709 research outputs found

    The work of the Arctic Council, and the Future Cooperation with the new BBNJ Agreement

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    The objective of this thesis is to explore the role of the Arctic Council and its working groups vis-à-vis the future BBNJ Agreement. What will the impact of the BBNJ agreement on Arctic governance be? How will the Arctic Council, as one of the main actors in preserving and protecting the marine environment cooperate with the BBNJ agreement? This thesis will focus particularly on the working groups in the Arctic Council and what areas they possibly would cooperate with the new BBNJ agreement. The focus will be on scientific cooperation as the BBNJ agreement could contribute to filling the important legal and governance gaps related to the marine biodiversity in the Arctic region. The importance of this future cooperation between the Arctic Council and the BBNJ would be not to undermine the central role that the Arctic Council has and not duplicate the existing work and accomplishments of the working groups. Instead, use this opportunity for the new ILBI to become a global body that can implement legal frameworks that the Arctic Council cannot do. Using the Arctic Council as the primary provider of science and knowledge within areas that the Arctic Council and the BBNJ agreement will cooperate. This includes the principles and management for Area-Based Management Tools (ABMT) and Marine Protected Areas (MPA), which have not been consistently incorporated into existing agreements or applied in practice to a full range of human activities the ABNJ in the Arctic region

    Negotiating trade-offs between the environment, sustainability and mass tourism amongst guides on Svalbard

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    This paper investigates how guides on Svalbard make sense of their relations to the environment whilst working with mass tourism. The Arctic is heating up more rapidly than any other part of the world, and over the last 30 years the effect of climate change has had a large impact on the environment in the Arctic. The guides as such find themselves living a paradox where their work destroys the nature that they care about and depend on. This paper analyses empirical data collected during four months of fieldwork amongst guides in Svalbard. Throughout the paper, two dimensions are explored: the guides’ relation to and understanding of the environment as well as their ways of caring for it. Building on illustrations of the guides’ preconceptions of the environment, it is shown how the guides in their everyday life are engaged in pro-environmental practices. These practices are embedded in the guides’ reciprocal relationship with the environment, where they negotiate between different trade-offs. The guides thus find a way to navigate the complexity of caring for the environment and working in tourism through their intimate relation to the environment

    Students' experiences with short videos in a flipped classroom design in physic

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    We have implemented a methodology for using short videos as a part of a flipped classroom design in an introductory, multi-campus physics course for engineering students. These pre-recorded videos introduced theory and concepts to students ahead of in-class sessions, which enabled a reduction in the time used for traditional lectures. The time spent in classes puts emphasis on student activities, such as quizzes, Q&A sessions with the lecturer answering student-submitted questions, and problem solving. The physics course has a modular design for customized delivery to a multitude of study programmes and is coordinated by a team of teachers who provide localized classes at several campuses. Although teachers manage individual classes, the course uses an open learning environment which allows enrolled students access to all study materials published by any teacher. We present results from a questionnaire investigating student experiences with the use of short videos, by measuring the overall level of satisfaction with the videos, as well as collecting students’ comments to the videos. We investigate correlations between student satisfaction with the videos and the comments they make, and whether students whose teacher is featured in the video are more satisfied than students without a personal relationship with the featured teacher. Students report overall satisfaction with video length and level of precision, while requesting more worked examples and detailed calculations. We identify a set of good practices for flipped classroom designs, based on the students’ feedback

    A New Mode of European Regulation? The Implementation of the Autonomous Framework Agreement on Telework in Five Countries

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    This article examines the implementation of the first autonomous framework agreement signed by European social partners in a number of member states. Although the telework agreement states that it is to be implemented in accordance with national procedures and practices specific to management and labour, practice is often different. The approach adopted reflects the specific policy character of the telework agreement and the ongoing power struggle between unions, employers and the state

    Plant Biomarker Pattern, Screening Programme for Phytochemical Differences in Plants Exposed to Stress

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    A screening programme is developed to investigate phytochemical differences in plants xposed to stress compared with non-exposed plants. The screening programme, in its resent form or in a more simplified form, can be utilized in several different areas as a preliminary broad screening. The screening programme covers the most general groups of compounds found in plants. The following groups of phytochemical compounds are included in the programme: Unspecific compounds, organic acids, lipids, phenolic compounds, carbohydrates, terpenoids and N-, S- and P-containing compounds

    På nett med pasienten : Elektronisk kommunikasjon mellom pasienter og sykepleiere

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    Hensikt: Hensikten med masteroppgaven er å presentere en studie som undersøker hvilke spørsmål bryst- og prostatakreftpasienter formidler når de har anledning til å henvende seg sykepleier via elektronisk kommunikasjon og avdekke hva spørsmålene kan fortelle om kreftpasienters behov for informasjon og støtte, samt å reflektere over hvilke muligheter og utfordringer elektronisk kommunikasjon mellom pasienter og sykepleiere kan gi i oppfølgingen av kreftpasienter Bakgrunn: Dagens organisering av helsetjenestene medfører at kreftpasienter i stor utstrekning befinner seg utenfor sykehus under og umiddelbart etter behandling. De har behov for informasjon, hjelp og støtte. Samtidig oppleves helsetjenestene fragmentert og vanskelig tilgjengelig for pasienter som ikke er innlagt i sykehus. Pasienter ønsker å ta elektronisk kommunikasjon med helsepersonell i bruk, mens helsepersonell har vært skeptisk. Metode: Ved hjelp av kvalitativ innholdsanalyse ble 430 elektroniske meldinger skrevet av 71 pasienter med bryst- og prostatakreft til sykepleiere innenfor en lukket informasjons- og støttetjeneste for kreftpasienter analysert. Funn: Pasientene hadde mange alvorlige spørsmål og bekymringer. Langt de fleste spørsmålene handlet om behandling og oppfølging, samt fysiske symptomer og bivirkninger som pasientene opplevde. Konklusjon: Studien indikerer at det eksisterer et udekket behov for informasjon og støtte hos kreftpasienter, som i stor grad kan tenkes å påvirke helse og livskvalitet. En elektronisk kommunikasjonstjeneste betjent av sykepleiere kan være et gagnlig supplement i oppfølgingen av kreftpasienter utenfor sykehus. Sykepleieledet elektronisk oppfølging kan utgjøre effektiv og kvalifisert helsehjelp for kreftpasienter, samtidig som det kan bidra til å styrke selvstendig sykepleiefaglig utøvelse


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    Det danske landskab hviler i en guldaldermyte og gennemtrækkes af veje med selvbindere, traktorer og mejetærskere – i Passages midtersektion besvarer en række skønlitterære forfattere spørgsmålet om, hvad landskabet er. For eksempel og ikke mindst et dansk landskab, mellem Frederiksberg Have og Kovejen. Vi takker Pia Juul, Gorm Rasmussen, Peter Huus, Janina Katz, Helle Nyberg, Trine Andersen, Lise Serritslev Petersen, Jørgen Sonne, Claus Berg, Morten Søndergaard, F.P. Jac og Merete Pryds Helle for tekster fra mange steder

    Barriers among Danish women and general practitioners to raising the issue of intimate partner violence in general practice: a qualitative study

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    Thirty-five percent of Danish women experience sexual or physical violence in their lifetime. However, health care professionals are not in the practice of asking about intimate partner violence (IPV) in Denmark. It is currently unknown what hinders general practitioners from asking about partner violence and how Danish women would perceive such an inquiry. This aspect has not previously been explored in Denmark. An exploratory study was conducted to examine what hinders general practitioners (GPs) from asking and what Danish women\u27s views and attitudes are regarding being asked about IPV