70 research outputs found

    Review of the Effects of Developments with Low Parking Requirements

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    Parking management and planning can be used to address several issues related to sustainable urban development. For example, parking availability affects both car ownership and usage, and parking planning can affect both land use and building costs. A tool used in several countries is minimum parking requirements (MPR) and lowering these could be a pathway to more sustainable mobility. However, the actual effects of lower MPR have not systematically been studied. In this paper we present the results of a review of sixteen developments with low MPR in Sweden, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, and the UK. Existing research and reports have been analyzed to compare these and draw conclusions on the effect of MPR on mobility patterns and mobility services. In addition, interviews were conducted with representatives from municipalities and developers. Our results indicate that the mobility patterns of individuals in the studied projects are more sustainable than in nearby projects. However, the causality of MPR and mobility is hard to establish due to the risk of self-selection and that all of the studied projects have good prerequisites for sustainable mobility practices. Many of the studied evaluations are also of poor quality with, for example, lack of appropriate control group

    Phase-matched second-harmonic generation in a ferroelectric liquid crystal waveguide

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    True phase-matched second-harmonic generation in a waveguide of crosslinkable ferroelectric liquid crystals is demonstrated. These materials allow the formation of macroscopically polar structures whose order can be frozen by photopolymerization. Homeotropic alignment was chosen which offers decisive advantages compared to other geometries. All parameters contributing to the conversion efficiency are maximized by deliberately controlling the supramolecular arrangement. The system has the potential to achieve practical level of performances as a frequency doubler for low power laser diodes.Comment: 4 pages, LaTeX2e article, 3 figures, 4 EPS files, submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Pushing the Limits for Thiol−Ene and CuAAC Reactions: Synthesis of a 6th Generation Dendrimer in a Single Day

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    Dendrimer synthesis should not be tedious and time-consuming. By utilizing an AB2−CD2 approach and having orthogonal, “clickable” groups on each monomer, the time for dendrimer assembly can be drastically reduced. This was shown by preparation of a sixth generation dendrimer from starting monomer units in a single day

    Pushing the Limits for Thiol−Ene and CuAAC Reactions: Synthesis of a 6th Generation Dendrimer in a Single Day

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    Dendrimer synthesis should not be tedious and time-consuming. By utilizing an AB2−CD2 approach and having orthogonal, “clickable” groups on each monomer, the time for dendrimer assembly can be drastically reduced. This was shown by preparation of a sixth generation dendrimer from starting monomer units in a single day

    Work ethics and general work attitudes in adolescents are related to quality of life, sense of coherence and subjective health – a Swedish questionnaire study

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    BACKGROUND: Working life is an important arena in most people's lives, and the working line concept is important for the development of welfare in a society. For young people, the period before permanent establishment in working life has become longer during the last two decades. Knowledge about attitudes towards work can help us to understand young people's transition to the labour market. Adolescents are the future workforce, so it seems especially important to notice their attitudes towards work, including attitudes towards the welfare system. The aim of this study was to describe and analyse upper secondary school students' work attitudes, and to explore factors related to these attitudes. METHODS: The sample consisted of 606 upper secondary school students. They all received a questionnaire including questions about quality of life (QOL), sense of coherence (SOC), subjective health and attitudes towards work. The response rate was 91%. A factor analysis established two dimensions of work attitudes. Multivariate analyses were carried out by means of logistic regression models. RESULTS: Work ethics (WE) and general work attitudes (GWA) were found to be two separate dimensions of attitudes towards work. Concerning WE the picture was similar regardless of gender or study programme. Males in theoretical programmes appeared to have more unfavourable GWA than others. Multivariate analyses revealed that good QOL, high SOC and good health were significantly related to positive WE, and high SOC was positively related to GWA. Being female was positively connected to WE and GWA, while studying on a practical programme was positively related to GWA only. Among those who received good parental support, GWA seemed more favourable. CONCLUSION: Assuming that attitudes towards work are important to the working line concept, this study points out positive factors of importance for the future welfare of the society. Individual factors such as female gender, good QOL, high SOC and good health as well as support from both parents, positive experience of school and work contacts related positively to attitudes towards work. Further planning and supportive work have to take these factors into account

