56 research outputs found


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    Latar Belakang: COVID-19 adalah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh turunan corona virus baru, ‘CO’ diambil dari corona ‘VI’ virus dan ‘D’ disease (penyakit). Tujuan:  Tujuan Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran gejala covid yang ada di rumah sakit Mary Cileungsi tahun 2021. Metode:  Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional dilakukan pengumpulan data menggunakan data primer melalui lembar screning yang dilakukan terhadap 53 responden. Analisis yang digunakan adalah Univariat. Data univariat ini terjadi atas gambaran gejala pasien covid 19 yang mengalami keluhan demam, batuk, sesak nafas, hilang indra penciuman, sakit tenggorokan, diare, nyeri dada, nyeri otot atau pegal-pegal.. Hasil:  Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan rata-rata pasien yang dirawat di Rumah Sakit Mary mengalami gejala demam sebanyak 37 (69,8%), gejala batuk sebanyak 45 (84,9%), gejala sesak nafas sebanyak 30 (56,6%), gejala hilang indra penciuman sebanyak 34 (64,2%), gejala sakit tenggorokan sebanyak 16 (30,2%), Diare sebanyak 14 (26,4%), gejala nyeri dada 19 (35,8%). Kesimpulan:  Dari hasil survey lembar scrining yang dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Mary Cileungsi, pasien yang mengalami kasus covid-19 terkonfirmasi rata-rata mengalami gejala Demam yaitu sebanyak 37 (69,8%) pasien. Pasien yang mengalami gejala Batuk 45 (84,9%) pasien. Pasien yang mengalami gejala Sesak Nafas yaitu sebanyak 30 (56,6%) pasien. Pasien yang mengalami gejala Hilang Indra Penciuman pada kasus covid-19 terkonfirmasi yaitu sebanyak 34 (64,2%) pasien

    Primary malignant salivary gland tumor of the mediastinum

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    Effect of a deflector on deposition of particles with different diameters in a rib-roughened channel

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    A particulate flow in a rib-roughened channel is investigated using LRR model and a Lagrangian method. A deflector is placed in the channel to examine its effect on the deposition rate. The results show that a deflector increases the deposition rate with different diameter sizes by increasing the interaction between particles and lower wall. Particles with 50 μm diameter size have a high response time, hence when their path is changed toward the lower wall, they moved near the rough elements until they leave the channel. This behavior increases deposition velocity with this diameter size by 148.36%. For particles with 10 μm diameter size, it is found that deposition velocity increases by 24.71% due to their low response time. This study shows that while a deflector increases the particle deposition rate, it can cause pressure drop due to flow blockage.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Learning an Inventory Control Policy with General Inventory Arrival Dynamics

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    In this paper we address the problem of learning and backtesting inventory control policies in the presence of general arrival dynamics -- which we term as a quantity-over-time arrivals model (QOT). We also allow for order quantities to be modified as a post-processing step to meet vendor constraints such as order minimum and batch size constraints -- a common practice in real supply chains. To the best of our knowledge this is the first work to handle either arbitrary arrival dynamics or an arbitrary downstream post-processing of order quantities. Building upon recent work (Madeka et al., 2022) we similarly formulate the periodic review inventory control problem as an exogenous decision process, where most of the state is outside the control of the agent. Madeka et al. (2022) show how to construct a simulator that replays historic data to solve this class of problem. In our case, we incorporate a deep generative model for the arrivals process as part of the history replay. By formulating the problem as an exogenous decision process, we can apply results from Madeka et al. (2022) to obtain a reduction to supervised learning. Finally, we show via simulation studies that this approach yields statistically significant improvements in profitability over production baselines. Using data from an ongoing real-world A/B test, we show that Gen-QOT generalizes well to off-policy data

    Sublobar resection is equivalent to lobectomy for clinical stage 1A lung cancer in solid nodules

