1,470 research outputs found

    The MEarth project: searching for transiting habitable super-Earths around nearby M-dwarfs

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    Due to their small radii, M-dwarfs are very promising targets to search for transiting super-Earths, with a planet of 2 Earth radii orbiting an M5 dwarf in the habitable zone giving rise to a 0.5% photometric signal, with a period of two weeks. This can be detected from the ground using modest-aperture telescopes by targeting samples of nearby M-dwarfs. Such planets would be very amenable to follow-up studies due to the brightness of the parent stars, and the favourable planet-star flux ratio. MEarth is such a transit survey of ~2000 nearby M-dwarfs. Since the targets are distributed over the entire (Northern) sky, it is necessary to observe them individually, which will be done by using 8 independent 0.4m robotic telescopes, two of which have been in operation since December 2007 at the Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory (FLWO) located on Mount Hopkins, Arizona. We discuss the survey design and hardware, and report on the current status of the survey, and preliminary results obtained from the commissioning data.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures. To appear in the Proceedings of the 253rd IAU Symposium: "Transiting Planets", May 2008, Cambridge, M

    The Core Mass Function in the Massive Protocluster G286.21+0.17 revealed by ALMA

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    We study the core mass function (CMF) of the massive protocluster G286.21+0.17 with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array via 1.3~mm continuum emission at a resolution of 1.0\arcsec\ (2500~au). We have mapped a field of 5.3\arcmin×\times5.3\arcmin\ centered on the protocluster clump. We measure the CMF in the central region, exploring various core detection algorithms, which give source numbers ranging from 60 to 125, depending on parameter selection. We estimate completeness corrections due to imperfect flux recovery and core identification via artificial core insertion experiments. For masses M1MM\gtrsim1\:M_\odot, the fiducial dendrogram-identified CMF can be fit with a power law of the form dN/dlogMMα{\rm{d}}N/{\rm{d}}{\rm{log}}M\propto{M}^{-\alpha} with α1.24±0.17\alpha \simeq1.24\pm0.17, slightly shallower than, but still consistent with, the index of the Salpeter stellar initial mass function of 1.35. Clumpfind-identified CMFs are significantly shallower with α0.64±0.13\alpha\simeq0.64\pm0.13. While raw CMFs show a peak near 1M1\:M_\odot, completeness-corrected CMFs are consistent with a single power law extending down to 0.5M\sim 0.5\:M_\odot, with only a tentative indication of a shallowing of the slope around 1M\sim1\:M_\odot. We discuss the implications of these results for star and star cluster formation theories.Comment: 11 pages, accepted by Ap

    Stellar Variability in a Forming Massive Star Cluster

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    We present a near-infrared (NIR) variability analysis for an 6\arcmin ×\times 6\arcmin region, which encompasses the massive protocluster G286.21+0.17. The total sample comprises more than 5000 objects, of which 562 show signs of a circumstellar disk based on their infrared colors. The data includes HST observations taken in two epochs separated by 3 years in the F110W and F160W bands. 363 objects (7% of the sample) exhibit NIR variability at a significant level (Stetson index >1.7), and a higher variability fraction (14%) is found for the young stellar objects (YSOs) with disk excesses. We identified 4 high amplitude (>0.6 mag) variables seen in both NIR bands. Follow up and archival observations of the most variable object in this survey (G286.2032+0.1740) reveal a rising light curve over 8 years from 2011 to 2019, with a K band brightening of 3.5 mag. Overall the temporal behavior of G286.2032+0.1740 resembles that of typical FU Ori objects, however its pre-burst luminosity indicates it has a very low mass (<0.12M<0.12\:M_\odot), making it an extreme case of an outburst event that is still ongoing.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, accepted by Ap

    A Powerful New Quantitative Genetics Platform, Combining Caenorhabditis elegans High-Throughput Fitness Assays with a Large Collection of Recombinant Strains.

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    The genetic variants underlying complex traits are often elusive even in powerful model organisms such as Caenorhabditis elegans with controlled genetic backgrounds and environmental conditions. Two major contributing factors are: (1) the lack of statistical power from measuring the phenotypes of small numbers of individuals, and (2) the use of phenotyping platforms that do not scale to hundreds of individuals and are prone to noisy measurements. Here, we generated a new resource of 359 recombinant inbred strains that augments the existing C. elegans N2xCB4856 recombinant inbred advanced intercross line population. This new strain collection removes variation in the neuropeptide receptor gene npr-1, known to have large physiological and behavioral effects on C. elegans and mitigates the hybrid strain incompatibility caused by zeel-1 and peel-1, allowing for identification of quantitative trait loci that otherwise would have been masked by those effects. Additionally, we optimized highly scalable and accurate high-throughput assays of fecundity and body size using the COPAS BIOSORT large particle nematode sorter. Using these assays, we identified quantitative trait loci involved in fecundity and growth under normal growth conditions and after exposure to the herbicide paraquat, including independent genetic loci that regulate different stages of larval growth. Our results offer a powerful platform for the discovery of the genetic variants that control differences in responses to drugs, other aqueous compounds, bacterial foods, and pathogenic stresses

