219 research outputs found

    A Novel Model-Free Data Analysis Technique Based on Clustering in a Mutual Information Space: Application to Resting-State fMRI

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    Non-parametric data-driven analysis techniques can be used to study datasets with few assumptions about the data and underlying experiment. Variations of independent component analysis (ICA) have been the methods mostly used on fMRI data, e.g., in finding resting-state networks thought to reflect the connectivity of the brain. Here we present a novel data analysis technique and demonstrate it on resting-state fMRI data. It is a generic method with few underlying assumptions about the data. The results are built from the statistical relations between all input voxels, resulting in a whole-brain analysis on a voxel level. It has good scalability properties and the parallel implementation is capable of handling large datasets and databases. From the mutual information between the activities of the voxels over time, a distance matrix is created for all voxels in the input space. Multidimensional scaling is used to put the voxels in a lower-dimensional space reflecting the dependency relations based on the distance matrix. By performing clustering in this space we can find the strong statistical regularities in the data, which for the resting-state data turns out to be the resting-state networks. The decomposition is performed in the last step of the algorithm and is computationally simple. This opens up for rapid analysis and visualization of the data on different spatial levels, as well as automatically finding a suitable number of decomposition components

    Large-Scale Modeling – a Tool for Conquering the Complexity of the Brain

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    Is there any hope of achieving a thorough understanding of higher functions such as perception, memory, thought and emotion or is the stunning complexity of the brain a barrier which will limit such efforts for the foreseeable future? In this perspective we discuss methods to handle complexity, approaches to model building, and point to detailed large-scale models as a new contribution to the toolbox of the computational neuroscientist. We elucidate some aspects which distinguishes large-scale models and some of the technological challenges which they entail

    Hebbian fast plasticity and working memory

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    Theories and models of working memory (WM) were at least since the mid-1990s dominated by the persistent activity hypothesis. The past decade has seen rising concerns about the shortcomings of sustained activity as the mechanism for short-term maintenance of WM information in the light of accumulating experimental evidence for so-called activity-silent WM and the fundamental difficulty in explaining robust multi-item WM. In consequence, alternative theories are now explored mostly in the direction of fast synaptic plasticity as the underlying mechanism.The question of non-Hebbian vs Hebbian synaptic plasticity emerges naturally in this context. In this review we focus on fast Hebbian plasticity and trace the origins of WM theories and models building on this form of associative learning.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, 1 box, submitte

    Learning representations in Bayesian Confidence Propagation neural networks

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    Unsupervised learning of hierarchical representations has been one of the most vibrant research directions in deep learning during recent years. In this work we study biologically inspired unsupervised strategies in neural networks based on local Hebbian learning. We propose new mechanisms to extend the Bayesian Confidence Propagating Neural Network (BCPNN) architecture, and demonstrate their capability for unsupervised learning of salient hidden representations when tested on the MNIST dataset

    Benchmarking Hebbian learning rules for associative memory

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    Associative memory or content addressable memory is an important component function in computer science and information processing and is a key concept in cognitive and computational brain science. Many different neural network architectures and learning rules have been proposed to model associative memory of the brain while investigating key functions like pattern completion and rivalry, noise reduction, and storage capacity. A less investigated but important function is prototype extraction where the training set comprises pattern instances generated by distorting prototype patterns and the task of the trained network is to recall the correct prototype pattern given a new instance. In this paper we characterize these different aspects of associative memory performance and benchmark six different learning rules on storage capacity and prototype extraction. We consider only models with Hebbian plasticity that operate on sparse distributed representations with unit activities in the interval [0,1]. We evaluate both non-modular and modular network architectures and compare performance when trained and tested on different kinds of sparse random binary pattern sets, including correlated ones. We show that covariance learning has a robust but low storage capacity under these conditions and that the Bayesian Confidence Propagation learning rule (BCPNN) is superior with a good margin in all cases except one, reaching a three times higher composite score than the second best learning rule tested.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figure