    Mappi g of Marking Methods. : A Feasibility Study for Future Investments

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    This report examines the possibility of streamlining product labeling and handling at NIABby implementing laser marking technology and conducting process improvements. Byapplying a SWOT analysis, potential strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats havebeen identified. A literature review has been conducted to gain a fundamental understandingof laser marking technology and identify any barriers to implementation.A current state description has been presented, providing a detailed insight into the existinglabeling methods and processes at NIAB. Furthermore, a compilation of labeling data hasbeen performed to provide an overview of the current labeling volume and enablecomparisons between different labeling methods. A process mapping has also beenconducted to identify and categorize various stages in the labeling process.The findings from these investigations and analyses have been used to generate concepts andideas for improvements. Technical expertise and input from operators have also contributedto the design of these improvement concepts. To facilitate accurate assessment of investmentcosts in the future, timings for different stages within the labeling process have beencompiled.By implementing laser marking technology and conducting process improvements, thecompany can achieve consistent, permanent, and high-quality labeling while managing thesignificant variation in product shapes. To maximize the benefits of the investment, a focuson high-volume products and the automation of the most frequently manufacturedcomponents is recommended.This report provides a foundation for making informed decisions and developing effectivebusiness strategies to enhance NIAB' position in the marke

    Mappi g of Marking Methods. : A Feasibility Study for Future Investments

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    This report examines the possibility of streamlining product labeling and handling at NIABby implementing laser marking technology and conducting process improvements. Byapplying a SWOT analysis, potential strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats havebeen identified. A literature review has been conducted to gain a fundamental understandingof laser marking technology and identify any barriers to implementation.A current state description has been presented, providing a detailed insight into the existinglabeling methods and processes at NIAB. Furthermore, a compilation of labeling data hasbeen performed to provide an overview of the current labeling volume and enablecomparisons between different labeling methods. A process mapping has also beenconducted to identify and categorize various stages in the labeling process.The findings from these investigations and analyses have been used to generate concepts andideas for improvements. Technical expertise and input from operators have also contributedto the design of these improvement concepts. To facilitate accurate assessment of investmentcosts in the future, timings for different stages within the labeling process have beencompiled.By implementing laser marking technology and conducting process improvements, thecompany can achieve consistent, permanent, and high-quality labeling while managing thesignificant variation in product shapes. To maximize the benefits of the investment, a focuson high-volume products and the automation of the most frequently manufacturedcomponents is recommended.This report provides a foundation for making informed decisions and developing effectivebusiness strategies to enhance NIAB' position in the marke