    The Disk Population in a Distant Massive Protocluster

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    The unprecedented angular resolution and sensitivity of the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array make it possible to unveil disk populations in distant (&gt;2 kpc), embedded young cluster environments. We have conducted an observation toward the central region of the massive protocluster G286.21+0.16 at 1.3 mm. With a spatial resolution of 23 mas and a sensitivity of 15 mu Jy beam(-1), we detect a total of 38 protostellar disks. These disks have dust masses ranging from about 53 to 1825 M (circle plus), assuming a dust temperature of 20 K. This sample is not closely associated with previously identified dense cores, as would be expected for disks around Class 0 protostars. Thus, we expect our sample, being flux-limited, to be mainly composed of Class I/flat-spectrum source disks, since these are typically more massive than Class II disks. Furthermore, we find that the distributions of disk masses and radii are statistically indistinguishable from those of the Class I/flat-spectrum objects in the Orion molecular cloud, indicating that similar processes are operating in G286.21+0.16 to regulate disk formation and evolution. The cluster center appears to host a massive protostellar system composed of three sources within 1200 au, including a potential binary with 600 au projected separation. Relative to this center, there is no evidence for widespread mass segregation in the disk population. We do find a tentative trend of increasing disk radius versus distance from the cluster center, which may point to the influence of dynamical interactions being stronger in the central regions

    Gas Kinematics of the Massive Protocluster G286.21+0.17 Revealed by ALMA

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    We study the gas kinematics and dynamics of the massive protocluster G286.21+0.17 with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array using spectral lines of C18OC^{18}O(2-1), N2D+N_2D^+(3-2), DCO+DCO^+(3-2) and DCNDCN(3-2). On the parsec clump scale, C18OC^{18}O emission appears highly filamentary around the systemic velocity. N2D+N_2D^+ and DCO+DCO^+ are more closely associated with the dust continuum. DCNDCN is strongly concentrated towards the protocluster center, where no or only weak detection is seen for N2D+N_2D^+ and DCO+DCO^+, possibly due to this region being at a relatively evolved evolutionary stage. Spectra of 76 continuum defined dense cores, typically a few 1000 AU in size, are analysed to measure their centroid velocities and internal velocity dispersions. There are no statistically significant velocity offsets of the cores among the different dense gas tracers. Furthermore, the majority (71\%) of the dense cores have subthermal velocity offsets with respect to their surrounding, lower density C18OC^{18}O emitting gas. Within the uncertainties, the dense cores in G286 show internal kinematics that are consistent with being in virial equilibrium. On clumps scales, the core to core velocity dispersion is also similar to that required for virial equilibrium in the protocluster potential. However, the distribution in velocity of the cores is largely composed of two spatially distinct groups, which indicates that the dense molecular gas has not yet relaxed to virial equilibrium, perhaps due to there being recent/continuous infall into the system.Comment: 26 pages, 17 figures, accepted by Ap

    Perancangan Asisten Sutradara dalam Penjadwalan Rehearsal untuk Bonding Cast menjadi Karakter dalam Music Video "Say that You're Mine" by Valentine & JSO

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    Untuk mempersiapkan produksi film atau video, dibutuhkan seorang asisten sutradara yang bekerja saat pra-produksi. Sang asisten sutradara akan membantu persiapan agar sutradara dapat mencapai visinya dalam membuat karya, salah satunya adalah sesi rehearsal bersama cast. Sesi rehearsal ini berperan penting untuk dapat memastikan para cast dapat saling akrab dengan satu sama lain, dan juga menyatukan visi kreatifnya dengan sutradara. Penjadwalan rehearsal ini menjadi penting karena adanya keterbatasan waktu dari jadwal praproduksi yang tersedia oleh produser. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori dari buku-buku digital mengenai produksi film dan video, latihan teatrikal dalam rehearsal, serta team building untuk menciptakan keakraban. Melalui teori-teori di atas, serta observasi keperluan sutradara yang membutuhkan para cast untuk menunjukan pertemanan alami dalam pemeranan karakter, diciptakanlah sebuah jadwal rehearsal untuk mencapai kebutuhan tersebut

    Peran Videografer dalam Produksi Iklan di Dignity Production pada PT. Arkan Mahika Indonesia

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    Sebuah video dapat menjadi media komunikasi yang sangat efektif untuk menyampaikan pesan dari sebuah perusahaan kepada para konsumennya. Video tersebut biasanya ada dalam bentuk iklan, seperti contohnya dalam bentuk Television Commercial, Corporate Video, ataupun Social Media Advertisement. Untuk memastikan pesan yang ingin disampaikan perusahaan ke konsumen tersampaikan dengan baik, seorang videografer harus mengerti cara melakukan visual storytelling, yaitu menyampaikan pesan melalui elemen dan prinsip visual. Maka itu, proses pembuatan video harus direncanakan dengan matang sejak tahap pre-production, dieksekusi dengan baik di tahap production, dan diolah sesuai konsep awal pada tahap post-production. Laporan magang ini akan menunjukan bagaimana penulis menerapkan ilmu yang dipelajari selama proses perkuliahan 6 semester di Universitas Multimedia Nusantara terhadap proses magang di Dignity Production (PT. Arkan Mahika Indonesia). Metode penelitian adalah penelitian kualitatif, di mana penulis akan membandingkan hasil kinerja saat magang dengan studi literatur dari buku yang sudah dipilih. Disimpulkan bahwa komunikasi antara klien dengan kru merupakan elemen penting dalam mempersiapkan sebuah video iklan. Pengarahan mengenai tujuan diproduksi sebuah video menjadi penentu dalam praktek di lapangan saat produksi untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut. Akhirnya fokus utama pembuatan video adalah konten yang ingin dikomunikasikan kepada penonton pada saat menonton video

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