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    ObjectivesA single randomized trial established lobectomy as the standard of care for the surgical treatment of early-stage non–small cell lung cancer. Recent advances in imaging/staging modalities and detection of smaller tumors have once again rekindled interest in sublobar resection for early-stage disease. The objective of this study was to compare lung cancer survival in patients with non–small cell lung cancer with a diameter of 30 mm or less with clinical stage 1 disease who underwent lobectomy or sublobar resection.MethodsWe identified 347 patients diagnosed with lung cancer who underwent lobectomy (n = 294) or sublobar resection (n = 53) for non–small cell lung cancer manifesting as a solid nodule in the International Early Lung Cancer Action Program from 1993 to 2011. Differences in the distribution of the presurgical covariates between sublobar resection and lobectomy were assessed using unadjusted P values determined by logistic regression analysis. Propensity scoring was performed using the same covariates. Differences in the distribution of the same covariates between sublobar resection and lobectomy were assessed using adjusted P values determined by logistic regression analysis with adjustment for the propensity scores. Lung cancer–specific survival was determined by the Kaplan–Meier method. Cox survival regression analysis was used to compare sublobar resection with lobectomy, adjusted for the propensity scores, surgical, and pathology findings, when adjusted and stratified by propensity quintiles.ResultsAmong 347 patients, 10-year Kaplan–Meier for 53 patients treated by sublobar resection compared with 294 patients treated by lobectomy was 85% (95% confidence interval, 80-91) versus 86% (confidence interval, 75-96) (P = .86). Cox survival analysis showed no significant difference between sublobar resection and lobectomy when adjusted for propensity scores or when using propensity quintiles (P = .62 and P = .79, respectively). For those with cancers 20 mm or less in diameter, the 10-year rates were 88% (95% confidence interval, 82-93) versus 84% (95% confidence interval, 73-96) (P = .45), and Cox survival analysis showed no significant difference between sublobar resection and lobectomy using either approach (P = .42 and P = .52, respectively).ConclusionsSublobar resection and lobectomy have equivalent survival for patients with clinical stage IA non–small cell lung cancer in the context of computed tomography screening for lung cancer

    IceCube-Gen2: A Vision for the Future of Neutrino Astronomy in Antarctica

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    The recent observation by the IceCube neutrino observatory of an astrophysical flux of neutrinos represents the "first light" in the nascent field of neutrino astronomy. The observed diffuse neutrino flux seems to suggest a much larger level of hadronic activity in the non-thermal universe than previously thought and suggests a rich discovery potential for a larger neutrino observatory. This document presents a vision for an substantial expansion of the current IceCube detector, IceCube-Gen2, including the aim of instrumenting a 10 km310\,\mathrm{km}^3 volume of clear glacial ice at the South Pole to deliver substantial increases in the astrophysical neutrino sample for all flavors. A detector of this size would have a rich physics program with the goal to resolve the sources of these astrophysical neutrinos, discover GZK neutrinos, and be a leading observatory in future multi-messenger astronomy programs.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures. Address correspondence to: E. Blaufuss, F. Halzen, C. Kopper (Changed to add one missing author, no other changes from initial version.

    IceCube-Gen2: A Vision for the Future of Neutrino Astronomy in Antarctica

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    20 pages, 12 figures. Address correspondence to: E. Blaufuss, F. Halzen, C. Kopper (Changed to add one missing author, no other changes from initial version.)20 pages, 12 figures. Address correspondence to: E. Blaufuss, F. Halzen, C. Kopper (Changed to add one missing author, no other changes from initial version.)20 pages, 12 figures. Address correspondence to: E. Blaufuss, F. Halzen, C. Kopper (Changed to add one missing author, no other changes from initial version.)The recent observation by the IceCube neutrino observatory of an astrophysical flux of neutrinos represents the "first light" in the nascent field of neutrino astronomy. The observed diffuse neutrino flux seems to suggest a much larger level of hadronic activity in the non-thermal universe than previously thought and suggests a rich discovery potential for a larger neutrino observatory. This document presents a vision for an substantial expansion of the current IceCube detector, IceCube-Gen2, including the aim of instrumenting a 10 km310\,\mathrm{km}^3 volume of clear glacial ice at the South Pole to deliver substantial increases in the astrophysical neutrino sample for all flavors. A detector of this size would have a rich physics program with the goal to resolve the sources of these astrophysical neutrinos, discover GZK neutrinos, and be a leading observatory in future multi-messenger astronomy programs

