564 research outputs found

    Jurisdictional and Interstate Commerce Problems in the Imposition of Excess on Sales

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    I denne rapport argumenterer forfatterne for, at der i beskæftigelsespolitikken er behov for at flytte det strategiske fokus fra 'flexicurity' til 'mobication' ('mobility through education'), som indebærer, at man sætter kompetenceudvikling i centrum. Det er forfatternes vurdering, at 'flexicurity' fortsat udgør et vigtigt fundament for fleksibiliteten og sikkerheden for først og fremmest de ledige på arbejdsmarkedet, men at der er behov for en langt mere offensiv satsning på livslang uddannelse af hele arbejdsstyrken, hvis man skal sikre arbejdskraftens konkurrencedygtighed fremover. 'Mobication' sigter netop mod at styrke arbejdskraftens muligheder for at tilpasse sig og bevæge sig i forhold til de skiftende behov på et arbejdsmarked i en stadigt mere konkurrencepræget verdensøkonomi

    Guest Lecture – Foundation Engineering for Gravity Structures in the Northern North Sea

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    During the past 10 years, 15 gravity structures have been installed in the northern North Sea. As new gravity structures are being designed for installation on softer soils and at greater depths, they still pose a great challenge to soil mechanics and foundation engineering. Great improvements have been made during the 10-year period. This applies to soil investigations, in-situ measurements, undisturbed sampling, laboratory testing and design analyses. Compared to structures on land, offshore gravity structures are characterised by large foundation areas, the installation method, and the cyclic wave loading state. The paper reviews investigation methods, site and soil conditions, construction principles, instrumentation and installation. The main emphasis, however, is given to current foundation design practice and experiences from full scale measurements

    SimpleETL:ETL Processing by Simple Specifications

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    Data warehouse til elbilers opladning og elpriser

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