    Sänkt p-tal som drivkraft för attraktiv stadsbyggnad och hållbar mobilitet

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    Konkurrensen om städers yta ökar i takt med den pågående urbaniseringen, samtidigt som byggande av bostäder och kontor sker med stort fokus på centrala etableringar. Ett nyckelområde för att möta denna utmaning är att skapa täta och transporteffektiva städer som möjliggör en högre befolkningstäthet, vilket i sin tur ger förutsättningar för en högre andel cykel- och kollektivtrafik än idag. Att skapa en effektiv och väl fungerande parkeringsmarknad är i detta sammanhang inte bara viktigt för stadsplaneringen och utvecklingen av attraktiva städer. Utbud, tillgänglighet och kostnad för parkering påverkar såväl bilinnehav, körsträckor som val av färdmedel. Parkering har också stor betydelse för städers och företags ekonomi, liksom för möjligheten att bygga billigare bostäder. Enligt Boverkets prognos kommer över 70 000 bostäder att påbörjas under 2017, vilket innebär att det samtidigt investeras i uppskattningsvis minst 35 000 nya parkeringsplatser. I flera svenska städer liksom runtom i Europa pågår eller planeras nu försök med en sänkning av p-talen, ofta i kombination med åtgärder som främjar tillgänglighet med andra färdmedel än bil. Förändringsarbetet är fortfarande i en tidig fas och hos de lokala aktörerna - exploatörer, kommunala tjänstemän och beslutsfattare – finns en stor osäkerhet kring dessa förändringars konsekvenser. Parallellt pågår också många projekt och initiativ som är inriktade på att skapa nya eller modifierade mobilitetstjänster och transportkoncept, både kommersiella och kollaborativa. Exempel på sådana tjänster som är under framväxt är bilpooler, samåkningstjänster, samdistributionstjänster och cykelpooler. Tjänsterna kommer utgöra en viktig del i framtidens mobilitet och de spelar allt oftare en central roll i nybyggnadsprojekt där ambitionen är att minimera behovet av bilparkering. Samtidigt visar forskning och erfarenhet att det saknas kunskap om hur ett sänkt parkeringstal tillsammans med ett paket av mobilitetsåtgärder påverkar färdmedelsfördelning och bilinnehav i ett nybyggt område. Det finns ett stort behov av att titta mer ingående på hur dessa faktorer samverkar och hur de kan utformas för att skapa mer attraktiva och hållbara städer.Syftet med projektet har varit att öka kunskapen om praktisk tillämpning av låga parkeringstal samt att dra slutsatser om framgångsfaktorer, drivkrafter och hinder för att minska parkeringsbehovet vid nybyggnation. Studien har sammanställt erfarenheter från tolv byggprojekt med låga eller reducerade parkeringstal, varav åtta i Sverige och fyra i andra europeiska länder

    Review of the Effects of Developments with Low Parking Requirements

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    Parking management and planning can be used to address several issues related to sustainable urban development. For example, parking availability affects both car ownership and usage, and parking planning can affect both land use and building costs. A tool used in several countries is minimum parking requirements (MPR) and lowering these could be a pathway to more sustainable mobility. However, the actual effects of lower MPR have not systematically been studied. In this paper we present the results of a review of sixteen developments with low MPR in Sweden, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, and the UK. Existing research and reports have been analyzed to compare these and draw conclusions on the effect of MPR on mobility patterns and mobility services. In addition, interviews were conducted with representatives from municipalities and developers. Our results indicate that the mobility patterns of individuals in the studied projects are more sustainable than in nearby projects. However, the causality of MPR and mobility is hard to establish due to the risk of self-selection and that all of the studied projects have good prerequisites for sustainable mobility practices. Many of the studied evaluations are also of poor quality with, for example, lack of appropriate control group

    The hedging of foreign exchange risk

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    Bakgrund: Företag lever i en omgivning som utsätter dem för olika typer av risker och användningen av så kallade derivatinstrument för att hantera valutarisk har ökat kraftigt i omfattning. Detta tyder på ett stegrat intresse och behov från företagens sida. Förhållandet till och strategin för valutahanteringen, det vill säga valutapolicyn, har i dagens globala affärsmiljö därför blivit en allt mer aktuell fråga. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva hur företagen, sett ur ett ledningsperspektiv, hanterar problematiken med valutarisk, och hur de med hjälp av olika instrument och tillvägagångssätt löser denna problematik. Vidare avser uppsatsen belysa hur företagen anser att vald valutapolicy är värdeskapande. Genomförande: Uppsatsen genomfördes som en kvalitativ studie genom intervjuer med representanter från nio företag ur skilda branscher och med olika grad av utlandsberoende. Resultat: Företagen hade valt en selektiv riskstrategi med relativt kort tidshorisont. Terminer var det helt klart dominerande instrumentet och branschtillhörighet samt produktion präglade valet avvalutapolicy.En säkringsverksamhets reduktion i kassaflödets volatilitet ger företaget ökad stabilitet, vilket leder till större planeringsmöjligheter och till mindre störningsmoment i kärnverksamheten. Vidare ansåg företagen att en lugn och stabil resultatutveckling värdesätts av långivare och därmed kan säkringsverksamhet leda till lägre kapitalkostnad