    Studi numerik perpindahan panas konveksi campuran dalam heated pipe dengan variasi Reynolds number dan Grashof number pada heat flux konstan

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    Dalam dunia teknik khususnya bidang mekanika fluida dan perpindahan panas, pengkajian mengenai suatu aliran yang mengalir di dalam sebuah pipa vertikal yang dipanaskan. Aliran yang mengalir di dalam sebuah pipa yang dipanaskan sering ditemui dalam berbagai aplikasi teknik misalnya pada solar water heater, gas reactor. Penelitian tugas akhir ini melakukan simulasi numerik yang difokuskan pada pengamatan karakteristik aliran fluida, distribusi temperatur, koefisien konveksi, Nusselt number dan distribusi tekanan aliran dalam heated pipe dengan memvariasikan nilai Reynolds number 3000 dan 5000 serta Grashof number 104 sampai 106 pada heat flux konstan. Selain itu penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui keakuratan dari pemodelan numerik untuk kasus konveksi campuran pada aliran dalam pipa yang dipanaskan. Model uji memiliki dimensi panjang 2530 mm dan diameter 23 mm dengan heat flux yang konstan, model uji ini dirujuk pada eksperimen yang telah dilakukan oleh Hiroaki Tanaka et al (1986). Hasil yang didapatkan menunjukkan bahwa semakin besar Grashof number, semakin besar ΔT, namun tidak terjadi perubahan kecepatan (v), penurunan pressure drop (ΔP), peningkatan koefisien konveksi (h) dan peningkatan Nusselt number (Nu), sedangkan pada Re=5000 untuk Grashof number yang sama menghasilkan penurunan (ΔT), peningkatan kecepatan (v), peningkatan pressure drop (ΔP), peningkatan Nusselt number (Nu) dan peningkatan koefisien konveksi (h). Simulasi menunjukkan hasil yang akurat dengan error dibawah 5% terhadap eksperimen, tetapi simulasi numerik tidak dapat mengikuti secara baik perubahan pola nilai Nu dari turbulent menjadi laminar pada Re=3000, ditunjukkan pada perbandingan temperatur dinding data simulasi dengan eksperimen memiliki error sebesar 8.06%. ======================================================================================================== In the world of engineering, particularly the field of fluid mechanics and heat transfer, assessment of a stream that flows in a vertical pipe that is heated. Stream flowing in a pipe that is heated frequently encountered in various engineering applications for example in solar water heater, gas reactors. This final project perform numerical simulation that is focused on the observation of fluid flow characteristics, temperature distribution, heat transfer coefficient and pressure distribution in the heated pipe flow by varying the value of Reynolds number of 3000 and 5000 and the Grashof number 104 to 106 at a constant heat flux. In addition, this study was conducted to determine the accuracy of numerical modeling for the case of a mixed convection on the flow in the heated pipe. The test model has dimensions of length 2530 mm and a diameter of 23 mm with constant heat flux, the test model is referred to the experiments that have been performed by Hiroaki Tanaka et al (1986) . The results obtained indicate that the magnitude of Grashof number resulted in an increase (ΔT), but no change of velocity (v), a decrease in pressure drop (ΔP), increased convection coefficient (h) and an increase in Nusselt number (Nu), whereas at Re=5000 for the same Grashof number result in a decrease (ΔT), the increase in speed (v), the increase in pressure drop (ΔP), the increase in Nusselt number (Nu) and an increase in convection coefficient (h). Simulations show accurate results with an error of less than 5 % of the experiments, but numerical simulations can not properly follow the pattern of changes in the value of Nu from laminar to turbulent be Re = 3000, shown in comparison with the temperature of the walls of the experimental simulation data has error at 8.06 %
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