63 research outputs found

    Predictors of Dropout from Inpatient Opioid Detoxification with Buprenorphine: A Chart Review

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    Inpatient withdrawal treatment (detoxification) is common in opioid dependence, although dropout against medical advice often limits its outcome. This study aimed to assess baseline predictors of dropout from inpatient opioid detoxification with buprenorphine, including age, gender, current substance use, and type of postdetoxification planning. A retrospective hospital chart review was carried out for inpatient standard opioid detoxifications using buprenorphine taper, in a detoxification ward in Malmö, Sweden ( = 122). Thirty-four percent of patients ( = 42) dropped out against medical advice. In multivariate logistic regression, dropout was significantly associated with younger age (OR 0.93 [0.89-0.97]) and negatively predicted by inpatient postdetoxification plan ), thus favouring an inpatient plan as opposed to outpatient treatment while residing at home. Dropout was unrelated to baseline urine toxicology. In opioid detoxification, patients may benefit from a higher degree of postdetoxification planning, including transition to residential treatment, in order to increase the likelihood of a successful detoxification and treatment entry. Young opioid-dependent patients may need particular attention in the planning of detoxification

    Оптимизация преподавания нормальной физиологии в медицинских вузах студентам, обучающимся на иностранном языке

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    Chlamydia in Sweden

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenIn the end of the 70s only five laboratories in Sweden could perform Chlamydial culture. Today more than 33 laboratories perform some kind of Chlamydial identification but a number of different tests are used and there is a lack of standardisation. Probably the introduction of tests based on DNA amplification will improve the situation. Up to the beginning of the 80s Chlamydial disease in Sweden was in an uncontrolled hyper endemic state. The number of Chlamydial infections has been estimated to about 100,000 per year, that is more than twice the number of gonococcal infections in the peak year of 1970. During the 80s culture was increasingly used to identify new cases. With the new act on contagious diseases in 1988 an epidemiological approach was generally adopted

    Från tolkning av utbildningsmål till bedömning av måluppfyllelse : Observationer och reflektioner mot bakgrund av Högskoleverkets utvärdering av företagsekonomi 2011-2012

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    Uppsatsen behandlar bedömningen av examensarbeten i samband med Högskoleverkets utvärdering av företagsekonomi 2011-2012. Syftet är att beskriva överväganden som gjordes i bedömargruppen under utvärderingsprocessen, att redogöra för olika delar av tillvägagångssättet från mål till formulering av omdömen för de olika utbildningarna, och att iefterhand reflektera över den genomförda utvärderingen. I uppsatsen behandlas vår syn på bedömargruppens hantering av Högskoleförordningens mål, den praktiska bedömningen av de utvalda examensarbetena och utvärderingens resultat. Avslutningsvis presenteras några reflektioner runt utvärderingens styrkor och svagheter och möjliga följder av en fortsatt framtida tillämpning av utvärderingsmetodiken. Beskrivningen och bedömningen av förloppen är våra egna och andra som varit med om processen kan ha en annan syn på vadsom hänt och hur man kan se på det.Godkänd; 2012; 20120911 (andersn

    Patienters uppfattning om allmänpsykiatrisk heldygnsvård

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    SAMMANFATTNING Bakgrund: Enligt hälso- och sjukvårdslagen ska vården tillgodose patientens behov av trygghet, bygga på respekt för patienten, främja goda kontakter mellan patient och personal och tillgodose kontinuitet och säkerhet i vården. Forskning inom psykiatrisk vård har undersökt hur patienter uppfattar dessa områden. Denna forskning har resulterat i att Sverige har infört en nationell satsning för att mäta patienternas uppfattning om den vård de har fått.   Syfte: Syftet är att undersöka patienters uppfattning om vården på en allmänpsykiatrisk heldygnsavdelning.   Metod: En enkät bestående av frågor med skattningsskala eller fasta svarsalternativ gavs till 25 inneliggande patienter på en svensk heldygnsvårdsavdelning. Enkäten besvarades av 14 patienter vilket gav en svarsfrekvens på 56 %. Svaren har förts in i programvaran Exel och analyserats med utgångspunkt från kategorierna bemötande, information, personcentrerad vård, planering av vården, närstående och vårdmiljö.   Resultat: Resultatet visar på att uppfattningen om hur man upplever vården på avdelningen varierar kraftigt. Dock kan man tyda att deltagarna upplever sina kontaktpersoner positivt och att de anser att den information som ges är tydligt. De områden som deltagarna upplever mindre bra är framför allt delaktighet i att utforma sin egen vård och avdelningens sammarbete med andra vårdinstanser.   Slutsats: Hur deltagarna uppfattar vården varierar avsevärt. Dock var deltagarna nöjda med sina kontaktmän. Delaktighet och långsiktig planering av vården var områden som fungerade mindre bra.  Medianvärdet på flertalet av frågorna låg kring den mittersta delen av skattningsskalan.ABSTRACT Background: According to the Swedish health care law the healthcare has to provide the patient's need for security, based on respect for the patient, promote good contacts between patients and staff and satisfy the continuity and safety of healthcare. Research in psychiatric care has examined how patients perceive these areas. This research has led Sweden to introduce a national effort to measure patients' perception of the care they have received.Purpose: The purpose is to examine patients' perception of care in a general psychiatric hospital ward.Method: A questionnaire consisting of questions with rating scale or fixed answer was given to 25 inpatients at a Swedish hospital ward. The questionnaire was completed by 14 patients, yielding a response rate of 56%. The responses have been inserted in the software Excel and analyzed on the basis of categories: treatment, information, person-centered care, planning of care, family members and health care environment.Results: The results show that the perception of how they experience the care varies greatly. However, it’s possible to suggest that participants feel that contact with their contactnurses is positive and they also feel that the information they got is given clearly by the wards staff. The areas that the participants perceive as not so good are their involvement in planning their own care and the collaboration with the ward and other health care agencies. Conclusion: How participants perceive health care varies considerably. However, participants seem to be satisfied with their contactnurses in the ward. Participation and long-term planning of health care seem to be areas that are less effective. Otherwise the result is estimated average on most of the questions

    Predictors of Dropout from Inpatient Opioid Detoxification with Buprenorphine: A Chart Review

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    Inpatient withdrawal treatment (detoxification) is common in opioid dependence, although dropout against medical advice often limits its outcome. This study aimed to assess baseline predictors of dropout from inpatient opioid detoxification with buprenorphine, including age, gender, current substance use, and type of postdetoxification planning. A retrospective hospital chart review was carried out for inpatient standard opioid detoxifications using buprenorphine taper, in a detoxification ward in Malmö, Sweden (N=122). Thirty-four percent of patients (n=42) dropped out against medical advice. In multivariate logistic regression, dropout was significantly associated with younger age (OR 0.93 [0.89–0.97]) and negatively predicted by inpatient postdetoxification plan (OR 0.41 [0.18–0.94]), thus favouring an inpatient plan as opposed to outpatient treatment while residing at home. Dropout was unrelated to baseline urine toxicology. In opioid detoxification, patients may benefit from a higher degree of postdetoxification planning, including transition to residential treatment, in order to increase the likelihood of a successful detoxification and treatment entry. Young opioid-dependent patients may need particular attention in the planning of detoxification