present a smoothing property which tells that the long time H^{3} x H^{2} stability of the flat K=-1 FL models implies H^{i+1} x H^{i} stability independently of how big the initial state was in H^{i+1} x H^{i}, i.e. there is long time smoothing of the space-time. Finally we discuss the existence of initial "big-bang" states of large gravitational energy, showing that there is no mathematical restriction to assume it to be low at the beginning of time.Comment: Revised version. 32 pages, 1 figur

    Land use/vegetation mapping in reservoir management. Merrimack River basin

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    This report consists of an analysis of: ERTS-1 Multispectral Scanner imagery obtained 10 August 1973; Skylab 3 S190A and S190B photography, track 29, taken 21 September 1973; and RB-57 high-altitude aircraft photography acquired 26 September 1973. These data products were acquired on three cloud-free days within a 47-day period. The objectives of this study were: (1) to make quantitative comparisons between high-altitude aircraft photography and satellite imagery, and (2) to demonstrate the extent to which high resolution (S190A and B) space-acquired data can be used for land use/vegetation mapping and management of drainage basins